A Tribute to Olbermann: Why He Is Different From the Pundits at Fox News

That's bullshit you lying fuck. (In other words you LIED AGAIN.)

And I posted THREE examples where Olbermann apologized which makes you a liar. Then you gave me a neg rep which makes you a no good, two faced cowardly liar.

When will you "man up" and admit you were wrong? But being the no good cowardly liar you are I guess that will never happen.

Listen.....People make mistakes (like you just did). And acknowledging them and moving on is the manly thing to do. But refusing to own up to them and then striking out at those trying to correct you is just plain cowardly.
Did Olby correct his lie here?

Without reading too deep in your link just remember I never said that he corrected every lie. But DiveCon said he never corrected any lie and I posted facts that showed that DiveCon was WRONG.

Big, big difference.
i never said any such thing
That's bullshit you lying fuck. (In other words you LIED AGAIN.)

And I posted THREE examples where Olbermann apologized which makes you a liar. Then you gave me a neg rep which makes you a no good, two faced cowardly liar.

When will you "man up" and admit you were wrong? But being the no good cowardly liar you are I guess that will never happen.

Listen.....People make mistakes (like you just did). And acknowledging them and moving on is the manly thing to do. But refusing to own up to them and then striking out at those trying to correct you is just plain cowardly.
Did Olby correct his lie here?

Without reading too deep in your link just remember I never said that he corrected every lie. But DiveCon said he never corrected any lie and I posted facts that showed that DiveCon was WRONG.

Big, big difference.
Did DC say "any"?

By the way, you didn't really read your links, did you? From this one:
Keith Olbermann told viewers on Tuesday's "Countdown" that he planned to apologize for remarks made about Scott Brown, which included calling the Republican candidate "an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea-bagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees.”

"I'm sorry," Olbermann said. "I left out the word 'sexist.'"​
Do you really call that an apology? I don't.
Yea, you should negative rep me for being who I am, you should negative rep me for making my post without insulting you or anyone else. Go ahead, you want to be an asshole I put a lot more value into my thanks than I do your constant negative repping of me. So you dropped my from 39 to 36, go ahead, do it again, maybe you can completely silence me. How about if I just follow all your posts, everyone, and give you every reason to negative rep me.

How about that folks, here we got RDEAN showing hown RDEAN treats me and it is a warning, do not post what Ravi does not like or Ravi will negative rep.

Tell you what I will start this round, in the past I have positive repped you but from now on, just because I can, I will negative rep you and suffer my consequences.

Can I tell you to go fuck yourself or is that insulting and reason for me to be banned a third time.

I really do not care Rdaen, negative rep me, by the time your read this I will have negative repped you, I know your rep out weighs mine, that is why when you have no facts you must intimidate.

Please Mister Liberal Asshole, do not keep negative repping me, I promise to kiss your ass and be a good citizen.

I've got the same problem with DiveCon. He posted a total lie and I caught him in it (and provided proof). So what does he do? He neg reps me for being truthful and exposing his lies. Then he calls ME a liar and threatens to neg rep me some more (like he can intimidate anyone).

What a coward. My 11 year old grandaughter is more of a man than he is. At least she admits it when she's wrong.
i did not lie you fucking dipshit

Says the liar.
Did Olby correct his lie here?

Without reading too deep in your link just remember I never said that he corrected every lie. But DiveCon said he never corrected any lie and I posted facts that showed that DiveCon was WRONG.

Big, big difference.
Did DC say "any"?

By the way, you didn't really read your links, did you? From this one:
Keith Olbermann told viewers on Tuesday's "Countdown" that he planned to apologize for remarks made about Scott Brown, which included calling the Republican candidate "an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea-bagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees.”

"I'm sorry," Olbermann said. "I left out the word 'sexist.'"​
Do you really call that an apology? I don't.
nope, i sure wouldn't
so are the other two actually apologies?
i didn't even bother to check, but since he likes to lie so much i shouldn't give him any doubts
I've got the same problem with DiveCon. He posted a total lie and I caught him in it (and provided proof). So what does he do? He neg reps me for being truthful and exposing his lies. Then he calls ME a liar and threatens to neg rep me some more (like he can intimidate anyone).

What a coward. My 11 year old grandaughter is more of a man than he is. At least she admits it when she's wrong.
i did not lie you fucking dipshit

Says the liar.
you are the proven liar here

i didnt say what YOU said i said, and you seem to want to keep claiming something i DIDNT say
The right wing conservative confederate Republican Party is 90% white. That is why they watch Fox.

Um..........hey dumbass:

Ed Shultz
Joe Scarborough
Chris Matthews
Keith Olbremann
Dylan Rattigan
Rachael Maddow
The douchebag from Newsweek

See the common theme above? Every single host on MSNBC is a white male.

The O'Reilly Factor alone shows more racial diversity than MSNBC. Hell, the liberal Juan Williams, fired by NPR for not being "sensitive" in his speech, hosts on Fox.

Funny how you point out that Fox is supposedly a channel of all whites, watched only by whites............then try to secure your point by saying Democrats watch "BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION".

The irony runs deep.
Olbermann is calling us TeaBaggers, what an asshole, when was the last time anyone on the right stated Olbermann likes to suck on balls, that is what a TeaBagger is, gay ball sex.

Funny the people for Gay Marriage also use Gay euphanisms as insults, as a way to demean and intimidate.

The party for the oppressed Gay Minority use a Gay sexual activity as an insult against one group of people that the Liberal identifies as stricltly the Religous White.

Why is Olbermann not the Bigot, why is it the Liberals who preach they protect the minority oppressed yet in the same breath they believe they demean people by associatied people with Gay people.

Does Fox news point this out. I do not know because I do not watch Fox news.

Olbermann has no business doing anything other than selling shoes to old white woman. I see no usefulness in Olbermann, no redeeming quailty and see not one person posting the great accomplishments of this partisan hack asshole.
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Mitchell Bard: A Tribute to Olbermann: Why He Is Different From the Pundits at Fox News

That's the difference between Olbermann and his Fox News counterparts. When Beck claims that radicals in the Obama administration want to kill 10 percent of the American population and overthrow the U.S. government, or Sean Hannity uses bogus footage to exaggerate attendance at a Tea Party event, or Fox News hosts give credibility to those claiming that the health care reform law included "death panels" or that the president wasn't born in the United States, they are not shining a light on anything. Instead, they are using the cloak of "the press" to lie, exaggerate and use innuendo as a way of promoting an agenda.

And one of the strengths of Olbermann's show was that he didn't only take on government officials, but he devoted part of nearly every program to fact-checking the lies being spewed by major right-wing media figures like Palin, Beck, Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. Again, Olbermann was consistently looking to shine a light on the facts.

I'll tell you the #1 reason Olbermann is different than the pundits at FOX. They bring big bucks to the network and Olbermann brings...........well, none now!!!:eusa_clap::fu::D:fu::boobies::funnyface::fu::lmao::D:up::eusa_clap::fu::boobies::funnyface::fu::lmao::D:up::fu::D:funnyface::boobies::fu:
Lets all face it........how many kicks to the balls can the far left take this past year? In my opinion, this most recent one............Olbermann getting shit-canned.......was nothining less than the icing on the cake.
The k00ks are real pissed about this one too.........he ( OLbermann) was their hero. First their ideology gets kicked square in the balls in the election and then the media standard for their shit gets whacked off the k00k network.
I really cant recall a time when conservatives in this country were more giddy!!!
Add just as a sort of epilogue, who kneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew the guy was bald?? ( I, of course, added the "worst" caption). Sometimes its amazing when you learn about some things...........


In the media, as a hate monger......the guy had no peer, but brought conservatives lots of laughs because we always knew beneath it all, this is one miserable angry SOB!!!
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Without reading too deep in your link just remember I never said that he corrected every lie. But DiveCon said he never corrected any lie and I posted facts that showed that DiveCon was WRONG.

Big, big difference.
Did DC say "any"?

By the way, you didn't really read your links, did you? From this one:
Keith Olbermann told viewers on Tuesday's "Countdown" that he planned to apologize for remarks made about Scott Brown, which included calling the Republican candidate "an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea-bagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees.”

"I'm sorry," Olbermann said. "I left out the word 'sexist.'"​
Do you really call that an apology? I don't.
nope, i sure wouldn't
so are the other two actually apologies?
i didn't even bother to check, but since he likes to lie so much i shouldn't give him any doubts
The first one is an actual apology.

The second is not an apology, but Olbermann being a douchebag.

The third one is Olbermann apologizing for getting caught making political donations.

Sooo..one sincere apology out of three examples.
Did DC say "any"?

By the way, you didn't really read your links, did you? From this one:
Keith Olbermann told viewers on Tuesday's "Countdown" that he planned to apologize for remarks made about Scott Brown, which included calling the Republican candidate "an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea-bagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees.”

"I'm sorry," Olbermann said. "I left out the word 'sexist.'"​
Do you really call that an apology? I don't.
nope, i sure wouldn't
so are the other two actually apologies?
i didn't even bother to check, but since he likes to lie so much i shouldn't give him any doubts
The first one is an actual apology.

The second is not an apology, but Olbermann being a douchebag.

The third one is Olbermann apologizing for getting caught making political donations.

Sooo..one sincere apology out of three examples.
ah, so he did it ONE TIME
nope, i sure wouldn't
so are the other two actually apologies?
i didn't even bother to check, but since he likes to lie so much i shouldn't give him any doubts
The first one is an actual apology.

The second is not an apology, but Olbermann being a douchebag.

The third one is Olbermann apologizing for getting caught making political donations.

Sooo..one sincere apology out of three examples.
ah, so he did it ONE TIME
At least one time. Plus, the other two were presented to us as sincere apologies, too. So it doesn't look like Olby has such a hot track record.
The first one is an actual apology.

The second is not an apology, but Olbermann being a douchebag.

The third one is Olbermann apologizing for getting caught making political donations.

Sooo..one sincere apology out of three examples.
ah, so he did it ONE TIME
At least one time. Plus, the other two were presented to us as sincere apologies, too. So it doesn't look like Olby has such a hot track record.
well, i guess so dipshits like gooseshit wont think i meant that as the only possible time, but the only one we actually have on record
ah, so he did it ONE TIME
At least one time. Plus, the other two were presented to us as sincere apologies, too. So it doesn't look like Olby has such a hot track record.
well, i guess so dipshits like gooseshit wont think i meant that as the only possible time, but the only one we actually have on record
I expect the unionbot will insist all three were sincere apologies.
Eight pages is a long time to hold my breath, what was Olbermann's greatest scoop, what was Olbermann's greatest story. What are the accomplishments of Olbermann's at MSNBC.

All these folk in defense of Olbermann yet not one example of Olbermann breaking a story or providing insight or perspective, nothing.

Olbermann at best was as foul mouthed as a person could be on Television, that seems to be the accomplishment.

Sounds like the perfect Democrat, if Olbermann is as rich as the other leading Democrats Olbermann should run for office. I am pretty sure Olbermann is not as rich as John Kerry but I think he is as rich as Nancy Pelosi, I doubt if he is as rich as Diane Fienstine, that would be hard, but still, I think Olbermann is a multi millionaire so that does allow him to be amongst the elite rich Democrat politicians.

I see Olbermann as a great example of the new Democrat party.

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