AAPL (Apple) to repatriate $200 of $252 Billion to US?

they want taxes to go up!

That last part you got out of your ass, admit it?........LOL

Really, not one regressive on capital hill voted to reduce the tax burden on the country. I'll be interested in seeing how they run on that position, since they voted not to give the little guy anything.

No, asswipe., they voted not to borrow 1.5 trillion to give wealthy & well off corporations a tax break.

Now wait a damn minute, I get part of that and I'm not wealthy. And at least there wasn't a bill that cost a trillion a year in debt like the commiecrats did.

2. Corporations are TAX COLLECTORS. How do you think they pay their taxes? By taking money from us, that is how. Corporations are middle men, nothing more, nothing less. The more the government requires them to pay, the more they have to charge us for the product.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.
40% less in prices...the corporation tax cut was a 40% REDUCTION in their taxes....and what was ours again, us peon's tax reductions?

We just shifted more of the wealth in this nation, out of the hands of us peon workers and in to the hands of the already wealthy who own most of the Nation.... we just made the Gap between the wealthiest, and the rest of us, even greater...

And that is NOT healthy for the future of this nation, and this is my concern...the Nation's future....for the working man.

1. Another person who can't do math and has no idea.

2. Why do leftists care, they don't want any tax breaks anyway, they want taxes to go up!

Really math wizzard, tell us your alternative math.

Is taking the rate from 35 to 21 a 40% cut or not?

And for you pretend Americans who had a freakin fit over the debt. We now know that if we give you $20 a eek,m you love debt.

Hey Real Dumb, you didn't read Carrywaters post!

He said--------->40% cut in prices!....because their tax rate was cut by 40%. The only word I added was BECAUSE. DOES THAT ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE TO YOU? Are you saying, that was not what Carrywater was implying!

Besides that, who are you, his paladin, lol. Carrywater can speak for himself.......hell, he never shuts up-)
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I am telling ya folks, the left is coming unglued, lol. Even they know it is looking grim for them-)
they want taxes to go up!

That last part you got out of your ass, admit it?........LOL

Really, not one regressive on capital hill voted to reduce the tax burden on the country. I'll be interested in seeing how they run on that position, since they voted not to give the little guy anything.

No, asswipe., they voted not to borrow 1.5 trillion to give wealthy & well off corporations a tax break.

Now wait a damn minute, I get part of that and I'm not wealthy. And at least there wasn't a bill that cost a trillion a year in debt like the commiecrats did.

A tiny part. What trillion dollars are you blabbing about now?
they want taxes to go up!

That last part you got out of your ass, admit it?........LOL

Really, not one regressive on capital hill voted to reduce the tax burden on the country. I'll be interested in seeing how they run on that position, since they voted not to give the little guy anything.

No, asswipe., they voted not to borrow 1.5 trillion to give wealthy & well off corporations a tax break.

Now wait a damn minute, I get part of that and I'm not wealthy. And at least there wasn't a bill that cost a trillion a year in debt like the commiecrats did.

A tiny part. What trillion dollars are you blabbing about now?

There's about 124 million working people in this country and no telling how many retired that pay income taxes, no one person pays more than a tiny part. And the trillion a year I'm talking about is the off budget mandatory spending in maobamacare, it's not even part of the deficit, it goes straight to the debt. That's why I'm not particularly worried about 150 billion on budget deficit a year that probably won't materialize if the economy grows as expected.


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