A woman faces a murder charge in Texas over an alleged self-induced abortion

Had someone educated her about contraception and why it's so great and inexpensive all these cases go away. The key is for alot less women getting pregnant in the first place.

You can even buy Plan B in any drug store. Probably get it free at Planned Parenthood.

There really is no reason.
I agree Sue but a number of people think that if a young married couple makes the choice not to have kids that is somehow not a good thing. I believe differently. It's nobody's job or duty to have kids for the "good of the nation". That's garbage. Have kids if you want them. If not don't and we will applaud that decision.
In Texas, preborn Texans are human beings. The woman killed a human being. We're sorry for her failure to seek counselling and considering putting up the infant for adoption. A lot of people want a baby but cannot have one since nature does not bless every couple with a greatly wanted baby to raise together.

And in Texas if she had just paid a doctor to do it for her she would have faced no charges at all.

Makes total fucking sense.
I agree Sue but a number of people think that if a young married couple makes the choice not to have kids that is somehow not a good thing. I believe differently. It's nobody's job or duty to have kids for the "good of the nation". That's garbage. Have kids if you want them. If not don't and we will applaud that decision.

I agree with this. I have a friend who is in her early 40s who decided early on she never wanted children. The questions and nagging she says she gets from people is unreal. It's none of their business.
I'm against abortion but throwing her in jail just isn't the answer to this. How about she gets a procedure so she cannot conceive anymore or something like that? My granddaughter, now age 27, engaged, with a college degree and good job, has decided she doesn't want kids. She and her fiance have both decided this. She has gotten a procedure ensure she cannot conceive. Just saying.
Other crimes than murder put people in jail. And our state has a special place for incarcerated women far from male incarceration units.

Your granddaughter is well into her adult years and doesn't want children now, so she gets spayed. Next year, when her fiance decides he can't live without having childrne, he dumps her, and there she is, having to explain to the next #1 guy she can't have his children at which time he skates. And if he doesn't, 30 years later, he confesses he wishes he could have his own blood child. People can regret theirs or someone else's decision later on. And it drives some people up a wall. IOW, experimentalism may not end well.
She didn't want an abortion, did she?

If a mother doesn't decide on abortion, it's a double homicide. Its a mother's choice.
Are women CHILDREN who are not responsible for anything they do?

Maybe they shouldn't be allowed to vote, sign contracts, or drive if they're not responsible for their choices
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The linked article doesn't give much detail. I'm wondering if the woman, trying to "induce an abortion" actually gave birth to a baby the she killed or let die. Details.....details. Anyway, I'm waiting on the rest of the story.
The linked article doesn't give much detail. I'm wondering if the woman, trying to "induce an abortion" actually gave birth to a baby the she killed or let die. Details.....details. Anyway, I'm waiting on the rest of the story.
Details? Facts? From leftist huffpo? :auiqs.jpg:
Hogwash. Nutcases!
Nope. I used to not care about the issue of abortion and said so in front of a very wise Philosophy Professor, so there I was in the middle of the debate nobody won. As time went by, I stopped viewing right-to-life people as those who had green hair under their arms. I spent two or three months reading their case and the same amount of time reading the women's control-freak case. It took me 2 years to realize that a zygote has DNA like no other, and I learned that life has stages eveyone goes through from conception to burial. Being a 2-cell zygote when conception occurs, things beyond my understanding take place, but the DNA is the same in every cell of that person's growth characteristics. From 2 cells to a bazillion cells, that entity is a human being in one stage of growth or another. Science has a better map than my knowledge, but when you're dealing with a zygote, the human being is at its initial stage of human life. The truth is, abortion was born of irresponsibility on the part of one or both parents. It results in the death of a human life that should have been mercifully spared by people who say they will uphold the Constitution but ignore the fact that every American human being has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, with the emphasis on life.

Human life is not hogwash, and those who defend human life are not nutcases, Penelope. You can fight science until you're blue in the face, but you merely are the one who hasn't faced up to reality, and the finger you're pointing at reasonably scientific truth has three fingers in your wagging fist pointed straight back at nobody but you.

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