A Zionist Soldier Shoot Dead Wounded Palestinian

To state fact is antisemitic now? When have Jews ever valued Palestinian (or non-Jewish) lives in general? You are, in fact supporters of murderous scum. It's not just Gaza, it's Beirut as well.

Israel just doesn't give a crap about killing non-Jews, in fact, it is part of the Israeli strategy to terrorize the non-Jews into submission to them. Netanyahu states it clearly. in this very hard to find video:

There is no difference between Jewish murderers and Islamic murderers?

Just more islamonazi propaganda that has been edited to sit with your pov.
Of course the military judge is not impressed, the person murdered wasn't a Jew. Non-Jewish life has no value to Jews.

I can't believe you just said that given that the entire event we are talking about is one of hundreds of stabbing attacks against Jews by Palestinians. The Palestinians appear not to value either Jewish lives, nor their own.

He's an anti-semitic scum, why do you expect some humanity from him?
Of course you do Zio push, you were adopted into a jewish family and have left your latino roots behind

How many times have you been warned about this fanger, is it a ban if you get reported for it ?
"The main thing is, first and foremost, to hit them hard. Not just one hit… but many painful [hits], so that the price will be unbearable."

What do you think that means?

Are you kidding. Israel kills thousands of Palestinian civilians at a pop. Of course it is acceptable to them or they wouldn't do it. And why can they do it so brazenly, Netanyahu explains that as well:

"Especially now, with America, I know what America is. America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. They [the Americans] will not bother us. Let’s suppose that they [the Americans] will say something [i.e. to us Israelis]… so they say it… [so what?] Eighty per cent of the Americans support us. It’s absurd! We have such [great] support there!"

Exactly what it says, use military might now to save lives later.

Under the law they are not killing civilians but militia that are defending military objectives

What does it mean then when mo'mad commanded his followers to " KILL THE JEWS ". Or when abu mazen told the palestinians to " KILL THE JEWS "
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters. The Belgium police did not level Molenbeek and kill thousands of civilians.

Not yet, but let the islamonazis start to fire illegal weapons out of their enclaves and watch them get bombed into oblivion. You always compare chalk with cheese and then complain when you are told about it. The Palestinians used illegal weapons according to HRW and the UN that amount to WAR CRIMES according to the ICRC and the ICC/ICJ and so are responsible for the deaths of the civilians themselves. Under the Geneva conventions it is a crime against humanity to use civilian areas as a shield for war, this means that the area is no longer civilian but a proscribed military target.

When you see that 50% of gaza is open land and is not used by the Palestinians to wage war from shows that they have no concern for the safety of civilians.

By the way the Europeans levelled parts of Spain the last time they drove the islamonazis out and killed them by the 10's of 1,000's in the process. When the U.N waged war on Saddam the combined forces levelled parts of Iraq and killed islamonazi's by the 10's of 1,000's in the process. Then when they went into Afghanistan they levelled whole areas and killed islamonazi's by the 10's of 1000's. Shows that all you are really caring about is being able to make RACIST attacks on the Jews
Killing thousands of women and children is not an appropriate response.

So why do you ignore it when it is done by the U.N. , E.U., USA, France, Belgium and Italy They killed islamonazi's by the 100's of 1,000's after the WTC bombings and in their hunt for the mastermind and money man of the attack.

Is it because the Jews are not involved and so you cant make any racist comments about Israel and the Jews.
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters. The Belgium police did not level Molenbeek and kill thousands of civilians.
What a pointless attempt at comparison.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is appropriate to point and laugh at the goofy apologist for Islamic terrorism.

Don't forget he has an imam with his hand up the hole in his backside working his output like most dummies are worked.
You are the epitome of the internet troll, calling on others to join you in your trolling. Pathetic.

Why don't you try to explain why the comparison is not appropriate instead of trolling?

Because the islamonazi's in Belgium have not been firing illegal weapons at the civilians in Belgium, if they start then you will see every muslim enclave flattened and the islamonazi's killed in numbers you will pale at.

Now when will you stop trolling and spamming the board, after all you have already been banned for this already
Killing thousands of women and children is not an appropriate response.
Tell that to your Islamic terrorist heroes who cause those deaths.

I have no terrorist heroes, troll. The cause of the deaths of thousands of women and children are those who pull the trigger and release the bombs.

Which has been the islamonazi terrorists in breach of the Geneva conventions every time. They have turned civilian areas into military targets by firing illegal weapons at Israel then complain when Israel responds in kind.

Try reading the reports from HRW in regards to the breaches of IHL and war crimes committed by the islamonazi's. Then read the UN reports that call them war crimes and illegal weapons.
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters

So, in your opinion, as long as terrorists operate from residential areas, they are immune from response?

First of all let's be clear. Palestinians are oppressed and controlled by a foreign power, they are fighting for their freedom. Do you classify the French Resistance, the ANC, the Algerian FLN, the Kurds fighting Turkey and all the other national liberation movements as terrorists? Israel is not fighting terrorists, they are fighting against people that they rule over against their wishes. When Russia bombed the crap out of the Chechens in Grozny, they were accused of war crimes. The Turks are heavily criticized when they bomb and kill Kurdish civilians. Why do you support Israel's indiscriminate killing of civilians yet criticize the Russians and the Turks when they do the same?

And yes, all are wrong when they bomb the crap out of civilian areas killing thousands, even if combatants happen to be in the area.

Did all the others fire illegal weapons at the occupiers children contrary to IHL and the Geneva conventions. Why didn't they do the same things when they were occupied and controlled by the Jordanians and Egyptians if they did not want to be occupied and wanted a nation of their own.

Then have International law changed to make it legal to fire from civilian areas, and watch even more people get killed when ground troops go in with legal chemical weapons and orders to shoot anything that moves from behind armoured vehicles. Incendiaries will be deployed and they are even more indiscriminate as they burn everything they touch.
The big difference is that the Jews evicted the people you now want to "put out of their misery", from the place they inhabited.

That they had no legal right to inhabit don't forget, they lost the war in 1917 and as such lost the land under IHL of the time
The big difference is that the Jews evicted the people you now want to "put out of their misery", from the place they inhabited.
Since when did the Jews evict people from their homes in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon?

They didn't. They evicted the native people of Palestine, but you knew that.

Who just so happened to be the Jews from 70 C.E. till 1966 when Arafat stole the term on the orders of his communist masters.
Yes, your lot.

Yes, of course that would be what an antisemite would say.

Hell Hitler updated to Allah Akbar.

Ahhh, when the shoe is on the other foot it is antisemitism. When hurl your racist insults its just fine. Disgusting.

I commented on the depraved and disgusting culture of the Palestinians who celebrate terror and murder, while you hurled a personal antisemtic comment at me, which isn't really unusual for a rabid antisemite like you, since most of your posts are usually driven by your blind antisemtism.

You said:

"Has there ever been a more depraved disgusting "people" in human history?"

That is a racist comment. I responded by saying "your lot" (whatever you are), are more depraved. What is antisemitic about that? You could be an aborigine for all I know.
The Palestinians aren't a race, the Jews are, and there is absolutely no doubt that you are a rabid antisemite.

The Jewish People are certainly that--a people. But I always thought that "race" means the color of one's skin. There are Ethiopian, Indian and Hispanic Jews as well as white. (There are even a few Chinese ones.)
Yes, of course that would be what an antisemite would say.

Hell Hitler updated to Allah Akbar.

Ahhh, when the shoe is on the other foot it is antisemitism. When hurl your racist insults its just fine. Disgusting.

I commented on the depraved and disgusting culture of the Palestinians who celebrate terror and murder, while you hurled a personal antisemtic comment at me, which isn't really unusual for a rabid antisemite like you, since most of your posts are usually driven by your blind antisemtism.

You said:

"Has there ever been a more depraved disgusting "people" in human history?"

That is a racist comment. I responded by saying "your lot" (whatever you are), are more depraved. What is antisemitic about that? You could be an aborigine for all I know.
The Palestinians aren't a race, the Jews are, and there is absolutely no doubt that you are a rabid antisemite.

The Jewish People are certainly that--a people. But I always thought that "race" means the color of one's skin. There are Ethiopian, Indian and Hispanic Jews as well as white. (There are even a few Chinese ones.)

Jews are a race, a people, and a faith.
Jews aren't a race, that's crazy. That would mean that an individual could change his/her DNA by changing religion. LOL
And yet, throughout most of recorded history, Jews have always been considered a race.
So the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Crusaders, Ottomans, and Nazis thought of Jews as only a "tribe"? So the Nazis were wrong calling Jews a race before they tried to wipe them out? Ya okay.
Except for the Nazis, those others considered the Jews a religious group/tribe, not a race. There was no scientific basis for the Nazis to categorize Jews as a race. The Romans, for example, considered the Carthaginians, Assyrians, Samaritans, Phoenicians, Arabs and others Semiti (Latin) racially, along with the Jews.

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