A World Without Capitalism and Tradable Shares?

Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.

That's the problem with you people... you have to make up what other people support. I didn't support the tariffs. I didn't support the bailouts. I didn't support the over spending.

I have been entirely consistent.

Do tell... which of the alternatives want to reduce government, reduce regulations, have a more free market, with lower taxes, and lower government spending, and reducing government programs?

If you can't answer that, then stop complaining like a whiny child, when other options are better than yours.
So you didn't support his policy, but you supported him? That makes a lot of sense. haha

Sure. Yes it does make a lot of sense. Your lack of understanding is the only thing that doesn't make sense.

Say you have two options for employment, and you are going to work for one of them no matter what. One employer say he's going to pay you very little, expect hard work, and a full 8 hour day. The other employer says he's going to have you in a sewer for 10 hours a day, no help, no equipment, and bring your own flash light and batteries, and if you get paid, consider yourself lucky.

Which employer do you work for? The first one. Does that mean you support being paid little, and working hard for a full 8 hours? No. But it is still better than the other option.

I had to choose between Trump, and the left-wing Democrats with Biden. Basically it was either someone who will cut taxes, cut regulations, support 1st Amendment, and 2nd Amendment rights, and religious freedom.... but he over spends, and had that goofy stupid trade war.

Or.... I could support someone who openly wants to end freedom of speech, wants to destroy the 2nd amendment, wants to jack up taxes, increase regulations, destroy jobs any chance he gets, have ridiculous Covid mandates, and destroy every good aspect of the country, while catering to open terrorists.

Gee.... man.... I don't know.... let me think about it.... TRUMP! Trump was the better option, even with his flaws, by an extremely wide margin. He is better than you, better than Democrats, and better than anyone on the left-wing. No question about it.
So you make up a bunch of shit. Obama was way better than trump, but I'm sure you made up that same shit about him. Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits. How long are you gonna be fooled? The republican policy of cutting taxes and increasing military spending is the worst policy for debt. Nobody cares about debt when taxes are being cut. You are a moron.

Name one thing that was made up?

I can back each and every single one of those claims. As for Obama, nah he was terrible.

Obama had the worst recovery in US history. The economy recovered only in spite of Obama, not because of him. By his own standards, Obama failed. You can read the documents put out by Obama's own team of economist, which showed that without any stimulus, and no government spending, the economy would recover with a top unemployment of around 8%.

Instead we spent trillions on trillions, and ended up with over 10% unemployment. That's a failure. Not by my standard, but by Obama's own standard, it's a failure.

Further, Obama used the IRS to attack political opponents. Something that the orange man you claimed was a dictator, never did. That makes YOU a hypocrite.

Biden has already done more damage to the economy with the cancellation of the Keystone XL, than Trump did with the trade war.

Everything I predicted about a Biden victory, has actually played out already, and he's only been in office for days. Everything has proven all of my concerns about the sub-human trash that all left-wingers are, has been justified already. I have no doubt you will continue to prove everything I predicted, to be correct into the future from here :)
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

I agree, I was totally against Trump's over spending.

The problem is, you just make up crap to justify what your guy did. Obama's over spending didn't help the economy at all. No evidence at all, that him giving billions to political supporters, somehow helped the economy.

The most obvious examples were the massive amount of money he gave to Train Unions, and to Green energy companies like Solyndra. Then you want to pretend his dumb political kick backs.... some how saved the economy? No, you are mindless lemming, too dumb to think for yourself.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.

That's the problem with you people... you have to make up what other people support. I didn't support the tariffs. I didn't support the bailouts. I didn't support the over spending.

I have been entirely consistent.

Do tell... which of the alternatives want to reduce government, reduce regulations, have a more free market, with lower taxes, and lower government spending, and reducing government programs?

If you can't answer that, then stop complaining like a whiny child, when other options are better than yours.
So you didn't support his policy, but you supported him? That makes a lot of sense. haha

Sure. Yes it does make a lot of sense. Your lack of understanding is the only thing that doesn't make sense.

Say you have two options for employment, and you are going to work for one of them no matter what. One employer say he's going to pay you very little, expect hard work, and a full 8 hour day. The other employer says he's going to have you in a sewer for 10 hours a day, no help, no equipment, and bring your own flash light and batteries, and if you get paid, consider yourself lucky.

Which employer do you work for? The first one. Does that mean you support being paid little, and working hard for a full 8 hours? No. But it is still better than the other option.

I had to choose between Trump, and the left-wing Democrats with Biden. Basically it was either someone who will cut taxes, cut regulations, support 1st Amendment, and 2nd Amendment rights, and religious freedom.... but he over spends, and had that goofy stupid trade war.

Or.... I could support someone who openly wants to end freedom of speech, wants to destroy the 2nd amendment, wants to jack up taxes, increase regulations, destroy jobs any chance he gets, have ridiculous Covid mandates, and destroy every good aspect of the country, while catering to open terrorists.

Gee.... man.... I don't know.... let me think about it.... TRUMP! Trump was the better option, even with his flaws, by an extremely wide margin. He is better than you, better than Democrats, and better than anyone on the left-wing. No question about it.
So you make up a bunch of shit. Obama was way better than trump, but I'm sure you made up that same shit about him. Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits. How long are you gonna be fooled? The republican policy of cutting taxes and increasing military spending is the worst policy for debt. Nobody cares about debt when taxes are being cut. You are a moron.

Name one thing that was made up?

I can back each and every single one of those claims. As for Obama, nah he was terrible.

Obama had the worst recovery in US history. The economy recovered only in spite of Obama, not because of him. By his own standards, Obama failed. You can read the documents put out by Obama's own team of economist, which showed that without any stimulus, and no government spending, the economy would recover with a top unemployment of around 8%.

Instead we spent trillions on trillions, and ended up with over 10% unemployment. That's a failure. Not by my standard, but by Obama's own standard, it's a failure.

Further, Obama used the IRS to attack political opponents. Something that the orange man you claimed was a dictator, never did. That makes YOU a hypocrite.

Biden has already done more damage to the economy with the cancellation of the Keystone XL, than Trump did with the trade war.

Everything I predicted about a Biden victory, has actually played out already, and he's only been in office for days. Everything has proven all of my concerns about the sub-human trash that all left-wingers are, has been justified already. I have no doubt you will continue to prove everything I predicted, to be correct into the future from here :)
Oh that's funny. Obama inherits the mess Bush created and you blame Obama. Obama fixed the mess. Was his recovery slow? I didn't see any speed gains with Trump. Remember when trump made fun of Obama for not hitting 3%? Well now trump didn't either. And that was with increasing deficits every single year. Trump is the bailout king!! He even created a need for the big farmer bailout with his tariffs. Complete failure. Now we can only hope Biden can clean up the disaster trump created.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

I agree, I was totally against Trump's over spending.

The problem is, you just make up crap to justify what your guy did. Obama's over spending didn't help the economy at all. No evidence at all, that him giving billions to political supporters, somehow helped the economy.

The most obvious examples were the massive amount of money he gave to Train Unions, and to Green energy companies like Solyndra. Then you want to pretend his dumb political kick backs.... some how saved the economy? No, you are mindless lemming, too dumb to think for yourself.
I'm not claiming Obama was good, but he sure was better than Trump. Trump ran up a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy. Obama deficits declined as he fixed the Bush mess. Trump created his own mess.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.


In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
He wasn't president in 2017. Moron.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
So you care about the little uptick in deficit from 15-16, but you don't care about the huge upticks for every trump year? That is too funny. You are a joke toddster.
Only trumpers would think it's better to increase deficits from $600 billion to over $3 trillion, than to decrease deficits from $1.6 trillion to $600 billion. No wonder you moron believe in lizard people.
Course these are the same moron who will argue all day that Clinton didn't balance the budget, but they are cool with trump increasing deficits from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. haha
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
He wasn't president in 2017. Moron.

Obama wasn't responsible for the 2017 FY budget? Ok.

It grew from 2015-2016. You lied.
RIP republican party, all you have left are fantasyland morons... I hope Reagan can't see this.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
He wasn't president in 2017. Moron.

Obama wasn't responsible for the 2017 FY budget? Ok.

It grew from 2015-2016. You lied.
Do you really want to count 2021 for Trump? REALLY?
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
So you care about the little uptick in deficit from 15-16, but you don't care about the huge upticks for every trump year? That is too funny. You are a joke toddster.

So you care about the little uptick in deficit from 15-16,

Only because you lied. Liar.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
So you care about the little uptick in deficit from 15-16, but you don't care about the huge upticks for every trump year? That is too funny. You are a joke toddster.

So you care about the little uptick in deficit from 15-16,

Only because you lied. Liar.
hahaha you are a moron. You care about tiny little things, but then trump drastically increases deficits and you are cool. Loser.
Course these are the same moron who will argue all day that Clinton didn't balance the budget, but they are cool with trump increasing deficits from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. haha

Yeah, Clinton was a real budget hawk......DURR
Compared to TRUMP? BUSH? I love how deficits decrease under dems and increase under repubs and you morons pretend to care about deficits.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
He wasn't president in 2017. Moron.

Obama wasn't responsible for the 2017 FY budget? Ok.

It grew from 2015-2016. You lied.
Do you really want to count 2021 for Trump? REALLY?

He wasn't president in 2021. Moron.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
So you care about the little uptick in deficit from 15-16, but you don't care about the huge upticks for every trump year? That is too funny. You are a joke toddster.

So you care about the little uptick in deficit from 15-16,

Only because you lied. Liar.
hahaha you are a moron. You care about tiny little things, but then trump drastically increases deficits and you are cool. Loser.

You care about tiny little things

Your lies were tiny? LOL!

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