AAPL (Apple) to repatriate $200 of $252 Billion to US?

2. Corporations are TAX COLLECTORS. How do you think they pay their taxes? By taking money from us, that is how. Corporations are middle men, nothing more, nothing less. The more the government requires them to pay, the more they have to charge us for the product.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.

I love the way you try and spin it, quite a good spin, but not factual.


Because MOST enterprises........in fact no enterprises, make a 100% profit on what they sell the product for. For your valuation to work, if you buy a vehicle for 20,000 yesterday, and expect that car to drop 3000 dollars because of them paying 15% less tax on the profit, then the auto company would have to make the whole 20,000 profit.

It does cost something to manufacture you know!

On a 20,000 vehicle, pure profit on that vehicle may be 2000 dollars. So the actual price drop, would be 300.00.

But then, you have to figure, they are going to keep at least 1/2 of that for themselves........which is fair, isn't it, 1/2 for you, 1/2 for me.....so now you are looking at 150-)
So, do you think we are going to see prices drop on such things?

Depends? Apple, maybe, they have a lot of profit built into phones, most of their outlay is in R and D.

But I remind everyone here that-------->the amount of price drop you might see, depends totally on the profit of the company.

What do I mean?

Well, what is 50% of 0? Answer, 0! What is 21% of 0. Answer, 0! So it all depends upon how profitable the company is.

Let me use an example that the Left can understand----------->

Should we see a price drop from Apple? ANSWER----------> Looking at their profits, you could probably guess yes!

Should we see a price drop on newspapers from the NYT? ANSWER------------> Well, if you use Golfing Gators logic and they don't, then every Leftist should cancel their subscription, lol........but the truth is, their profits are so low for their outlay, that they just can't do it!

So the price drop will depend on profits, and volume!

You seriously have no idea how economics work.

Products are not priced according to revenues, they are priced BY DEMAND. If Apple could sell iPhones for 1 million dollars they would.
If this keeps up, I WILL get tired of all this WINNING


no I won't...

AAPL likely to repatriate $200B foreign cash, says GBH, adding predictable Netflix speculation

A GBH research note seen by us predicts that Apple is likely to take advantage of the tax break on repatriated overseas cash to bring back around $200B of its $252B foreign cash hoard.


32 billion to the treasury, good job Mr. Trump.

and if apple is willing to do it, bring this cash back, then they must be ok with that rate vs. where they currently keep their money. we simply have to be globally competitive in this "global" world but many don't see the connection. they cry GLOBAL when it suits their mood and EVIL BUSINESS for the same.
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.

It would pay off pension funds, 401k funds, and make the company more economically secure, which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

Plus those executives will hopefully throw big parties, go out more, and buy houses, yachts etc thus adding more $$ to the economy.
don't they do that ALREADY with the millions they have on hand????

DO YOU really believe in trickle down being a way to spur the whole economy and good paying jobs for the little guy? IF so, why? what can be shown to validate that?

What I don't believe is taxing one's way to prosperity by using that $$ to increase the size of government.

Rich people having more $$ means rich people spending more $$.
the gvt has been growing whether the tax dollars exist or not, and it's is BETTER to pay for it than to borrow and simply pass it off to our future generations....imo

corps now owe less of our debt, and we little guys now owe more of our future debt
maybe. but it also means we have that $$$ here to hire people and/or start making shit here in the US again. it also put $32bil back into our own accounts vs nothing at all for where it was.

and somehow this is bad for the little guy. that poor nameless little guy that gets used for every argument out there when proof doesn't exist.
2. Corporations are TAX COLLECTORS. How do you think they pay their taxes? By taking money from us, that is how. Corporations are middle men, nothing more, nothing less. The more the government requires them to pay, the more they have to charge us for the product.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.

They will always charge whatever the market will bear, taxes notwithstanding.

2. Corporations are TAX COLLECTORS. How do you think they pay their taxes? By taking money from us, that is how. Corporations are middle men, nothing more, nothing less. The more the government requires them to pay, the more they have to charge us for the product.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.

I love the way you try and spin it, quite a good spin, but not factual.


Because MOST enterprises........in fact no enterprises, make a 100% profit on what they sell the product for. For your valuation to work, if you buy a vehicle for 20,000 yesterday, and expect that car to drop 3000 dollars because of them paying 15% less tax on the profit, then the auto company would have to make the whole 20,000 profit.

It does cost something to manufacture you know!

On a 20,000 vehicle, pure profit on that vehicle may be 2000 dollars. So the actual price drop, would be 300.00.

But then, you have to figure, they are going to keep at least 1/2 of that for themselves........which is fair, isn't it, 1/2 for you, 1/2 for me.....so now you are looking at 150-)
So, do you think we are going to see prices drop on such things?

Depends? Apple, maybe, they have a lot of profit built into phones, most of their outlay is in R and D.

But I remind everyone here that-------->the amount of price drop you might see, depends totally on the profit of the company.

What do I mean?

Well, what is 50% of 0? Answer, 0! What is 21% of 0. Answer, 0! So it all depends upon how profitable the company is.

Let me use an example that the Left can understand----------->

Should we see a price drop from Apple? ANSWER----------> Looking at their profits, you could probably guess yes!

Should we see a price drop on newspapers from the NYT? ANSWER------------> Well, if you use Golfing Gators logic and they don't, then every Leftist should cancel their subscription, lol........but the truth is, their profits are so low for their outlay, that they just can't do it!

So the price drop will depend on profits, and volume!

For the three years prior to the tax cut, corporations in this country have been seeing record profits. There was no correlated price drop to to along with those.

The reason for this is simple, price is dictated by what the market will bear more than the amount of profit that is being made.

2. Corporations are TAX COLLECTORS. How do you think they pay their taxes? By taking money from us, that is how. Corporations are middle men, nothing more, nothing less. The more the government requires them to pay, the more they have to charge us for the product.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.

I love the way you try and spin it, quite a good spin, but not factual.


Because MOST enterprises........in fact no enterprises, make a 100% profit on what they sell the product for. For your valuation to work, if you buy a vehicle for 20,000 yesterday, and expect that car to drop 3000 dollars because of them paying 15% less tax on the profit, then the auto company would have to make the whole 20,000 profit.

It does cost something to manufacture you know!

On a 20,000 vehicle, pure profit on that vehicle may be 2000 dollars. So the actual price drop, would be 300.00.

But then, you have to figure, they are going to keep at least 1/2 of that for themselves........which is fair, isn't it, 1/2 for you, 1/2 for me.....so now you are looking at 150-)
So, do you think we are going to see prices drop on such things?

Depends? Apple, maybe, they have a lot of profit built into phones, most of their outlay is in R and D.

But I remind everyone here that-------->the amount of price drop you might see, depends totally on the profit of the company.

What do I mean?

Well, what is 50% of 0? Answer, 0! What is 21% of 0. Answer, 0! So it all depends upon how profitable the company is.

Let me use an example that the Left can understand----------->

Should we see a price drop from Apple? ANSWER----------> Looking at their profits, you could probably guess yes!

Should we see a price drop on newspapers from the NYT? ANSWER------------> Well, if you use Golfing Gators logic and they don't, then every Leftist should cancel their subscription, lol........but the truth is, their profits are so low for their outlay, that they just can't do it!

So the price drop will depend on profits, and volume!

You seriously have no idea how economics work.

Products are not priced according to revenues, they are priced BY DEMAND. If Apple could sell iPhones for 1 million dollars they would.

See, nobody said you guys were incorrect, but you forgot 1 little input into your equation.........COMPETITION!

What kind of car would you guys like? Mercedes, Cadillac, Lincoln,?

So let us say, your number 1 choice is Mercedes, your number 2 is Cadillac.

How much more do you want the Mercedes than the Cadillac? How about 10,000 worth, but no more than that? Well, what if Cadillac can now drop its' prices slightly to make it 10,500? Cadillac sales pick up because they dropped their price point, because they can.

So, if Mercedes starts losing sales enough, what will they do? I will give you 3 guess, and the 1st-2 do not count.

You see, the law of supply and demand is also dictated by price point. As one of you said so beautifully................."if Apple could sell a phone for a million, they would!" So why don't they-) Because nobody would buy them, lol. Why? Because they can go buy a Samsung, that is why!

So who is going to start the march downwards in price because they have more wiggle room? And when that happens, to keep market share, the rest up above will be forced, down, too; that is of course unless their product is sooooooo much better, then who knows, maybe they can sell it for a million bucks, but I doubt it-)
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.
Or maybe they'll do some good. Maybe things will go well.

What's it like, hoping for the worst like this? Is your ideology really THAT important to you?
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.
Or maybe they'll do some good. Maybe things will go well.

What's it like, hoping for the worst like this? Is your ideology really THAT important to you?

Yes Mac, we all hope for the best, I did even under Obama. Liked the guy, disliked his policies, but always hoped his policies would actually do what they were supposed to do.

Confidence is a big thing in the economy. Not to many people go buy a new car, if they think they are going to lose their job soon. Statistics show......for whatever reason, confidence is growing tremendously.

I myself felt it enough to do something I haven't done since I retired from Ford...........purchased 100 shares of their stock yesterday, lol. (not confident enough to buy 1000, lol) I usually deal only in mutual funds, but I thought what the hell-)
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.
Or maybe they'll do some good. Maybe things will go well.

What's it like, hoping for the worst like this? Is your ideology really THAT important to you?

Yes Mac, we all hope for the best, I did even under Obama. Liked the guy, disliked his policies, but always hoped his policies would actually do what they were supposed to do.

Confidence is a big thing in the economy. Not to many people go buy a new car, if they think they are going to lose their job soon. Statistics show......for whatever reason, confidence is growing tremendously.

I myself felt it enough to do something I haven't done since I retired from Ford...........purchased 100 shares of their stock yesterday, lol. (not confident enough to buy 1000, lol) I usually deal only in mutual funds, but I thought what the hell-)
We'll have to disagree. I don't believe that hardcore partisan ideologues hope for the best when the "other" side is in power.

Not the worst of them. Not for a moment.
Lol. Your jealousy is out there for all to see.

Sure, Mr. fuck head....I'm "jealous" that Apple is stashing billions overseas....
"Brilliant" deduction, asshole.......(Go to bed, your senility is showing.....LOL)

No, your jealousy over some people having more than you, which in the end, is the root of all progressive viewpoints.
which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

NO, nitwit.....the only reason for "expanding" their businesses is if there is consumer demand.......and since consumers are getting virtually crumbs......demand will not occur and expansion would be stupid. Trickle down is the concept that only a 5 years old would make.

It's not trickle down it injecting money into the economy.

When taxes go up the only people who make $$ are those who work for the government.
How so?

Unless people get $$ directly injected into their bank accounts from tax increases, the increases go to fund moar government, which requires moar government workers.
2. Corporations are TAX COLLECTORS. How do you think they pay their taxes? By taking money from us, that is how. Corporations are middle men, nothing more, nothing less. The more the government requires them to pay, the more they have to charge us for the product.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.

They will always charge whatever the market will bear, taxes notwithstanding.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.

I love the way you try and spin it, quite a good spin, but not factual.


Because MOST enterprises........in fact no enterprises, make a 100% profit on what they sell the product for. For your valuation to work, if you buy a vehicle for 20,000 yesterday, and expect that car to drop 3000 dollars because of them paying 15% less tax on the profit, then the auto company would have to make the whole 20,000 profit.

It does cost something to manufacture you know!

On a 20,000 vehicle, pure profit on that vehicle may be 2000 dollars. So the actual price drop, would be 300.00.

But then, you have to figure, they are going to keep at least 1/2 of that for themselves........which is fair, isn't it, 1/2 for you, 1/2 for me.....so now you are looking at 150-)
So, do you think we are going to see prices drop on such things?

Depends? Apple, maybe, they have a lot of profit built into phones, most of their outlay is in R and D.

But I remind everyone here that-------->the amount of price drop you might see, depends totally on the profit of the company.

What do I mean?

Well, what is 50% of 0? Answer, 0! What is 21% of 0. Answer, 0! So it all depends upon how profitable the company is.

Let me use an example that the Left can understand----------->

Should we see a price drop from Apple? ANSWER----------> Looking at their profits, you could probably guess yes!

Should we see a price drop on newspapers from the NYT? ANSWER------------> Well, if you use Golfing Gators logic and they don't, then every Leftist should cancel their subscription, lol........but the truth is, their profits are so low for their outlay, that they just can't do it!

So the price drop will depend on profits, and volume!

For the three years prior to the tax cut, corporations in this country have been seeing record profits. There was no correlated price drop to to along with those.

The reason for this is simple, price is dictated by what the market will bear more than the amount of profit that is being made.

So, if this is true then then inverse must also be ture, and the less the government requires them to pay the less they have to charge us for the product, right?

So, we should be seeing 15% drops in the prices of everything in this country soon based upon your logic.

I love the way you try and spin it, quite a good spin, but not factual.


Because MOST enterprises........in fact no enterprises, make a 100% profit on what they sell the product for. For your valuation to work, if you buy a vehicle for 20,000 yesterday, and expect that car to drop 3000 dollars because of them paying 15% less tax on the profit, then the auto company would have to make the whole 20,000 profit.

It does cost something to manufacture you know!

On a 20,000 vehicle, pure profit on that vehicle may be 2000 dollars. So the actual price drop, would be 300.00.

But then, you have to figure, they are going to keep at least 1/2 of that for themselves........which is fair, isn't it, 1/2 for you, 1/2 for me.....so now you are looking at 150-)
So, do you think we are going to see prices drop on such things?

Depends? Apple, maybe, they have a lot of profit built into phones, most of their outlay is in R and D.

But I remind everyone here that-------->the amount of price drop you might see, depends totally on the profit of the company.

What do I mean?

Well, what is 50% of 0? Answer, 0! What is 21% of 0. Answer, 0! So it all depends upon how profitable the company is.

Let me use an example that the Left can understand----------->

Should we see a price drop from Apple? ANSWER----------> Looking at their profits, you could probably guess yes!

Should we see a price drop on newspapers from the NYT? ANSWER------------> Well, if you use Golfing Gators logic and they don't, then every Leftist should cancel their subscription, lol........but the truth is, their profits are so low for their outlay, that they just can't do it!

So the price drop will depend on profits, and volume!

You seriously have no idea how economics work.

Products are not priced according to revenues, they are priced BY DEMAND. If Apple could sell iPhones for 1 million dollars they would.

See, nobody said you guys were incorrect, but you forgot 1 little input into your equation.........COMPETITION!

No we didn't.

Apple prices their products according to what people are willing to pay for them, which already prices in competition. Apple would not be able to sell their phones for $800-$1000 if their competition sells what consumers feel is just as good for $500.
Last edited:
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.
Or maybe they'll do some good. Maybe things will go well.

What's it like, hoping for the worst like this? Is your ideology really THAT important to you?

Yes Mac, we all hope for the best, I did even under Obama. Liked the guy, disliked his policies, but always hoped his policies would actually do what they were supposed to do.

Confidence is a big thing in the economy. Not to many people go buy a new car, if they think they are going to lose their job soon. Statistics show......for whatever reason, confidence is growing tremendously.

I myself felt it enough to do something I haven't done since I retired from Ford...........purchased 100 shares of their stock yesterday, lol. (not confident enough to buy 1000, lol) I usually deal only in mutual funds, but I thought what the hell-)

$1000 in bitcoin in 2010 , today would be worth 40 million dollars ;)
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.
Or maybe they'll do some good. Maybe things will go well.

What's it like, hoping for the worst like this? Is your ideology really THAT important to you?

Yes Mac, we all hope for the best, I did even under Obama. Liked the guy, disliked his policies, but always hoped his policies would actually do what they were supposed to do.

Confidence is a big thing in the economy. Not to many people go buy a new car, if they think they are going to lose their job soon. Statistics show......for whatever reason, confidence is growing tremendously.

I myself felt it enough to do something I haven't done since I retired from Ford...........purchased 100 shares of their stock yesterday, lol. (not confident enough to buy 1000, lol) I usually deal only in mutual funds, but I thought what the hell-)

$1000 in bitcoin in 2010 , today would be worth 40 million dollars ;)

I didn't buy any-) Sure hope you did, that would be great for you, and I wish for you success.

But, if I had purchased it, I wouldn't have had all that money today. Why? Because I would have sold it long ago. I am needy, not greedy-)
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.
cry baby 8.jpg
If this keeps up, I WILL get tired of all this WINNING


no I won't...

AAPL likely to repatriate $200B foreign cash, says GBH, adding predictable Netflix speculation

A GBH research note seen by us predicts that Apple is likely to take advantage of the tax break on repatriated overseas cash to bring back around $200B of its $252B foreign cash hoard.


32 billion to the treasury, good job Mr. Trump.

and if apple is willing to do it, bring this cash back, then they must be ok with that rate vs. where they currently keep their money. we simply have to be globally competitive in this "global" world but many don't see the connection. they cry GLOBAL when it suits their mood and EVIL BUSINESS for the same.

16% vs. 35% is much better, but they're still stuck with State taxes so it's not just 16%.

If this keeps up, I WILL get tired of all this WINNING


no I won't...

AAPL likely to repatriate $200B foreign cash, says GBH, adding predictable Netflix speculation

A GBH research note seen by us predicts that Apple is likely to take advantage of the tax break on repatriated overseas cash to bring back around $200B of its $252B foreign cash hoard.


32 billion to the treasury, good job Mr. Trump.

and if apple is willing to do it, bring this cash back, then they must be ok with that rate vs. where they currently keep their money. we simply have to be globally competitive in this "global" world but many don't see the connection. they cry GLOBAL when it suits their mood and EVIL BUSINESS for the same.

16% vs. 35% is much better, but they're still stuck with State taxes so it's not just 16%.

Mikey, the amount these companies were taxed for outside the US earnings would be the US rate less the rate in that country.
Here, naive right wing morons......The tax scam is a WINDFALL for rich conglomerates...........LOL

Companies who aim to "repatriate" their billions to the U.S. are more likely to use any cash they do bring home to pay down debt, buy back shares or hike dividends. All of those moves would help boost a company's share price, and increase the value of stock and options given to top executives. But they won't do anything to build new factories or create jobs.

It would pay off pension funds, 401k funds, and make the company more economically secure, which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

Plus those executives will hopefully throw big parties, go out more, and buy houses, yachts etc thus adding more $$ to the economy.
don't they do that ALREADY with the millions they have on hand????

DO YOU really believe in trickle down being a way to spur the whole economy and good paying jobs for the little guy? IF so, why? what can be shown to validate that?

What I don't believe is taxing one's way to prosperity by using that $$ to increase the size of government.

Rich people having more $$ means rich people spending more $$.
the gvt has been growing whether the tax dollars exist or not, and it's is BETTER to pay for it than to borrow and simply pass it off to our future generations....imo

corps now owe less of our debt, and we little guys now owe more of our future debt
maybe. but it also means we have that $$$ here to hire people and/or start making shit here in the US again. it also put $32bil back into our own accounts vs nothing at all for where it was.

and somehow this is bad for the little guy. that poor nameless little guy that gets used for every argument out there when proof doesn't exist.
Apple SAID they were not going to expand business with their money brought home, in the article Iceberg.

They SAID they were going to spend the money on buy backs and an increase in dividends.

that helps ONLY those stock holders and NOT the workers, from my understanding of it?

So we borrowed over a trillion dollars to give the corporations more money in their pockets, in which they chose to not share by expanding business, but to make their stock price go up and pay more in dividends, again, not the workers....in Apple's case....

So I still do not see the advantage for anyone here, that does not own boocoos of their stock, like the CEO's...?
It would pay off pension funds, 401k funds, and make the company more economically secure, which results in them being more willing to expand if the market conditions call for it.

Plus those executives will hopefully throw big parties, go out more, and buy houses, yachts etc thus adding more $$ to the economy.
don't they do that ALREADY with the millions they have on hand????

DO YOU really believe in trickle down being a way to spur the whole economy and good paying jobs for the little guy? IF so, why? what can be shown to validate that?

What I don't believe is taxing one's way to prosperity by using that $$ to increase the size of government.

Rich people having more $$ means rich people spending more $$.
the gvt has been growing whether the tax dollars exist or not, and it's is BETTER to pay for it than to borrow and simply pass it off to our future generations....imo

corps now owe less of our debt, and we little guys now owe more of our future debt
maybe. but it also means we have that $$$ here to hire people and/or start making shit here in the US again. it also put $32bil back into our own accounts vs nothing at all for where it was.

and somehow this is bad for the little guy. that poor nameless little guy that gets used for every argument out there when proof doesn't exist.
Apple SAID they were not going to expand business with their money brought home, in the article Iceberg.

They SAID they were going to spend the money on buy backs and an increase in dividends.

that helps ONLY those stock holders and NOT the workers, from my understanding of it?

Buybacks allow a company to keep more of its profits, thus helping it's own bottom line and making expansion easier if warranted.

And considering how many of us have pensions or 401k's invested in Apple, increased dividends are a good thing.
Apple SAID they were not going to expand business with their money brought home, in the article Iceberg.

They SAID they were going to spend the money on buy backs and an increase in dividends.

that helps ONLY those stock holders and NOT the workers, from my understanding of it?

......and Apple is also about to reward their top management who are ALSO the architects of hiding the profits overseas in tax havens.....in the FIRST place.
Buybacks allow a company to keep more of its profits, thus helping it's own bottom line and making expansion easier if warranted.

Moron, IF Apple wanted to expand it could have done it way before this tax scam.....but they didn't. WHY IS THAT???

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