A video detailing why Humanities and Social Sciences must be defunded

I believe the following quote from the great Thomas Sowell sums it up best.

"BIOLOGISTS explain how organisms adapt to their physical environment, but ideologues also adapt to their social environment. The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive."
Supremacies of Idle Outside-Owner Parasites

Communism works for the Communist Party members, Capitalism works for the Capitalists. Both elitist sides work together to crush the middle. They both come from the same source and are developed in that source's universities.

Communism works for almost no citizens of the country, only the bureaucrats. Capitalism works for the majority, particularly the most talented and hard working. It tends to benefit the most productive, as it should.
The World-Wide Supremacy of Ambitious Imbeciles

If your kind had lived in the Soviet Union, you would have joined the Communist Party. Obviously, you have no fixed principles; you pump up your pathetic egos by slavishly conforming to whoever is in power. Your attitude puts inferior people in superior positions and excludes anyone with enough deserved pride to refuse to get his success through brown-nosing. Those with talent don't owe anything to those who own the world; the rulers in this Postmodern decadence are everywhere nothing but King Ape bullying parasites. I'd rather hunt them down than feed them, like you people do.

If I had lived in the Soviet Union, I would have been forced to pretend to be a Communist in order to survive in their shithole system. Capitalism works, Communism doesn't. It's as simple as that. Capitalism rewards talent and hard work. That is how you rise to the top in Capitalism, by being productive and mattering, as opposed to being a lazy sponge.
Regardless if one attended college or not the value of education is the ability to read, comprehend, conduct research, and formulate a opinion based upon research and life experiences one obtains through life.

I believe the value of an education is obtaining proficiency in reading, writing, mathematics, the hard sciences, and logical reasoning ability. You then have to apply your education to work on tangible things that can be measured and quantified. Solving puzzles and building things is what an education prepares you to do.
They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.

Such is the willfully ignorant right, purveyors of a new Dark Age.

Those fields that were targeted are a haven for unintelligent political activists that want to be seen as intellectuals. They have to survive off of grant money because they are too worthless to survive in the free market. They are infectious sponges.

Conservatives hate facts and the truth which conflict with failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

LOL at those fields that were targeted being about sticking to the facts. Conservatives respect STEM and profession based fields. We do not respect Postmodernism, Intersectionality, or any other leftist pseudo-studies bullshit.

In fairness, most of us also respect the traditional Humanities and Liberal Arts, classes that once upon a time taught people to think, use reason, and make the world a better place artistically, intellectually, and morally. The cut-rate, bastardized versions that leftists have created for no purpose but to congratulate themselves on their own "superiority" don't deserve respect.
They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.
It's that history isn't it?

Such is the willfully ignorant right, purveyors of a new Dark Age.

Those fields that were targeted are a haven for unintelligent political activists that want to be seen as intellectuals. They have to survive off of grant money because they are too worthless to survive in the free market. They are infectious sponges.

Conservatives hate facts and the truth which conflict with failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

LOL at those fields that were targeted being about sticking to the facts. Conservatives respect STEM and profession based fields. We do not respect Postmodernism, Intersectionality, or any other leftist pseudo-studies bullshit.

In fairness, most of us also respect the traditional Humanities and Liberal Arts, classes that once upon a time taught people to think, use reason, and make the world a better place artistically, intellectually, and morally. The cut-rate, bastardized versions that leftists have created for no purpose but to congratulate themselves on their own "superiority" don't deserve respect.
They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.

So...you used this video anecdote to justify your position...and you see absolutely no irony in that, considering the context of the video.


They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.

So...you used this video anecdote to justify your position...and you see absolutely no irony in that, considering the context of the video.



Did you watch the video? Did you notice they submitted about a dozen absolutely ridiculous articles and got published in different journals? First, the Sokal Affair and now that. The whole issue speaks volumes about the fields of "study" that were being targeted.
Regardless if one attended college or not the value of education is the ability to read, comprehend, conduct research, and formulate a opinion based upon research and life experiences one obtains through life.

Something tells me you don't really have many life experiences obtained through life related to education.
They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.

Such is the willfully ignorant right, purveyors of a new Dark Age.

Hahahaha, right we should totally keep funding the bogus disciplines robbing kids of their money in the tens of thousands. The disciplines that actually published a ton of hoax stories, including a chapter from mien kampf. The only reason these bogus disciplines exist is because the loans are guaranteed by government. No bank would ever consider loaning 80,000 dollars for a degree in women studies. The humanities are actually important, but they’ve been allowed and encouraged to become con programs, de-frauding 100s of thousands of kids. Yea let’s just keep funding these programs Clayton, great idea
They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.

You are, quite literally, making the case that you are an uncultured ignoramus.

If you call that fraudulent, pretentious intellectual diarrhea that is funded by the taxpayers "cultured", then you can go ahead and count me among the uncultured, unsophisticated deplorables thank you very much.
Regardless if one attended college or not the value of education is the ability to read, comprehend, conduct research, and formulate a opinion based upon research and life experiences one obtains through life.
Then Tell the Fatcats Who Mandate It to Send Their Fatkittens There Without Allowances

Because college is work without pay, the student lives like a child. Inevitably, he winds up with the mind of a child: narrow, shallow, conformist, and simplistic. Your smug and illogical fantasy about "education" is impossible as long as its indentured servitude attracts only teenagers who are afraid to grow up.
They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.

Such is the willfully ignorant right, purveyors of a new Dark Age.

Those fields that were targeted are a haven for unintelligent political activists that want to be seen as intellectuals. They have to survive off of grant money because they are too worthless to survive in the free market. They are infectious sponges.

Conservatives hate facts and the truth which conflict with failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

LOL at those fields that were targeted being about sticking to the facts. Conservatives respect STEM and profession based fields. .

We Will Make You Pay for Not Paying Us Upfront, Not C.O.D.

Your idols don't respect the STEM-talented unless those High IQs are willing to humiliate themselves by working without pay in college. It's no different from telling a job applicant, "If you're willing to work here four years for free, I'll give you a white-collar job at the end of it."

We create the products; we make the rules. If A students ever become Alpha Males, they will use their brains to bankrupt the economic bullies.
We should only focus on that. We owe business and society nothing, so quit messing with our minds. Revenge will be relentless and merciless.

You make us sick. You pretend to praise us, but you parasites only do that to sucker us into going through your college-sissyboy slavery. Any wimp who goes through that is so without self-respect that he willingly becomes a Cash Cow for Corporate Cowboys.

If you don't want proud STEM graduates to wake up and destroy your mind-raping supremacy, treat superior minds the way the rich treat superior baseball talent. Derek Jeter got $900,000 upfront to put himself through baseball's equivalent of college education. Over and above that signing bonus and his salary for 20 years, the Yankees profit was 200 times their initial investment.

Your smug survival is only continuing because HIgh IQs are purposely humiliated from childhood on to become gutless nerd weaklings. We must overthrow your kind; you parasites block our destiny.
They are publishing papers on complete and irrelevant nonsense. That section of academia has poisoned our educational system.

Such is the willfully ignorant right, purveyors of a new Dark Age.

Those fields that were targeted are a haven for unintelligent political activists that want to be seen as intellectuals. They have to survive off of grant money because they are too worthless to survive in the free market. They are infectious sponges.

Swallow Your Pride and You Will Choke Your Talent

College is work without pay. Both political sides really have to be retarded to believe that such brown-nosing slavishness should be rewarded. It irrationally restricts the talent pool and puts inferior people in superior positions.

No matter how much the ruling parasites force us to think college graduates deserve their jobs, a degree is nothing to be proud of.

Sounds like you’re jealous!
A college education does not always translate to job skills, but college helps train students how to think logically according to the subjects studied. Communication skills are developed there too, unless one studies only engineering or other tech fields. :)

"Jealous" Is the Unevolved's Favorite Slur

Worthless bootlickers always play the jealousy card to justify their gutless worship of economic bullies. If someone steals my money, am I "jealous" that he becomes richer than I am? We're smarter than you inferior brown-noses, so it's logical that you are the ones who are jealous of that and prattle that we must be jealous of the King Apes whom Low IQs look up to.
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In Conservatopia, the only things worth knowing are the things that can make you money.

Everything else is a waste of their precious little brain power.
"If you can't count it, it doesn't count." Thus their control of the testing industry.
In Conservatopia, the only things worth knowing are the things that can make you money.

Everything else is a waste of their precious little brain power.
"If you can't count it, it doesn't count." Thus their control of the testing industry.

More whining about standardized tests being unfair because they're not as subjective as the lefties would like them to be. The left wants to simply subjectively assign whatever scores they like to whoever they choose. Admit it, there's far more pseudointellectual BS in the humanities and social sciences than there is in STEM because they're less rigorous.
In Conservatopia, the only things worth knowing are the things that can make you money.

Everything else is a waste of their precious little brain power.
"If you can't count it, it doesn't count." Thus their control of the testing industry.

More whining about standardized tests being unfair because they're not as subjective as the lefties would like them to be. The left wants to simply subjectively assign whatever scores they like to whoever they choose. Admit it, there's far more pseudointellectual BS in the humanities and social sciences than there is in STEM because they're less rigorous.
Sacrifice Has No Merit; It Is Nothing but Gutless and Mindless Brown-Nosing

Before that, Liberal Arts had an equally Right Wing bias, so your gurus get no points even when your criticism of the other side's gurus has a point. Besides, content is less important than the fact that students have to waste even more time getting a degree because the rulers of the ideological duopoly like to see them suffer. They only hire the humiliated.

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