A trip to Hell

John Todd's testimony and information on witchcraft in Rock music and Christian Rock Music. If you have any of this music? Destroy it by fire.

After watching this man's testimony on you tube today - and reading his testimony line upon line - there is no question but that he was given a trip to hell to warn the people of the world as to what comes after life on this earth for those who reject Jesus Christ. I cannot tell what nationality he is but others here may be able to tell. Open the screen to full view so that you can read the captions written on the video. He said that he saw that people suffered according to the sins they have committed upon the earth.

Someone mentioned in a comment section of one of his testimonies (there is more than one but I will only post this one brief video) that they thought he had experienced astral projection to see what he saw. This was an interesting comment. You see, there have been multiple testimonies from former satanists and occultists who openly spoke about their experiences of astral projection (leaving their body) and some have given testimony about their meetings with Satan in hell while others have given testimony about meetings under the sea (example found in the Book "Man under the Sea" - Testimony of a Former Witch Doctor).

There have been people on this very board who have admitted to the reality of astral projection. With that said, it is quite clear that those who know about or have experiences in astral projection could have no possible excuse for disbelieving the testimony of one whom Jesus Christ had given the experience of witnessing hell.

While astral projection is something an occult practitioner (satanist, warlock, witch, witch doctor, New Ager, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)does according to his own will and with satanic powers - there is nothing impossible for God in that He most definitely can take a person whether it be one who has died in an accident and then is revived OR a prayer intercessor whom God chooses take on a trip to hell in order that they can warn others of what they witnessed there.

What occurred to me today is that there are people on this very board who actually know that a living person can visit hell if God should will it because these very same people do astral projection - they have experienced astral travel! Therein they know it is possible. Please watch this video and share it with others:

Click box bottom right of video to enlarge the picture / captions​

What a load of rubbish, the man is an absolute charlatan. How can you visit a place that does not exist. This man did not have an OOBE.

Astral projection is a sin. Those who are in the occult will tell you it is a reality. They will tell you that they can leave their body and travel through the astral planes / dimensions and former satanists have spoken of meetings in hell not realizing that Satan is only temporarily permitted to do what he is doing. He has deceived them. Satan knows that his fate is sealed and that he will one day be bound by a chain (by one angel) and cast into the lake of fire. He knows this. He doesn't want you to know it and if you do not believe in hell or in his existence it is all the better for him because his deception has worked. You have believed the one who is called the father of lies rather than the Creator of heaven and earth whose name is Jesus Christ. You have believed demons rather than the written Word of God which shows you the way to salvation. At this writing, you are doomed. You're only hope is to repent of your sins, turn to Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Otherwise you will find yourself in hell the day that you leave this earth. It's your choice. Choose wisely.

You are hopelessly delusional. I hope that one day you will emerge into the real world. And you can stick your pagan blood sacrifice religious fantasy.
big surprise, the OP found another hell man ... who happens to be a similar by the book worshiping bible thumping christian.

those poor orientals have a long path ahead waiting for them.

After watching this man's testimony on you tube today - and reading his testimony line upon line - there is no question but that he was given a trip to hell to warn the people of the world as to what comes after life on this earth for those who reject Jesus Christ. I cannot tell what nationality he is but others here may be able to tell. Open the screen to full view so that you can read the captions written on the video. He said that he saw that people suffered according to the sins they have committed upon the earth.

Someone mentioned in a comment section of one of his testimonies (there is more than one but I will only post this one brief video) that they thought he had experienced astral projection to see what he saw. This was an interesting comment. You see, there have been multiple testimonies from former satanists and occultists who openly spoke about their experiences of astral projection (leaving their body) and some have given testimony about their meetings with Satan in hell while others have given testimony about meetings under the sea (example found in the Book "Man under the Sea" - Testimony of a Former Witch Doctor).

There have been people on this very board who have admitted to the reality of astral projection. With that said, it is quite clear that those who know about or have experiences in astral projection could have no possible excuse for disbelieving the testimony of one whom Jesus Christ had given the experience of witnessing hell.

While astral projection is something an occult practitioner (satanist, warlock, witch, witch doctor, New Ager, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)does according to his own will and with satanic powers - there is nothing impossible for God in that He most definitely can take a person whether it be one who has died in an accident and then is revived OR a prayer intercessor whom God chooses take on a trip to hell in order that they can warn others of what they witnessed there.

What occurred to me today is that there are people on this very board who actually know that a living person can visit hell if God should will it because these very same people do astral projection - they have experienced astral travel! Therein they know it is possible. Please watch this video and share it with others:

Click box bottom right of video to enlarge the picture / captions​

What a load of rubbish, the man is an absolute charlatan. How can you visit a place that does not exist. This man did not have an OOBE.

Astral projection is a sin. Those who are in the occult will tell you it is a reality. They will tell you that they can leave their body and travel through the astral planes / dimensions and former satanists have spoken of meetings in hell not realizing that Satan is only temporarily permitted to do what he is doing. He has deceived them. Satan knows that his fate is sealed and that he will one day be bound by a chain (by one angel) and cast into the lake of fire. He knows this. He doesn't want you to know it and if you do not believe in hell or in his existence it is all the better for him because his deception has worked. You have believed the one who is called the father of lies rather than the Creator of heaven and earth whose name is Jesus Christ. You have believed demons rather than the written Word of God which shows you the way to salvation. At this writing, you are doomed. You're only hope is to repent of your sins, turn to Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Otherwise you will find yourself in hell the day that you leave this earth. It's your choice. Choose wisely.

You are hopelessly delusional. I hope that one day you will emerge into the real world. And you can stick your pagan blood sacrifice religious fantasy.

After watching this man's testimony on you tube today - and reading his testimony line upon line - there is no question but that he was given a trip to hell to warn the people of the world as to what comes after life on this earth for those who reject Jesus Christ. I cannot tell what nationality he is but others here may be able to tell. Open the screen to full view so that you can read the captions written on the video. He said that he saw that people suffered according to the sins they have committed upon the earth.

Someone mentioned in a comment section of one of his testimonies (there is more than one but I will only post this one brief video) that they thought he had experienced astral projection to see what he saw. This was an interesting comment. You see, there have been multiple testimonies from former satanists and occultists who openly spoke about their experiences of astral projection (leaving their body) and some have given testimony about their meetings with Satan in hell while others have given testimony about meetings under the sea (example found in the Book "Man under the Sea" - Testimony of a Former Witch Doctor).

There have been people on this very board who have admitted to the reality of astral projection. With that said, it is quite clear that those who know about or have experiences in astral projection could have no possible excuse for disbelieving the testimony of one whom Jesus Christ had given the experience of witnessing hell.

While astral projection is something an occult practitioner (satanist, warlock, witch, witch doctor, New Ager, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)does according to his own will and with satanic powers - there is nothing impossible for God in that He most definitely can take a person whether it be one who has died in an accident and then is revived OR a prayer intercessor whom God chooses take on a trip to hell in order that they can warn others of what they witnessed there.

What occurred to me today is that there are people on this very board who actually know that a living person can visit hell if God should will it because these very same people do astral projection - they have experienced astral travel! Therein they know it is possible. Please watch this video and share it with others:

Click box bottom right of video to enlarge the picture / captions​

What a load of rubbish, the man is an absolute charlatan. How can you visit a place that does not exist. This man did not have an OOBE.

I'm not the one using an avatar that displays a ritual Aztec human sacrifice - heart being cut out of a live human being to be eaten. You are. You need deliverance, Ozman. You're sick. Get out of the occult before it destroys you. I have a comment for you. I've never met anyone that was heavily involved in the occult who didn't ooze hatred towards born again Christians. You're no exception.
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Here is another reality check for you, Steven. There is no beer in hell.

Is there beer in Heaven? If I'm spending all my time rejoicing in God's love and/or singing God's praises, is there ever time for sex, drugs, & rock and roll?
After watching this man's testimony on you tube today - and reading his testimony line upon line - there is no question but that he was given a trip to hell to warn the people of the world as to what comes after life on this earth for those who reject Jesus Christ. I cannot tell what nationality he is but others here may be able to tell. Open the screen to full view so that you can read the captions written on the video. He said that he saw that people suffered according to the sins they have committed upon the earth.

Someone mentioned in a comment section of one of his testimonies (there is more than one but I will only post this one brief video) that they thought he had experienced astral projection to see what he saw. This was an interesting comment. You see, there have been multiple testimonies from former satanists and occultists who openly spoke about their experiences of astral projection (leaving their body) and some have given testimony about their meetings with Satan in hell while others have given testimony about meetings under the sea (example found in the Book "Man under the Sea" - Testimony of a Former Witch Doctor).

There have been people on this very board who have admitted to the reality of astral projection. With that said, it is quite clear that those who know about or have experiences in astral projection could have no possible excuse for disbelieving the testimony of one whom Jesus Christ had given the experience of witnessing hell.

While astral projection is something an occult practitioner (satanist, warlock, witch, witch doctor, New Ager, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)does according to his own will and with satanic powers - there is nothing impossible for God in that He most definitely can take a person whether it be one who has died in an accident and then is revived OR a prayer intercessor whom God chooses take on a trip to hell in order that they can warn others of what they witnessed there.

What occurred to me today is that there are people on this very board who actually know that a living person can visit hell if God should will it because these very same people do astral projection - they have experienced astral travel! Therein they know it is possible. Please watch this video and share it with others:

Click box bottom right of video to enlarge the picture / captions​

What a load of rubbish, the man is an absolute charlatan. How can you visit a place that does not exist. This man did not have an OOBE.

Astral projection is a sin. Those who are in the occult will tell you it is a reality. They will tell you that they can leave their body and travel through the astral planes / dimensions and former satanists have spoken of meetings in hell not realizing that Satan is only temporarily permitted to do what he is doing. He has deceived them. Satan knows that his fate is sealed and that he will one day be bound by a chain (by one angel) and cast into the lake of fire. He knows this. He doesn't want you to know it and if you do not believe in hell or in his existence it is all the better for him because his deception has worked. You have believed the one who is called the father of lies rather than the Creator of heaven and earth whose name is Jesus Christ. You have believed demons rather than the written Word of God which shows you the way to salvation. At this writing, you are doomed. You're only hope is to repent of your sins, turn to Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Otherwise you will find yourself in hell the day that you leave this earth. It's your choice. Choose wisely.

You are hopelessly delusional. I hope that one day you will emerge into the real world. And you can stick your pagan blood sacrifice religious fantasy.

After watching this man's testimony on you tube today - and reading his testimony line upon line - there is no question but that he was given a trip to hell to warn the people of the world as to what comes after life on this earth for those who reject Jesus Christ. I cannot tell what nationality he is but others here may be able to tell. Open the screen to full view so that you can read the captions written on the video. He said that he saw that people suffered according to the sins they have committed upon the earth.

Someone mentioned in a comment section of one of his testimonies (there is more than one but I will only post this one brief video) that they thought he had experienced astral projection to see what he saw. This was an interesting comment. You see, there have been multiple testimonies from former satanists and occultists who openly spoke about their experiences of astral projection (leaving their body) and some have given testimony about their meetings with Satan in hell while others have given testimony about meetings under the sea (example found in the Book "Man under the Sea" - Testimony of a Former Witch Doctor).

There have been people on this very board who have admitted to the reality of astral projection. With that said, it is quite clear that those who know about or have experiences in astral projection could have no possible excuse for disbelieving the testimony of one whom Jesus Christ had given the experience of witnessing hell.

While astral projection is something an occult practitioner (satanist, warlock, witch, witch doctor, New Ager, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)does according to his own will and with satanic powers - there is nothing impossible for God in that He most definitely can take a person whether it be one who has died in an accident and then is revived OR a prayer intercessor whom God chooses take on a trip to hell in order that they can warn others of what they witnessed there.

What occurred to me today is that there are people on this very board who actually know that a living person can visit hell if God should will it because these very same people do astral projection - they have experienced astral travel! Therein they know it is possible. Please watch this video and share it with others:

Click box bottom right of video to enlarge the picture / captions​

What a load of rubbish, the man is an absolute charlatan. How can you visit a place that does not exist. This man did not have an OOBE.

I'm not the one using an avatar that displays a ritual Aztec human sacrifice - heart being cut out of a live human being to be eaten. You are. You need deliverance, Ozman. You're sick. Get out of the occult before it destroys you. I have a comment for you. I've never met anyone that was heavily involved in the occult who didn't ooze hatred towards born again Christians. You're no exception.

The only one oozing hatred is you Jeremiah. Stop the incessant posting of your pagan visions from hell.
After watching this man's testimony on you tube today - and reading his testimony line upon line - there is no question but that he was given a trip to hell to warn the people of the world as to what comes after life on this earth for those who reject Jesus Christ. I cannot tell what nationality he is but others here may be able to tell. Open the screen to full view so that you can read the captions written on the video. He said that he saw that people suffered according to the sins they have committed upon the earth.

Someone mentioned in a comment section of one of his testimonies (there is more than one but I will only post this one brief video) that they thought he had experienced astral projection to see what he saw. This was an interesting comment. You see, there have been multiple testimonies from former satanists and occultists who openly spoke about their experiences of astral projection (leaving their body) and some have given testimony about their meetings with Satan in hell while others have given testimony about meetings under the sea (example found in the Book "Man under the Sea" - Testimony of a Former Witch Doctor).

There have been people on this very board who have admitted to the reality of astral projection. With that said, it is quite clear that those who know about or have experiences in astral projection could have no possible excuse for disbelieving the testimony of one whom Jesus Christ had given the experience of witnessing hell.

While astral projection is something an occult practitioner (satanist, warlock, witch, witch doctor, New Ager, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)does according to his own will and with satanic powers - there is nothing impossible for God in that He most definitely can take a person whether it be one who has died in an accident and then is revived OR a prayer intercessor whom God chooses take on a trip to hell in order that they can warn others of what they witnessed there.

What occurred to me today is that there are people on this very board who actually know that a living person can visit hell if God should will it because these very same people do astral projection - they have experienced astral travel! Therein they know it is possible. Please watch this video and share it with others:

Click box bottom right of video to enlarge the picture / captions​

What a load of rubbish, the man is an absolute charlatan. How can you visit a place that does not exist. This man did not have an OOBE.

Astral projection is a sin. Those who are in the occult will tell you it is a reality. They will tell you that they can leave their body and travel through the astral planes / dimensions and former satanists have spoken of meetings in hell not realizing that Satan is only temporarily permitted to do what he is doing. He has deceived them. Satan knows that his fate is sealed and that he will one day be bound by a chain (by one angel) and cast into the lake of fire. He knows this. He doesn't want you to know it and if you do not believe in hell or in his existence it is all the better for him because his deception has worked. You have believed the one who is called the father of lies rather than the Creator of heaven and earth whose name is Jesus Christ. You have believed demons rather than the written Word of God which shows you the way to salvation. At this writing, you are doomed. You're only hope is to repent of your sins, turn to Jesus Christ and ask for His forgiveness. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Otherwise you will find yourself in hell the day that you leave this earth. It's your choice. Choose wisely.

You are hopelessly delusional. I hope that one day you will emerge into the real world. And you can stick your pagan blood sacrifice religious fantasy.

After watching this man's testimony on you tube today - and reading his testimony line upon line - there is no question but that he was given a trip to hell to warn the people of the world as to what comes after life on this earth for those who reject Jesus Christ. I cannot tell what nationality he is but others here may be able to tell. Open the screen to full view so that you can read the captions written on the video. He said that he saw that people suffered according to the sins they have committed upon the earth.

Someone mentioned in a comment section of one of his testimonies (there is more than one but I will only post this one brief video) that they thought he had experienced astral projection to see what he saw. This was an interesting comment. You see, there have been multiple testimonies from former satanists and occultists who openly spoke about their experiences of astral projection (leaving their body) and some have given testimony about their meetings with Satan in hell while others have given testimony about meetings under the sea (example found in the Book "Man under the Sea" - Testimony of a Former Witch Doctor).

There have been people on this very board who have admitted to the reality of astral projection. With that said, it is quite clear that those who know about or have experiences in astral projection could have no possible excuse for disbelieving the testimony of one whom Jesus Christ had given the experience of witnessing hell.

While astral projection is something an occult practitioner (satanist, warlock, witch, witch doctor, New Ager, Hindu, Buddhist, etc.)does according to his own will and with satanic powers - there is nothing impossible for God in that He most definitely can take a person whether it be one who has died in an accident and then is revived OR a prayer intercessor whom God chooses take on a trip to hell in order that they can warn others of what they witnessed there.

What occurred to me today is that there are people on this very board who actually know that a living person can visit hell if God should will it because these very same people do astral projection - they have experienced astral travel! Therein they know it is possible. Please watch this video and share it with others:

Click box bottom right of video to enlarge the picture / captions​

What a load of rubbish, the man is an absolute charlatan. How can you visit a place that does not exist. This man did not have an OOBE.

I'm not the one using an avatar that displays a ritual Aztec human sacrifice - heart being cut out of a live human being to be eaten. You are. You need deliverance, Ozman. You're sick. Get out of the occult before it destroys you. I have a comment for you. I've never met anyone that was heavily involved in the occult who didn't ooze hatred towards born again Christians. You're no exception.

The only one oozing hatred is you Jeremiah. Stop the incessant posting of your pagan visions from hell.

I've never had a vision of hell but you'll be down there eternally if you do not repent of your wickedness. As for the OP, if the topic does not interest you, find another thread.
big surprise, the OP found another hell man ... who happens to be a similar by the book worshiping bible thumping christian.

those poor orientals have a long path ahead waiting for them.

Perhaps one of their testimonies will wake you up and cause you to repent, Breezewood. John Todd was saved after reading a Jack Chick Tract and being ministered to by a Believer. He sat on the Council of 13. I praise God for his salvation. God is able to save the worst sinner.
Here is another reality check for you, Steven. There is no beer in hell.

Is there beer in Heaven? If I'm spending all my time rejoicing in God's love and/or singing God's praises, is there ever time for sex, drugs, & rock and roll?

If by heaven , you mean the higher planes of the spirit world, then there is no alcohol or drugs or sex . Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce. In the lower planes of the spirit world people that were alcoholics still crave drunkenness but they cannot get drunk because they do not have a physical brain. I am not sure if there is rock and roll, as I never asked a spirit guide that, but there is music.
Here is another reality check for you, Steven. There is no beer in hell.

Is there beer in Heaven? If I'm spending all my time rejoicing in God's love and/or singing God's praises, is there ever time for sex, drugs, & rock and roll?

If by heaven , you mean the higher planes of the spirit world, then there is no alcohol or drugs or sex . Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce. In the lower planes of the spirit world people that were alcoholics still crave drunkenness but they cannot get drunk because they do not have a physical brain. I am not sure if there is rock and roll, as I never asked a spirit guide that, but there is music.
Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce.

... and spirits do not reproduce.


you go to far Dajal, the Spirit is what is Produced the physiology is what is reproduced - there will always be SEX - just ask the gods or maybe not if such might be they consider an intolerable proposition, getting one of their Bolts isn't a good idea ...

Here is another reality check for you, Steven. There is no beer in hell.

Is there beer in Heaven? If I'm spending all my time rejoicing in God's love and/or singing God's praises, is there ever time for sex, drugs, & rock and roll?

If by heaven , you mean the higher planes of the spirit world, then there is no alcohol or drugs or sex . Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce. In the lower planes of the spirit world people that were alcoholics still crave drunkenness but they cannot get drunk because they do not have a physical brain. I am not sure if there is rock and roll, as I never asked a spirit guide that, but there is music.
Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce.

... and spirits do not reproduce.


you go to far Dajal, the Spirit is what is Produced the physiology is what is reproduced - there will always be SEX - just ask the gods or maybe not if such might be they consider an intolerable proposition, getting one of their Bolts isn't a good idea ...


I heard from several different sources that there is no sex in the spirit world. One of those sources was when I sat in a psychic developing class held by the spiritualist medium, Trevor Williams. He had a Chinese spirit guide that took him in trance and one time the guide said to me, "Sex is neutral in the spirit"
I also heard the same thing when attending trance lectures at the spiritualist association in London.

Like I said, sex is for breeding, and the immortal spirit does not have offspring.
Here is another reality check for you, Steven. There is no beer in hell.

Is there beer in Heaven? If I'm spending all my time rejoicing in God's love and/or singing God's praises, is there ever time for sex, drugs, & rock and roll?

If by heaven , you mean the higher planes of the spirit world, then there is no alcohol or drugs or sex . Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce. In the lower planes of the spirit world people that were alcoholics still crave drunkenness but they cannot get drunk because they do not have a physical brain. I am not sure if there is rock and roll, as I never asked a spirit guide that, but there is music.
Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce.

... and spirits do not reproduce.


you go to far Dajal, the Spirit is what is Produced the physiology is what is reproduced - there will always be SEX - just ask the gods or maybe not if such might be they consider an intolerable proposition, getting one of their Bolts isn't a good idea ...


I heard from several different sources that there is no sex in the spirit world. One of those sources was when I sat in a psychic developing class held by the spiritualist medium, Trevor Williams. He had a Chinese spirit guide that took him in trance and one time the guide said to me, "Sex is neutral in the spirit"
I also heard the same thing when attending trance lectures at the spiritualist association in London.

Like I said, sex is for breeding, and the immortal spirit does not have offspring.
I heard from several different sources that there is no sex in the spirit world.

how about love ....

and the immortal spirit does not have offspring.

are we including Zeus - the mythological gods and goddesses ...

* immortal Spirits by the way are not ghosts ....

Here is another reality check for you, Steven. There is no beer in hell.

Is there beer in Heaven? If I'm spending all my time rejoicing in God's love and/or singing God's praises, is there ever time for sex, drugs, & rock and roll?

If by heaven , you mean the higher planes of the spirit world, then there is no alcohol or drugs or sex . Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce. In the lower planes of the spirit world people that were alcoholics still crave drunkenness but they cannot get drunk because they do not have a physical brain. I am not sure if there is rock and roll, as I never asked a spirit guide that, but there is music.
Sex is for reproduction and spirits do not reproduce.

... and spirits do not reproduce.


you go to far Dajal, the Spirit is what is Produced the physiology is what is reproduced - there will always be SEX - just ask the gods or maybe not if such might be they consider an intolerable proposition, getting one of their Bolts isn't a good idea ...


I heard from several different sources that there is no sex in the spirit world. One of those sources was when I sat in a psychic developing class held by the spiritualist medium, Trevor Williams. He had a Chinese spirit guide that took him in trance and one time the guide said to me, "Sex is neutral in the spirit"
I also heard the same thing when attending trance lectures at the spiritualist association in London.

Like I said, sex is for breeding, and the immortal spirit does not have offspring.
I heard from several different sources that there is no sex in the spirit world.

how about love ....

and the immortal spirit does not have offspring.

are we including Zeus - the mythological gods and goddesses ...

* immortal Spirits by the way are not ghosts ....


Yes, there is love but it is not expressed sexually. As for Zeus and the like, I take it for granted they are fictional characters.

Ghosts people have seen may be the remnants of the shell of people, that has no actual life or consciousness They are simply a trace of energy that remains . Spirits are conscious and have a spirit body that is not unlike the body they lived in during their last incarnation in appearance. Except that it is a body of energy vibrating at a much higher rate than physical atoms.
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how about love

On the matter of love, I recall a trance lecture by Ursula Roberts in which she said the reason many people in the spirit world choose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel the love in the spirit body.
On the matter of love, I recall a trance lecture by Ursula Roberts in which she said the reason many people in the spirit world choose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel the love in the spirit body.

so sad but I knew when you decided to read the bible what would happen - your one of them now ...

what about the 72 virgins, if you are right we will be seeing Osama bin Laden any day now - how long does it take to reincarnate ...

how about love

On the matter of love, I recall a trance lecture by Ursula Roberts in which she said the reason many people in the spirit world choose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel the love in the spirit body.
On the matter of love, I recall a trance lecture by Ursula Roberts in which she said the reason many people in the spirit world choose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel the love in the spirit body.

so sad but I knew when you decided to read the bible what would happen - your one of them now ...

what about the 72 virgins, if you are right we will be seeing Osama bin Laden any day now - how long does it take to reincarnate ...


The 72 wives promised to Muslims is from an obscure hadith not taken very seriously. As for Bin Laden, he will have heavy karma to face, and may not want to incarnate any time soon. People choose to reincarnate when they realize they cannot progress any other way. The time people spend in the spirit world between lives can vary from a short time to hundreds of years. Taking into account that time is different in the spirit world.
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how about love

On the matter of love, I recall a trance lecture by Ursula Roberts in which she said the reason many people in the spirit world choose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel the love in the spirit body.
On the matter of love, I recall a trance lecture by Ursula Roberts in which she said the reason many people in the spirit world choose to reincarnate is because you cannot feel the love in the spirit body.

so sad but I knew when you decided to read the bible what would happen - your one of them now ...

what about the 72 virgins, if you are right we will be seeing Osama bin Laden any day now - how long does it take to reincarnate ...


The 72 wives promised to Muslims is from an obscure hadith not taken very seriously. As for Bin Laden, he will have heavy karma to face, and may not want to incarnate any time soon. People choose to reincarnate when they realize they cannot progress any other way. The time people spend in the spirit world between lives can vary from a short time to hundreds of years. Taking into account that time is different in the spirit world.
The time people spend in the spirit world between lives can vary ...

* hey Daj, guess what there are no people in the Spirit world ...

no love no sex no tastebuds, there is something missing in your scenario Daj as in what is your value for a Spirit than the same as a ghost ... becoming a part of the Everlasting a Spirit would in time acquire all the attributes discussed or ones of a similar value including physical sensuousness if not immediately. that is the goal, one chance sink or swim there is no return trip. now or never, strike 3 your out. the homer puts you in the Everlasting ... all hail the Almighty - they did screw Mary didn't they ? over and over and over again.

hey Daj, guess what there are no people in the Spirit world ...

When I sat in Trevor Williams psychic developing class I regularly talked with him when he went into a trance
I believe I was taking to the spirit of a Chinese gentleman who spoke through Trevor using his mouth.
I do not think he was faking it, as I was his friend and I watched him develop as a medium. I still remember the first church service he gave.

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