A Zionist Soldier Shoot Dead Wounded Palestinian

You are the epitome of the internet troll, calling on others to join you in your trolling. Pathetic.

Why don't you try to explain why the comparison is not appropriate instead of trolling?
You're angry. There's no need to vent your self-hate at others.

Why don't you make your best case for such a pointless attempt st comparison?
Killing thousands of women and children is not an appropriate response.
Tell that to your Islamic terrorist heroes who cause those deaths.

I have no terrorist heroes, troll. The cause of the deaths of thousands of women and children are those who pull the trigger and release the bombs.
You're angry and emotive. Why is it that you believe your Islamic terrorist heroes have an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequence?

When your Islamic terrorist heroes wage acts of war from civilian areas with every intention of putting the civilian population at risk, that's cowardly but not unexpected for Islamic terrorists.

Don't you find it disturbing that your Islamic terrorist heroes continue to wage acts of war from civilian areas knowing that there will be civilian casualties from a retaliatory strike?

It's almost like.... you know..... your Islamist terrorist heroes have every intention of creating civilian casualties so....... you know..... people like you can express your false outrage.
Has there ever been a more depraved disgusting "people" in human history?

Yes, your lot.

Yes, of course that would be what an antisemite would say.

Hell Hitler updated to Allah Akbar.

Ahhh, when the shoe is on the other foot it is antisemitism. When hurl your racist insults its just fine. Disgusting.

I commented on the depraved and disgusting culture of the Palestinians who celebrate terror and murder, while you hurled a personal antisemtic comment at me, which isn't really unusual for a rabid antisemite like you, since most of your posts are usually driven by your blind antisemtism.

You said:

"Has there ever been a more depraved disgusting "people" in human history?"

That is a racist comment. I responded by saying "your lot" (whatever you are), are more depraved. What is antisemitic about that? You could be an aborigine for all I know.
The Palestinians aren't a race, the Jews are, and there is absolutely no doubt that you are a rabid antisemite.
Killing thousands of women and children is not an appropriate response.
Tell that to your Islamic terrorist heroes who cause those deaths.

I have no terrorist heroes, troll. The cause of the deaths of thousands of women and children are those who pull the trigger and release the bombs.
You're angry and emotive. Why is it that you believe your Islamic terrorist heroes have an entitlement to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequence?

When your Islamic terrorist heroes wage acts of war from civilian areas with every intention of putting the civilian population at risk, that's cowardly but not unexpected for Islamic terrorists.

Don't you find it disturbing that your Islamic terrorist heroes continue to wage acts of war from civilian areas knowing that there will be civilian casualties from a retaliatory strike?

It's almost like.... you know..... your Islamist terrorist heroes have every intention of creating civilian casualties so....... you know..... people like you can express your false outrage.
He thinks that Palestinian Muslim terrorists have a right to kill Jews (since they both hate Jews equally), and Jews have no right to defend themselves or retaliate regardless of how barbaric or heinous the atrocity. These types are so consumed by their hatred, they can be considered legally insane, therefore, there is no logical or rational discussion of anything with them. Jews are always to blame.
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters

So, in your opinion, as long as terrorists operate from residential areas, they are immune from response?

First of all let's be clear. Palestinians are oppressed and controlled by a foreign power, they are fighting for their freedom. Do you classify the French Resistance, the ANC, the Algerian FLN, the Kurds fighting Turkey and all the other national liberation movements as terrorists? Israel is not fighting terrorists, they are fighting against people that they rule over against their wishes. When Russia bombed the crap out of the Chechens in Grozny, they were accused of war crimes. The Turks are heavily criticized when they bomb and kill Kurdish civilians. Why do you support Israel's indiscriminate killing of civilians yet criticize the Russians and the Turks when they do the same?

And yes, all are wrong when they bomb the crap out of civilian areas killing thousands, even if combatants happen to be in the area.
Bzzzz wrong, Israel is fighting Palestinian Islamic terrorist animals, and they are officially classified as terrorists as such by the US state dept. and the West. Which means, Israel has every right to take the animals out of their misery.
The big difference is that the Jews evicted the people you now want to "put out of their misery", from the place they inhabited.
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters

So, in your opinion, as long as terrorists operate from residential areas, they are immune from response?

First of all let's be clear. Palestinians are oppressed and controlled by a foreign power, they are fighting for their freedom. Do you classify the French Resistance, the ANC, the Algerian FLN, the Kurds fighting Turkey and all the other national liberation movements as terrorists? Israel is not fighting terrorists, they are fighting against people that they rule over against their wishes. When Russia bombed the crap out of the Chechens in Grozny, they were accused of war crimes. The Turks are heavily criticized when they bomb and kill Kurdish civilians. Why do you support Israel's indiscriminate killing of civilians yet criticize the Russians and the Turks when they do the same?

And yes, all are wrong when they bomb the crap out of civilian areas killing thousands, even if combatants happen to be in the area.
So, obviously you do presume an entitlement for your Islamic terrorist heroes to wage acts of war with no expectation of a response.

On the other hand, as your Islamic terrorist heroes know with certainty that there will be a retaliatory response to their overt acts of war, their acts of war waged from civilian areas are thus waged with the full knowledge that they are putting civilians at risk.

How does it feel to flail your Pom Poms for your Islamic terrorist heroes who intentionally put civilians at risk?

"We love death more than you love life".

Slogans only a jdam could love.
The big difference is that the Jews evicted the people you now want to "put out of their misery", from the place they inhabited.
Since when did the Jews evict people from their homes in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon?
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters

So, in your opinion, as long as terrorists operate from residential areas, they are immune from response?

First of all let's be clear. Palestinians are oppressed and controlled by a foreign power, they are fighting for their freedom. Do you classify the French Resistance, the ANC, the Algerian FLN, the Kurds fighting Turkey and all the other national liberation movements as terrorists? Israel is not fighting terrorists, they are fighting against people that they rule over against their wishes. When Russia bombed the crap out of the Chechens in Grozny, they were accused of war crimes. The Turks are heavily criticized when they bomb and kill Kurdish civilians. Why do you support Israel's indiscriminate killing of civilians yet criticize the Russians and the Turks when they do the same?

And yes, all are wrong when they bomb the crap out of civilian areas killing thousands, even if combatants happen to be in the area.

Pal'istanians are oppressed.... by retrograde throwbacks from one or another of the Islamic terrorist franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl., Inc.

But then again, somebody elected the Islamic terrorists into power. Who could that somebody be?
The big difference is that the Jews evicted the people you now want to "put out of their misery", from the place they inhabited.
More lies from the antisemite who has a problem who can't admit that Palestinians engage in savagery and terrorism.
First of all let's be clear. Palestinians are oppressed and controlled by a foreign power, they are fighting for their freedom.

Israel is not fighting terrorists, they are fighting against people that they rule over against their wishes.

Not so. They have their freedom and their wishes and their own self-rule in Gaza and in the West Bank in Areas A and B. The self-rule that they have is curtailed by security concerns caused by their own hostile actions. If they only want freedom and self-rule, they can have that tomorrow if they just stop the violence. If that is all they wanted the conflict could have ended in 1947 and in any year since then, but certainly since the Oslo Accords were signed and definitely since Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005.

What you really mean to say, I think, is that they want every inch of land between the river and the sea returned to Arab Muslim rule and for Israel to disappear. That is not fighting for "freedom" that is fighting for territory and some religious belief that once Muslim land, always Muslim land.

And yes, all are wrong when they bomb the crap out of civilian areas killing thousands, even if combatants happen to be in the area.

To be clear, then, you are saying that any attack from a civilian area renders the area immune from response and that hostiles can attack with impunity with no fear of reprisals. You are effectively saying that one can no longer defend oneself against hostile attacks.

Its entirely, completely wrong in law. And also immoral.
Has there ever been a more depraved disgusting "people" in human history?

Yes, your lot.

Yes, of course that would be what an antisemite would say.

Hell Hitler updated to Allah Akbar.

Ahhh, when the shoe is on the other foot it is antisemitism. When hurl your racist insults its just fine. Disgusting.

I commented on the depraved and disgusting culture of the Palestinians who celebrate terror and murder, while you hurled a personal antisemtic comment at me, which isn't really unusual for a rabid antisemite like you, since most of your posts are usually driven by your blind antisemtism.
How can you claim a comment to you is ¨ antisemtic ¨, As you yourself are not a semite

Under legal language he is, while you are not. Most civilised nations have laws that say anything said about a Jew that is derogatory is a form of RACISM known the world over as anti Semitism. It does not apply to the arab muslims who will need to find their own term for it, I propose to call it anti islamonazism .
Has there ever been a more depraved disgusting "people" in human history?

Yes, your lot.

Yes, of course that would be what an antisemite would say.

Hell Hitler updated to Allah Akbar.

Ahhh, when the shoe is on the other foot it is antisemitism. When hurl your racist insults its just fine. Disgusting.

I commented on the depraved and disgusting culture of the Palestinians who celebrate terror and murder, while you hurled a personal antisemtic comment at me, which isn't really unusual for a rabid antisemite like you, since most of your posts are usually driven by your blind antisemtism.

You said:

"Has there ever been a more depraved disgusting "people" in human history?"

That is a racist comment. I responded by saying "your lot" (whatever you are), are more depraved. What is antisemitic about that? You could be an aborigine for all I know.

How is it racist when it is based on the facts. You really need to look at the defining factors for what constitutes RACISM, and your constant attacks on the Jews is RACISM.

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