A Year Since MH-17 Tragedy

What the hell does the plane near Pentagon have to do with what is going on in Eastern Ukraine now?

This is a tactic of the US government.
1-Organize murder.
2-Blaming others.
3-Get profit.

For them it is not important to kill Americans or Ukrainians.

I guess we'll never know for sure who is to blame.
But there are a few simple questions.

1) Cui bono (/ kwiː boʊnoʊ /), literally "to whose benefit?"
What is the benefit Russia? None. This is advantageous the United States to accuse Putin.
Or you can tell in what benefit of Russia?

2) If Russia was hit by a plane, why we did not destroy the "black box"? Pro-Russian separatists were there first. The offender sends a a record of how committed a crime?

3) Where is this record? Why didn't anyone told what upon it written?

What is the benefit Russia?

I'm sure the drunken Russian "separatists" were thinking about that when they fired the missile the Russians gave them.

When they bragged about shooting down a Ukrainian plane on social media (oops), they were thinking really deep thoughts about who benefits.

If Russia was hit by a plane, why we did not destroy the "black box"?

You have to think who would benefit from destroying the black box, Russia?
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Maybe Russia could agree to MH 17 Tribunal with caveat that all crimes can be investigated.
With caveat?
That judges must be fair and impartial?

They must be such without a request.
If they are not so
1) is not competent
2) prejudiced
3) 1 and 2

someone can tell where the plane that crashed into the Pentagon?
Everyone can see - no aircraft.

But none as though does not see.
And he does not want to talk about it.

Do you understand what that means?
You can write the obvious conclusion?

someone can tell where the plane that crashed into the Pentagon?

Where is the aluminum skinned airplane that crashed into the concrete building?
Were you stupid before you abused vodka, or only afterwards?
I guess we'll never know for sure who is to blame.
But there are a few simple questions.

1) Cui bono (/ kwiː boʊnoʊ /), literally "to whose benefit?"
What is the benefit Russia? None. This is advantageous the United States to accuse Putin.
Or you can tell in what benefit of Russia?

2) If Russia was hit by a plane, why we did not destroy the "black box"? Pro-Russian separatists were there first. The offender sends a a record of how committed a crime?

3) Where is this record? Why didn't anyone told what upon it written?

What is the benefit Russia?

I'm sure the drunken Russian "separatists" were thinking about that when they fired the missile the Russians gave them.

When they bragged about shooting down a Ukrainian plane on social media (oops), they were thinking really deep thoughts about who benefits.

If Russia was hit by a plane, why we did not destroy the "black box"?

You have to think who would benefit from destroying the black box, Russia?
Yes, the separatist thought they were shooting down a Ukraine military cargo plane. That is what the intercepted cell phone recording indicate. That is why getting the participants of those conversations in front of a tribunal and testifying in a public forum is essential.
Even in the case of the murder of one person .... the court did not accept such evidence.

You know personally separatist leaders? You know their voices?
Logically ... The recording can be evidence. But only if ... expertise will be held.

And further.
No one serious person will not publicly ... for the whole world to blame someone, if not confident in his evidence.
Otherwise, the reputation will suffer.

Using such evidence, the US government prove one thing - they are not professional.
It does not prove nothing more.
I want to ask.
Please write your thoughts.
Do not copy propaganda.
Maybe Russia could agree to MH 17 Tribunal with caveat that all crimes can be investigated.
With caveat?
That judges must be fair and impartial?

They must be such without a request.
If they are not so
1) is not competent
2) prejudiced
3) 1 and 2

someone can tell where the plane that crashed into the Pentagon?
Everyone can see - no aircraft.

But none as though does not see.
And he does not want to talk about it.

Do you understand what that means?
You can write the obvious conclusion?

someone can tell where the plane that crashed into the Pentagon?

Where is the aluminum skinned airplane that crashed into the concrete building?
Were you stupid before you abused vodka, or only afterwards?

Where traces of wings?

Check for damage. They are very small.
Why then collapsed tower?
Even in the case of the murder of one person .... the court did not accept such evidence.

You know personally separatist leaders? You know their voices?
Logically ... The recording can be evidence. But only if ... expertise will be held.

And further.
No one serious person will not publicly ... for the whole world to blame someone, if not confident in his evidence.
Otherwise, the reputation will suffer.

Using such evidence, the US government prove one thing - they are not professional.
It does not prove nothing more.
This is why tribunal is required. Public testimony means the whole world gets to hear these people talk. Experts for all sides can testify and world gets to decide which ones, if any, are credible. These people will be given a chance to tell their story.

If their is no proof good enough to make a decision about who did this crime that is how it will end. Families of murder victims deserve to know everything was done to find the guilty people and bring them to justice. Excuses that Russia does not want to be treated unfairly or made to look bad is not a valid excuse to stop justice for families. Russian pride and ego is not as important as finding justice for 298 families. If Russia is prepared to block the tribunal being called for Russia must provide an alternative solution that is acceptable to all parties. Protecting some separatist from facing justice by denying justice for all those 298 murder victims is not acceptable to the world and never will be.
Separatist should not have looted those dead bodies and stolen luggage and belongings of dead people who they left rotting in the hot sun while they searched for personal property to steal. It gave them an identification and branded them as horrible and uncivilized people undeserving of respect. It will take decades for that brand to be washed away, if ever.
Maybe Russia could agree to MH 17 Tribunal with caveat that all crimes can be investigated.
With caveat?
That judges must be fair and impartial?

They must be such without a request.
If they are not so
1) is not competent
2) prejudiced
3) 1 and 2

someone can tell where the plane that crashed into the Pentagon?
Everyone can see - no aircraft.

But none as though does not see.
And he does not want to talk about it.

Do you understand what that means?
You can write the obvious conclusion?

someone can tell where the plane that crashed into the Pentagon?

Where is the aluminum skinned airplane that crashed into the concrete building?
Were you stupid before you abused vodka, or only afterwards?

Where traces of wings?

Check for damage. They are very small.
Why then collapsed tower?

Wings are shredded, inside the structure.
Yes, the cross section of impact is smaller.
Different construction.
Any more stupid questions?
I'm sure the drunken Russian "separatists" were thinking about that when they fired the missile the Russians gave them.

Hey patriot Toddster, you think Ukrainians drink less than Russians? If yes, then I'm the Queen of England. Russians and Ukrainians have been the same people for centuries (!) , so the bad habits have always been the same too. FYI, in almost all the videos about Ukrainian Army you'll hear the Russian language.

And below I'm presenting some (very little part of existing) information about drunkenness and looting, flourishing in the Ukrainian army. Enjoy! :lmao:

New York Times Retreating Ukrainian Soldiers Get Drunk Act Like Animals
Looting torture and big business Meduza. News reports interviews videos from Russia
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I'm sure the drunken Russian "separatists" were thinking about that when they fired the missile the Russians gave them.

Hey patriot Toddster, you think Ukrainians drink less than Russians? If yes, then I'm the Queen of England. Russians and Ukrainians for centuries have been the same people, so the bad habits have always been the same too. FYI, in almost all the videos about Ukrainian Army you'll hear the Russian language.

And below I'm presenting some (very little part of existing) information about drunkenness and looting, flourishing in the Ukrainian army. Enjoy! :lmao:

Drunk Ukrainian Soldier in Army Vehicle Runs Over Car Near Lugansk Video Sputnik International
New York Times Retreating Ukrainian Soldiers Get Drunk Act Like Animals
Looting torture and big business Meduza. News reports interviews videos from Russia

Tell you what, drunk Ukrainian soldiers can stay on their side of the border, Russia can pull all her drunk soldiers back to Russia.
What do ya say, Vlad?
Wings are shredded, inside the structure.
It's impossible.
To get inside, they could only destroy the wall.
Wing just seems fragile. From an engineering standpoint, this force element.
When the cross-sectional area less - pressure / area more.
therefore wing cuts the concrete like a knife.
You can see this on the "Twins".
Wings are shredded, inside the structure.
It's impossible.
To get inside, they could only destroy the wall.
Wing just seems fragile. From an engineering standpoint, this force element.
When the cross-sectional area less - pressure / area more.
therefore wing cuts the concrete like a knife.
You can see this on the "Twins".

It's impossible.

Clearly, it isn't.

To get inside, they could only destroy the wall

The wall was destroyed.

therefore wing cuts the concrete like a knife.

But it doesn't.

You can see this on the "Twins".

The surface of the WTC was mostly glass.
The surface of the WTC was mostly glass.
... on a steel frame.
But steel is not easy, but high quality. alloyed.
Top steel covered with concrete. The same high quality.

The height of the pentagon 24 meters.
twins - 415.

What wall stronger?

These steel beams are cut like tin can
And the Pentagon is not even scratch facing materials?

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