Aaaand here it comes folks. Country music stars, calling for.....GUN CONTROL.

We all knew this was going to happen. Still have not seen anyone claim that they heard the loud bangs from a hammer busting out windows. Still have not seen anyone claim they have the glass from the busted out windows on the street below. Still not a hint as to what motivated a person with NO RECORD to commit mass murder....BY GUN on WHITE COUNTRY MUSIC FANS.

Still have not seen any flashes from the muzzle from any of the cameras that had the 32nd floor in sight as the shooting was going on. Check out the flashes from an AK 47 muzzle and you will see how odd that is. Nothing seen.

Meanwhile, less than 24 hours the democrats (globalists) are on full court press for strict gun control and they are using country music stars to push it.

‘I cannot express how wrong I was’: Country guitarist changes mind on gun control after Vegas

Country music after Las Vegas: thoughts, prayers ... and one new call for gun control

Country guitarist changes mind on gun control after Las Vegas shooting

Musician Who Survived Shooting Changes Stance On Gun Control


You all smell that? Woooo weeee, something stinks.
Relax, it's only one guy. I'm sure he won't change any minds, anymore than I do.
Yeah, maybe France and Norway should have strict gun control.....oh wait. That didnt prevent their largest massacres by gun to happen.


Issue ignored every time I bring that up.

BTW, anyone come across anyone that heard the significantly loud bangs from the large windows being busted out by sledge hammer? No?


Ahhhh, the country music stars who are all of course protected by security with guns.....

Never mind.

Must have been using the ol sledgehammer silencer on the windows.
Yeah, and a muzzle visual impairment cover on the working end of the AK47.

Anyone have any video of the muzzle firing from the 32nd floor? I mean the camera phones had the 32nd floor in sight as the gun was going off. Nothing seen.


Ever hear of a flash suppressor?
Paddock had bomb making chemicals in his vehicle and home:

Investigators also found at least 19 additional firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition and the chemical tannerite, an explosive, at Paddock’s home in Mesquite, Nev. They also found ammonium nitrate, a chemical that can be used in bomb-making, in Paddock’s vehicle, Lombardo said.

At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 others injured

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car

If he could not kill large numbers with firearms, he wanted to use a bomb; I thought so before I read this news.
Paddock had bomb making chemicals in his vehicle and home:

Investigators also found at least 19 additional firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition and the chemical tannerite, an explosive, at Paddock’s home in Mesquite, Nev. They also found ammonium nitrate, a chemical that can be used in bomb-making, in Paddock’s vehicle, Lombardo said.

At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 others injured

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car

If he could not kill large numbers with firearms, he wanted to use a bomb; I thought so before I read this news.
Oh, we already have bomb control so who cares?

THEY? Who is they?

Give me your best explanation as to how and why there were no loud bangs from windows being busted out with a sledge hammer? Not one microphone, not one witness.

Where did all of the glass go that was busted out? None on the street? Maybe the glass fell upwards.

How about these reports that show the only flashes of a muzzle coming from the 7th floor?

How about France and Norway. Both had bigger massacres than what happened in Vegas. Not relevant? Really? Or is that rather big point.

Give us your plan and please provide all logistical plans to confiscate over 300 million guns. Thanks.

Peach, you brought a butter knife to gun fight. My rhetorical questions will make you giggle, but that will not be an answer. Now, run along.
Being involved in the deadliest mass shooting in US history is bound to be an extremely traumatic experience and, rightly or wrongly, it is understandable that it would make some people reassess their views on guns and gun control.
Uhhhh huh. Norway and France? What are your plans to confiscate over 300 million guns?

Where did all of that glass go that was busted out from those windows with a sledge hammer that no one heard or saw while it was happening?
You know what happened ? NOTHING ! Can't believe main stream media can you ? There was no shooting . Just made up lies! Right?

Hey Timmy! Don't you know that your avatar is RACIST?
Paddock had bomb making chemicals in his vehicle and home:

Investigators also found at least 19 additional firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition and the chemical tannerite, an explosive, at Paddock’s home in Mesquite, Nev. They also found ammonium nitrate, a chemical that can be used in bomb-making, in Paddock’s vehicle, Lombardo said.

At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 others injured

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car

If he could not kill large numbers with firearms, he wanted to use a bomb; I thought so before I read this news.
Oh, we already have bomb control so who cares?

THEY? Who is they?

Give me your best explanation as to how and why there were no loud bangs from windows being busted out with a sledge hammer? Not one microphone, not one witness.

Where did all of the glass go that was busted out? None on the street? Maybe the glass fell upwards.

How about these reports that show the only flashes of a muzzle coming from the 7th floor?

How about France and Norway. Both had bigger massacres than what happened in Vegas. Not relevant? Really? Or is that rather big point.

Give us your plan and please provide all logistical plans to confiscate over 300 million guns. Thanks.

Peach, you brought a butter knife to gun fight. My rhetorical questions will make you giggle, but that will not be an answer. Now, run along.

I made the point that all the gun control in the world cannot stop one intent on killing; WHOOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, over your head.
Being involved in the deadliest mass shooting in US history is bound to be an extremely traumatic experience and, rightly or wrongly, it is understandable that it would make some people reassess their views on guns and gun control.
Uhhhh huh. Norway and France? What are your plans to confiscate over 300 million guns?

Where did all of that glass go that was busted out from those windows with a sledge hammer that no one heard or saw while it was happening?

Did you actually read my post? I didn't say anything about confiscating guns, broken windows, or even my own views on gun control. I just pointed out the obvious truth that going through a mass shooting is bound to make some people question their views on guns and gun control.

Let me give an analogy. I am against the death penalty, because I think our criminal justice system is too flawed to be sure that innocents aren't put to death. However, if someone killed one of my loved ones, I am certain I would reassess my opinion on the death penalty, and quite possibly decide I should be in favor of it. That is completely understandable. It doesn't mean I'd be right or wrong, it just means that an extreme experience can make someone look over their views and beliefs.
What specific gun control that Progs are clamoring for would have prevented this attack?
Paddock had bomb making chemicals in his vehicle and home:

Investigators also found at least 19 additional firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition and the chemical tannerite, an explosive, at Paddock’s home in Mesquite, Nev. They also found ammonium nitrate, a chemical that can be used in bomb-making, in Paddock’s vehicle, Lombardo said.

At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 others injured

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car

If he could not kill large numbers with firearms, he wanted to use a bomb; I thought so before I read this news.
Oh, we already have bomb control so who cares?

THEY? Who is they?

Give me your best explanation as to how and why there were no loud bangs from windows being busted out with a sledge hammer? Not one microphone, not one witness.

Where did all of the glass go that was busted out? None on the street? Maybe the glass fell upwards.

How about these reports that show the only flashes of a muzzle coming from the 7th floor?

How about France and Norway. Both had bigger massacres than what happened in Vegas. Not relevant? Really? Or is that rather big point.

Give us your plan and please provide all logistical plans to confiscate over 300 million guns. Thanks.

Peach, you brought a butter knife to gun fight. My rhetorical questions will make you giggle, but that will not be an answer. Now, run along.

I made the point that all the gun control in the world cannot stop one intent on killing; WHOOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, over your head.

I know. Was saying that that argument does not work with the left.

I wanted to know who THEY are that discovered all of these weapons and bomb stuff.
Paddock had bomb making chemicals in his vehicle and home:

Investigators also found at least 19 additional firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition and the chemical tannerite, an explosive, at Paddock’s home in Mesquite, Nev. They also found ammonium nitrate, a chemical that can be used in bomb-making, in Paddock’s vehicle, Lombardo said.

At least 59 killed in Las Vegas shooting rampage, more than 500 others injured

A key bomb ingredient has been found in the Las Vegas killer's car

If he could not kill large numbers with firearms, he wanted to use a bomb; I thought so before I read this news.
Oh, we already have bomb control so who cares?

THEY? Who is they?

Give me your best explanation as to how and why there were no loud bangs from windows being busted out with a sledge hammer? Not one microphone, not one witness.

Where did all of the glass go that was busted out? None on the street? Maybe the glass fell upwards.

How about these reports that show the only flashes of a muzzle coming from the 7th floor?

How about France and Norway. Both had bigger massacres than what happened in Vegas. Not relevant? Really? Or is that rather big point.

Give us your plan and please provide all logistical plans to confiscate over 300 million guns. Thanks.

Peach, you brought a butter knife to gun fight. My rhetorical questions will make you giggle, but that will not be an answer. Now, run along.

I made the point that all the gun control in the world cannot stop one intent on killing; WHOOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, over your head.

I know. Was saying that that argument does not work with the left.

I wanted to know who THEY are that discovered all of these weapons and bomb stuff.

Law Enforcement I gather. Here is one site, there are many:
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Why did the guy do this...then let's ban the reason.

If he did it because he lost a bunch of money in Vegas...we should outlaw gambling...

Relax, the anti gun loons will cluck, scream for gun control and run around squawking for a few more days then settle down. It happens every time
Worst crazy ass shooting in American history. 24,000 was in the crowd.. it's not going to die down for along time.


Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

Metal detectors at the hotel would have stopped this attack. No gun legislation being suggested by the left would have prevented this shooting.
What specific gun control that Progs are clamoring for would have prevented this attack?

It probably depends on how the killer acquired his guns. I also haven't seen any specific gun control demands or requests yet, just very general stuff. :dunno:

Hillary tweeted at 7am Monday morning about suppressors because of the shooting.

She is disgusting. The world is so lucky that evil bitch didn't become POTUS. She is just vomitous.

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017
What specific gun control that Progs are clamoring for would have prevented this attack?

It probably depends on how the killer acquired his guns. I also haven't seen any specific gun control demands or requests yet, just very general stuff. :dunno:

Hillary tweeted at 7am Monday morning about suppressors because of the shooting.

She is disgusting. The world is so lucky that evil bitch didn't become POTUS. She is just vomitous.

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017

Well, that wasn't making a claim about preventing the shooting, so it didn't seem relevant.

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