A Travesty: Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Chanted Every Friday Across Campus At Duke University

From what I understand there are approximately 700 muslims students who attend Duke university.

By not allowing them to broadcast the Adhan for 3 min. at noon on Friday.

These future graduates who hoped to establish themselves as productive members of the community. Have essentially been told they are 2nd class citizens and their voices don't count.

And then we wonder why so many American muslims are hesitant to speak out on various issues? ....... :cool:

As soon as Christians are allowed to broadcast the Lord's Prayer over the same Campus loudspeakers you have a point. Until then, too bad.

You want Christians to get equal time to broadcast? This is about spirituality and inspiration and not a contest.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it

And a right wing state supreme court justice put a 2 ton monument of the 10 commandments in a state courthouse lobby and refused to allow another other displays. Channel that and see whether the 1st amendment was violated.

I thought OUR LAW was based on the 10 Commandments, NOT Sharia, or the atheist code of nothing!

No, it is not based on the 10 commandments. Only 4 of the 10 were laws at all. And the one about "false witness" only applied in certain circumstances. Our law is based on a variety of sources. Most cultures with any laws at all had laws against murder and theft. Those are the only two commandments that would apply to our laws now.
Which illustrates our cultural flexibility. Is muslim culture equally flexible?
I am still waiting for one muslim, any muslim to publically appear and vocally denounce the murderous shit these so-called "militant islaamists" are committing. All I hear are crickets. Unless muslims, as a group, are no better than insects?

Hundreds of thousands of the most prominent Muslims worldwide have consistently and vocally denounced extremism. The fact that you ignore it doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

what are these putative "most prominent muslims" calling
"extremism" Unless they define "extremism" -----their
"denunciations" are meaningless. I would say that ANY
land which used the shariah code as a legal code ------is engaged in the utmost filth-----is that what you are calling "extremism" Saying "I do not support extremism" is about as meaningful as saying "I do not like evil"
The Muslims won't be blasting out their call for prayer on the speaker system. They will stand at the front of the church and call out, like they have been doing. Duke got a lot of flak about this, not the least of which was a letter that Franklin Graham sent to Duke alumni suggesting they withhold donations until this was taken of. Now there are those who think it was wrong of Franklin Graham to do that. I think at the end of the day, money always talks.

your thoughts are a bit vulgar. ----"MONEY TALKS"??? well---ok that's why vulgar pigs go around demanding economic boycotts of local stores-----you are right-----for pigs
From what I understand there are approximately 700 muslims students who attend Duke university.

By not allowing them to broadcast the Adhan for 3 min. at noon on Friday.

These future graduates who hoped to establish themselves as productive members of the community. Have essentially been told they are 2nd class citizens and their voices don't count.

And then we wonder why so many American muslims are hesitant to speak out on various issues? ....... :cool:

As soon as Christians are allowed to broadcast the Lord's Prayer over the same Campus loudspeakers you have a point. Until then, too bad.

You want Christians to get equal time to broadcast? This is about spirituality and inspiration and not a contest.

almost 20% of the people living the shariah shit pit SAUDI ARABIA are non muslims ----in that disgusting pig sty birth place of the lump of feces MUHUMMAD----church bells are illegal-----in fact local cops for the stink of allah--can arrest a person for simply sitting on a park bench and reading a bible
The Muslims won't be blasting out their call for prayer on the speaker system. They will stand at the front of the church and call out, like they have been doing. Duke got a lot of flak about this, not the least of which was a letter that Franklin Graham sent to Duke alumni suggesting they withhold donations until this was taken of. Now there are those who think it was wrong of Franklin Graham to do that. I think at the end of the day, money always talks.

your thoughts are a bit vulgar. ----"MONEY TALKS"??? well---ok that's why vulgar pigs go around demanding economic boycotts of local stores-----you are right-----for pigs
My thoughts are mine - some are vulgar. Don't know what pigs have to do with this post - but I do love bacon........
My thoughts are mine - some are vulgar. Don't know what pigs have to do with this post - but I do love bacon........

the word "pigs" is used in the English language to connote "a vulgar person" Arabic for pig is "kanzeer"----it is used to
denote Christians and jews. If you would like to hear these words pronounced by an Arabic speaker-----don a crucifix necklace and walk around about a mosque on Friday------
listen for the words "kanzeera" (lady pig) "khalbah" (bitch)
and "sharootah" (whore) they would be referring
to the Christian wearing the cross

in shariah shit holes-----wearing a cross is illegal ----in fact praying in a manner either visible or audible to a muslim is
also a capital crime-------assuming you are Christian-----same is true for all other non muslims. Don't even thing about ringing church bells
My thoughts are mine - some are vulgar. Don't know what pigs have to do with this post - but I do love bacon........

the word "pigs" is used in the English language to connote "a vulgar person" Arabic for pig is "kanzeer"----it is used to
denote Christians and jews. If you would like to hear these words pronounced by an Arabic speaker-----don a crucifix necklace and walk around about a mosque on Friday------
listen for the words "kanzeera" (lady pig) "khalbah" (bitch)
and "sharootah" (whore) they would be referring
to the Christian wearing the cross

in shariah shit holes-----wearing a cross is illegal ----in fact praying in a manner either visible or audible to a muslim is
also a capital crime-------assuming you are Christian-----same is true for all other non muslims. Don't even thing about ringing church bells
I don't see a problem with it. AS LONG AS other religions get the same treatment and acceptance by the school.
Where I come from a pig is raised and butchered for food. Calling a person a pig generally means the person is unkempt, and smells bad, or has done something crass. Listening to a muslim spouting words like a lady pig (contradiction in terms), bitch, and whore is not my idea of a good time. I can't imagine what would connect all those words into a sermon. I have no desire to ever listen to a muslim prayer session aimed at a false god. If that is what you do, I will pray for your soul while listening to the church bells ring.
Duke University cancels plan to use chapel tower for weekly call-to-prayer for Muslims - The Independent Tribune Ap

[I'm having trouble with too many popups and copying here, sorry.
I have corrected the link above^]

It seems the prayer calls were cancelled (but the prayers went on as usual).

There was opposition including a letter from Graham asserting that
Islam supports certain abusive oppressive practices in other countries.
And either the concern was for safety or for losing public and financial support for the University by sending what is se en as a negative msg.

It is interesting to me that certain Atheists or nonchristians protest displays and prayers from Christians, asserting that Christians have committed genocides and crusades in the name of the Cross, so they oppose
the Cross as representing something they do not believe in.

This also reminds me of how two different groups can se e the
Confederate flag two different ways: one representing the fre edom of
the states to oppose and check overreaching by federal govt on their
sovereignty as part of the history of the South; and another se eing
the flag and Dixie as white southern racism and slave ownership
over blacks forced to work in the cotton fields to grow the Southern economy.

With Islam, this represents two totally different meanings to different people.

The problem is that for some followers who have turned Islam into Jihadism it is a political religion and imposing it would be against the Constitution.
But to others it is not a political religion but a personal spiritual practice and part of their lives and religious fre edom.

Like the Confederate flag, there are two different realities going on.
One side is trying to exercise regular fre e spe ech and religious free dom.
But if this means something offensive to other people it causes a breach of the peace and protests.

So it is up to each community to work out the terms of their own agre ement
so they don't disrupt the peace and fre edom of each other.

If the community works out its own agre ement and everyone is at peace
with that, there should be no disturbance caused.

Turning it into a political statement is where both sides make a mistake.
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Garland PD Prepare For Islam Conference Protests Watch the video - Yahoo News

Duplicate sorry
will change this post to the story on protests
in TX against a public assembly and demonstration of Muslim expression of faith.

Police Brace for Protests at Islamic Event in Texas - ABC News

What I would have urged this group to do was to meet
with Christian and political party leaders in advance so there is a mutual understanding
BEFORE organizing this.

I think they should have emphasized that the Muslims
were standing up against the Jihadist terrorists equally or foremost,
so they didn't send the wrong message looking like apologists sympathizers or deniers.

These things can be worked out, but better in advance.
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