SIAP:Apple announces plans to repatriate $350 billion in overseas cash, add 20,000 jobs in America

cutting taxes is speculating on growth; not command economizing our way to the general prosperity and general welfare.
Personally, i think they should have lowered the Corporate Tax Rate more. But still, 35% to 21% was a good cut. It should have been done years ago. So good on Trump. :thup:

Well now, why not drive the tax rate down to zero and fast track us to tremendous prosperity? I'm joking but I'm sure some of you really believe this stuff.
Democrats are already starting to question the sanity of their party. lol
I’ve talked with several who won’t be voting for them in the upcoming elections. :)
When the economy is booming in 2020, do you imagine any of the Trump voters are going to choose some snowflake like Bernie of Kamila Harris?
I can see Trump being a two term president.
If he gets his wall and ends chain migration, he is a shoe-in to win in 2020.
I can see him getting help from the voters after the midterms. People aren’t happy with the resistance he’s been getting.
you expected dems to kiss his filthy ass?
don't expect people full of hate to ever do anything but hate. the more proven wrong, the more the hate grows.

kinda sad but hey - your hate.
Personally, i think they should have lowered the Corporate Tax Rate more. But still, 35% to 21% was a good cut. It should have been done years ago. So good on Trump. :thup:

Well now, why not drive the tax rate down to zero and fast track us to tremendous prosperity? I'm joking but I'm sure some of you really believe this stuff.
FACT: The Government Spends about 21.5% of GDP regardless of who is elected. So anyone not paying 21.5% is being SUBSIDIZED!!!
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When the economy is booming in 2020, do you imagine any of the Trump voters are going to choose some snowflake like Bernie of Kamila Harris?
I can see Trump being a two term president.
If he gets his wall and ends chain migration, he is a shoe-in to win in 2020.
I can see him getting help from the voters after the midterms. People aren’t happy with the resistance he’s been getting.
you expected dems to kiss his filthy ass?
don't expect people full of hate to ever do anything but hate. the more proven wrong, the more the hate grows.

kinda sad but hey - your hate.
my hate doesn't come easily You have to be a real scumbag, a pos like trump for me to hate You folks that support this detestable man ,,,I just feel sorry for
I can see Trump being a two term president.
If he gets his wall and ends chain migration, he is a shoe-in to win in 2020.
I can see him getting help from the voters after the midterms. People aren’t happy with the resistance he’s been getting.
you expected dems to kiss his filthy ass?
don't expect people full of hate to ever do anything but hate. the more proven wrong, the more the hate grows.

kinda sad but hey - your hate.
my hate doesn't come easily You have to be a real scumbag, a pos like trump for me to hate You folks that support this detestable man ,,,I just feel sorry for
How important can any public policy be if the right wing is unwilling to fund it with appropriate tax rates.
Funny chit. OMG OMG Trump Trmp Trump!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

Obama proposed a discounted tax rate to repatriate these profits & the Republican Congress refused to do shit.

Obama also proposed a continuing discounted tax rate for future overseas profits eliminating the loop hole.
Republicans ignored it.

Obama also proposed a lower corporate rate with the elimination of some loopholes. The Republicans ignored it.

Trump & the Republicans now say overseas profits are tax free. Yes tax free.

So according to the dumbass Trumpettes that post here, this would be quite the incentive to make profits overseas tax free.
Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.

And when were you the CEO of a major corporation, assclown?

They said specifically said, "Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy in part because of the new tax law."

So it was a major factor in this decision. I realize it's bad news for a Marxist like you to see the successes of Capitalism in action, but do try to contain your flaming butt hurt.

HA! Way to be a total assclown - since when is being CEO a requirement to understand basic economics?

I'm also not an English teacher but I'm pretty sure "in part" DOES NOT mean "major factor".

They aren't going to put out a presser on this, but Apple's lobbying, like many other corporations spiked big time ahead of the tax reform and sure enough it was money well spent for them.

Game plan now is to be able to ride out the populist outrage and actually keep these low rates along with all the sweetheart deals long term.
I doubt there will be much of a problem keeping the low rates when all the foriegn money comes flooding in.

What a simpleton you truly are. The foreign money will add to the US Treasury when it’s repatriated but it’s not going to raises or expansion.

Corporations are already awash in cash, and there will be a big dividend for shareholders in the repatriation, but what is going to happen is the corporations are going to buy back their own stock with this cash.
If they buy back their stock, then they will enrich their stockholders, who will then have more money to spend. The snowflake theory that money just sits in a bank doing nothing only shows how fucking stupid they are.
A company that can get people to pay $1000 for a friggin' phone should be able to do ALL their manufacturing in the US,

at good wages..
Idiot, you still do not get it, Apple will pay ZERO tax rate on profits that pay for these EXPENSES.

Apple doesn't build anything or hire anyone because they got a tax cut, they build it because they think it is good for their company.

And when were you the CEO of a major corporation, assclown?

They said specifically said, "Apple on Wednesday made a slew of announcements about its investment in and contribution to the U.S. economy in part because of the new tax law."

So it was a major factor in this decision. I realize it's bad news for a Marxist like you to see the successes of Capitalism in action, but do try to contain your flaming butt hurt.

HA! Way to be a total assclown - since when is being CEO a requirement to understand basic economics?

I'm also not an English teacher but I'm pretty sure "in part" DOES NOT mean "major factor".

They aren't going to put out a presser on this, but Apple's lobbying, like many other corporations spiked big time ahead of the tax reform and sure enough it was money well spent for them.

Game plan now is to be able to ride out the populist outrage and actually keep these low rates along with all the sweetheart deals long term.
I doubt there will be much of a problem keeping the low rates when all the foriegn money comes flooding in.

What a simpleton you truly are. The foreign money will add to the US Treasury when it’s repatriated but it’s not going to raises or expansion.

Corporations are already awash in cash, and there will be a big dividend for shareholders in the repatriation, but what is going to happen is the corporations are going to buy back their own stock with this cash.
If they buy back their stock, then they will enrich their stockholders, who will then have more money to spend. The snowflake theory that money just sits in a bank doing nothing only shows how fucking stupid they are.

If they buy back their stock, those stockholders that sold therm that stock no longer get dividends you stupid shit. That is less money being paid lout.
A company that can get people to pay $1000 for a friggin' phone should be able to do ALL their manufacturing in the US,

at good wages..

You have to wonder how much they actually save?

I know Hershey moved some production to Mexico to save like 2%. I have never bought their products since.
"It doesn't benefit us to remove restrictions on corporations!"

Dumbasses. That's what public school gets you. They are taught an alternate reality.
A company that can get people to pay $1000 for a friggin' phone should be able to do ALL their manufacturing in the US,

at good wages..

You have to wonder how much they actually save?

I know Hershey moved some production to Mexico to save like 2%. I have never bought their products since.

Apple made about 50 billion in profit in 2017. I say, how about you take 25 BILLION in profit, and put the balance into the increased cost of good paying jobs in the US?

would that kill you?
MORE BAD NEWS FOR PROGS.....APPLE REPATRIATING $350 BILLION.....that's alot of taxes at 21%.

FYI: the new one time repatriation corporate tax rates are 15.5% for cash and 8% for non-cash assets (payable over 8 years), the estimated total in additional taxes on the Apple announcement is $38 billion (according to Apple).

.. and it's still unclear how Apple arrived at the $350 billion figure since they don't have that much in cash and liquid assets overseas (it's around $252.3 billion of which Apple plans to bring back $245 billion) and the only additional U.S. based expenditures they've announced so far is $30 billion additional in CapEx in the U.S. over 5 years.

All in all still very good news for the domestic economy. ;)

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