SIAP:Apple announces plans to repatriate $350 billion in overseas cash, add 20,000 jobs in America

People don't get that Apple's 'generosity' here isn't coming out of their pockets; it's coming out of your pocket.
A company that can get people to pay $1000 for a friggin' phone should be able to do ALL their manufacturing in the US,

at good wages..

You have to wonder how much they actually save?

I know Hershey moved some production to Mexico to save like 2%. I have never bought their products since.
Who gives a shit? 2 percent is hundreds of millions of dollars..or more.

See as an idiot, you can't understand things like finance. Regardless of your personal disdain for success...success breeds success. When the companies are in this country, hiring our people, it means our people benefit. It means our people have jobs. When big companies have to pay less in punitive and ridiculous government fees, they pay their workers more. When big companies don't have to pay to transport their goods back and forth across oceans, those goods cost less so our workers who are earning more can buy more, and thus improve their standard of living.

But leftists hate that whole concept. The concept of people working hard and getting ahead just kills them.
One would hope that the left would learn this lesson in economics from reality, but they won't. You can't fix stupid.

What lesson is that? The republicans just put us trillions in debt so that the richest companies on the planet can get out of paying taxes?

I see you failed the lesson. Not surprising at all. That’s why you say stupid things.

That's no answer. We're already in debt. Something republicans constantly complain about. Now they put us deeper in debt on the assumption that this tax giveaway will somehow get us out of debt and make America great again or whatever.

Yes I know it isn’t an answer to your question but I know you wouldn’t accept any answer that didn’t conform to your way of thinking. As I said in the original post, I “hoped” the left would learn the lesson but doubted they would. You won’t so why waste my time? That’s all the answer necessary.
Pubs are fucking idiots if they fold and give Dems nearly 4 million new voters overnight.

It's only about votes because DEMS will NOT allow Dreamers to stay, but not get to vote for 30 years.

It's NOT about the people, it's about the votes for Dems.

If it was about the people, the Dems would let them stay with their families and work legally........

.....but that's not what Dems want...they want the VOTES, PERIOD.

Lying sacks of hypocritical shit.
Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.

And when were you the CEO of a major corporation, assclown?

They said specifically said, "Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy in part because of the new tax law."

So it was a major factor in this decision. I realize it's bad news for a Marxist like you to see the successes of Capitalism in action, but do try to contain your flaming butt hurt.

HA! Way to be a total assclown - since when is being CEO a requirement to understand basic economics?

I'm also not an English teacher but I'm pretty sure "in part" DOES NOT mean "major factor".

They aren't going to put out a presser on this, but Apple's lobbying, like many other corporations spiked big time ahead of the tax reform and sure enough it was money well spent for them.

Game plan now is to be able to ride out the populist outrage and actually keep these low rates along with all the sweetheart deals long term.
I doubt there will be much of a problem keeping the low rates when all the foriegn money comes flooding in.

What a simpleton you truly are. The foreign money will add to the US Treasury when it’s repatriated but it’s not going to raises or expansion.

Corporations are already awash in cash, and there will be a big dividend for shareholders in the repatriation, but what is going to happen is the corporations are going to buy back their own stock with this cash.
If they buy back their stock, then they will enrich their stockholders, who will then have more money to spend. The snowflake theory that money just sits in a bank doing nothing only shows how fucking stupid they are.

No one said that rich getting richer doesn’t help economy generally(at least in short term before the actual bills come due), but when we are talking about middle class benefiting from that it's a whole different ball game. They'll get some FRACTIONAL trickle down, but blowing all this national debt increase to make rich richer, instead of concentrating on middle class is simply BAD POLICY.
Apple announces plans to repatriate $350 billion in overseas cash, add 20,000 jobs in America
I'll believe it,when I see it. This is good, slick PR work by Apple. As Americans have very short attention spans, they'll forget all about this in a few months. The corps are free then to renege
And when were you the CEO of a major corporation, assclown?

They said specifically said, "Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy in part because of the new tax law."

So it was a major factor in this decision. I realize it's bad news for a Marxist like you to see the successes of Capitalism in action, but do try to contain your flaming butt hurt.

HA! Way to be a total assclown - since when is being CEO a requirement to understand basic economics?

I'm also not an English teacher but I'm pretty sure "in part" DOES NOT mean "major factor".

They aren't going to put out a presser on this, but Apple's lobbying, like many other corporations spiked big time ahead of the tax reform and sure enough it was money well spent for them.

Game plan now is to be able to ride out the populist outrage and actually keep these low rates along with all the sweetheart deals long term.
I doubt there will be much of a problem keeping the low rates when all the foriegn money comes flooding in.

What a simpleton you truly are. The foreign money will add to the US Treasury when it’s repatriated but it’s not going to raises or expansion.

Corporations are already awash in cash, and there will be a big dividend for shareholders in the repatriation, but what is going to happen is the corporations are going to buy back their own stock with this cash.
If they buy back their stock, then they will enrich their stockholders, who will then have more money to spend. The snowflake theory that money just sits in a bank doing nothing only shows how fucking stupid they are.

If they buy back their stock, those stockholders that sold therm that stock no longer get dividends you stupid shit. That is less money being paid lout.

It also concentrated ownership of the stock in fewer hands and hence the ownership of that increased wealth is increasingly concentrated.

There was a huge gap between the amounts of capital the Apple is repatriating and the amounts they’re spending. Certainly a portion is expected to be spent on employee bonuses and shareholder dividends, but the amount of the check being cut to Treasury suggests that all overseas funds are being repatriated which will give the corporation enough to take the company private if it so desired.

Tantalizing opportunities.
Apple announces plans to repatriate $350 billion in overseas cash, add 20,000 jobs in America
I'll believe it,when I see it. This is good, slick PR work by Apple. As Americans have very short attention spans, they'll forget all about this in a few months. The corps are free then to renege

Yes Americans have very short attention spans but global equities markets and the media don't , if this is simply a "PR stunt" by Apple then it's arguably the stupidest one in the history of Corporate American since management and the board will get tarred, feathered and then hung from the yard arms is they "renege" without some major external event driving it not mention the backlash they'll get from consumers and U.S. regulators.
The right wing should cut the drug war instead of financing the tax cuts.

Why wouldn't they be able to do both?
Ask them; the rich got richer.

I need to "ask them" I know why the Republicrats don't want to "cut the drug war" and it doesn't have anything to do with making a choice between that and "financing the tax cuts".

HINT: the two aren't mutually exclusive, in fact , doing the first makes it easier to do the second.

.. and the "rich" getting "richer" has nothing to do with taxes.
The right wing should cut the drug war instead of financing the tax cuts.

Why wouldn't they be able to do both?
Ask them; the rich got richer.

I need to "ask them" I know why the Republicrats don't want to "cut the drug war" and it doesn't have anything to do with making a choice between that and "financing the tax cuts".

HINT: the two aren't mutually exclusive, in fact , doing the first makes it easier to do the second.

.. and the "rich" getting "richer" has nothing to do with taxes.
did you know; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

if cutting taxes worked; we would have massive surpluses not massive debt.
The right wing should cut the drug war instead of financing the tax cuts.

Why wouldn't they be able to do both?
Ask them; the rich got richer.

I need to "ask them" I know why the Republicrats don't want to "cut the drug war" and it doesn't have anything to do with making a choice between that and "financing the tax cuts".

HINT: the two aren't mutually exclusive, in fact , doing the first makes it easier to do the second.

.. and the "rich" getting "richer" has nothing to do with taxes.
did you know; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
Uh-huh, personally when it comes to economics I don't take either the rank and file right or the rank and file left seriously since most of 'em don't know the first thing about the subject ....

if cutting taxes worked; we would have massive surpluses not massive debt.

... case in point.
Yes Americans have very short attention spans but global equities markets and the media don't , if this is simply a "PR stunt" by Apple then it's arguably the stupidest one in the history of Corporate American since management and the board will get tarred, feathered and then hung from the yard arms is they "renege" without some major external event driving it not mention the backlash they'll get from consumers and U.S. regulators.

While our opinions differ greatly when it comes to nefarious behavior from corporations (like Apple), it still comes down to seeing just how many of these so-called 20,000 new hires, actually pans out. That will not happen for the next three to four months for them to get started. Aside from that, hiring so many employees indicates this was planned at least a year ago, well before this "tax break."
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more or bigger debt=more or bigger Government.


the right wing keeps alleging they are for "small government" or "less government".
Yes Americans have very short attention spans but global equities markets and the media don't , if this is simply a "PR stunt" by Apple then it's arguably the stupidest one in the history of Corporate American since management and the board will get tarred, feathered and then hung from the yard arms is they "renege" without some major external event driving it not mention the backlash they'll get from consumers and U.S. regulators.

While our opinions differ greatly when it comes to nefarious behavior from corporations, it still comes down to seeing just how many of these so-called 20,000 new hires, actually pans out. That will not happen for the next three to four months for them to get started. Aside from that, hiring so many employees indicates this was planned at least a year ago, well before this "tax break."

Umm yeah.. Apple has already said the 20K new hires were planned prior to the passage of the 2017 Tax Reform Package, so no, the tax code isn't playing any significant role with the expansion of Apple's domestic work force (in this particular case).

According to Apple the tax code changes are one of the primary drivers for the repatriation of $245 billion from overseas accounts, which makes sense since it would have been insane for 'em to do it prior to the new one time tax treatment of repatriated assets.

All the specifics of what Apple plans to do with those repatriated assets remains to be seen but they've committed to at least $30 billion in additional domestic capital investment.
A company that can get people to pay $1000 for a friggin' phone should be able to do ALL their manufacturing in the US,

at good wages..

Agreed and I've made this argument for a few years now with my Democratic friends who scream about a $15 minimum wage like a bunch of hypocrites while they live on their iPhones and iPads and Macs made by $1.00 an hour laborers in China.
A company that can get people to pay $1000 for a friggin' phone should be able to do ALL their manufacturing in the US,

at good wages..

Agreed and I've made this argument for a few years now with my Democratic friends who scream about a $15 minimum wage like a bunch of hypocrites while they live on their iPhones and iPads and Macs made by $1.00 an hour laborers in China.

Yeah.. that's what we need, iPhones manufactured in the good ole USA .... after all nobody is going to mind paying $15,000 iPhone SE. :rolleyes:
Umm yeah.. Apple has already said the 20K new hires were planned prior to the passage of the 2017 Tax Reform Package, so no, the tax code isn't playing any significant role with the expansion of Apple's domestic work force (in this particular case).According to Apple the tax code changes are one of the primary drivers for the repatriation of $245 billion from overseas accounts, which makes sense since it would have been insane for 'em to do it prior to the new one time tax treatment of repatriated assets.All the specifics of what Apple plans to do with those repatriated assets remains to be seen but they've committed to at least $30 billion in additional domestic capital investment.

Outside of this one-time tax plan, what I am saying is that IF this actually does happen (which I doubt), it would have happened regardless of anything trump did.

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