I have hit rock bottom due to my dating drought and actually decided to do something I never thought I would do

Do you like pie on your ass?

fbj is only an Uber call away. But he'll probably want you to pick up the tab on the Uber.

Back in february I told this 25 year I would send a Uber to her to come to my place, order us dinner, and we can relax and watch TV and do some online shopping, and then send her back in a uber she turned the offer down. U know she had to be HOT for me to offer to do all that
Dude, what if she has the killerest head game you ever imagined and then some?

At this point in my life, I'm not worried about looks all that much, it's about what kind of person they are and how they're going to treat

me. I've always gone out with older women, really. May have to start reevaluating that real soon. Maybe.

Ya gotta learn to appreciate what the good qualities are that women have.
well I still want u to be cute in the face not saying u have to be a model but why would I want to be around a ugly women.
well I still want u to be cute in the face not saying u have to be a model but why would I want to be around a ugly women.
I think you should lower your standards a tad and relax and have some fun.

When's the last time you grabbed a titty, dude?
I think you should lower your standards a tad and relax and have some fun.

When's the last time you grabbed a titty, dude?
I have lowered. 20 years ago I wanted only to date 8's and now I have decrease to 7's. 6's and lower will never be an option. 9's was always too much work
I have lowered. 20 years ago I wanted only to date 8's and now I have decrease to 7's. 6's and lower will never be an option. 9's was always too much work
What you need is a "Slump Buster". Take your ass to the bar and pick up the biggest thing in there and schlog the shit out of her!

Now, this is not really my advice and I've never followed it, but it IS a thing. It was told to me by a ball player.

And you treat that girl like she's a "10" and the best thing you've ever had for that night.

And after that it will start being all downhill from there for you.
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well I still want u to be cute in the face not saying u have to be a model but why would I want to be around a ugly women.
Don't worry. You only have a few years to wait, and you can just buy yourself an artificial dream, and you probably won't be able to tell it from the real thing!


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Back in february I told this 25 year I would send a Uber to her to come to my place, order us dinner, and we can relax and watch TV and do some online shopping, and then send her back in a uber she turned the offer down. U know she had to be HOT for me to offer to do all that

What a creep.

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