A Truely Positive Trend in America.

Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.

Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?
Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!
But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
Arizona. Not a bastion of liberalism, progressivism or tolerance, has for once don the right thing.

Breaking: Arizona Governor Signs "No Promo Homo" Repeal

Yesterday we reported on the announcement that the Arizona AG’s office informed legislature that they would not be defending lawsuits against the state’s sexual education requirements that were discriminatory towards LGBTQ+ youth.

B1346 Repeals Homophobic Education Statute
Shortly after yesterday’s post the Arizona House voted to repeal the offending legislation by a vote of 55-5. Today the state Senate followed suit with a vote of 19-10-1, and Governor Doug Ducey (R-AZ) just announced via twitter that he has signed the bill, eliminating what amounted to a ban on teaching about homosexuality in sexual education classes across the state.
SB1346 repeals a key section of Arizona Revised Statute 15-716(C), which previously stated that:

C. No district shall include in its course of study instruction which:

1. Promotes a homosexual life-style.

2. Portrays homosexuality as a positive alternative life-style.

3. Suggests that some methods of sex are safe methods of homosexual sex.

Repeal Signals Inclusive Shift in Arizona Politics

Good for Arizona . Children are not stupid but they do need support and encouragement to learn how to live in the real world where people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities exist . Not the fantasy world of denial created by conservatives and religious who want to pretend that the world is a different place that it really is.

LGBTQ people exist. Children will encounter them in life and the must learn to be respectful and understanding of these differences. For children who are LGBTQ, this sort of education helps them to feel safe and included, and instills a positive self image. The alternative is despair , and self destructive behavior .

Truly sick.
Arizona. Not a bastion of liberalism, progressivism or tolerance, has for once don the right thing.

Breaking: Arizona Governor Signs "No Promo Homo" Repeal

Yesterday we reported on the announcement that the Arizona AG’s office informed legislature that they would not be defending lawsuits against the state’s sexual education requirements that were discriminatory towards LGBTQ+ youth.

B1346 Repeals Homophobic Education Statute
Shortly after yesterday’s post the Arizona House voted to repeal the offending legislation by a vote of 55-5. Today the state Senate followed suit with a vote of 19-10-1, and Governor Doug Ducey (R-AZ) just announced via twitter that he has signed the bill, eliminating what amounted to a ban on teaching about homosexuality in sexual education classes across the state.
SB1346 repeals a key section of Arizona Revised Statute 15-716(C), which previously stated that:

C. No district shall include in its course of study instruction which:

1. Promotes a homosexual life-style.

2. Portrays homosexuality as a positive alternative life-style.

3. Suggests that some methods of sex are safe methods of homosexual sex.

Repeal Signals Inclusive Shift in Arizona Politics

Good for Arizona . Children are not stupid but they do need support and encouragement to learn how to live in the real world where people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities exist . Not the fantasy world of denial created by conservatives and religious who want to pretend that the world is a different place that it really is.

LGBTQ people exist. Children will encounter them in life and the must learn to be respectful and understanding of these differences. For children who are LGBTQ, this sort of education helps them to feel safe and included, and instills a positive self image. The alternative is despair , and self destructive behavior .

Truly sick.

What is sick

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Arizona. Not a bastion of liberalism, progressivism or tolerance, has for once don the right thing.

Breaking: Arizona Governor Signs "No Promo Homo" Repeal

Yesterday we reported on the announcement that the Arizona AG’s office informed legislature that they would not be defending lawsuits against the state’s sexual education requirements that were discriminatory towards LGBTQ+ youth.

B1346 Repeals Homophobic Education Statute
Shortly after yesterday’s post the Arizona House voted to repeal the offending legislation by a vote of 55-5. Today the state Senate followed suit with a vote of 19-10-1, and Governor Doug Ducey (R-AZ) just announced via twitter that he has signed the bill, eliminating what amounted to a ban on teaching about homosexuality in sexual education classes across the state.
SB1346 repeals a key section of Arizona Revised Statute 15-716(C), which previously stated that:

C. No district shall include in its course of study instruction which:

1. Promotes a homosexual life-style.

2. Portrays homosexuality as a positive alternative life-style.

3. Suggests that some methods of sex are safe methods of homosexual sex.

Repeal Signals Inclusive Shift in Arizona Politics

Good for Arizona . Children are not stupid but they do need support and encouragement to learn how to live in the real world where people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities exist . Not the fantasy world of denial created by conservatives and religious who want to pretend that the world is a different place that it really is.

LGBTQ people exist. Children will encounter them in life and the must learn to be respectful and understanding of these differences. For children who are LGBTQ, this sort of education helps them to feel safe and included, and instills a positive self image. The alternative is despair , and self destructive behavior .

Truly sick.

What is sick

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Kids are confused enough without getting complicated about what is male vs what is female. K.I.S.S.
Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

people are gonna call ya freaks

what the hell do you care
theyre upset


YOURE STILL ALIVE ?YA lived ?the world didn't end ?
I know sweetheart ...sugar ....babydoll

right wing death sqauds are not coming to kick in your door .........yet ...IM KIDDING dont panic

Theyre angry you fuckin fools


he called you a freak I called someone else normal.
The poster he was just being a regular ol normal dad . I COULDNT help myself.
Are you saying gays cant be regular ol normal dads ? am I ?
Maybe ? maybe not ?
define normal ?

Wait nevermind I know mutiple reasons why
NO youre not really normal. 3% of the population is not any kind of norm ....and thats fine theirs no wrong or right or hate of any kind in it ...take it from someone who is straight and also NOT normal ...trust me on that one lol

How about "Classic Heritage Americans" ?...theirs a standard for everything ? just about . IM calling them the Norm here.like a progressive I choose to define and use normal anyway i want.

I cant apologies for using the word normal no matter how you may "feel " about it nor should a dad be forced into silence over his young son being exposed to a lifestyle practiced by less than 3% of the population .

ANd he doesn't have to offer apologies for calling you a freak or need sensitivity training

Are your feelz really hurt? Ill hug ya and buy ya a beer if it would make ya feelz better. Ill buy ya a snack at the bar to if ya promise not to grab my sexy man ass ...dont get all joe biden on me.

Feelz are more important than facts after all ....oy

ANd what youre not a super freak in bed ? what kinda homo are you ?YOU better keep that a secret ....If youre not I think they banish you special ladies from the club .
Crap ive just offened feminist speakin of Personally i like a freak with a vagina ...WORD '

You may be the nicest guy on earth and you'd never hurt a hair on an innocent childs head .
You could be a pediatric brain surgeon who does amazing thing for inured children because it was your passion to help innocent children

I dont know HE dont know

But could we let innocent children be innocent children at least until they hit puberty? ...is that really hateful and to much to ask for?

Its usually not a problem wanting to teach kids to do the right thing but we may suspect that some progressive freaks have an agenda.....Golly Gee Whiz i dont know why .

Of course kids always have questions they'll pop one outta no where ...sometimes MANY in rapid fire succession before you even had a chance to answer the first one.

ITs also not hateful to let the parents handle any questions that pop up........ till puberty ?

Yes we realize some parents will handle it better than others...
YES some Christians and other religious folks from other religions will tell their children homosexuality is wrong ,evil ,you're going to hell .

Some of your "" allied "" Muslim fathers are going to tell their children YES throw the fruity ones off a roof.

But that doesnt really matter .....

YES even when you guys protest that you're going to do a better job with some bullshit activist law or class....put together by other activists pfffft

And for the love of almighty kek YES we heard you want to put an end to possible future bully's to ...the left calling anyone a bully .....so fuckin clownishly ridiculous.

IS IT to much to ask and hateful to respect individual parents rights? of course its not.
BUT YET in clownworld we're practically brought up on hate crime charges.

IF he used the word freak out of frustration and anger OR NOT

ALL OF THIS IS NOT NORMAL and its designed not to be .

you lefties are the biggest suckers around PUN NOT INTENDED

THIS IS NOT NORMAL and you cant tell ME or any of them it is normal ....well cause ill be automatically offended ....wait no i wont ...i wont because its true.

Thiers no use "starting a conversation " with you people ASKS yourself why

The large majority of "white nationalist rubes " are not your enemy Nor do they hate you . MYSELF INCLUDED

Some of them are fabulous themselves . cmon we've all seen deliverance....derp

SOME They're really starting to hate you people AND IM not using that as a slur against gays im talking about the left in general .
some are gonna call you a freak
ive been called everything under the sun WHO CARES SO WHAT
kiss my boo boo ass

What they REALLY hate ? they certainly dont like left wing agendas and bullying . They're getting really sick of it.You and your "oppressed allies" keep at it though and watch what it gets us.

when youre Doin it DO It in somethin frilly ,pink and fabulousAND if a kid has questions as to why your dressed like that LET THE PARENT handle it
Last edited:
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

people are gonna call ya freaks

what the hell do you care
theyre upset


YOURE STILL ALIVE ?YA lived ?the world didn't end ?
I know sweetheart ...sugar ....babydoll

right wing death sqauds are not coming to kick in your door .........yet ...IM KIDDING dont panic

Theyre angry you fuckin fools


he called you a freak I called someone else normal.
The poster he was just being a regular ol normal dad . I COULDNT help myself.
Are you saying gays cant be regular ol normal dads ? am I ?
Maybe ? maybe not ?
define normal ?

Wait nevermind I know mutiple reasons why
NO youre not really normal. 3% of the population is not any kind of norm ....and thats fine theirs no wrong or right or hate of any kind in it ...take it from someone who is straight and also NOT normal ...trust me on that one lol

How about "Classic Heritage Americans" ?...theirs a standard for everything ? just about . IM calling them the Norm here.like a progressive I choose to define and use normal anyway i want.

I cant apologies for using the word normal no matter how you may "feel " about it nor should a dad be forced into silence over his young son being exposed to a lifestyle practiced by less than 3% of the population .

ANd he doesn't have to offer apologies for calling you a freak or need sensitivity training

Are your feelz really hurt? Ill hug ya and buy ya a beer if it would make ya feelz better. Ill buy ya a snack at the bar to if ya promise not to grab my sexy man ass ...dont get all joe biden on me.

Feelz are more important than facts after all ....oy

ANd what youre not a super freak in bed ? what kinda homo are you ?YOU better keep that a secret ....If youre not I think they banish you special ladies from the club .
Crap ive just offened feminist speakin of Personally i like a freak with a vagina ...WORD '

You may be the nicest guy on earth and you'd never hurt a hair on an innocent childs head .
You could be a pediatric brain surgeon who does amazing thing for inured children because it was your passion to help innocent children

I dont know HE dont know

But could we let innocent children be innocent children at least until they hit puberty? ...is that really hateful and to much to ask for?

Its usually not a problem wanting to teach kids to do the right thing but we may suspect that some progressive freaks have an agenda.....Golly Gee Whiz i dont know why .

Of course kids always have questions they'll pop one outta no where ...sometimes MANY in rapid fire succession before you even had a chance to answer the first one.

ITs also not hateful to let the parents handle any questions that pop up........ till puberty ?

Yes we realize some parents will handle it better than others...
YES some Christians and other religious folks from other religions will tell their children homosexuality is wrong ,evil ,you're going to hell .

Some of your "" allied "" Muslim fathers are going to tell their children YES throw the fruity ones off a roof.

But that doesnt really matter .....

YES even when you guys protest that you're going to do a better job with some bullshit activist law or class....put together by other activists pfffft

And for the love of almighty kek YES we heard you want to put an end to possible future bully's to ...the left calling anyone a bully .....so fuckin clownishly ridiculous.

IS IT to much to ask and hateful to respect individual parents rights? of course its not.
BUT YET in clownworld we're practically brought up on hate crime charges.

IF he used the word freak out of frustration and anger OR NOT

ALL OF THIS IS NOT NORMAL and its designed not to be .

you lefties are the biggest suckers around PUN NOT INTENDED

THIS IS NOT NORMAL and you cant tell ME or any of them it is normal ....well cause ill be automatically offended ....wait no i wont ...i wont because its true.

Thiers no use "starting a conversation " with you people ASKS yourself why

The large majority of "white nationalist rubes " are not your enemy Nor do they hate you . MYSELF INCLUDED

Some of them are fabulous themselves . cmon we've all seen deliverance....derp

SOME They're really starting to hate you people AND IM not using that as a slur against gays im talking about the left in general .
some are gonna call you a freak
ive been called everything under the sun WHO CARES SO WHAT
kiss my boo boo ass

What they REALLY hate ? they certainly dont like left wing agendas and bullying . They're getting really sick of it.You and your "oppressed allies" keep at it though and watch what it gets us.

when youre Doin it DO It in somethin frilly ,pink and fabulousAND if a kid has questions as to why your dressed like that LET THE PARENT handle it
That is quite a psychotic unhinged rant dude!! Better go back on your meds.
As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

people are gonna call ya freaks

what the hell do you care
theyre upset


YOURE STILL ALIVE ?YA lived ?the world didn't end ?
I know sweetheart ...sugar ....babydoll

right wing death sqauds are not coming to kick in your door .........yet ...IM KIDDING dont panic

Theyre angry you fuckin fools


he called you a freak I called someone else normal.
The poster he was just being a regular ol normal dad . I COULDNT help myself.
Are you saying gays cant be regular ol normal dads ? am I ?
Maybe ? maybe not ?
define normal ?

Wait nevermind I know mutiple reasons why
NO youre not really normal. 3% of the population is not any kind of norm ....and thats fine theirs no wrong or right or hate of any kind in it ...take it from someone who is straight and also NOT normal ...trust me on that one lol

How about "Classic Heritage Americans" ?...theirs a standard for everything ? just about . IM calling them the Norm here.like a progressive I choose to define and use normal anyway i want.

I cant apologies for using the word normal no matter how you may "feel " about it nor should a dad be forced into silence over his young son being exposed to a lifestyle practiced by less than 3% of the population .

ANd he doesn't have to offer apologies for calling you a freak or need sensitivity training

Are your feelz really hurt? Ill hug ya and buy ya a beer if it would make ya feelz better. Ill buy ya a snack at the bar to if ya promise not to grab my sexy man ass ...dont get all joe biden on me.

Feelz are more important than facts after all ....oy

ANd what youre not a super freak in bed ? what kinda homo are you ?YOU better keep that a secret ....If youre not I think they banish you special ladies from the club .
Crap ive just offened feminist speakin of Personally i like a freak with a vagina ...WORD '

You may be the nicest guy on earth and you'd never hurt a hair on an innocent childs head .
You could be a pediatric brain surgeon who does amazing thing for inured children because it was your passion to help innocent children

I dont know HE dont know

But could we let innocent children be innocent children at least until they hit puberty? ...is that really hateful and to much to ask for?

Its usually not a problem wanting to teach kids to do the right thing but we may suspect that some progressive freaks have an agenda.....Golly Gee Whiz i dont know why .

Of course kids always have questions they'll pop one outta no where ...sometimes MANY in rapid fire succession before you even had a chance to answer the first one.

ITs also not hateful to let the parents handle any questions that pop up........ till puberty ?

Yes we realize some parents will handle it better than others...
YES some Christians and other religious folks from other religions will tell their children homosexuality is wrong ,evil ,you're going to hell .

Some of your "" allied "" Muslim fathers are going to tell their children YES throw the fruity ones off a roof.

But that doesnt really matter .....

YES even when you guys protest that you're going to do a better job with some bullshit activist law or class....put together by other activists pfffft

And for the love of almighty kek YES we heard you want to put an end to possible future bully's to ...the left calling anyone a bully .....so fuckin clownishly ridiculous.

IS IT to much to ask and hateful to respect individual parents rights? of course its not.
BUT YET in clownworld we're practically brought up on hate crime charges.

IF he used the word freak out of frustration and anger OR NOT

ALL OF THIS IS NOT NORMAL and its designed not to be .

you lefties are the biggest suckers around PUN NOT INTENDED

THIS IS NOT NORMAL and you cant tell ME or any of them it is normal ....well cause ill be automatically offended ....wait no i wont ...i wont because its true.

Thiers no use "starting a conversation " with you people ASKS yourself why

The large majority of "white nationalist rubes " are not your enemy Nor do they hate you . MYSELF INCLUDED

Some of them are fabulous themselves . cmon we've all seen deliverance....derp

SOME They're really starting to hate you people AND IM not using that as a slur against gays im talking about the left in general .
some are gonna call you a freak
ive been called everything under the sun WHO CARES SO WHAT
kiss my boo boo ass

What they REALLY hate ? they certainly dont like left wing agendas and bullying . They're getting really sick of it.You and your "oppressed allies" keep at it though and watch what it gets us.

when youre Doin it DO It in somethin frilly ,pink and fabulousAND if a kid has questions as to why your dressed like that LET THE PARENT handle it
That is quite a psychotic unhinged rant dude!! Better go back on your meds.

We agree. Just say “No”
But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

people are gonna call ya freaks

what the hell do you care
theyre upset


YOURE STILL ALIVE ?YA lived ?the world didn't end ?
I know sweetheart ...sugar ....babydoll

right wing death sqauds are not coming to kick in your door .........yet ...IM KIDDING dont panic

Theyre angry you fuckin fools


he called you a freak I called someone else normal.
The poster he was just being a regular ol normal dad . I COULDNT help myself.
Are you saying gays cant be regular ol normal dads ? am I ?
Maybe ? maybe not ?
define normal ?

Wait nevermind I know mutiple reasons why
NO youre not really normal. 3% of the population is not any kind of norm ....and thats fine theirs no wrong or right or hate of any kind in it ...take it from someone who is straight and also NOT normal ...trust me on that one lol

How about "Classic Heritage Americans" ?...theirs a standard for everything ? just about . IM calling them the Norm here.like a progressive I choose to define and use normal anyway i want.

I cant apologies for using the word normal no matter how you may "feel " about it nor should a dad be forced into silence over his young son being exposed to a lifestyle practiced by less than 3% of the population .

ANd he doesn't have to offer apologies for calling you a freak or need sensitivity training

Are your feelz really hurt? Ill hug ya and buy ya a beer if it would make ya feelz better. Ill buy ya a snack at the bar to if ya promise not to grab my sexy man ass ...dont get all joe biden on me.

Feelz are more important than facts after all ....oy

ANd what youre not a super freak in bed ? what kinda homo are you ?YOU better keep that a secret ....If youre not I think they banish you special ladies from the club .
Crap ive just offened feminist speakin of Personally i like a freak with a vagina ...WORD '

You may be the nicest guy on earth and you'd never hurt a hair on an innocent childs head .
You could be a pediatric brain surgeon who does amazing thing for inured children because it was your passion to help innocent children

I dont know HE dont know

But could we let innocent children be innocent children at least until they hit puberty? ...is that really hateful and to much to ask for?

Its usually not a problem wanting to teach kids to do the right thing but we may suspect that some progressive freaks have an agenda.....Golly Gee Whiz i dont know why .

Of course kids always have questions they'll pop one outta no where ...sometimes MANY in rapid fire succession before you even had a chance to answer the first one.

ITs also not hateful to let the parents handle any questions that pop up........ till puberty ?

Yes we realize some parents will handle it better than others...
YES some Christians and other religious folks from other religions will tell their children homosexuality is wrong ,evil ,you're going to hell .

Some of your "" allied "" Muslim fathers are going to tell their children YES throw the fruity ones off a roof.

But that doesnt really matter .....

YES even when you guys protest that you're going to do a better job with some bullshit activist law or class....put together by other activists pfffft

And for the love of almighty kek YES we heard you want to put an end to possible future bully's to ...the left calling anyone a bully .....so fuckin clownishly ridiculous.

IS IT to much to ask and hateful to respect individual parents rights? of course its not.
BUT YET in clownworld we're practically brought up on hate crime charges.

IF he used the word freak out of frustration and anger OR NOT

ALL OF THIS IS NOT NORMAL and its designed not to be .

you lefties are the biggest suckers around PUN NOT INTENDED

THIS IS NOT NORMAL and you cant tell ME or any of them it is normal ....well cause ill be automatically offended ....wait no i wont ...i wont because its true.

Thiers no use "starting a conversation " with you people ASKS yourself why

The large majority of "white nationalist rubes " are not your enemy Nor do they hate you . MYSELF INCLUDED

Some of them are fabulous themselves . cmon we've all seen deliverance....derp

SOME They're really starting to hate you people AND IM not using that as a slur against gays im talking about the left in general .
some are gonna call you a freak
ive been called everything under the sun WHO CARES SO WHAT
kiss my boo boo ass

What they REALLY hate ? they certainly dont like left wing agendas and bullying . They're getting really sick of it.You and your "oppressed allies" keep at it though and watch what it gets us.

when youre Doin it DO It in somethin frilly ,pink and fabulousAND if a kid has questions as to why your dressed like that LET THE PARENT handle it
That is quite a psychotic unhinged rant dude!! Better go back on your meds.
When a libtardo starts losing the argument, he resorts to the Rules for Radicals to make themselves superior. Problem is to the rest of US, he looks like a petulant, whiney ass bitch...
I'm a freak? Really ? What is it that you think that you know about me? So it impacts very few? Sure . So they are expendable , right?

Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
I don't have my own children but I was a social worker in a child welfare agency for many years. I not going to say that it is the same as being a parent, but I had a lot of exposure to a wide range of issues that beset children. I have also read a lot on the subject of gender dysphoria. Did you read my post # 17?? Can you comment on it and explain why I'm wrong if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about
Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
I don't have my own children but I was a social worker in a child welfare agency for many years. I not going to say that it is the same as being a parent, but I had a lot of exposure to a wide range of issues that beset children. I have also read a lot on the subject of gender dysphoria. Did you read my post # 17?? Can you comment on it and explain why I'm wrong if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about
Why you are wrong is because you ignore reality. Have dick = guy. Don't have dick = not a guy. Anything else is a psychological disorder.
Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
I don't have my own children but I was a social worker in a child welfare agency for many years. I not going to say that it is the same as being a parent, but I had a lot of exposure to a wide range of issues that beset children. I have also read a lot on the subject of gender dysphoria. Did you read my post # 17?? Can you comment on it and explain why I'm wrong if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about

No because I cannot see post numbers on my phone. Sorry.
Nope but they aren’t special either so they don’t need to have education dedicated to them. You don’t have kids but tell people how to parent. That makes you a freak.
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
I don't have my own children but I was a social worker in a child welfare agency for many years. I not going to say that it is the same as being a parent, but I had a lot of exposure to a wide range of issues that beset children. I have also read a lot on the subject of gender dysphoria. Did you read my post # 17?? Can you comment on it and explain why I'm wrong if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about
social worker in a child welfare agency for many years.
So you separated children from their families.....Boy the plot thickens..
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
I don't have my own children but I was a social worker in a child welfare agency for many years. I not going to say that it is the same as being a parent, but I had a lot of exposure to a wide range of issues that beset children. I have also read a lot on the subject of gender dysphoria. Did you read my post # 17?? Can you comment on it and explain why I'm wrong if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about
Why you are wrong is because you ignore reality. Have dick = guy. Don't have dick = not a guy. Anything else is a psychological disorder.
AS I said , I have read a lot on gender dysphoria. I have also posted scientific evidence that there is more to gender than external genitals . You obviously have chosen to ignore that in favor of taking refuge in your comfort zone of willful ignorance for fear of learning something that might challenge that which you have some need to believe. Yes I do know more than you because unlike you, I have taken the trouble to educate myself on the topic,
Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no grasp of the issue raised in the OP . You are ridiculous!

Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
I don't have my own children but I was a social worker in a child welfare agency for many years. I not going to say that it is the same as being a parent, but I had a lot of exposure to a wide range of issues that beset children. I have also read a lot on the subject of gender dysphoria. Did you read my post # 17?? Can you comment on it and explain why I'm wrong if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about

No because I cannot see post numbers on my phone. Sorry.
OK, here it is again

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 3.27.15

Many people who rail against the ubiquitous of LGBTQ issues deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support homosexuality and transgender phenomena, the issue will somehow go away. They rail against the idea children will be "taught homosexuality".

However they do not actually understand what that means and most often believe, or claim to believe , that it means that children will be taught TO BE HOMOSEXUAL, or encourage to be homosexual-or transgender. That of course is ridiculous, dishonest, and ignorant. What it means is that children will be taught to be respectful and accepting of those who are different, and that includes an acceptance of themselves if they are the ones who are different.

Yes, some children will come out sooner as LGBT in a trusting and supportive environment but that is not to be confused with making them gay, or encouraging them to be gay. It is giving them permission and encouraging them to be true to themselves rather than live a life of repression, guilt, un-fulfillment and misery. LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBT issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do when these issues come up? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality and transgender issues openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides, bullying incidents and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality and transgenderism ” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.

However, you still have those who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous. Fortunately , one community had the good sense to know it is wrong and fought back:

Community Protests Attempt To Remove LGBT Information From Health Classes

Indian River, Delaware Board of Education member Shaun Fink wants to remove all LGBT references from school Health classes, saying he has "issues with teaching it's ok to be gay".

About 100 students, parents, members LGBT community and their straight allies turned up at a meeting of the Indian Rivers, Delaware, Board of Education meeting this week, hoping for a chance to speak. The protesters object to a move afoot by at least one board member to remove the terms gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender, from the district's Health curriculum.
Cole Haden, a senior at Sussex High School was visibly angry, locking eyes with Shaun Fink as he spoke:

"Mr. Fink, I would like to thank you for allowing me to have a chance to stand for LGBTQA equality and engage my peers in a conversation about fairness and tolerance, which you seemingly haven't contributed to. You have fueled a fire long waiting to erupt. However, I can't thank you too much, for as a LGBTQA student at Sussex Central High School, and the district that you heartly govern, you have done the school district and the community a great disservice by allowing your personal faith to interfere with your professional work."
Your illogic is funny. My point is that your issue is only an issue for you but you have no clue as you’re not a parent.
You only think that I'm illogical because you have a abysmal understanding of children, gender dysphoria and pretty much everything else

So you don’t have kids, I do and Yet you believe you know more than I do? LOL

Do you believe child obesity is a bigger or smaller issue than gender dysphoria?
I don't have my own children but I was a social worker in a child welfare agency for many years. I not going to say that it is the same as being a parent, but I had a lot of exposure to a wide range of issues that beset children. I have also read a lot on the subject of gender dysphoria. Did you read my post # 17?? Can you comment on it and explain why I'm wrong if you think that I don't know what I'm talking about

No because I cannot see post numbers on my phone. Sorry.
OK, here it is again

LGBT Issues, Children and Education by Progressive Patriot 3.27.15

Many people who rail against the ubiquitous of LGBTQ issues deluded themselves into believing that if we do not support homosexuality and transgender phenomena, the issue will somehow go away. They rail against the idea children will be "taught homosexuality".

However they do not actually understand what that means and most often believe, or claim to believe , that it means that children will be taught TO BE HOMOSEXUAL, or encourage to be homosexual-or transgender. That of course is ridiculous, dishonest, and ignorant. What it means is that children will be taught to be respectful and accepting of those who are different, and that includes an acceptance of themselves if they are the ones who are different.

Yes, some children will come out sooner as LGBT in a trusting and supportive environment but that is not to be confused with making them gay, or encouraging them to be gay. It is giving them permission and encouraging them to be true to themselves rather than live a life of repression, guilt, un-fulfillment and misery. LGBT issues and people are a part of modern culture and depriving gays rights will not change that and you can’t shield the children from it.

Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBT issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. In this electronic society where kids spend much of their days on line, it cannot be avoided. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?

My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do when these issues come up? Here are some options:

1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

2. Condemn homosexuality and transgender issues openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides, bullying incidents and mass shootings.

3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality and transgenderism ” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.

However, you still have those who want to pretend that the issue will just go away. That is ignorant and dangerous. Fortunately , one community had the good sense to know it is wrong and fought back:

Community Protests Attempt To Remove LGBT Information From Health Classes

Indian River, Delaware Board of Education member Shaun Fink wants to remove all LGBT references from school Health classes, saying he has "issues with teaching it's ok to be gay".

About 100 students, parents, members LGBT community and their straight allies turned up at a meeting of the Indian Rivers, Delaware, Board of Education meeting this week, hoping for a chance to speak. The protesters object to a move afoot by at least one board member to remove the terms gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender, from the district's Health curriculum.
Cole Haden, a senior at Sussex High School was visibly angry, locking eyes with Shaun Fink as he spoke:

"Mr. Fink, I would like to thank you for allowing me to have a chance to stand for LGBTQA equality and engage my peers in a conversation about fairness and tolerance, which you seemingly haven't contributed to. You have fueled a fire long waiting to erupt. However, I can't thank you too much, for as a LGBTQA student at Sussex Central High School, and the district that you heartly govern, you have done the school district and the community a great disservice by allowing your personal faith to interfere with your professional work."
I still cannot understand why you would want to teach little kids about butt sex, .they're kids ffs! Leave them alone!

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