A true story on trump: The art of Lying

I can't. They want money. I cancelled the hard-copy sub immediately following the 2016 election. Their cred is null.
Paywall to the Warshington Compost.....meh


The man is the undisputed King of Liars....easily beating out Satan for the top spot.

Read this....he twists his lies into unimaginable false tales....

The uber partisanship that The Washington Post is known for being highly selective in who they complain about. They complain about anyone who is not a leftist, Socialist and Democrats

The leftist newspapers:

Trump is worse than Satan for lying, talk about it a lot in the newspaper.

H. Clinton, nothing
B. Clinton, nothing
C. Schumer, nothing
J. Nadler, nothing
A leftist, Socialist, Democrat , nothing

I see that JimH52 shares in this overt partisanship, by ignoring a lot of evidence that Democrats lies, lies a lot.


The man is the undisputed King of Liars....easily beating out Satan for the top spot.

Read this....he twists his lies into unimaginable false tales....

The uber partisanship that The Washington Post is known for being highly selective in who they complain about. They complain about anyone who is not a leftist, Socialist and Democrats

The leftist newspapers:

Trump is worse than Satan for lying, talk about it a lot in the newspaper.

H. Clinton, nothing
B. Clinton, nothing
C. Schumer, nothing
J. Nadler, nothing
A leftist, Socialist, Democrat , nothing

I see that JimH52 shares in this overt partisanship, by ignoring a lot of evidence that Democrats lies, lies a lot.

Just like the word racism, liar is losing its mojo due to over use. All that matters is the votes.

The man is the undisputed King of Liars....easily beating out Satan for the top spot.

Read this....he twists his lies into unimaginable false tales....
And he lies so often his dotard followers say "oh it's just Trump"
China is paying for tariffs?? Mexico paying for wall?? Trump is a world class liar besides being a foul POS
Don't buy Chinese and we don't want mexico's money-they are untrustworthy

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