Have to speak candidly, I was assaulted by my wife and she was arrested. Advice please, even to those who disagree with me.

My wifes case is essentially over. With my help (I believe), her consequences are minimal. Now what do I do? I feel as alone as ever...
:icon_cry: Hang in there. This too shall pass.

Look up old friends/acquaintances. Traveling helps. The more exotic locale the better to break your present mindset. All the best.
:icon_cry: Hang in there. This too shall pass.

Look up old friends/acquaintances. Traveling helps. The more exotic locale the better to break your present mindset. All the best.
This is a stretch man. I don't believe in divorce either, I'm in a difficult spot. I've prayed to God many, MANY times. Even had dreams that might be a sign or just my own design. It's a tough place to be right now, spiritually and emotionally.
This is a stretch man. I don't believe in divorce either, I'm in a difficult spot. I've prayed to God many, MANY times. Even had dreams that might be a sign or just my own design. It's a tough place to be right now, spiritually and emotionally.
Many of us have been there Shocked one

and many could share stories here too

in the end, it'll be you who'll claw your way up outta the hole your in

trust me, it'll make you hard

that soft heart you have will still be there, just not on your sleeve.....

What about audio clips and the like? I really don't want her charged, but her reaction to my push was over the top, almost premeditated considering how hard she went at me.
If you do not want her charged then you are volunteering to be charged. File for divorce so you don't look guilty as hell.
If you do not want her charged then you are volunteering to be charged. File for divorce so you don't look guilty as hell.
I didn't want her to face stiff consequences, I didn't want her arrested. It's my wife. How many men want their wives charged?

For the record she WAS charged and took a plea of sorts. She now has to come to terms and be honest with her actions it could be worse. She knows what she has done.
I didn't want her to face stiff consequences, I didn't want her arrested. It's my wife. How many men want their wives charged?

For the record she WAS charged and took a plea of sorts. She now has to come to terms and be honest with her actions it could be worse. She knows what she has done.

I understand your desires concerning someone you once loved...you possibly still do love her.
But that in itself is a problem.
Proper boundaries....

Its like a love for Cindy Crawford. She doesn't care about you or know you...but some people become fanatically in love with her even though she doesn't know them or even desire to. Same thing here. Your wife doesn't love you or care about you.
Your giving of your love to a person who may know something about you but really doesn't love you is a serious mental health issue. One you need to address.

You love a woman who only wants to torment and abuse you. She wants nothing else....she might have wanted something else from you before....but she doesn't now.
My wifes case is essentially over. With my help (I believe), her consequences are minimal. Now what do I do? I feel as alone as ever...

Other than your being on my list of being a countryman who is a good neighbor, shockedcanadian, is be careful of your choices. Ask yourself if God's help would comfort you. And if you can say yes to that, pray for him to help you do the right thing. If not, and I don't mean to be crude, but do whatever is the right thing for yourself. You've been through a lot of trauma, and I hope your family members will hold you up as you learn to accept the dysfunctional family situation you suffered. I will pray for you, shockedcanadian, that your friends will circle the wagons and comfort you. If that's not right, you could renew good times by doing good deeds, activate charity to people who would likely turn to you for wisdom and strength, as for in so doing, God will bless you, keep you, comfort and protect you. If you need directions on what kind of charity is required of you and is found in the Old Testament Book of Micah, which answers the question of what charity is important in God's kingdom and he is specific in that source because God's word through Micah is very specific about caring for those who are widowed and/or orphaned. There is healing in healing the problems of others, as you well may know, so I hope you read scriptures a lot in this time of loss and suffering that you have endured.
I didn't want her to face stiff consequences, I didn't want her arrested. It's my wife. How many men want their wives charged?

For the record she WAS charged and took a plea of sorts. She now has to come to terms and be honest with her actions it could be worse. She knows what she has done.
Many a man has willingly reaped a bitter harvest, for a woman who never really gave a shit about them. Don't be one of them. Good luck...
Three sayings have stuck with me in times like these: not much, but it is all I have to offer.

1.) You are right where you are supposed to be.
2.) God never gives you more than you can handle.
3.) What does not kill you will make you stronger.

Most men can beat the crap out of most women

But if they fight back its 99% sure the man will go to jail

And women know that

Courts make Bezos give 100s' of Billions to his EX. They get you at the argument, then at the end during the paperwork cleanup.
If there is a chance of her returning to the home, buy and install some hidden cameras for any future aggression. There are plenty of options for keeping them concealed. You'll spend $1,000 but it may more than pay off in the end. Good luck.
They don't have to be expensive and they don't need to give you 1040HD clarity. They just need to be able to identify you, her, and the assault.

If there is a chance of her returning to the home, buy and install some hidden cameras for any future aggression. There are plenty of options for keeping them concealed. You'll spend $1,000 but it may more than pay off in the end. Good luck.
My problem is my extreme sense of loyalty to people. I am a unicirn in this regard and it's hurt me more than it's helped me. I suppose that is why I once wanted to join the military where such qualities save lives. In civilian life such sentiments seem to be explloited by others.
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My problem is my extreme sense of loyalty to people. I am a unicirn in this regard and it's hurt me more than it's helped me. I suppose that is why Inonce wanted to join the military where such qualities save lives. In civilian life such sentiments seem to be explloited by others.
That doesn't preclude you from being prepared and protecting your interests.
Any legal scholars here?

Trying to start the mediation with my wife, under duress and complete distrust of the police and the courts who support them, often for disreputable reasons and wouldn't you know it they create add an addendum, similar to the hospital who provided me the wrong MRI results; that protects them and the Ontario Attorney Generals office from a lawsuit from me.

Seems quite an odd form to require to sign to move forward with a simple "mediation", no?

Both my wife and the Crown essentially left me no choice but to try and conduct mediation through the courts. She controlled the process and of course, instead of an independent mediator she chose a government body.

Don't ever forget the 10000 reasons I have advised you to avoid Canada, especially Ontario. Ontario may be the jurisdiction in the West that most emulates the old Soviet system.
Any legal scholars here?

Trying to start the mediation with my wife, under duress and complete distrust of the police and the courts who support them, often for disreputable reasons and wouldn't you know it they create add an addendum, similar to the hospital who provided me the wrong MRI results; that protects them and the Ontario Attorney Generals office from a lawsuit from me.

Seems quite an odd form to require to sign to move forward with a simple "mediation", no?

Both my wife and the Crown essentially left me no choice but to try and conduct mediation through the courts. She controlled the process and of course, instead of an independent mediator she chose a government body.

Don't ever forget the 10000 reasons I have advised you to avoid Canada, especially Ontario. Ontario may be the jurisdiction in the West that most emulates the old Soviet system.
Seems your only choice is to go live in the wilderness and eat nuts and berries. I suggest you review the Grizzly Adams movie before you go for pointers on how to survive.

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