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A true Zionist Haj to both Jerusalem and Mecca: we invite you all to join us

from anjel>>>>>> I could be wrong but I don't think there are any Jewish people left now in Yemen. Maybe they mean kill ALL the Jews, as in Jewish people anywhere and everywhere.

interesting factoids-----probably a few jews left------the story is -----the Yemeni king-----did not want to give up ALL his jews in 1948----for an interesting reason. It was the jews who did the SILVER WORK-----all that fancy wancy filagree-----which muslims like to see on their dagger handles ----so the deal was LEAVE A FEW JEWS-------then in the 1950s ---with some unrest over there (they killed the king in 1948) Yemen locked the doors to jews leaving . Lately most of the remaining have left because of outright violence against them which sorta embarassed people-----the deposed king aka elected president SALEH -----was probably the person who let them go-------but there probably are about something like 100 left. Always remember----it is the jews over there who know how to make wine-----they managed to make all their christans vanish long ago. ---Yemen did AT ONE TIME----have a significant christian population I do not know when it vanished----but EARLY ON in christian history-----they were there. The really excellent news for the people is----Yemen legalized beer-----but I think only in Aden
Kvetch-----I have interacted with lots of hindus in the USA------and long ago came to the conclusion that HINDUS IS LIKE JEWS in family customs and child rearing ------it is well known in the USA -----that christian moms tell their badly behaved kids "do that again and I will kill you" and Jewish moms say "if you do that again ---I WILL DIE" ------hindu moms use the same teachnique ----as I learned from hindu friends --------the best joy for both a hindu mom and a jewish mom is a REALLY CLEVER SON ----dads like the clever girls--------I must admit that my dad smiled at every idiotic word I uttered ---------I have four brothers-----but it was my idiotic quips that CRINKLED UP HIS SMILING EYES
india and israel have a huge amount to offer each other.

India also has the star of david as the symbol for the Heart centre in yoga which originated at the same time as the legendary King David...1000 B.C.

also for india's double trinity of 3 gods and 3 goddesses

As the 2 motherlands of all the world's great faiths, I often muse that god gave each half the truth and they need what each other has and they have not.

Equally true of India and USA: India is way too feminine and USA way too masculine,,a stag-nation needs a doe-nation and vice versa!!

see I have changed my poster id profile details to your MAMZER
I'm still thinking about the similarities and differences between Hindu and Jewish Mums

My Mum absolutely adored my Hindu wife and vice versa and it broke her heart when I left her.

My 3 indian stepkids had a Hindu Mum and an adored Jewish Grandma; a great combo.

I had a Jewish Mum and a Hindu Sass...mother in law...also great

My first thought is that they are also complementary but I will reflect deeper before giving you a considered opinion, sweeite
rosie it's Diwali today; the indian christmas and festival of 100,000 lights

fireworks going off like crazy here in London hinder stan


Yes, I just heard fireworks from my garden, dogs not too happy. I completely forgot it was Diwali. Happy Diwali to any Indian readers/lurkers etc.

we have a very special mission for you

you and Rosie are to stage a pussy riot in both the waqf controlled Jerusalem Temple area and then, later on top of the Kaba stone in Mecca

Roudy and his hairdryin thugs will protect you at all times from all Muslim fascist Putinism

your sincere wishes to liberate these sacred sites from Muslim fascism have Allah's blessing and not a hair of your sweet heads will be harmed

Have faith...we're all rootin for your divine pussy riot to fulfil Allah and Allat's deepest wishes and all the blessings of the whole world will be bestowed on you both....

And Jerusalem will become a city of peace and fun and a true centre of faith which will change the world

Allah's blessings and peace be upon your divine Pussy Riots.

And may all Muslim pussies be free and uncut and fulfilled as God intended!!

Whilst I have all faith in Rowdy, I'm not convinced his hairdryer will be adequate for the task you set us.
BTW, what will you be doing whilst we are risking life and limb?

i have such faith in your and Rosie's SEDUCTIVE charms and charisma and our mission
I will don a burqua and belly dance with you in our pussy riot

even in London when we are home again!

Roudy's hairdrier is a magic omni-potent weapon which will pulverise all adversaries just like it does here
and he has made 144,000 of them for god's chosen people ready for armageddon
but we can persuade him to flog us a few, I'm sure!

all you need to do to prepare for this divine mission
is to put your apostrophes in the right place
and leave them out when making plurals!



OK, I will do my bes't.
But one las't point'.
Is there any point doing a bell'y dance in a b'urqa?
depends on the size and PROMINENCE of the belly, anjel never underestimate the seductive charm of a ------prominent gyrating belly.

also-----SLITS-----a well place burkah belly slit -------could do it
Kvetch, are you telling us that you're a HinJew?
yes, haver HINJEW will do just fine!!

i don't worship Hindu Gods or goddesses, but I am a Hindu in the sense of following the oldest sacred texts; (much older than Judaism) known as the Vedas,

and a school within Vedism called Advaita Vedanta; known in western philosophy as monism
and adopted by the Jewish Kant, Schopenauer, Wittgenstein and others in a different lingo.

And my Advaita Guru is,,....,,yes you guessed it......a Californian Jew!!!

I also deeply revere the Buddha as I do Christ and the Sufi Poets in Islam like Rumi who was 13th century Afghan..and ended up in Konya, Turkey.

Between them, classical Vedic Hinduism and the best of Judaism and Christ and Islamic Sufism; or with all the best in them combined, I think God's truth is more complete!

I want to ask you something about jews, babylon and monotheism as you seem knowledgable about Judaism and I am an eager sponge to learn more...

But let me pause and frame my questions and then ask you when i have done it properly...I have distractions right now...........
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depends on the size and PROMINENCE of the belly, anjel never underestimate the seductive charm of a ------prominent gyrating belly.

also-----SLITS-----a well place burkah belly slit -------could do it

:clap2:he he he he he :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Oh, Rosie, you do make me laughv:eusa_clap:
depends on the size and PROMINENCE of the belly, anjel never underestimate the seductive charm of a ------prominent gyrating belly.

also-----SLITS-----a well place burkah belly slit -------could do it
lets let the angel slit my burka according to her desires, shall we?

or do you want to do it yourself??
depends on the size and PROMINENCE of the belly, anjel never underestimate the seductive charm of a ------prominent gyrating belly.

also-----SLITS-----a well place burkah belly slit -------could do it

:clap2:he he he he he :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Oh, Rosie, you do make me laughv:eusa_clap:
that was amazin angel

we both posted those last 2 replies to Rosie at the same exact instant!

synchronicity rules OK??

a sign of allah's blessings on our pussy riot, for sure, aint it??
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Kvetch-----I have interacted with lots of hindus in the USA------and long ago came to the conclusion that HINDUS IS LIKE JEWS in family customs and child rearing ------it is well known in the USA -----that christian moms tell their badly behaved kids "do that again and I will kill you" and Jewish moms say "if you do that again ---I WILL DIE" ------hindu moms use the same teachnique ----as I learned from hindu friends --------the best joy for both a hindu mom and a jewish mom is a REALLY CLEVER SON ----dads like the clever girls--------I must admit that my dad smiled at every idiotic word I uttered ---------I have four brothers-----but it was my idiotic quips that CRINKLED UP HIS SMILING EYES

Oh, that is such a nice post, Rosie. I have 3 brothers and two sisters, but it was always one sister in particular who could reduce my father to tears of laughter - no easy feat I can tell you.
depends on the size and PROMINENCE of the belly, anjel never underestimate the seductive charm of a ------prominent gyrating belly.

also-----SLITS-----a well place burkah belly slit -------could do it

:clap2:he he he he he :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Oh, Rosie, you do make me laughv:eusa_clap:
that was amazin angel

we both posted those last 2 replies to Rosie at the same exact instant!

synchronicity rules OK??

a sign of allah's blessings on our pussy riot, for sure, aint it??

Lol, Rosie is so witty and clever, G-d bless her. And would it offend you terribly if I put this bit of synchronicity down to Jung instead? I'm not mad keen on that other bloke :eusa_shifty:
angel........a clearer and personal version of what I said before....

i think jews are forbidden to worship on the temple mount by jewish rabbis, not politix at all

rosie and the proper non MAMZER jews will correct me if I am wrong here

the Israeli Rabbis have forbidden jews to walk on Temple Mount because no-one knws where the holy of hlies; the ark of the Covenant once laid and its ultimate blasphemy punishable by death for any jew other than the chief Levite Priest to approach it once a year.

Despite that, secular Jews and especially the IDF developed their own secular ritual of allegiance on the Mount itself without bein punished.

Then that mass murderer Ariel Sharon, cursed be his name violated both rituals by walking all over the Ark with a bunch of thugs and deliberately provoked the 2nd pal intifada,

A few weeks later, after much blood had flowed around the old temple, this mamzer made his first ever visit to a liberal jewish schul..synagogue on Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year.

When the lovely gay woman rabbi called on Israel the jewish people, that was the first time I felt in my depths that I was, after all, Jewish. i cried many tears.

then she read the Seder, the torah extract fixed for this festival which is the Eid story about Isaac not being killed by Abe under god's orders on the Temple Mount.

I then contrasted God's orders with the antics of Sharon and the blood flowing there, and cried a whole lot more...buckets this time.

So that's how a mamzer realised that he was a jew and what a painful thing it is to be jewish now.

Bit serious for this jolly funny thread but still
It looks like the blabbering kvetching meshuginah Yenta doesn't have all the facts. Sharon received permission to go on the Temple Mount, and it was admitted that the Intifada was planned well before his visit.
Funny part is why would a Jew need permission to visit his own holy site?
i really dont know what happened about sharon's visit or whether the intifada was pre planned

and I am in a peaceful schmoozin space so I dont want togo on an attack-kvetch, either

but I do remember the gay woman rabbi was deeply upset at the killing around the temple, and in her sermon kvetched at sharon big time
:clap2:he he he he he :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Oh, Rosie, you do make me laughv:eusa_clap:
that was amazin angel

we both posted those last 2 replies to Rosie at the same exact instant!

synchronicity rules OK??

a sign of allah's blessings on our pussy riot, for sure, aint it??

Lol, Rosie is so witty and clever, G-d bless her. And would it offend you terribly if I put this bit of synchronicity down to Jung instead? I'm not mad keen on that other bloke :eusa_shifty:
the other bloke...you mean wolfgang pauli ??

the jewish........I tihink...........guy who discovered quantum physics and it drove him so crazy he sought refuge and analysys with the wonder full Jung?

I love Jung and his collective unconscious; his cross cultural insights tho he was an anti semite and a racist, too.

if jung is right about the tribal psyche then deep down arab and jews must share it
and that's the quelle.......the source we will tap into with our scheherezade 7 veiled dances

when I was in Iran, in the Shah's time, i saw many very very sexy see through diaphenous burkas...
chadours they call them in Iran.....
far sexier with the burkas on than their ghastly wetsern clothes underneath!!

because I am a lazy idle worshipper and an admirer of the buddha and his belly

and the wonderful islamic sufi whirling dervishes of Rumi

i promise my well endowed belly and its whirling will not disappoint you!!
from anjel>>>>>> I could be wrong but I don't think there are any Jewish people left now in Yemen. Maybe they mean kill ALL the Jews, as in Jewish people anywhere and everywhere.

interesting factoids-----probably a few jews left------the story is -----the Yemeni king-----did not want to give up ALL his jews in 1948----for an interesting reason. It was the jews who did the SILVER WORK-----all that fancy wancy filagree-----which muslims like to see on their dagger handles ----so the deal was LEAVE A FEW JEWS-------then in the 1950s ---with some unrest over there (they killed the king in 1948) Yemen locked the doors to jews leaving . Lately most of the remaining have left because of outright violence against them which sorta embarassed people-----the deposed king aka elected president SALEH -----was probably the person who let them go-------but there probably are about something like 100 left. Always remember----it is the jews over there who know how to make wine-----they managed to make all their christans vanish long ago. ---Yemen did AT ONE TIME----have a significant christian population I do not know when it vanished----but EARLY ON in christian history-----they were there. The really excellent news for the people is----Yemen legalized beer-----but I think only in Aden
i know there is one disused synagogue and an old jew and his family left in kabul, afghanistan who said the taliban never bothered him at all

brave people jews....paranoid and huge risk takers

a wierd combo if ever god made one
that was amazin angel

we both posted those last 2 replies to Rosie at the same exact instant!

synchronicity rules OK??

a sign of allah's blessings on our pussy riot, for sure, aint it??

Lol, Rosie is so witty and clever, G-d bless her. And would it offend you terribly if I put this bit of synchronicity down to Jung instead? I'm not mad keen on that other bloke :eusa_shifty:
the other bloke...you mean wolfgang pauli ??

the jewish........I tihink...........guy who discovered quantum physics and it drove him so crazy he sought refuge and analysys with the wonder full Jung?

I love Jung and his collective unconscious; his cross cultural insights tho he was an anti semite and a racist, too.

if jung is right about the tribal psyche then deep down arab and jews must share it
and that's the quelle.......the source we will tap into with our scheherezade 7 veiled dances

when I was in Iran, in the Shah's time, i saw many very very sexy see through diaphenous burkas...
chadours they call them in Iran.....
far sexier with the burkas on than their ghastly wetsern clothes underneath!!

because I am a lazy idle worshipper and an admirer of the buddha and his belly

and the wonderful islamic sufi whirling dervishes of Rumi

i promise my well endowed belly and its whirling will not disappoint you!!

I'm not aware of any evidence that Jung was an anti-semite.

Interestingly though, he did have this to say:

We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammed. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That can be the historic future.
Kvetch-----I have interacted with lots of hindus in the USA------and long ago came to the conclusion that HINDUS IS LIKE JEWS in family customs and child rearing ------it is well known in the USA -----that christian moms tell their badly behaved kids "do that again and I will kill you" and Jewish moms say "if you do that again ---I WILL DIE" ------hindu moms use the same teachnique ----as I learned from hindu friends --------the best joy for both a hindu mom and a jewish mom is a REALLY CLEVER SON ----dads like the clever girls--------I must admit that my dad smiled at every idiotic word I uttered ---------I have four brothers-----but it was my idiotic quips that CRINKLED UP HIS SMILING EYES

Oh, that is such a nice post, Rosie. I have 3 brothers and two sisters, but it was always one sister in particular who could reduce my father to tears of laughter - no easy feat I can tell you.
the standard indian drama tragedy queen version is:

i am NOT coming to your funeral !!!

bollywood is full of it; they all learn it.............
Lol, Rosie is so witty and clever, G-d bless her. And would it offend you terribly if I put this bit of synchronicity down to Jung instead? I'm not mad keen on that other bloke :eusa_shifty:
the other bloke...you mean wolfgang pauli ??

the jewish........I tihink...........guy who discovered quantum physics and it drove him so crazy he sought refuge and analysys with the wonder full Jung?

I love Jung and his collective unconscious; his cross cultural insights tho he was an anti semite and a racist, too.

if jung is right about the tribal psyche then deep down arab and jews must share it
and that's the quelle.......the source we will tap into with our scheherezade 7 veiled dances

when I was in Iran, in the Shah's time, i saw many very very sexy see through diaphenous burkas...
chadours they call them in Iran.....
far sexier with the burkas on than their ghastly wetsern clothes underneath!!

because I am a lazy idle worshipper and an admirer of the buddha and his belly

and the wonderful islamic sufi whirling dervishes of Rumi

i promise my well endowed belly and its whirling will not disappoint you!!

I'm not aware of any evidence that Jung was an anti-semite.

Interestingly though, he did have this to say:

We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammed. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That can be the historic future.
angel did you watch the BBC doc on Hitler last night? 1st of 3 and very good.

loads of early speeches and christian priests and crowds clearly worshipping him as a god

I'm totally ignorant of any connection with islam but he did borrow the swastika and aryans from india

if you were in india now you would see swastikas everywhere, especially on Diwali
when they paint them on floors, roads, absolutely all over the place

but they dont do it in the west because they are aware it aint kosher!!!
the ignorant and arrogant rabbis kvetched at them so they stopped
i think tthe hindus should have ignored the jews and educated them
but indians are very tolerant people; until you scratch them that is!!
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the other bloke...you mean wolfgang pauli ??

the jewish........I tihink...........guy who discovered quantum physics and it drove him so crazy he sought refuge and analysys with the wonder full Jung?

I love Jung and his collective unconscious; his cross cultural insights tho he was an anti semite and a racist, too.

if jung is right about the tribal psyche then deep down arab and jews must share it
and that's the quelle.......the source we will tap into with our scheherezade 7 veiled dances

when I was in Iran, in the Shah's time, i saw many very very sexy see through diaphenous burkas...
chadours they call them in Iran.....
far sexier with the burkas on than their ghastly wetsern clothes underneath!!

because I am a lazy idle worshipper and an admirer of the buddha and his belly

and the wonderful islamic sufi whirling dervishes of Rumi

i promise my well endowed belly and its whirling will not disappoint you!!

I'm not aware of any evidence that Jung was an anti-semite.

Interestingly though, he did have this to say:

We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammed. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That can be the historic future.
angel did you watch the BBC doc on Hitler last night?

loads of early speeches and christian priests and crowds clearly worshipping him as a god

I'm totally ignorant of any connection with islam but he did borrow the swastika and aryans from india

if you were in india now you would see swastikas everywhere

but they dont do it in the west because they are aware it aint kosher!!!

I watched parts of it - if it was the one regarding his 'charisma'. I am always astonished when I see those films, whilst I appreciate there is more to the charismatic type of leader than is obvioius when taken out of context, whenever I see films of him he just seems like such a massive humungous jerk it almost makes me laugh - but of course one can't laugh becuase of what he actually managed to achieve. He was quite fond of Islam in the sense that he found it more macho and therefore potentially more useful than wishy washy turn the other cheek stuff. I watched a film I'd never heard of before the other night - Valkyrie - about the few Nazi officers who attempted to assassinate Hitler - Tom Cruise was the protagonist Stauffenberg - not very fond of Cruise at all but he did a less is more good job of this role.
Kvetch-----I have interacted with lots of hindus in the USA------and long ago came to the conclusion that HINDUS IS LIKE JEWS in family customs and child rearing ------it is well known in the USA -----that christian moms tell their badly behaved kids "do that again and I will kill you" and Jewish moms say "if you do that again ---I WILL DIE" ------hindu moms use the same teachnique ----as I learned from hindu friends --------the best joy for both a hindu mom and a jewish mom is a REALLY CLEVER SON ----dads like the clever girls--------I must admit that my dad smiled at every idiotic word I uttered ---------I have four brothers-----but it was my idiotic quips that CRINKLED UP HIS SMILING EYES

Oh, that is such a nice post, Rosie. I have 3 brothers and two sisters, but it was always one sister in particular who could reduce my father to tears of laughter - no easy feat I can tell you.
the standard indian drama tragedy queen version is:

i am NOT coming to your funeral !!!

bollywood is full of it; they all learn it.............
tamil mums are unique in swearing at their sons

they and they alone are honest enough to call their own sons........sons of bitches!!!

honestly...tewria mugna....son of a whore!!!!

but the worst thing you can call a tamil wife is not a whore but a widow

mine used to say to me
my jaan...heart....call me tewria...whore...i am your whore
but never never call me munda...widow

shades of the widow burning culture, even now!

that's why india banned salman rushdies first prize winning novel, midnight's children
he called indira gandhi.......................the widow......
stoopid schmuck.......rushdie I mean
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the other bloke...you mean wolfgang pauli ??

the jewish........I tihink...........guy who discovered quantum physics and it drove him so crazy he sought refuge and analysys with the wonder full Jung?

I love Jung and his collective unconscious; his cross cultural insights tho he was an anti semite and a racist, too.

if jung is right about the tribal psyche then deep down arab and jews must share it
and that's the quelle.......the source we will tap into with our scheherezade 7 veiled dances

when I was in Iran, in the Shah's time, i saw many very very sexy see through diaphenous burkas...
chadours they call them in Iran.....
far sexier with the burkas on than their ghastly wetsern clothes underneath!!

because I am a lazy idle worshipper and an admirer of the buddha and his belly

and the wonderful islamic sufi whirling dervishes of Rumi

i promise my well endowed belly and its whirling will not disappoint you!!

I'm not aware of any evidence that Jung was an anti-semite.

Interestingly though, he did have this to say:

We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammed. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That can be the historic future.
angel did you watch the BBC doc on Hitler last night? 1st of 3 and very good.

loads of early speeches and christian priests and crowds clearly worshipping him as a god

I'm totally ignorant of any connection with islam but he did borrow the swastika and aryans from india

if you were in india now you would see swastikas everywhere, especially on Diwali
when they paint them on floors, roads, absolutely all over the place

but they dont do it in the west because they are aware it aint kosher!!!
the ignorant and arrogant rabbis kvetched at them so they stopped
i think tthe hindus should have ignored the jews and educated them
but indians are very tolerant people; until you scratch them that is!!

He hijacked and tarnished it forever. I totally understand people not wanting to see 'swastikas' anywhere now.

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