AAPL (Apple) to repatriate $200 of $252 Billion to US?


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
If this keeps up, I WILL get tired of all this WINNING


no I won't...

AAPL likely to repatriate $200B foreign cash, says GBH, adding predictable Netflix speculation

A GBH research note seen by us predicts that Apple is likely to take advantage of the tax break on repatriated overseas cash to bring back around $200B of its $252B foreign cash hoard.

Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.
But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.

because people who see their portfolios rising won't spend more money - amirite???
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Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.

It would pay off pension funds, 401k funds, and make the company more economically secure, which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

Plus those executives will hopefully throw big parties, go out more, and buy houses, yachts etc thus adding more $$ to the economy.
because people who see their portfolios riding gom't spend more money - amirite???

Go to bed........You're too much of an idiot to be posting these types of thread...LOL
which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

NO, nitwit.....the only reason for "expanding" their businesses is if there is consumer demand.......and since consumers are getting virtually crumbs......demand will not occur and expansion would be stupid. Trickle down is the concept that only a 5 years old would make.
which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

NO, nitwit.....the only reason for "expanding" their businesses is if there is consumer demand.......and since consumers are getting virtually crumbs......demand will not occur and expansion would be stupid. Trickle down is the concept that only a 5 years old would make.
It's obvious your nursing home doesn't allow you to go to your local Apple Store.
The Apple Stores are packed 24/7 and you're an idiot.
Americans Are Paying Apple Millions to Shelter Overseas Profits

Taking advantage of an exemption tucked into America’s Byzantine tax code, Apple stashed much of its foreign earnings—tax-free—right here in the U.S., in part by purchasing government bonds, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter. In return, the Treasury Department paid Apple at least $600 million and possibly much more over the past five years in the form of interest.

Americans Are Paying Apple Millions to Shelter Overseas Profits
Americans Are Paying Apple Millions to Shelter Overseas Profits

Taking advantage of an exemption tucked into America’s Byzantine tax code, Apple stashed much of its foreign earnings—tax-free—right here in the U.S., in part by purchasing government bonds, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter.
In return, the Treasury Department paid Apple at least $600 million and possibly much more over the past five years in the form of interest.

Americans Are Paying Apple Millions to Shelter Overseas Profits
It's obvious your nursing home doesn't allow you to go to your local Apple Store.
The Apple Stores are packed 24/7 and you're an idiot.
I think I will wait till I hear it from Apple to put on my party hat.
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.

It would pay off pension funds, 401k funds, and make the company more economically secure, which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

Plus those executives will hopefully throw big parties, go out more, and buy houses, yachts etc thus adding more $$ to the economy.
don't they do that ALREADY with the millions they have on hand????

DO YOU really believe in trickle down being a way to spur the whole economy and good paying jobs for the little guy? IF so, why? what can be shown to validate that?
which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

NO, nitwit.....the only reason for "expanding" their businesses is if there is consumer demand.......and since consumers are getting virtually crumbs......demand will not occur and expansion would be stupid. Trickle down is the concept that only a 5 years old would make.

It's not trickle down it injecting money into the economy.

When taxes go up the only people who make $$ are those who work for the government.
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.

It would pay off pension funds, 401k funds, and make the company more economically secure, which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

Plus those executives will hopefully throw big parties, go out more, and buy houses, yachts etc thus adding more $$ to the economy.
don't they do that ALREADY with the millions they have on hand????

DO YOU really believe in trickle down being a way to spur the whole economy and good paying jobs for the little guy? IF so, why? what can be shown to validate that?

What I don't believe is taxing one's way to prosperity by using that $$ to increase the size of government.

Rich people having more $$ means rich people spending more $$.
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.

It would pay off pension funds, 401k funds, and make the company more economically secure, which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

Plus those executives will hopefully throw big parties, go out more, and buy houses, yachts etc thus adding more $$ to the economy.
don't they do that ALREADY with the millions they have on hand????

DO YOU really believe in trickle down being a way to spur the whole economy and good paying jobs for the little guy? IF so, why? what can be shown to validate that?

What I don't believe is taxing one's way to prosperity by using that $$ to increase the size of government.

Rich people having more $$ means rich people spending more $$.
the gvt has been growing whether the tax dollars exist or not, and it's is BETTER to pay for it than to borrow and simply pass it off to our future generations....imo

corps now owe less of our debt, and we little guys now owe more of our future debt

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