Zone1 A vote for Trump is a vote for...........

His battles are ours. Like Trump has said, "They aren't after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way..."

And even if a different GOP candidate wins in 2024, the left will still continue to come after us. Will that next President stand up for us?

Hook, Line and Sinker.
trump owns you, he doesn't own us, he owns YOU.
KKKult will cult.
He would come back to office with a lot of axes he fully expects every one of you to grind. Why do you want that? Are you a masochist or something?

Maybe you should have thought of that before. The left never seems to have the foresight to think about their actions. For example, Harry Reid's changing the Senate rules on filibuster. What did that get you, besides a conservative majority in the Supreme Court?

You folks will never learn, will you?
Stay on topic! Read the rules for this area - Clean Debate Zone - before replying. The topic isn't about Obama or Biden or anyone else other than Trump.
You are projecting. The side you are on is all about hate.

And nothing but hate.

Just look at how they were raised, by self-loathing, narcissistic leftist parents who slammed their little asses down in front of video games so they didn't have to pay a babysitter while they did their drugs and NEVER taught them the first thing about discipline, because discipline was harder than giving them whatever they wanted.

Parents who would have preferred to just abort them but for some reason didn't.

I knew a leftist who managed to get pregnant in order to trap her well-off boyfriend into marrying her, and then never wanted to have another thing to do with her offspring. Disgusting, and all their stories are like that.

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(no trolls)
(legitimate post)

A vote for Trump is a vote for............

*NO using the White House as a DRUG DEN
*NO syphoning of tax payers dollars to pump overseas into our ENEMIES money laundering schemes they run for the Democrats
*NO pedophiles sniffing and fondling little children
*NO selling off the USA to the Chinese
*NO more deals with the Chinese, unless its on OUR terms, not THEIRS
*NO more tax breaks for companies moving their businesses out of the USA for cheap labor
*NO more illegals (hopefully) slithering across our borders to destroy us
*NO more perks and benefits (and hopefully raises) for ALL politicians across the board
*FORCING "Sanctuary cities" to take care of the illegals ON THEIR OWN DIME, without ANY government help
*MAKING PEACE with other countries dangerous leaders, and keeping them in check, instead of inciting and coercing them into WAR
*GIVING POWER back to the people
*REBUILDING Amercan oil fields
*FORCING Big Pharma and Big Healthcare to cut costs on their own, without hiking up prices and lowering quality, or else
*Weening US companies OFF of Chinese made junk
*Arresting pedophiles, lunatic lefturds, loser Liberals, and destructive Democrats and putting them in Gitmo where they belong

View attachment 801453

What OTHER good things will Trump bring back, clean up, or get rid of all together, when re-elected?
Your post is a troll.
Vote for Trump

Presidential pardons for all those in jail because of their participation in the Capitol Riots. True Americans are those with criminal records or serving time for protesting
Vote for Trump

Presidential pardons for all those in jail because of their participation in the Capitol Riots. True Americans are those with criminal records or serving time for protesting
Hilarious insurrection fuckup
Considering Trump's Administration was the most corrupt band of thieves in history, and that everyone who has ever worked for Trump ended up scandalized or in prison, right up to the present day, you have to seriously wonder what special kind of batshit crazy grifting maniacs would go to work for him now.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a level of naked lawlessness such as has never been seen before.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a rolling dumpster fire on a wagon with the wheels falling off on a train wreck.
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