Zone1 A White Person Would Get Eaten Alive If They Had Made A Comment Like This

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
For those of you who don't want to go through the whole entire video (I honestly wouldn't blame you either.) the caller on this show (I forget where it's at though.) said that he wouldn't have a white person for a best friend because of trust issues. I apologize to all black people (like B. Tatum for one) who aren't racist like this, but now you see why you have the reputation that you do. (Except for B. Tatum who has known it for quite some time now.)

For those of you who don't want to go through the whole entire video (I honestly wouldn't blame you either.) the caller on this show (I forget where it's at though.) said that he wouldn't have a white person for a best friend because of trust issues. I apologize to all black people (like B. Tatum for one) who aren't racist like this, but now you see why you have the reputation that you do. (Except for B. Tatum who has known it for quite some time now.)

I can’t believe you keep watching this crap

You need a life
For those of you who don't want to go through the whole entire video (I honestly wouldn't blame you either.) the caller on this show (I forget where it's at though.) said that he wouldn't have a white person for a best friend because of trust issues. I apologize to all black people (like B. Tatum for one) who aren't racist like this, but now you see why you have the reputation that you do. (Except for B. Tatum who has known it for quite some time now.)

So what?
just admit you're a fucking racist & be done with it.

you know you want to.
Why do some whites pretend everything has been exactly the same for POC's and whites?

Why are there some whites who can't understand how some people of color can't trust whites? You guys swear by your IQ but can't see how 4 centuries of white racism might just create people who don't like or trust whites. There are white who can't trust POC's because of fiction created by whites about others, but POC's just have to take it and smile.

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