A Zionist Soldier Shoot Dead Wounded Palestinian

Of course the military judge is not impressed, the person murdered wasn't a Jew. Non-Jewish life has no value to Jews.
Yep. The more I look into this and read about testimony, the more it is apparent that a bomb threat was considered real at the time of the event.
Of course the military judge is not impressed, the person murdered wasn't a Jew. Non-Jewish life has no value to Jews.

I can't believe you just said that given that the entire event we are talking about is one of hundreds of stabbing attacks against Jews by Palestinians. The Palestinians appear not to value either Jewish lives, nor their own.
Of course the military judge is not impressed, the person murdered wasn't a Jew. Non-Jewish life has no value to Jews.

I can't believe you just said that given that the entire event we are talking about is one of hundreds of stabbing attacks against Jews by Palestinians. The Palestinians appear not to value either Jewish lives, nor their own.

He's an anti-semitic scum, why do you expect some humanity from him?
To state fact is antisemitic now? When have Jews ever valued Palestinian (or non-Jewish) lives in general? You are, in fact supporters of murderous scum. It's not just Gaza, it's Beirut as well.

Israel just doesn't give a crap about killing non-Jews, in fact, it is part of the Israeli strategy to terrorize the non-Jews into submission to them. Netanyahu states it clearly. in this very hard to find video:

There is no difference between Jewish murderers and Islamic murderers?
To state fact is antisemitic now? When have Jews ever valued Palestinian (or non-Jewish) lives in general? You are, in fact supporters of murderous scum. It's not just Gaza, it's Beirut as well.

Israel just doesn't give a crap about killing non-Jews, in fact, it is part of the Israeli strategy to terrorize the non-Jews into submission to them. Netanyahu states it clearly. in this very hard to find video:

There is no difference between Jewish murderers and Islamic murderers?

Just where in that video did Bibi say that Palestinian lives have no value or that killing Palestinians is acceptable?
Of course the military judge is not impressed, the person murdered wasn't a Jew. Non-Jewish life has no value to Jews.

I can't believe you just said that given that the entire event we are talking about is one of hundreds of stabbing attacks against Jews by Palestinians. The Palestinians appear not to value either Jewish lives, nor their own.

He's an anti-semitic scum, why do you expect some humanity from him?
Of course you do Zio push, you were adopted into a jewish family and have left your latino roots behind
"The main thing is, first and foremost, to hit them hard. Not just one hit… but many painful [hits], so that the price will be unbearable."

What do you think that means?

Are you kidding. Israel kills thousands of Palestinian civilians at a pop. Of course it is acceptable to them or they wouldn't do it. And why can they do it so brazenly, Netanyahu explains that as well:

"Especially now, with America, I know what America is. America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. They [the Americans] will not bother us. Let’s suppose that they [the Americans] will say something [i.e. to us Israelis]… so they say it… [so what?] Eighty per cent of the Americans support us. It’s absurd! We have such [great] support there!"
"The main thing is, first and foremost, to hit them hard. Not just one hit… but many painful [hits], so that the price will be unbearable."

What do you think that means?

Are you kidding. Israel kills thousands of Palestinian civilians at a pop. Of course it is acceptable to them or they wouldn't do it. And why can they do it so brazenly, Netanyahu explains that as well:

"Especially now, with America, I know what America is. America is a thing that can be easily moved, moved in the right direction. They [the Americans] will not bother us. Let’s suppose that they [the Americans] will say something [i.e. to us Israelis]… so they say it… [so what?] Eighty per cent of the Americans support us. It’s absurd! We have such [great] support there!"
Those " thousands of 'Pal'istanians" killed as a result of Pal'istanian acts of war are the result of your Islamic terrorist heroes waging war with 'Pal'istanians explicitly put in harms way.

Such are the wages of Islamic terrorism.
The thousands of Palestinians were killed as a result of Jewish attacks, nothing else.
"The main thing is, first and foremost, to hit them hard. Not just one hit… but many painful [hits], so that the price will be unbearable."

What do you think that means?

I most certainly do not think it means that Palestinian lives have no value and that it is acceptable to kill them.

I think it means he believes exactly what the Palestinians are telling him -- that they are willing to make war and commit terror and die in order to achieve their goal of destroying the Jewish State of Israel. And because of that, Israel has to make the cost unbearable. Its the only way to stop THEM from continuing to make decisions which ultimately cost them their lives.

The problem is that the deaths of their own people is not too high. Its actually not unbearable for them to see thousands of their people, and hundreds of their children die. They are entirely willing to pay that cost. They demonstrate it over and over and over again. Its a culture of martyrdom which celebrates those deaths.

So what do you do with a people, an enemy, who is willing to sacrifice the lives of thousands of people -- both the enemies and their own? How do you deal with that? How do you make peace with that?

What SHOULD Israel's response to that be, in your opinion?
The thousands of Palestinians were killed as a result of Jewish attacks, nothing else.

You don't believe in self-defense? You don't believe in response to terrorist attacks? You don't believe in response to aggression?
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters. The Belgium police did not level Molenbeek and kill thousands of civilians.
The thousands of Palestinians were killed as a result of Jewish attacks, nothing else.
You really don't know what you're babbling about. There are consequences to acts of Islamic terrorism. Your heroes in Hamas and other Islamic terrorist franchises are only too willing to wage acts of war from civilian areas because they're gutless cowards and because life is cheap in the twisted worldview of Arab-Moslem terrorists.

Those dead Arabs-Moslems are as much a propaganda tool for people like you as they are for the Islamic terrorists in Gaza.
Response to terrorist attacks does not entail bombing residential buildings and shelters. The Belgium police did not level Molenbeek and kill thousands of civilians.
What a pointless attempt at comparison.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is appropriate to point and laugh at the goofy apologist for Islamic terrorism.
You are the epitome of the internet troll, calling on others to join you in your trolling. Pathetic.

Why don't you try to explain why the comparison is not appropriate instead of trolling?

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