Abbott says TX will challenge 1982 SC decision requiring states to offer free public education to all children, including undocumented immigrants

I own a tract of raw land in a rural Florida County. A county that is primarily agriculture. I inherited it from my family.

I don't live there but I pay taxes on the land. It is not a big tax burden because the land is not developed.

Back when the Worthless Negro was President he allowed million of goddamn Illegals to flood in. Just like Potatohead is doing now.

A good number of the shitheads made their way to the county to work in agriculture.

That put a big burden on the school system because of the filthy ass Supreme Court ruling that said the schools had to accept the little shits.

The county wanted to substantially raise property taxes in order to build more schools. It was going to quadruple the amount of taxes home and land owners had to pay.

Fortunately the voters turned down the tax increase. It has been reintroduced several times but has never passed. The public schools in the county are terrible but private schools have flourished. It is like Whites are getting decent private education and the Blacks and Illegals are getting the crappy education.

It didn't have to be that way but the Supreme Court fucked everything up with their stupid ruling.

That ruling needs to be undone. That would also have the benefit of taking away one of the incentives of the Illegals coming here. That would be a good thing.
Cruelty is promising people they get free shit if they can just cross a border.

Stupidity is believing that this is why people are coming. For free shit. You're just that stupid.

Republicans keep inviting them to come. The want the cheap labour. They refuse to deal with immigration because it's too good an issue for them.
That ruling made sense in 1982. There was a controlled and tacitly understood stream of illegal aliens allowed in for their cheap labor. That was a bi-partisan agreement to allow that to happen, though neither side would ever admit it. It would have been wrong for both parties to allow thousands of immigrants and then refuse to educate them, sentencing them to be no better off their their hard-working, but impoverished parents.

Now, we have one party running a weaponized government that is deliberately lifting all control from the border for political aims that even its members are not fully aware of, and could not articulate. 1982's thousands of immigrants have become 2023's millions.

In 2023, a demand that public schools educated all of these children is a demand that education of American citizens, and children of legal immigrants lose their educations.

With a court willing to apply the actual constitution, that destruction of our education system might be slowed down.
As ever candycorn can't argue the point so she just laughs like a hyena.

Tucker said it last night. Democrats: the party of weak men and unhappy women. Gonna laugh at that Corny?
Nobody with a brain pays any attention to what "Tucks" has to say. If it wasen't for Murdoch who he sold his ass to he'd be sitting on his ass doing nothing gorging on Swanson TV dinners which made him a trust fund punk the day he was born.
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This man has forsaken common decency and compassion for crass political gain.

He is lost. So sadly lost.

So? What basis in actual law or equity can you liberals point to that demands that American taxpayers “must” provide educational benefits to non tax paying illegal aliens?

And why can’t a SCOTUS decision be reconsidered? Wasn’t it ok to reconsider Plessy v. Ferguson?
Interesting. Who else would not be educated? Further, how would this work? ISDs get money per student. So the state wouldn't provide any funding for these students?
Libs often claim that illegals come here for jobs

But they bring their kids for the free education

Lets deny them that reason to violate our immigration laws

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