A Truely Positive Trend in America.

I understand your point TPP, my only question would be how is this going to make kids feel safer in school? Or even outside of school? One of the worst behavioral problems in schools, at all levels of primary education, is bullying. This carries over to the internet as well.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (as reported on National Bullying Prevention Center) "The reasons for being bullied reported most often by students include physical appearance, race/ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation." (from their 2016 data).

I'd link to it, but can't yet.
How? You said it yourself. The policy is intended to foster respect and acceptance. it will reduce bullying and bolster the self esteem of LGBT kids. Is there something that we disagree on?
Insane people used to be put in asylums so they wouldn't hurt themselves or other people. Today after 8 years of the 1/2 white homosexual agitator, we see more kids killing themselves because they cant find their normalcy. They are told that it is okay to be immoral, and some people dont like it.
These blacks girls were pissed that a guy would dare enter their bathroom, can you blame them...

How come they didn't explicitly state it was a guy dressed like a female?

Because the guy who had a penis and testicles had boob injections then tried to pass off as a bitch in a black Mc'Donalds in Baltimore. This is the typical shit the left wants to FORCE upon US, and still not sure whose side the libtards took. Black Females, very protected class...White man with Boobs, not so protected...
OK Harley, tell you what. I play your sill word game. It's really just a matter of how you conceptualize it. Lets say that there are just two genders but with biological variations . We can even call it a deformity if that makes you feel good. But the fact is that there are children with this "condition" and it can be very confusing and painful. The adults in their life have the opportunity to their lives better or, much, much worse. Now with that in mind, allow me to refer you to mu post#17 Then tell us, what would you do to prevent bullying, suicide and substance abuse in this population. It takes a special kind of stupid not to be able to understand what the real issue here is, and what is at stake, so I'm sure that you will have a very appropriate and sensitive response.
Bullying shouldnt happen. With anything.
Not much you can do about suicides or substance abuse..
I want these people to have the same rights as everyone else, just not special rights, like bathroom choice.
I was simply commenting on it being delusion and the humor i found in your OP. Because they ARE delusional.
Jeeezus Fucking Christ Harley! I gave you a chance to show that you are not a complete moron and you blew it! You're still jabbering about bathrooms and special rights instead of the actual issue which is how to respond to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria. Then, all that you have to offer is to say that not much can be done about suicides and substance abuse and write it off as a delusion in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. Apparently you don't believe that these kids need or deserve any help because it's "all their heads" . Even if that were true, they still need help. There still needs to be programs and policies in place. People like you have blood on their hands- and shit for brains.
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.
Bullying shouldnt happen. With anything.
Not much you can do about suicides or substance abuse..
I want these people to have the same rights as everyone else, just not special rights, like bathroom choice.
I was simply commenting on it being delusion and the humor i found in your OP. Because they ARE delusional.
Jeeezus Fucking Christ Harley! I gave you a chance to show that you are not a complete moron and you blew it! You're still jabbering about bathrooms and special rights instead of the actual issue which is how to respond to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria. Then, all that you have to offer is to say that not much can be done about suicides and substance abuse and write it off as a delusion in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. Apparently you don't believe that these kids need or deserve any help because it's "all their heads" . Even if that were true, they still need help. There still needs to be programs and policies in place. People like you have blood on their hands- and shit for brains.
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.
The truth is if they have a dick they are a guy.
Anything other than that requires a shrink to psychoanalyze them.
Bullying shouldnt happen. With anything.
Not much you can do about suicides or substance abuse..
I want these people to have the same rights as everyone else, just not special rights, like bathroom choice.
I was simply commenting on it being delusion and the humor i found in your OP. Because they ARE delusional.
Jeeezus Fucking Christ Harley! I gave you a chance to show that you are not a complete moron and you blew it! You're still jabbering about bathrooms and special rights instead of the actual issue which is how to respond to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria. Then, all that you have to offer is to say that not much can be done about suicides and substance abuse and write it off as a delusion in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. Apparently you don't believe that these kids need or deserve any help because it's "all their heads" . Even if that were true, they still need help. There still needs to be programs and policies in place. People like you have blood on their hands- and shit for brains.
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.
What they are experiencing and reality.
What kind of child are we talking? How old?
TPP, the best I could say in dealing with children is for parents to provide honest answers to their inquiries. Of course the answer should also be age appropriate for their ability to understand. That's how we did things with our daughter. And, for those who may ask, no it doesn't mean one has to agree with the issue. However, our children deserve honesty. I do also believe however, that these types issues do not belong to the schools to teach. I believe it to be a parental responsibility.
Bullying shouldnt happen. With anything.
Not much you can do about suicides or substance abuse..
I want these people to have the same rights as everyone else, just not special rights, like bathroom choice.
I was simply commenting on it being delusion and the humor i found in your OP. Because they ARE delusional.
Jeeezus Fucking Christ Harley! I gave you a chance to show that you are not a complete moron and you blew it! You're still jabbering about bathrooms and special rights instead of the actual issue which is how to respond to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria. Then, all that you have to offer is to say that not much can be done about suicides and substance abuse and write it off as a delusion in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. Apparently you don't believe that these kids need or deserve any help because it's "all their heads" . Even if that were true, they still need help. There still needs to be programs and policies in place. People like you have blood on their hands- and shit for brains.
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.

Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Bullying shouldnt happen. With anything.
Not much you can do about suicides or substance abuse..
I want these people to have the same rights as everyone else, just not special rights, like bathroom choice.
I was simply commenting on it being delusion and the humor i found in your OP. Because they ARE delusional.
Jeeezus Fucking Christ Harley! I gave you a chance to show that you are not a complete moron and you blew it! You're still jabbering about bathrooms and special rights instead of the actual issue which is how to respond to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria. Then, all that you have to offer is to say that not much can be done about suicides and substance abuse and write it off as a delusion in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. Apparently you don't believe that these kids need or deserve any help because it's "all their heads" . Even if that were true, they still need help. There still needs to be programs and policies in place. People like you have blood on their hands- and shit for brains.
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.
And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix,
Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise
In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.
It is amazing how stupid liberals are, not really amazing at all, they are just born stupid and no matter what education is provided will stay dumber than a box of rocks...

Jeeezus Fucking Christ Harley! I gave you a chance to show that you are not a complete moron and you blew it! You're still jabbering about bathrooms and special rights instead of the actual issue which is how to respond to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria. Then, all that you have to offer is to say that not much can be done about suicides and substance abuse and write it off as a delusion in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. Apparently you don't believe that these kids need or deserve any help because it's "all their heads" . Even if that were true, they still need help. There still needs to be programs and policies in place. People like you have blood on their hands- and shit for brains.
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.

Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.
TPP, the best I could say in dealing with children is for parents to provide honest answers to their inquiries. Of course the answer should also be age appropriate for their ability to understand. That's how we did things with our daughter. And, for those who may ask, no it doesn't mean one has to agree with the issue. However, our children deserve honesty. I do also believe however, that these types issues do not belong to the schools to teach. I believe it to be a parental responsibility.
Yes, age appropriate honest answers . I agree. But they also need validation, support and acceptance and sometimes the parents can't or won't provide that. Sometimes parents are bigoted jerks who will push the child away and cause them much suffering. There is very much a role for educators in dealing with these issues.
Jeeezus Fucking Christ Harley! I gave you a chance to show that you are not a complete moron and you blew it! You're still jabbering about bathrooms and special rights instead of the actual issue which is how to respond to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria. Then, all that you have to offer is to say that not much can be done about suicides and substance abuse and write it off as a delusion in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. Apparently you don't believe that these kids need or deserve any help because it's "all their heads" . Even if that were true, they still need help. There still needs to be programs and policies in place. People like you have blood on their hands- and shit for brains.
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.
The truth is if they have a dick they are a guy.
Anything other than that requires a shrink to psychoanalyze them.
Brilliant!! Just fucking, dumbed down brilliant!
Mental illness needs help. Why the inaccurate assumption?
You are telling me science says that someone that imagines things that arent there, isnt a delusion? Lmao
This is like that tranny serving in the military thing. A mother fucker with recurring nightmares cant be in the military but a person oblivious to reality can.
Our society is fucked up and you aid it with your emotional bullshit
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.

Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
I guess the fudge packer, TPP has me on ignore, since I was bringing facts to the argument. Notice how after he said that children weren't seeking treatment for transgenderism, I posted how an 8 year old was seeking it, and nothing from TPP saying he was wrong..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance while ignoring the needs of the children
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.

Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.
TPP, the best I could say in dealing with children is for parents to provide honest answers to their inquiries. Of course the answer should also be age appropriate for their ability to understand. That's how we did things with our daughter. And, for those who may ask, no it doesn't mean one has to agree with the issue. However, our children deserve honesty. I do also believe however, that these types issues do not belong to the schools to teach. I believe it to be a parental responsibility.

Oh look a normal person
dad meme 12-2.jpg

how dare you sir

thats homophobic
your cis gender bias is really out of control

the meme I used is also extremely racist and non inclusive since the son and father are both white .
I bet they're white nationalists. I hear we need to be very very very concerned about it

yes only a state progressive eduction program and strict laws can properly teach the children how to accept other for what they are .
Their is no other agenda the only agenda is to spread love , understanding ,and tolerance .

anyone who doesnt agree is just a trump rube full of hate

Ive had recent sensitivity training
its helped me become more mindful and aware of the oppressed .
It takes a special kind of stupid not to be able to understand what the real issue here is, and what is at stake, so I'm sure that you will have a very appropriate and sensitive response.

It takes a spectacular, extreme, extraordinary kind of stupid to deny the difference between boys and girls, to claim that girls can be boys and boys can be girls, and to claim that it is those of us who are clear about this distinction who have something wrong with us.
Ignorance of what?
I clearly stated they need help. You also need help. You need help learning to read.
I have been saying on this forum for years these people need real help. Not from a preacher. Not from a guidance counselor.. but a therapist. They need love and affection. And TRUTH. Not to envelop themselves in delusions. Stop telling them its normal and tell them the truth. With a 50 percent suicide rate AFTER surgery and a false reality, obviously, the limp wristed pat on the shoulder doesnt help.
Ignorance of the fact that transgender / gender dysphoria is a lot more complex than your small mind cant fathom and that there is much more to it than "delusions" as I have documented here if you bothered to read it. And, we are talking about children here so surgury is not even an option -yet you throw that into the mix, while continuing to ignore the actual topic which- again- is how to address gender dysphoria in a constructive way. Tell them the truth? What is the truth? What you want it to be, or what they are experiencing. ? We are not dealing with the subjective concept of "Normal" We need to deal with the reality that they are experiencing. You have to offer one single intelligent suggestion as to how to do that , nor have you responded to post 17 which I directed you to.

Why should the many cater to the whims of the minuscule few?
Catering to whims ? That is pretty fucking ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

But there are many issues kids deal with such as anxiety, learning disabilities, obesity, etc. Which take precedent? Slippery slope. You seem angry.
Yes I'm angry! Angry that ignorant, insensitive , jackasses make light of a serious issues that effects children and can lead to abuse by peers and self destructive behavior. I am angry that these people refuse to educate themselves about gender dysphoria and basically balms the kids and dismiss it as delusions. All of the things that kids struggle with are important. Asking which is more important is just stupid, and appears to be an attempt to minimize the issue at hand here.

As a father of two kids, I know what They deal with and it’s a lot. You have no freaking idea because you’re a freak that I tell my kids to stay away from. Gender dysphoria is a disease. But it impacts very few. Compare that to obesity, online bullying, diabetes, etc. You need to educate yourself before swearing at me.
Catering to whims ? That is pretty f•••ing ignorant. We are not talking about whims. We are talking about children who are experiencing something that they need help dealing with, The fact that they are "few " doesn't mean that they are expendable, as you apparent think.

Your kind of “help” only f•••s up people for life, who otherwise might have have gone on to lead relatively happy, normal, productive lives.

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