A World Without Capitalism and Tradable Shares?

Course these are the same moron who will argue all day that Clinton didn't balance the budget, but they are cool with trump increasing deficits from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. haha

Yeah, Clinton was a real budget hawk......DURR
Compared to TRUMP? BUSH? I love how deficits decrease under dems and increase under repubs and you morons pretend to care about deficits.

Yeah, Newt was always trying to increase spending and there was Clinton, bravely resisting. DURR
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.

2-3% gdp growth.

View attachment 451742

In 2016 real GDP was +1.7%

Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started.

That wasn't your claim.

and shrinking deficits.

Try again?
$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits. Trump went from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. That's increasing deficits.

$1.6 trillion to $600 billion is shrinking deficits.

2015-2016-2017, they were growing deficits.
He wasn't president in 2017. Moron.

Obama wasn't responsible for the 2017 FY budget? Ok.

It grew from 2015-2016. You lied.
Do you really want to count 2021 for Trump? REALLY?

He wasn't president in 2021. Moron.
ahaha how quickly you change the rules.
Course these are the same moron who will argue all day that Clinton didn't balance the budget, but they are cool with trump increasing deficits from $600 billion to over $3 trillion. haha

Yeah, Clinton was a real budget hawk......DURR
Compared to TRUMP? BUSH? I love how deficits decrease under dems and increase under repubs and you morons pretend to care about deficits.

Yeah, Newt was always trying to increase spending and there was Clinton, bravely resisting. DURR
Yep, repubs will argue all day about clinton, but trump increases deficits from $600 billion to over $3 trillion and that's good. Thanks for proving me right you moron.
f Hitler wouldnt of divided his troops just before Moscow, the Soviet Union would of fallen and there would never be a threat of the Red Dawn. Of course everyone would be speaking German today
If the US had stayed out of WWI the Russian Revolution would have spread to Berlin and London, and the world would have been at peace for the last century.
The Russian revolution would have never happened.
Obama handed trump a strong economy and shrinking deficits.

How strong? Shrinking by how much?
2-3% gdp growth. Low unemployment. The deficit was about $600 billion. Trump managed to increase that to a trillion before the pandemic.

2-3% gdp growth.

You're off by a bit.

The deficit was about $600 billion.

You said it was shrinking. Shrinking from what to what?
Well it was about $1.6 trillion when he started. Trump went from $600billion to what $3 trillion? What a disaster. And don't blame the pandemic, he went from $600 billion to $1 trillion pre pandemic with none of the issues Obama had to fix. Guy inherited a country in good shape and destroyed it all.
Trump isn't responsible for the shutdown, moron. Anyone who tried to blame him self identifies as a retard.
If tradable shares as enshrined in corporate law "weaponized" capitalism, is it time to revisit the scene of the crime?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Confronting rentier capitalism and fashioning firms for which social responsibility is more than a marketing ploy requires nothing less than re-writing corporate law.

"To recognize the scale of the undertaking, it helps to return to the moment in history when tradable shares weaponized capitalism, and to ask ourselves: Are we ready to correct that 'error'?

"The moment occurred on 24 September 1599. In a timbered building off Moorgate Fields, not far from where Shakespeare was struggling to complete Hamlet, a new type of company was founded. Its ownership of the new firm, called the East India Company, was sliced into tiny pieces to be bought and sold freely...."

"To imagine what transcending capitalism might mean in practice requires rethinking the ownership of corporations.

"Imagine that shares resemble electoral votes, which can be neither bought nor sold."

Imagine that.:stir:
Shares that can't be sold are worth nothing. Why would anyone have them?
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Did anybody see Mac1958 pop in here to correct this limey bastard and his commie bullshit?


Curious. Yet consistent.

The prosecution rests, Your Honor.
Monopolies are dumb.

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Imagine that shares resemble electoral votes, which can be neither bought nor sold.

"Like students who receive a library card upon registration, new staff receive a single share granting a single vote to be cast in all-shareholder ballots deciding every matter of the corporation, from management and planning issues to the distribution of net revenues and bonuses.

"Suddenly, the profit-wage distinction makes no sense and corporations are cut down to size, boosting market competition."
Monopolies are not good capitalism. What we need is good capitalism. We have cronyism currently.
Thanks to the Democrat Reich. Google, Facebook and Twitter are the best examples of crony capitalism.
They had a bit of help...
True. The US supplied a great deal of material support to its USSR allies during World War Two. I believe it is also true Soviets fought about 190 Nazi divisions in Russia compared to about ten or twelve German divisions in Europe.
The Sovit Union had about 2 1/2 times the population of Germany. The Russian army cleared mine fields by having their troops charge across it.
The Star Trek scenario. Where your basic needs (shelter, food, transportation, medical care) are provided. There is no monetary system. You work for the betterment and advancement of the species and for your own personal knowledge and deed based goals. Sure, I can see it happening....in maybe in thirty or fourty years when we've blown the shit out of the system we have now. :) It ain't gonna happen in my lifetime. Honestly, why do we keep rolling this stuff over? Our economic system has been a mix of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now. Wanting to fix the ACA, wanting to provide better infrastructure, wanting to provide an equitable tax system, making education more affordable. These can be accomplished within our present system without throwing all the bullshit "ism" and "ist" terms around.
Does this sound possible in your lifetime?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"When a baby is born, the central bank automatically grants her or him a trust fund (or personal capital account) that is periodically topped up with a universal basic dividend.

"When the child becomes a teenager, the central bank throws in a free checking account.

"Workers move freely from company to company, carrying with them their trust-fund capital, which they may lend to the company they work in or to others.

"Because there are no equities to turbocharge with massive fictitious capital, finance becomes delightfully boring—and stable.

"States drop all personal and sales taxes, instead taxing only corporate revenues, land, and activities detrimental to the commons."
Why would anyone work with all this free shit? When a government prints money without the economy producing the requisite goods to buy, that causes hyperinflation. That's how you end up with Zimbabwe.

The Star Trek scenario. Where your basic needs (shelter, food, transportation, medical care) are provided. There is no monetary system. You work for the betterment and advancement of the species and for your own personal knowledge and deed based goals. Sure, I can see it happening....in maybe in thirty or fourty years when we've blown the shit out of the system we have now. :) It ain't gonna happen in my lifetime. Honestly, why do we keep rolling this stuff over? Our economic system has been a mix of capitalism and socialism for almost a century now. Wanting to fix the ACA, wanting to provide better infrastructure, wanting to provide an equitable tax system, making education more affordable. These can be accomplished within our present symy considerable tastem without throwing all the bullshit "ism" and "ist" terms around.
I would never use my considerable talents for the betterment of lazy leftard commie fucks.
They had a bit of help...
True. The US supplied a great deal of material support to its USSR allies during World War Two. I believe it is also true Soviets fought about 190 Nazi divisions in Russia compared to about ten or twelve German divisions in Europe.
I'm quite sure Germany would have rolled over Russia if they weren't fighting Europe and the USA also.
For once I agree with you. the USA supplied all the allied nations with tanks, trucks guns airplanes.
If tradable shares as enshrined in corporate law "weaponized" capitalism, is it time to revisit the scene of the crime?

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Confronting rentier capitalism and fashioning firms for which social responsibility is more than a marketing ploy requires nothing less than re-writing corporate law.

"To recognize the scale of the undertaking, it helps to return to the moment in history when tradable shares weaponized capitalism, and to ask ourselves: Are we ready to correct that 'error'?

"The moment occurred on 24 September 1599. In a timbered building off Moorgate Fields, not far from where Shakespeare was struggling to complete Hamlet, a new type of company was founded. Its ownership of the new firm, called the East India Company, was sliced into tiny pieces to be bought and sold freely...."

"To imagine what transcending capitalism might mean in practice requires rethinking the ownership of corporations.

"Imagine that shares resemble electoral votes, which can be neither bought nor sold."

Imagine that.:stir:

Dude...just get a fucking job and pay your own way.

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