A Traitor To His Class: The Privileged Life & Radical Presidency of Warmonger Fascist President FDR!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
caught your eye didn't I? i'll let you guys begin the debate, and like a crescendo, i will swoop in at strategic times to add my unique opinions.
caught your eye didn't I? i'll let you guys begin the debate, and like a crescendo, i will swoop in at strategic times to add my unique opinions.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Yikes. FDR handed over half of Europe to Stalin, provoked a war with Japan to ensure the Soviet Union's survival, turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, refused to press Stalin to relieve the Warsaw Ghetto, and pushed economic policies that failed to revive the economy (the economy only began to "recover" when we began to borrow and spend on a massive scale for WWII, and it took years after the war to pay off the debt FDR left behind).
caught your eye didn't I? i'll let you guys begin the debate, and like a crescendo, i will swoop in at strategic times to add my unique opinions.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Yikes. FDR handed over half of Europe to Stalin, provoked a war with Japan to ensure the Soviet Union's survival, turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, refused to press Stalin to relieve the Warsaw Ghetto, and pushed economic policies that failed to revive the economy (the economy only began to "recover" when we began to borrow and spend on a massive scale for WWII, and it took years after the war to pay off the debt FDR left behind).
Yahbut....The "experts" ! :rolleyes:
caught your eye didn't I? i'll let you guys begin the debate, and like a crescendo, i will swoop in at strategic times to add my unique opinions.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Yikes. FDR handed over half of Europe to Stalin, provoked a war with Japan to ensure the Soviet Union's survival, turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, refused to press Stalin to relieve the Warsaw Ghetto, and pushed economic policies that failed to revive the economy (the economy only began to "recover" when we began to borrow and spend on a massive scale for WWII, and it took years after the war to pay off the debt FDR left behind).

Why then has FDR been one of the top greatest presidents by scholars of history? Was he perfect, no man is.

The only perfect president to date is Donald Trump, in the minds of the reality challenged voters who voted for him and still believes he's god. Odd are 1000 to .0005 that Trump will be rated the worst president in history.
caught your eye didn't I? i'll let you guys begin the debate, and like a crescendo, i will swoop in at strategic times to add my unique opinions.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Yikes. FDR handed over half of Europe to Stalin, provoked a war with Japan to ensure the Soviet Union's survival, turned a blind eye to the Holocaust, refused to press Stalin to relieve the Warsaw Ghetto, and pushed economic policies that failed to revive the economy (the economy only began to "recover" when we began to borrow and spend on a massive scale for WWII, and it took years after the war to pay off the debt FDR left behind).
Yahbut....The "experts" ! :rolleyes:

The above post is brought to you by the queen of amateurs.
The above post is brought to you by the queen of amateurs.

Oh piss off, Francis...You'd believe that Jeffrey Dahmer was a great dietician, if "expert historians" told you so.

It would take a man to make me piss off dishit and you don't reach that level. Why don't you follow The Dick Cheney and go F yourself.

Your one liner's never offer anything of substance or thought provoking, and clearly never have any thought behind them.
The above post is brought to you by the queen of amateurs.

Oh piss off, Francis...You'd believe that Jeffrey Dahmer was a great dietician, if "expert historians" told you so.

It would take a man to make me piss off dishit and you don't reach that level. Why don't you follow The Dick Cheney and go F yourself.

Your one liner's never offer anything of substance or thought provoking, and clearly never have any thought behind them.
Blablablablabla....Go take your meds, psycho.
The above post is brought to you by the queen of amateurs.

Oh piss off, Francis...You'd believe that Jeffrey Dahmer was a great dietician, if "expert historians" told you so.

It would take a man to make me piss off dishit and you don't reach that level. Why don't you follow The Dick Cheney and go F yourself.

Your one liner's never offer anything of substance or thought provoking, and clearly never have any thought behind them.
Blablablablabla....Go take your meds, psycho.

Idiot-gram ^^^; variety delusional.
  • Wish we had more traitors to their class like FDR and the chances of having another great president would improve. In the meantime wonder where Trump will end up? It seems fitting that a Democrat president will end up number one and a Republican at the bottom of the heap.
FDR was a tyrant who issued an insane order to incarcerate American citizens but how was he a "traitor to his class?
FDR was a tyrant who issued an insane order to incarcerate American citizens but how was he a "traitor to his class?
FDR's class was the wealthy and he should have been a Republican looking out for the wealthy, instead he was a Democrat and looked out for the non-wealthy, and concerned tor the Americans suffering from the Great Depression. For this, America's best historians have named FDR America's best president.
FDR was a tyrant who issued an insane order to incarcerate American citizens but how was he a "traitor to his class?

I think now that anti-semetism and nazi beliefs are getting popular again, a lot of them really are pissed about his policies helping the Jews in Europe. So thus a traitor to the white man for opposing anti-semitism?
FDR was a tyrant who issued an insane order to incarcerate American citizens but how was he a "traitor to his class?

I think now that anti-semetism and nazi beliefs are getting popular again, a lot of them really are pissed about his policies helping the Jews in Europe. So thus a traitor to the white man for opposing anti-semitism?

Bullshit he did. In addition to being a rabid racist, he was a shameless anti-Semite.
FDR was a tyrant who issued an insane order to incarcerate American citizens but how was he a "traitor to his class?
FDR's class was the wealthy and he should have been a Republican looking out for the wealthy, instead he was a Democrat and looked out for the non-wealthy, and concerned tor the Americans suffering from the Great Depression. For this, America's best historians have named FDR America's best president.

We always hear about h9ow he 'caused the Depression n stuff' from the free marketers, but then they turn around and claim 'WW II ended it', meaning FDR didn't spend nearly enough money. they always contradict themselves even though it's obvious their stupid claim is contradiction. They think economies work best when the unemployed starve to death en masse or something, as well.

They don't know why they say that stuff, it's just what they're told to say, or else they might get thrown out of some secret club or other that makes people millionaires and they won't get to learn all the secret handshakes n stuff. they've all taken a sudden interest in the plight of the Japanese all of a sudden, too. Never got concerned about any other demographic, like, you know, Americans, but the Japanese are they cry over. My guess is they think Ann Coulter writes history books instead of just bizarre propaganda.
Some Americans write their own history to fit their own political beliefs. Why do they think the American people, that were living through the Great Depression and WWll. elected FDR four times in a row and American historians, that do read history, named FDR, America's best president?
Let's have a look at Japanese conduct during their invasions, you know, the ones these 'poor hapless Japanese' here in racist FDR"S America routinely cheered on, held victory parades for, sent lots of gift packages and the like to Japanese troops, all that Patriotic stuff Japanese like to celebrate were doing throughout the 20th Century:

Japanese troops using prisoners of war for target practice, 1942

During WWII, did Japanese soldiers really bayonette babies in occupied Philipines?

UNCENSORED HISTORY: Dark Chapters Of History: Images Of War, History , WW2: Rape And Abuse Of Chinese, Korean, Dutch And Asian Women By Japanese Soldiers During WW2

Ten of Japan's worst War Crimes

Horrific Japanese Crimes in WWII That History Forgot

Throw in many more, like the Nanking Massacre, using pitchforks to toss babies on trucks, all that good stuff Unkotare here thinks was just grand and thinks we should care that some of these Japs experienced some small inconvenience for a year or two here under Da EVul FDR. FDR should have deported the lot of them, preferably to one of their victimized countries; I'm sure Mao would have enjoyed receiving them.
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Some Americans write their own history to fit their own political beliefs. Why do they think the American people, that were living through the Great Depression and WWll. elected FDR four times in a row and American historians, that do read history, named FDR, America's best president?

Why did Saddam Hussein get re-elected over and over? Why did people throughout Europe fall in line behind dictators during the interwar period? Why do you repeat logical fallacy in your spam over and over again?

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