A Woman For All Seasons


Sep 23, 2010
Natalie Grant Wraga’s writings are not in book form like the garbage books Hillary Clinton and Obama write for millions of dollars. If you can get Wraga’s work through your local library her papers should be approached as a book with a plot more intriguing than a spy novel.

Natalie Grant Wraga papers, 1919-2004.​

CORRECTION: A little research confirmed that Wraga was born in 1901 and died in 2002.

Author: Natalie Grant Wraga; Wraga Ryszard; United States. Department of State.
Edition/Format: Archival material : English
Database: WorldCat
Summary: Writings, notes, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to the Soviet government, foreign policy, espionage and clandestine activities, and especially the use of disinformation as a tactic. Includes photocopies of United States Department of State dispatches relating to Soviet activities during the 1920s and 1930s. Includes a typescript book-length-study entitled "Window on Russia." Also includes some papers of Ryszard Wraga, Sovietologist and husband of Natalie Wraga.​

Natalie Grant Wraga papers, 1919-2004. (Archival material, 1919) [WorldCat.org]

Mrs Wraga was smiling down from heaven on the day President Trump renounced the Paris Climate Change Accord. I would like to see him go further by tying Wraga’s understanding of Communism to Special Council Mueller’s so-called investigations. Here is a small taste of the things Trump can use to show exactly what the Democrats are up to:

“One must give the Soviets their due. No other country is capable as are the Soviets of manipulating public opinion in the West.”—Natalie Grant Wraga

Few intelligent people understood the global environmental communist agenda twenty years ago but Natalie Grant Wraga did. The majority did not pay careful attention and the MSM presented the environmental agenda of Cultural Marxism in a very positive light that seemed logical.

Not only the MSM but tax dollar movies and television.

Wes Vernon mentioned in his article that Natalie Grant Wraga died in 2002 at the age of 101 and “was an internationally-recognized expert on the art of disinformation.” In her obituary in the Washington Post, “Herbert Romerstein, veteran intelligence expert in the legislative and executive branches of government, described Grant/Wraga as ‘one of our leading authorities’ on Soviet deceit.”​

I would call it Democrat deceit mastered by the likes of Nancy Pelosi:

In a speech entitled “From Swords to Plowshares, delivered in the House of Representatives on June 4, 1992, Pelosi cheered the arrival of Gorbachev to the Presidio as a tenant.​

“The National Park Service is actively seeking ideas for programs and tenants at this spectacular site. Last month, former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev visited the Presidio to propose that the Gorbachev Foundation/use be located at the Presidio when the army leaves. In his words, “it is wonderful and symbolic that a military base is being converted for use by the people’.

“As the cold war ends,” Pelosi continued, “it is, indeed, fitting that this army garrison—one of the oldest in the United States—will be transformed to a monument to peace, environmental preservation and recreation as a global park.”​

Pelosi whinnies from the pastures
Judi McLeod
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pelosi whinnies from the pastures

NOTE: Democrats made Pelosi speaker of the house, and will do it again so long as she is in Congress:

Natalie Grant Wraga published her article, “Green Cross: Gorbachev and Global Enviro-Communism,” in the spring of 1998 at the age of 97. Very involved, alert, and out-spoken,​

Why are billionaires, media, academia, environmental movement promoting the enslavement of their citizens who must decarbonize?
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
June 19, 2017

Why are billionaires, media, academia, environmental movement promoting the enslavement of their cit

Finally, the public can learn a lot about Putin from Mrs. Wraga as well as learn where Special Counsel Mueller’s loyalties lie in his investigation into Russia’s election rigging. Speaking for myself, I would not give Mueller a washroom attendant’s job for one reason: THE MSM LOVES HIM.

... dat's what Uncle Ferd lookin' fer...

... a woman fer all seasons.
These people, who were soft on the Soviet Union and now hard on Russia, are the worst kind of hypocrites. Their hypocrisy is further demonstrated by the abundant evidence that the global warming or climate change theory, which they now embrace, was conceived by Soviet communists as a means by which to destroy the industrial base in the United States. This disinformation theme has been embraced by the liberals now claiming to be tough on Russia.

Don’t take my word for it. When Natalie Grant Wraga died in 2002 at the age of 101, The Washington Post recognized her expertise as a Soviet expert, noting that she was “born in czarist Russia, saw great upheaval in her native land and became an expert in unmasking Soviet deception methods for the State Department…”

Why the Russians Conceived the Global Warming Scam
By Cliff Kincaid
June 20, 2017

Why the Russians Conceived the Global Warming Scam

One slight difference with the above highlighted text:

Communism and the UN were always one and the same, but Communists flocked to the United Nations after the Soviet Union imploded because of the environmental movement. It is fair to say that the United Nations is the environmental movement.​

Ruling Classes Collectively


The environmental movement is a scam designed to give the United Nations the deed to the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere because no nation owns them. The UN increased its claim of ownership to include trees, fresh water, and animals. Making ownership stick through treaties and non-existent “International law” is the environmental movement in a nutshell. No other scam has done more to establish a global government administered by the UN than did the manmade global warming hoax. Giving the UN taxing authority over the American people is the only thing a one government world lacks.​

President Trump Can Move Into The Top Five
the global warming or climate change theory, which they now embrace, was conceived by Soviet communists as a means by which to destroy the industrial base in the United States.

Wait, Trump said it was the Chinese! You're calling DearLeaderTrump a liar. I'm going to report you to Trump's brownshirts. They know how to take care of a ChiCom symp like you.
Thankfully, in 2017, most Americans think global warming is ghey. Progressives still sporting some huge-ass bumpy cucumbers doled out by President Trump last month. For many decades the mantra from the far left has been: control the energy......control the people. Its fundamental in their playbook
Democrats made Pelosi speaker of the house, and will do it again so long as she is in Congress:
Happy face she ain’t:


Tying Jon Ossoff to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi provided the fuel conservative political action committees needed to build enough interest in voters to keep Georgia's 6th Congressional District in Republican hands. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Republicans turned to Nancy Pelosi to win in Georgia
by David M. Drucker | Jun 20, 2017, 10:20 PM

Republicans turned to Nancy Pelosi to win in Georgia

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