A Travesty: Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Chanted Every Friday Across Campus At Duke University

And now Duke has cancelled it due to death threats. So much for the "peaceful" and "tolerant" Christians right?
Because it's a private Methodist college.
Who cares?

Why is this a problem to anyone?

The same reason why you liberals don't want christians prayers in our schools. It fucks your belief system up.

Islam is just 10 times worse for you.

Except they have church bells on campus as a call to prayer for Christian students, so why not the same for Muslim students?

So why can't a private Methodist college do whatever they want?

I think you might have missed the point.

Have you asked any muslim colleges here in the US to let bells be rung on Sunday for Christians from their mosque? Above is one of their universities link so you can do just that. Let us know their response, ok?

Who cares?

Why is this a problem to anyone?

The same reason why you liberals don't want christians prayers in our schools. It fucks your belief system up.

Islam is just 10 times worse for you.

Except they have church bells on campus as a call to prayer for Christian students, so why not the same for Muslim students?
Sure, they can do whatever they want, if it agrees with the trustees, students, and donors. The new imam there is the one that pushed for this. As I asked jfk, what do you think the answer would be to anyone that asked the Islamic American University to do ring Sunday bells from their mosque? By the way, have they hired a Christian chaplain, like at least Duke did?
Because it's a private Methodist college.
Who cares?

Why is this a problem to anyone?

The same reason why you liberals don't want christians prayers in our schools. It fucks your belief system up.

Islam is just 10 times worse for you.

Except they have church bells on campus as a call to prayer for Christian students, so why not the same for Muslim students?

So why can't a private Methodist college do whatever they want?

I think you might have missed the point.
Sure, they can do whatever they want, if it agrees with the trustees, students, and donors. The new imam there is the one that pushed for this. As I asked jfk, what do you think the answer would be to anyone that asked the Islamic American University to do ring Sunday bells from their mosque? By the way, have they hired a Christian chaplain, like at least Duke did?
Because it's a private Methodist college.
Who cares?

Why is this a problem to anyone?

The same reason why you liberals don't want christians prayers in our schools. It fucks your belief system up.

Islam is just 10 times worse for you.

Except they have church bells on campus as a call to prayer for Christian students, so why not the same for Muslim students?

So why can't a private Methodist college do whatever they want?

I think you might have missed the point.

Duke is a secular university. The comparison doesn't make sense.
Oh, and does that Islamic university allow students of other religions, like Duke at least does?
"Schoenfeld said the Chapel is a very powerful symbol of the university and school officials have to be very thoughtful about it. "

Duke has 36 trustees, 24 which are Methodisrs, and 12 graduates voted on by those trustees, even though somewhat secular. They still had the prayer service as the have before, just not being broadcast from within the bell tower.

Sure, they can do whatever they want, if it agrees with the trustees, students, and donors. The new imam there is the one that pushed for this. As I asked jfk, what do you think the answer would be to anyone that asked the Islamic American University to do ring Sunday bells from their mosque? By the way, have they hired a Christian chaplain, like at least Duke did?
Because it's a private Methodist college.
The same reason why you liberals don't want christians prayers in our schools. It fucks your belief system up.

Islam is just 10 times worse for you.

Except they have church bells on campus as a call to prayer for Christian students, so why not the same for Muslim students?

So why can't a private Methodist college do whatever they want?

I think you might have missed the point.

Duke is a secular university. The comparison doesn't make sense.
It is a fact that the ADHAN crap could offend some people. It does not bother me but my hubby was born in a shariah shit hole-----and we live in a town with lots of store front mosques----some of them BROADCAST that adhan crap into the ears of any person passing by WITHOUT WARNING Poor hubby
gets nauseated. Before the adhan crap is blared out----
there should be a warning so that sensitive people can move away and ----at least block their ears with their hands
You do have a point...if someone finds such squalling offensive, why should they be forced to listen to it? What's good for the goose...
Who has a problem with that, ever? You're delusional.
No, I am attentive to the realities currently rampant on this planet.
Give an example of opposition to the Our Father
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting the same as the Rabbi chants in Jewish temples. Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.

nice of you to be so INCLUSIVE------you want all kinds of chants broadcasted into your ears?-------music you like is why
God invented ------discs

Are you sure it was God who invented... discs? And then, which God? The broadcast from my understanding is once a week. Some Catholic churches ring bells several times a day and that might get a little irritating.

yes-----I enjoyed the bells in my college town-----the bell ringer (quazimoto) could ring out whole compositions ---
the adhan is not bells -----and it is interminable---upon hearing the adhan-----one has to try not to recall the fact that church bells are illegal under the shit of shariah law. Try planting
church bells in a minaret in Saudi Arabia. Of all the issue of
Christianity that muslims most deride----it is that "turn the cheek thing"
Beheadings, crucifixions, assassination, torching churches, selling the women into sexual slavery...not exactly derision in my books...
no more grant money for Duke or any other funds from any level of government

separation of church and state

How has Duke breached that? They are not leading the prayers. What they are doing is the same as ringing the church bells.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it

And a right wing state supreme court justice put a 2 ton monument of the 10 commandments in a state courthouse lobby and refused to allow another other displays. Channel that and see whether the 1st amendment was violated.

I thought OUR LAW was based on the 10 Commandments, NOT Sharia, or the atheist code of nothing!

No, it is not based on the 10 commandments. Only 4 of the 10 were laws at all. And the one about "false witness" only applied in certain circumstances. Our law is based on a variety of sources. Most cultures with any laws at all had laws against murder and theft. Those are the only two commandments that would apply to our laws now.
Which illustrates our cultural flexibility. Is muslim culture equally flexible?
I am still waiting for one muslim, any muslim to publically appear and vocally denounce the murderous shit these so-called "militant islaamists" are committing. All I hear are crickets. Unless muslims, as a group, are no better than insects?
The Muslims won't be blasting out their call for prayer on the speaker system. They will stand at the front of the church and call out, like they have been doing. Duke got a lot of flak about this, not the least of which was a letter that Franklin Graham sent to Duke alumni suggesting they withhold donations until this was taken of. Now there are those who think it was wrong of Franklin Graham to do that. I think at the end of the day, money always talks.
How has Duke breached that? They are not leading the prayers. What they are doing is the same as ringing the church bells.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it

And a right wing state supreme court justice put a 2 ton monument of the 10 commandments in a state courthouse lobby and refused to allow another other displays. Channel that and see whether the 1st amendment was violated.

I thought OUR LAW was based on the 10 Commandments, NOT Sharia, or the atheist code of nothing!

No, it is not based on the 10 commandments. Only 4 of the 10 were laws at all. And the one about "false witness" only applied in certain circumstances. Our law is based on a variety of sources. Most cultures with any laws at all had laws against murder and theft. Those are the only two commandments that would apply to our laws now.
Which illustrates our cultural flexibility. Is muslim culture equally flexible?
I am still waiting for one muslim, any muslim to publically appear and vocally denounce the murderous shit these so-called "militant islaamists" are committing. All I hear are crickets. Unless muslims, as a group, are no better than insects?

Hundreds of thousands of the most prominent Muslims worldwide have consistently and vocally denounced extremism. The fact that you ignore it doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it

And a right wing state supreme court justice put a 2 ton monument of the 10 commandments in a state courthouse lobby and refused to allow another other displays. Channel that and see whether the 1st amendment was violated.

I thought OUR LAW was based on the 10 Commandments, NOT Sharia, or the atheist code of nothing!

No, it is not based on the 10 commandments. Only 4 of the 10 were laws at all. And the one about "false witness" only applied in certain circumstances. Our law is based on a variety of sources. Most cultures with any laws at all had laws against murder and theft. Those are the only two commandments that would apply to our laws now.
Which illustrates our cultural flexibility. Is muslim culture equally flexible?
I am still waiting for one muslim, any muslim to publically appear and vocally denounce the murderous shit these so-called "militant islaamists" are committing. All I hear are crickets. Unless muslims, as a group, are no better than insects?

Hundreds of thousands of the most prominent Muslims worldwide have consistently and vocally denounced extremism. The fact that you ignore it doesn't mean it hasn't happened.


From what I understand there are approximately 700 muslims students who attend Duke university.

By not allowing them to broadcast the Adhan for 3 min. at noon on Friday.

These future graduates who hoped to establish themselves as productive members of the community. Have essentially been told they are 2nd class citizens and their voices don't count.

And then we wonder why so many American muslims are hesitant to speak out on various issues? ....... :cool:
So, they cannot become productive members of the community if they (an obvious minority) are not permitted to enforce their prayers publically upon the remaining student body? So, I assume you agree that a public benediction at any, or all, university events should be accepted with equanimity?
The call to Adham at Duke University was to be done in English. Would you have a problem with that?
Why are you insisting the Adhan be in the English language?

The Adhan has been recited in Arabic for 1400+ years everywhere in the world since the Prophet instituted the practice.

I do not ever see that changing. ...... :cool:
Jeez! Why did they start saying catholic mass in English? If your goal is to address the populace, do it in a language they understand. Might just make a better impression.
You do realize Duke is a private university established by Methodist's, correct?
Duke university lost it's Christian veneer several decades ago.

The university now has an LBGTQ student coordinator staff member on the payroll to help gay students adjust to campus life..

So I seriously doubt the universities Methodist founder's would even recognize Duke as a model for Christian education. ...... :cool:
Wait! So an ostensibly "Christian" university accepting LBGT students destroys their "veneer"? Yet, wholesale acceptance of islaam makes them...what?
I didn't insist or even suggest that it be done in English. What I read was it was being proposed that it be done in English, and I don't know if that is really the case.
I merely asked you if it was done in English on the Duke University campus would you support that?
No......I would not.

The Adhan has an unbroken chain of 1400+ years going back to the Prophet of being recited in Arabic.

The Adhan in english, or any other language, would be "bid'ah" (an unIslamic innovation) and is forbidden. ...... :cool:
So, islaam is incapable of accepting diversity and accommodating other people?

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