A World Without Capitalism and Tradable Shares?

Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
Trump had nothing to do with the Foxconn deal in WI, NAZI. Democrat Unions have always been big supporters of tariffs. Your whining about on little issue is utterly hypocritical when you look at all the meddling Dims do in the economy that you support.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
Al the people who oppose him are Marxist lizards, NAZI.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
Trump had nothing to do with the Foxconn deal in WI, NAZI. Democrat Unions have always been big supporters of tariffs. Your whining about on little issue is utterly hypocritical when you look at all the meddling Dims do in the economy that you support.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
Al the people who oppose him are Marxist lizards, NAZI.

Yep. You really are that crazy.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
Trump had nothing to do with the Foxconn deal in WI, NAZI. Democrat Unions have always been big supporters of tariffs. Your whining about on little issue is utterly hypocritical when you look at all the meddling Dims do in the economy that you support.
What meddling do I support? I’m not aware of any. You clearly support all of trumps crony socialist meddling.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
Al the people who oppose him are Marxist lizards, NAZI.
A must read for you.

It may seem to be a nuance, but there is a fundamental difference. A pro-business policy favors existing companies at the expense of future generations. A pro-market policy favors conditions that allow all businesses to thrive without any favoritism. A pro-business policy defends domestic enterprises with favorable rates and treatment. A pro-market policy opens the domestic market to international competition because doing so would not only benefit consumers, but would also benefit the companies themselves in the long term, which will have to learn to be competitive on the market, rather than prosper thanks to protection and state aid. A pro-business policy turns a blind eye (often two) when companies pollute, evade, and defraud consumers. A pro-market policy seeks to reduce the tax and regulatory burden, but ensures that laws are applied equally to all.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
The lesser evil drastically increased deficits? Sounds like the worse to me. Throw in his socialist tariffs and strong support for corporate welfare, and you clearly supported the worse choice. It’s sad we are choosing between bad choices, but don’t lie to yourself and think you picked the better.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
The lesser evil drastically increased deficits? Sounds like the worse to me. Throw in his socialist tariffs and strong support for corporate welfare, and you clearly supported the worse choice. It’s sad we are choosing between bad choices, but don’t lie to yourself and think you picked the better.
Biden wants to spend another $3 trillion, moron.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
The lesser evil drastically increased deficits? Sounds like the worse to me. Throw in his socialist tariffs and strong support for corporate welfare, and you clearly supported the worse choice. It’s sad we are choosing between bad choices, but don’t lie to yourself and think you picked the better.
Biden wants to spend another $3 trillion, moron.
Biden inherited another republican mess. Trump inherited a strong economy and increased deficits every year. Your $3 trillion is inflated. But it does seem to be expensive to fix everything republicans F up. Obama left a $600 bil deficit. Bad, but Trump left a $3 trillion. Worse.
It worked in the Soviet Union, eh comrade?
Socialism worked well enough in the Soviet Union to win WWII and put the first human being into space.

Are you disappointed?


Yeah, and the Egyptians built pyramids....BOTH using SLAVE labor and forced servitude.

Western countries slapped the shit out of Russia with FREEDOM.

Sick, sadistic moles like yourself love to see human suffering....yours is overdue
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
The lesser evil drastically increased deficits? Sounds like the worse to me. Throw in his socialist tariffs and strong support for corporate welfare, and you clearly supported the worse choice. It’s sad we are choosing between bad choices, but don’t lie to yourself and think you picked the better.
We'll agree on Trump's failings and disagree on the alternative being better.

How's that?
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
The lesser evil drastically increased deficits? Sounds like the worse to me. Throw in his socialist tariffs and strong support for corporate welfare, and you clearly supported the worse choice. It’s sad we are choosing between bad choices, but don’t lie to yourself and think you picked the better.
Biden wants to spend another $3 trillion, moron.
Biden inherited another republican mess. Trump inherited a strong economy and increased deficits every year. Your $3 trillion is inflated. But it does seem to be expensive to fix everything republicans F up. Obama left a $600 bil deficit. Bad, but Trump left a $3 trillion. Worse.
Only the brainwashed minions of the Democrat Reich claim Trump was responsible for the COVID shutdown. I say "claim" rather than "believe" because even they don't believe it..
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
The lesser evil drastically increased deficits? Sounds like the worse to me. Throw in his socialist tariffs and strong support for corporate welfare, and you clearly supported the worse choice. It’s sad we are choosing between bad choices, but don’t lie to yourself and think you picked the better.
We'll agree on Trump's failings and disagree on the alternative being better.

How's that?
Sure. Would be nice to argue about who’s better rather than who’s worse eh? Maybe someday.
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Some would argue the purpose of capitalism is monopoly:

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Then, toward the end of the 19th century, as the first networked mega-companies—including Edison, General Electric, and Bell—were formed, the genie released by marketable shares went a step further.

"Because neither banks nor investors had enough money to plough into the networked mega-firms, the mega-bank emerged in the form of a global cartel of banks and shadowy funds, each with its own shareholders

"Unprecedented new debt was thus created to transfer value to the present, in the hope of profiting sufficiently to repay the future.

"Mega-finance, mega-equity, mega-pension funds, and mega-financial crises were the logical outcome.

"The crashes of 1929 and 2008, the unstoppable rise of Big Tech, and all the other ingredients of today’s discontent with capitalism, became inescapable."
Nobody who understands capitalism would argue that. We get monopoly because it's too easy to buy our politicians. We need campaign finance reform. None of this is the fault of capitalism.
Thanks for admitting you don't understand capitalism.
Oh you think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly then eh? Moron. If you understood capitalism you wouldn't have supported trump and his moronic tariffs.
No, I don't think the purpose of capitalism is monopoly, moron. What did I just say?

Do you believe Dims are all good capitalists?
You seemed to be disagreeing with me. But since you are so stupid you probably have no clue. Tell how tariffs are good capitalism. haha

There are few good capitalists in this country. Your righties just bow to the rich and kiss their feet. The left have too many who think socialism might just be good. That said I'd take Obama over Rump any day so I guess they are a bit better.
Tariffs are not good capitalism. However, that's only one issue. The Green New Deal is an all out assault on capitalism. A capitalist will always go with the former rather than the later. Nothing in Biden's platform is capitalism. He's a fascist to the bone.
Ah well you admit its not good capitalism. Amazing, I thought you were completely dishonest. I haven't seen the green new deal happening. We got stuck with the shitty tariffs and they hurt our manufacturing and farming. Lead to a nice big farmer bailout. Are big bailouts good capitalism?
Biden has only been in office for a week, numskull. He has already destroyed 75,000 jobs.
Are big bailouts good capitalism or is that another trump fail?

75,000 now is it? Wow the number keeps growing, you have some imagination.
We abandoned free market capitalism at least 80 years ago, so why are you getting anal about it now?
Our situation continues to worsen . Inequality grows, more near monopolies, wage collusion.... meanwhile we can’t hit 3% gdp growth because of it. Much needs fixing. I prefer fixing our capitalism to socialism.
So the more socialism grows in this country, the worse it becomes. Doesn't that give you a clue, NAZI?
It's cronyism that is growing faster. You morons who worship the wealthy and let them have all these monopolies are more the problem than any socialism. Of course it doesn't help you claim to be capitalists and then support trump and his socialist tariffs and bailouts. People don't even know what good capitalism is anymore. Repubs sure have no clue.
Crony capitalism is a form of socialism, moron. Democrats are the ones who support it. Democrats are the ones who defend companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Democrats are the ones who give huge government loans to solar energy companies.

"Good capitalism" is the kind where Democrats haven't been allowed to meddle.
Trump was a strong supporter of the crony Foxconn deal in WI. You are really confused.

His tariffs are a huge socialist scam.

The Corp tax cuts just went right into the richest pockets. Trump is a socialist crony.
No, no, no.... Mad King Donald is God! And all who oppose him are marxists lizards.
At least you are consistent. I will give you that.

Trump was nothing more than a lesser evil alternative. He was about as much as I could stomach to keep the Marxist horde from overrunning the FedGov, but now that is a certainty.

The criminal establishment keeps real patriots from coming anywhere near the FedGov. Take Austin Petersen, for example. That guy would be a libertarian wet dream, but the establishment will NEVER support him because he want to suppress their power structure.
The lesser evil drastically increased deficits? Sounds like the worse to me. Throw in his socialist tariffs and strong support for corporate welfare, and you clearly supported the worse choice. It’s sad we are choosing between bad choices, but don’t lie to yourself and think you picked the better.
Biden wants to spend another $3 trillion, moron.
Biden inherited another republican mess. Trump inherited a strong economy and increased deficits every year. Your $3 trillion is inflated. But it does seem to be expensive to fix everything republicans F up. Obama left a $600 bil deficit. Bad, but Trump left a $3 trillion. Worse.
Only the brainwashed minions of the Democrat Reich claim Trump was responsible for the COVID shutdown. I say "claim" rather than "believe" because even they don't believe it..
Trump made the rules for the shutdown. They were on the Whitehouse website...

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