A woman faces a murder charge in Texas over an alleged self-induced abortion

‘A 26-year-old woman has been charged with murder in Texas after authorities said she caused "the death of an individual by self-induced abortion," in a state that has the most restrictive abortion laws in the U.S.
In Rio Grande City on Saturday the abortion rights group Frontera Fund called for Herrera's release.

"We don't yet know all the details surrounding this tragic event," said Rockie Gonzales, founder and board chair of of the organization.

"What we do know is that criminalizing pregnant people's choices or pregnancy outcomes, which the state of Texas has done, takes away people's autonomy over their own bodies, and leaves them with no safe options when they choose not to become a parent," Gonzalez said.

Nancy Cárdenas Peña, Texas State Director for Policy and Advocacy for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, said in a statement that abortion should be available on the woman's own terms where she feels most comfortable.

"Allowing criminal law to be used against people who have ended their own pregnancies serves no reasonable state purpose, but may cause great harm to young people, people with lower incomes, and communities of color, who are most likely to encounter or be reported to law enforcement," Peña said.’


It is neither the role nor responsibility of the state to interfere with citizens’ decisions concerning their private lives.
Murder: the intentional act of taking an innocent human lfe
I'm against abortion but throwing her in jail just isn't the answer to this. How about she gets a procedure so she cannot conceive anymore or something like that? My granddaughter, now age 27, engaged, with a college degree and good job, has decided she doesn't want kids. She and her fiance have both decided this. She has gotten a procedure ensure she cannot conceive. Just saying.
We need to educate people on how difficult it is to raise kids. Then perhaps they will take precautions not to have them. Then abortion goes away. There is nothing wrong with young couples not having kids if that's what they choose.
Oh the hypocrisy. Freedom for me and not for thee.
The law bans abortions as early as six weeks after conception and allows Texans to sue anyone who aids, abets or performs an abortion past that mark.

I don't particularly like murders of any of the living little guys. But if the woman wants to earn her Democrat coup-d'-murder, she can get pregnant and get rid of the problem before 6 weeks at this writing and stay within the state law, not the moral law in which many of us believe the passage, "suffer ye the little children" includes the preborn human being whose life began at conception and has been alive for six weeks in which many stages of human development have already occurred.
Bearing a child is not analogous to other situations. Imposing a decision on the woman is unjustifiable.
She didn't want an abortion, did she?

If a mother doesn't decide on abortion, it's a double homicide.
Doesn't matter if you're going to charge a person for murdering an unborn child "want" does not negate that both are unborn babies. With the left it's a hypocrisy they can't get around.
OK so now I am reminded of several hundred abortion threads where opponents swore up and down that there was no intention to jail women who got an abortion. Next, women who have miscarriages getting thrown in the slammer. Won't that be fun?
The law bans abortions as early as six weeks after conception and allows Texans to sue anyone who aids, abets or performs an abortion past that mark.

I don't particularly like murders of any of the living little guys. But if the woman wants to earn her Democrat coup-d'-murder, she can get pregnant and get rid of the problem before 6 weeks at this writing and stay within the state law, not the moral law in which many of us believe the passage, "suffer ye the little children" includes the preborn human being whose life began at conception and has been alive for six weeks in which many stages of human development have already occurred.
Hogwash. Nutcases!
Had someone educated her about contraception and why it's so great and inexpensive all these cases go away. The key is for alot less women getting pregnant in the first place.
We need to educate people on how difficult it is to raise kids. Then perhaps they will take precautions not to have them. Then abortion goes away. There is nothing wrong with young couples not having kids if that's what they choose.

I would guess that very few people know how difficult it is to raise kids before they have them. You don't even know what kid you're in for. People choose to do it as an act of love and hope. It is sacrificially difficult. You will sacrifice so much in time, effort, money, angst, tears and sweat. But like all the best things in life, the difficulty makes the joys that much sweeter.

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