A very serious thread about race relations

Is there anyone here, or does anyone here know of anyone, who wants to see race relations improve?

No, I don't mean "beat" the other "side". No, I don't mean punishing the other side for their opinions. No, I'm not talking about the political angles, particularly pointing the finger and blaming the other guy.

I mean, is anyone aware of anyone whose top priority is better, more open, more positive, more civil, more constructive, more fruitful human relationships between the races?

Dead serious question. Examples would be great. Links would be great.

I know some individuals, but as long as we have a media that magnifies differences instead of encouraging commonalities, race relations will only deteriorate.

When an authoritarian brand of identity politics replaced liberalism as the guiding principle of the left, the die was cast. Liberalism encourages a color-blind society while this new leftist authoritarianism is all about color.
It may be that there is a desire for improved race relations under the surface for some, I just don't see it.

I don't see a connection between these behaviors and anything that could be construed as constructive.

Maybe when people stop broad brushing "the other"....there will be improvement. When we realize we can sit down, share a meal, have a conversation about our kids...and realize we're not so different after all. It comes down to basic respect for each other.

I heard this guy on Ted Talks I think....really impressive....
A black man's quixotic quest to quell the racism of the KKK, one robe at a time
That's it. That's my argument. Communication.

Whether it's business or personal relationships or politics or race, once communication breaks down, it's over.

You go to the doctor and refuse to tell him what's wrong. He checks you out and refuses to tell you what he's found. No communication. What's the result?

There is none now, and here we are.

Nonsense. There's plenty of "communication" going on now. Perhaps you're not taking part in it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I don't count screaming, insulting and accusations as "communication". That's for people like you.

Working out great, too, thanks a lot.
Is there anyone here, or does anyone here know of anyone, who wants to see race relations improve?

No, I don't mean "beat" the other "side". No, I don't mean punishing the other side for their opinions. No, I'm not talking about the political angles, particularly pointing the finger and blaming the other guy.

I mean, is anyone aware of anyone whose top priority is better, more open, more positive, more civil, more constructive, more fruitful human relationships between the races?

Dead serious question. Examples would be great. Links would be great.

I know some individuals, but as long as we have a media that magnifies differences instead of encouraging commonalities, race relations will only deteriorate.

When an authoritarian brand of identity politics replaced liberalism as the guiding principle of the left, the die was cast. Liberalism encourages a color-blind society while this new leftist authoritarianism is all about color.

Ignoring race and racism isn't going to magically make race relations better.

You guys really don't get it, do you?
Straw man "arguments" like this are a big part of the problem.

You're part of the problem. I wonder why you feel you have to misrepresent the views of others.


You haven't demonstrated that I'm "misrepresenting" anything.

You seem to be arguing that "race relations" are bad because those uppity black folks keep "screaming" things like "cops shouldn't be killing so many black kids" or "we want equal treatment".

If I'm getting your argument wrong, then convince me.
And you do it again.

You people literally can't help yourselves.
...and yet, you parrot the same exact same talking points as thousands of other old white men who consider themselves to be "above" racism, but think that everything was just fine back before black people started whining about how much it sucks for them.

You're not a unique snowflake. I've heard your arguments before - in fact, I've read them in history books.

That a lot of people have reached the same conclusion, doesn't make it wrong.

And calling himself an individual is not the same as being a snowflake. That was unfair.

Blah, blah blah. You've already proven your ability to get flustered and start lashing out with insults. We're all so impressed.

I'm open to the possibility that my conclusions are false. But you haven't yet given me any reason to believe that they are.

Your mis-characterization of his position was pretty insulting and quite rude.

Make up your mind.

Did I mischaracterize his position, or is he "not wrong"?
It may have been due to your stupidity rather than deliberate dishonesty arising from your extremist agenda, but I never said people should not talk about racism. What I actually indicated was that the media magnifies such.


What you said was that "the media" magnifies "differences" - which is a statement without meaning.

What you meant was the media won't stop talking about black people being upset, so they must be causing that anger, because black people are too stupid to think for themselves, and can't possibly have any real grips, it's all just the media and the democrats, and all the other evil things you like to blame everything on.
Is being an utterly dishonest piece of shit three steps to the left of Che Guevara one of the basic requirements for being a senior moderator here?

All the others are good, decent people.
Moderator as troll.
I know some individuals, but as long as we have a media that magnifies differences instead of encouraging commonalities, race relations will only deteriorate.

When an authoritarian brand of identity politics replaced liberalism as the guiding principle of the left, the die was cast. Liberalism encourages a color-blind society while this new leftist authoritarianism is all about color.
It may be that there is a desire for improved race relations under the surface for some, I just don't see it.

I don't see a connection between these behaviors and anything that could be construed as constructive.

Maybe when people stop broad brushing "the other"....there will be improvement. When we realize we can sit down, share a meal, have a conversation about our kids...and realize we're not so different after all. It comes down to basic respect for each other.

I heard this guy on Ted Talks I think....really impressive....
A black man's quixotic quest to quell the racism of the KKK, one robe at a time
That's it. That's my argument. Communication.

Whether it's business or personal relationships or politics or race, once communication breaks down, it's over.

You go to the doctor and refuse to tell him what's wrong. He checks you out and refuses to tell you what he's found. No communication. What's the result?

There is none now, and here we are.

Nonsense. There's plenty of "communication" going on now. Perhaps you're not taking part in it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I don't count screaming, insulting and accusations as "communication". That's for people like you.

Working out great, too, thanks a lot.

Give me an example of this "screaming, insulting and accusations" that you believe is so damaging to "race relations", on a national scale.
That a lot of people have reached the same conclusion, doesn't make it wrong.

And calling himself an individual is not the same as being a snowflake. That was unfair.
Your mis-characterization of his position was pretty insulting and quite rude.

Make up your mind.

Did I mischaracterize his position, or is he "not wrong"?
It may have been due to your stupidity rather than deliberate dishonesty arising from your extremist agenda, but I never said people should not talk about racism. What I actually indicated was that the media magnifies such.


What you said was that "the media" magnifies "differences" - which is a statement without meaning.

What you meant was the media won't stop talking about black people being upset, so they must be causing that anger, because black people are too stupid to think for themselves, and can't possibly have any real grips, it's all just the media and the democrats, and all the other evil things you like to blame everything on.
Is being an utterly dishonest piece of shit three steps to the left of Che Guevara one of the basic requirements for being a senior moderator here?

All the others are good, decent people.
Moderator as troll.


Whiner, meet whiner.

I know you guys think that constantly bringing up my position on staff is some magic bullet, but you're just making fools of yourselves.

If you have a substantive response, share it. Whining about me being a moderator isn't a substantive response.
Is there anyone here, or does anyone here know of anyone, who wants to see race relations improve?

No, I don't mean "beat" the other "side". No, I don't mean punishing the other side for their opinions. No, I'm not talking about the political angles, particularly pointing the finger and blaming the other guy.

I mean, is anyone aware of anyone whose top priority is better, more open, more positive, more civil, more constructive, more fruitful human relationships between the races?

Dead serious question. Examples would be great. Links would be great.

I know some individuals, but as long as we have a media that magnifies differences instead of encouraging commonalities, race relations will only deteriorate.

When an authoritarian brand of identity politics replaced liberalism as the guiding principle of the left, the die was cast. Liberalism encourages a color-blind society while this new leftist authoritarianism is all about color.

Ignoring race and racism isn't going to magically make race relations better.

You guys really don't get it, do you?
Straw man "arguments" like this are a big part of the problem.

You're part of the problem. I wonder why you feel you have to misrepresent the views of others.


You haven't demonstrated that I'm "misrepresenting" anything.

You seem to be arguing that "race relations" are bad because those uppity black folks keep "screaming" things like "cops shouldn't be killing so many black kids" or "we want equal treatment".

If I'm getting your argument wrong, then convince me.
And you do it again.

You people literally can't help yourselves.

That's because race for the extreme left acts much as religion for the biggest bible thumpers of the right. All that they need to know is that there are some identities that are safe to attack (such as the ones we have seen attacked in this thread -- "old", "white" or "men") and some that are sacrosanct -- black leading the panoply of such with Muslim not far behind. These low-functioning individuals do not even see themselves as individuals and so lash out at any expression of independent thought. They are fundamentalists who are merely the expression of a conditioned response where they reinforce their own brand of scripture by applauding each other for attacking "old white men", and won't allow anybody into their little cult of ignorance if they dare blaspheme.
Make up your mind.

Did I mischaracterize his position, or is he "not wrong"?
It may have been due to your stupidity rather than deliberate dishonesty arising from your extremist agenda, but I never said people should not talk about racism. What I actually indicated was that the media magnifies such.


What you said was that "the media" magnifies "differences" - which is a statement without meaning.

What you meant was the media won't stop talking about black people being upset, so they must be causing that anger, because black people are too stupid to think for themselves, and can't possibly have any real grips, it's all just the media and the democrats, and all the other evil things you like to blame everything on.
Is being an utterly dishonest piece of shit three steps to the left of Che Guevara one of the basic requirements for being a senior moderator here?

All the others are good, decent people.
Moderator as troll.


Whiner, meet whiner.

I know you guys think that constantly bringing up my position on staff is some magic bullet, but you're just making fools of yourselves.

If you have a substantive response, share it. Whining about me being a moderator isn't a substantive response.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.
Give me an example of this "screaming, insulting and accusations" that you believe is so damaging to "race relations", on a national scale.
You've got to be kidding me.

You're not a serious poster.

Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.


Denying your premise isn't "trolling your thread", clownshoes. This is a message board, not an echo chamber.

If you can't defend your thesis, that's your problem, not mine.

I will continue to post in whatever thread I like, and you are welcome to go fuck yourself if you don't like it.
It may be that there is a desire for improved race relations under the surface for some, I just don't see it.

I don't see a connection between these behaviors and anything that could be construed as constructive.

Maybe when people stop broad brushing "the other"....there will be improvement. When we realize we can sit down, share a meal, have a conversation about our kids...and realize we're not so different after all. It comes down to basic respect for each other.

I heard this guy on Ted Talks I think....really impressive....
A black man's quixotic quest to quell the racism of the KKK, one robe at a time
That's it. That's my argument. Communication.

Whether it's business or personal relationships or politics or race, once communication breaks down, it's over.

You go to the doctor and refuse to tell him what's wrong. He checks you out and refuses to tell you what he's found. No communication. What's the result?

There is none now, and here we are.

Nonsense. There's plenty of "communication" going on now. Perhaps you're not taking part in it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I don't count screaming, insulting and accusations as "communication". That's for people like you.

Working out great, too, thanks a lot.

Give me an example of this "screaming, insulting and accusations" that you believe is so damaging to "race relations", on a national scale.
Pretty much every protest by the left. Literally every thread by a progressive.
The entire left wing media that attempts to portray half the country as racist due to their support of Trump and even the constant portrayal of any conservative as bigoted. All of this shuts down two way communication.
Again. Respect is never gained through accusations and blame.
It may have been due to your stupidity rather than deliberate dishonesty arising from your extremist agenda, but I never said people should not talk about racism. What I actually indicated was that the media magnifies such.


What you said was that "the media" magnifies "differences" - which is a statement without meaning.

What you meant was the media won't stop talking about black people being upset, so they must be causing that anger, because black people are too stupid to think for themselves, and can't possibly have any real grips, it's all just the media and the democrats, and all the other evil things you like to blame everything on.
Is being an utterly dishonest piece of shit three steps to the left of Che Guevara one of the basic requirements for being a senior moderator here?

All the others are good, decent people.
Moderator as troll.


Whiner, meet whiner.

I know you guys think that constantly bringing up my position on staff is some magic bullet, but you're just making fools of yourselves.

If you have a substantive response, share it. Whining about me being a moderator isn't a substantive response.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.

Please stop whining, it makes you look even more like a child. You don't own this thread, and you dont get to decide who gets to post in it.
I know some individuals, but as long as we have a media that magnifies differences instead of encouraging commonalities, race relations will only deteriorate.

When an authoritarian brand of identity politics replaced liberalism as the guiding principle of the left, the die was cast. Liberalism encourages a color-blind society while this new leftist authoritarianism is all about color.

Ignoring race and racism isn't going to magically make race relations better.

You guys really don't get it, do you?
Straw man "arguments" like this are a big part of the problem.

You're part of the problem. I wonder why you feel you have to misrepresent the views of others.


You haven't demonstrated that I'm "misrepresenting" anything.

You seem to be arguing that "race relations" are bad because those uppity black folks keep "screaming" things like "cops shouldn't be killing so many black kids" or "we want equal treatment".

If I'm getting your argument wrong, then convince me.
And you do it again.

You people literally can't help yourselves.

That's because race for the extreme left acts much as religion for the biggest bible thumpers of the right. All that they need to know is that there are some identities that are safe to attack (such as the ones we have seen attacked in this thread -- "old", "white" or "men") and some that are sacrosanct -- black leading the panoply of such with Muslim not far behind. These low-functioning individuals do not even see themselves as individuals and so lash out at any expression of independent thought. They are fundamentalists who are merely the expression of a conditioned response where they reinforce their own brand of scripture by applauding each other for attacking "old white men", and won't allow anybody into their little cult of ignorance if they dare blaspheme.
I think there are certainly some similarities when it comes to fundamentalists, and I'm definitely beginning to believe that you have to find a way to do an end run around them if you want to improve anything. Find a path of lower resistance, gain some momentum, and then drag them kicking and screaming to the light.

What you said was that "the media" magnifies "differences" - which is a statement without meaning.

What you meant was the media won't stop talking about black people being upset, so they must be causing that anger, because black people are too stupid to think for themselves, and can't possibly have any real grips, it's all just the media and the democrats, and all the other evil things you like to blame everything on.
Is being an utterly dishonest piece of shit three steps to the left of Che Guevara one of the basic requirements for being a senior moderator here?

All the others are good, decent people.
Moderator as troll.


Whiner, meet whiner.

I know you guys think that constantly bringing up my position on staff is some magic bullet, but you're just making fools of yourselves.

If you have a substantive response, share it. Whining about me being a moderator isn't a substantive response.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.

Please stop whining, it makes you look even more like a child. You don't own this thread, and you dont get to decide who gets to post in it.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.
Maybe when people stop broad brushing "the other"....there will be improvement. When we realize we can sit down, share a meal, have a conversation about our kids...and realize we're not so different after all. It comes down to basic respect for each other.

I heard this guy on Ted Talks I think....really impressive....
A black man's quixotic quest to quell the racism of the KKK, one robe at a time
That's it. That's my argument. Communication.

Whether it's business or personal relationships or politics or race, once communication breaks down, it's over.

You go to the doctor and refuse to tell him what's wrong. He checks you out and refuses to tell you what he's found. No communication. What's the result?

There is none now, and here we are.

Nonsense. There's plenty of "communication" going on now. Perhaps you're not taking part in it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I don't count screaming, insulting and accusations as "communication". That's for people like you.

Working out great, too, thanks a lot.

Give me an example of this "screaming, insulting and accusations" that you believe is so damaging to "race relations", on a national scale.
Pretty much every protest by the left. Literally every thread by a progressive.
The entire left wing media that attempts to portray half the country as racist due to their support of Trump and even the constant portrayal of any conservative as bigoted. All of this shuts down two way communication.
Again. Respect is never gained through accusations and blame.

I asked for an example, not mindless broadbrushing. Be specific. Show us quotes.
Is being an utterly dishonest piece of shit three steps to the left of Che Guevara one of the basic requirements for being a senior moderator here?

All the others are good, decent people.
Moderator as troll.


Whiner, meet whiner.

I know you guys think that constantly bringing up my position on staff is some magic bullet, but you're just making fools of yourselves.

If you have a substantive response, share it. Whining about me being a moderator isn't a substantive response.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.

Please stop whining, it makes you look even more like a child. You don't own this thread, and you dont get to decide who gets to post in it.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.



Now that we've gotten that over with, are you going to defend yourself, or should I just assume that my initial conclusions were spot on?
That's it. That's my argument. Communication.

Whether it's business or personal relationships or politics or race, once communication breaks down, it's over.

You go to the doctor and refuse to tell him what's wrong. He checks you out and refuses to tell you what he's found. No communication. What's the result?

There is none now, and here we are.

Nonsense. There's plenty of "communication" going on now. Perhaps you're not taking part in it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I don't count screaming, insulting and accusations as "communication". That's for people like you.

Working out great, too, thanks a lot.

Give me an example of this "screaming, insulting and accusations" that you believe is so damaging to "race relations", on a national scale.
Pretty much every protest by the left. Literally every thread by a progressive.
The entire left wing media that attempts to portray half the country as racist due to their support of Trump and even the constant portrayal of any conservative as bigoted. All of this shuts down two way communication.
Again. Respect is never gained through accusations and blame.

I asked for an example, not mindless broadbrushing. Be specific. Show us quotes.
Gave it to you. Nothing broadbrushed about it. Here is the key. I never have to think like you and that is what the left truly hates.
Moderator as troll.


Whiner, meet whiner.

I know you guys think that constantly bringing up my position on staff is some magic bullet, but you're just making fools of yourselves.

If you have a substantive response, share it. Whining about me being a moderator isn't a substantive response.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.

Please stop whining, it makes you look even more like a child. You don't own this thread, and you dont get to decide who gets to post in it.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.



Now that we've gotten that over with, are you going to defend yourself, or should I just assume that my initial conclusions were spot on?
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.

Oh, and please believe whatever you're going to believe, thanks.

Whiner, meet whiner.

I know you guys think that constantly bringing up my position on staff is some magic bullet, but you're just making fools of yourselves.

If you have a substantive response, share it. Whining about me being a moderator isn't a substantive response.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.

Please stop whining, it makes you look even more like a child. You don't own this thread, and you dont get to decide who gets to post in it.
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.



Now that we've gotten that over with, are you going to defend yourself, or should I just assume that my initial conclusions were spot on?
Please stop trolling my thread, we've had some interesting conversations here, thanks.

Oh, and please believe whatever you're going to believe, thanks.
For some it's all "their" fault.

Those guys, over there.

You can't communicate with zealots, hence my point in post 192.
Nonsense. There's plenty of "communication" going on now. Perhaps you're not taking part in it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I don't count screaming, insulting and accusations as "communication". That's for people like you.

Working out great, too, thanks a lot.

Give me an example of this "screaming, insulting and accusations" that you believe is so damaging to "race relations", on a national scale.
Pretty much every protest by the left. Literally every thread by a progressive.
The entire left wing media that attempts to portray half the country as racist due to their support of Trump and even the constant portrayal of any conservative as bigoted. All of this shuts down two way communication.
Again. Respect is never gained through accusations and blame.

I asked for an example, not mindless broadbrushing. Be specific. Show us quotes.
Gave it to you. Nothing broadbrushed about it. Here is the key. I never have to think like you and that is what the left truly hates.

No, you didn't give me anything. You made wild claims about "the entire left wing", and didn't supply a single actual example.

I'll try to put it as simply as possible.

Please, give me an example of someone, on a national level, "screaming, insulting or accusing" in relation to race relations in this country.

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