A Tribute to Olbermann: Why He Is Different From the Pundits at Fox News

Fox and ratings?

How about gauging them by their commitment to the truth.

Olberman was the only guy telling us the truth about Iraq.

Fox fired reporters for refucing to lie and then won a court case against them by convincing a right leaning judge that there are no laws against news lying to their viewers.

Yeap ratings , no wonder you guys like to just stick to ratings as a measure.

Now, that is a lie, truthmatters. Repeating something that has been proven to be false is lying.

And, if Fox were fighting for this mythical 'right to lie', how come ABC, NBC, CNN etc all participated in the law suit? And... why do you continue to ignore that fact?
because facts dont matter to troofmatters
Gawd, the hero worshipping by the left, for loud mouthed talking heads, politicians, etc etc.

They start threads, A tribute to Olbermann..good grief.

kinda pathetic if you ask me.:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

About as pathetic as a tribute to O'Reilly, Coulter, Beck or Limbaugh.

I wouldn't offer a tribute to Olberman.

If I watched TV regularly I'd probably become a fan of Rachel Maddow. I'm staying at a hotel and watched her for the first time on TV last night. I think she is smart and funny.
Difference? Low ratings, low facts, angry rhetoric.

Let's examine your post Avatar.

Low Ratings? So you say, if that is true why did MSNBC award him with a huge ($30 Million) contract, and why do you and other RWers so demean him and MSNBC?
Answer. You and others attack MSNBC because they report facts with an attitude and a sense of humor. As a General in the army of the willfully ignorant such reporting confuses you, if you were to actually listen and consider what is reported an attack of cognitive dissonance would afflict you.

Low Facts: Really, then why do you and your willfully ignorant brothers and sisters attack the person and not the message. Why not ask the question and provide an annotated answer? Because to do so would require you to think critically; something which faithists abhor as it causes cognitive dissonance.

Angry rhetoric or passionate reporting? It's all in the eye of the reporter. Using two dysphemisms (angry and rhetoric) clearly demonstrates your bias.

If the ratings were so low, why exactly did Comcast buy MSNBC?

Answer is pretty clear. The right is using what they always use to squelch dissent.

and you continue with this lie
Mitchell Bard: A Tribute to Olbermann: Why He Is Different From the Pundits at Fox News

That's the difference between Olbermann and his Fox News counterparts. When Beck claims that radicals in the Obama administration want to kill 10 percent of the American population and overthrow the U.S. government, or Sean Hannity uses bogus footage to exaggerate attendance at a Tea Party event, or Fox News hosts give credibility to those claiming that the health care reform law included "death panels" or that the president wasn't born in the United States, they are not shining a light on anything. Instead, they are using the cloak of "the press" to lie, exaggerate and use innuendo as a way of promoting an agenda.

And one of the strengths of Olbermann's show was that he didn't only take on government officials, but he devoted part of nearly every program to fact-checking the lies being spewed by major right-wing media figures like Palin, Beck, Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. Again, Olbermann was consistently looking to shine a light on the facts.
Difference, olberman gets fired everywhere he goes. Why? Maybe because he is a leftwing idiot!!! Beck and Hannity would have been fired along time ago if they were lying, you just can't stand the fact that it is the left that lies, idiots.

Just because Fauxnews didn't fire Beck and Hannity doesn't mean they're not lying you retard, Hannity even admitted one time that Jon Stewart was right about Hannity faking footage of Palin rally and Hannity lied about his ties to a white supremacist. Fauxnews in *NOT* a channel dedicated to accurately and objectively reporting anything you imbecilic muskrat.
that is a lie
This coming from the forum King Retard who believes that lying, deceitful, hateful rhetoric from the right is ok as long as it pisses off the left, stick your face in the ground and hide your ugliness.
Well, well, wellwellwell...It's about time you admitted you are a poorly closeted leftist. :lol::lol::lol:

Just because I punk and smack you up intellectually without showing you any respect doesn't make me a leftist, which I am, is that best you can do Nanook? :lol:
wow, adding delusional to the list
Difference, olberman gets fired everywhere he goes. Why? Maybe because he is a leftwing idiot!!! Beck and Hannity would have been fired along time ago if they were lying, you just can't stand the fact that it is the left that lies, idiots.

Just because Fauxnews didn't fire Beck and Hannity doesn't mean they're not lying you retard, Hannity even admitted one time that Jon Stewart was right about Hannity faking footage of Palin rally and Hannity lied about his ties to a white supremacist. Fauxnews in *NOT* a channel dedicated to accurately and objectively reporting anything you imbecilic muskrat.
that is a lie

Do you own stock in Fox? You seem mighty invested.
Just because I punk and smack you up intellectually without showing you any respect doesn't make me a leftist, which I am, is that best you can do Nanook? :lol:
You don't punk shit, monkey boy....All you do is fling it.

the angry baboon is chimping out , look at him go

nice photo of yourself
Just because Fauxnews didn't fire Beck and Hannity doesn't mean they're not lying you retard, Hannity even admitted one time that Jon Stewart was right about Hannity faking footage of Palin rally and Hannity lied about his ties to a white supremacist. Fauxnews in *NOT* a channel dedicated to accurately and objectively reporting anything you imbecilic muskrat.
that is a lie

Do you own stock in Fox? You seem mighty invested.
do you say that wasnt a lie?
Gawd, the hero worshipping by the left, for loud mouthed talking heads, politicians, etc etc.

They start threads, A tribute to Olbermann..good grief.

kinda pathetic if you ask me.:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

About as pathetic as a tribute to O'Reilly, Coulter, Beck or Limbaugh.

I wouldn't offer a tribute to Olberman.

If I watched TV regularly I'd probably become a fan of Rachel Maddow. I'm staying at a hotel and watched her for the first time on TV last night. I think she is smart and funny.

Rachel Maddcow. Another Olbermann in drag.:lol:
And maybe you can find us the thread that is a "TRIBUTE" to one of the talking heads you posted above.
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Difference? Low ratings, low facts, angry rhetoric.

Let's examine your post Avatar.

Low Ratings? So you say, if that is true why did MSNBC award him with a huge ($30 Million) contract, and why do you and other RWers so demean him and MSNBC?
Answer. You and others attack MSNBC because they report facts with an attitude and a sense of humor. As a General in the army of the willfully ignorant such reporting confuses you, if you were to actually listen and consider what is reported an attack of cognitive dissonance would afflict you.

Low Facts: Really, then why do you and your willfully ignorant brothers and sisters attack the person and not the message. Why not ask the question and provide an annotated answer? Because to do so would require you to think critically; something which faithists abhor as it causes cognitive dissonance.

Angry rhetoric or passionate reporting? It's all in the eye of the reporter. Using two dysphemisms (angry and rhetoric) clearly demonstrates your bias.

Fox News also began the tea party remember in 2009? One thing MSNBC did that was great was did not promote an ideology. Sure they are liberal, but they don't go and stage their own rallies or their own "Democrat party express" BS. They fact check and call out people on both sides (more from Lawrence O'Donnell than others I will agree to that).

Keith spoke on issues that matter how we needed to see the optimism and see their is light on the other side and what we need to do as a country. Hannity, O'Reilly, nor Beck can't do it.
you are fucking DELUSIONAL
The OP said Olbermann was *NOT* objective and I agree, his aim was the heckle the right, but he didn't resort to outright lies and fear mongering and he never passed himself off as "fair and balanced" unlike Fauxnews.

Absolutely correct.

And Olbermann apologized when he goofed. Immediately.
no he didnt

Olbermann Apologizes to Local Newscaster in Viral Vid - TVNewser

Olbermann 'apologizes' to Brown; adds 'sexist' - - POLITICO.com

Olbermann Apologizes To Viewers -- And Slams NBC Over Political Donations Flap | TPM LiveWire
Funny thing about this thread, not one person is listing all these great stories the Great Olbermann broke.

Not one person is actually posting lies Olbermann exposed.

At best you state Olbermann called Bush a liar, which is not much of an accomplishment as far as being a TV entertainer goes. At best Olbermann was a foul critic of anything Conservative simply because its Conservative and not Democrat.

So where is the list of great accomplishments, where is the list of lies Olbermann exposed, can anyone do anything other than call Fox news lame as a defense of Olbermann.

Show us what Olbermann has done that is so, so, great. Political rhetoric at its worst.

Olbermann should run for Congress, Olbermann is a perfect Democrat.

You gotta love it.

1) DiveCon tells an absolute lie.

2) I catch him in the absolute lie and kick his ass with the truth.

3) DiveCon gives me a neg rep because he knows I busted his lying ass and he got mad.

4) I laugh my ass off at his inability to debate honestly. :lol:

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -265 reputation points from DiveCon.
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idiot, you believe anything


Bottom line.............DiveCon is a clueless, pathetic, lying moron who couldn't tell the truth to save his ass. :tongue:

You gotta love it.

1) DiveCon tells an absolute lie.

2) I catch him in the absolute lie and kick his ass with the truth.

3) DiveCon gives me a neg rep because he knows I busted his lying ass and he got mad.

4) I laugh my ass off at his inability to debate honestly. :lol:

New reputation!


Hi, you have received -265 reputation points from DiveCon.
Reputation was given for this post.

idiot, you believe anything


Bottom line.............DiveCon is a clueless, pathetic, lying moron who couldn't tell the truth to save his ass. :tongue:
i did not tell a lie
there are more thing Olbemann got wrong that he has NEVER apologized for'
those 3 you found are fucking NOTHING you dimwit
Gawd, the hero worshipping by the left, for loud mouthed talking heads, politicians, etc etc.

They start threads, A tribute to Olbermann..good grief.

kinda pathetic if you ask me.:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
The left likes them their idols.


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