Abbott says TX will challenge 1982 SC decision requiring states to offer free public education to all children, including undocumented immigrants

Yeah, the one who was with a mob trying to bust into the speakers office.
It was people who were protesting and some got carried away. It wasn’t an insurrection, it was people who were expressing their grievances with the government in the wrong way.
It was people who were protesting and some got carried away. It wasn’t an insurrection, it was people who were expressing their grievances with the government in the wrong way.
Sure. Like the Floyd rioters right? Just got a little carried away…. :rolleyes:
I wonder how the pro illegal alien Tweener Twins will react to this wonderful idea?

Mac1958 , Golfing Gator ?

Can you link to one, just one, post of mine where I support illegal immigration?

That aside, I think it is wrong for there to be a Fed law stating a state has to educate anyone. It should 100% be up to the state. If a state does not want to offer public education they should not have to do so.
Why is it bad? You don't want an educated workforce?

The Feds should fully reimburse: agreed with that. But no education? That's morally and economically repugnant.

They shouldn't be part of the workforce in the first place. And knowing they will get their kids educated for free just encourages them to come here.
The richest nation in the world. The home of the brave in the land of the free. The kids can go home. You ignorant, arrogant, selfish prick.

How is Canada's immigration policy?

If they want to come here legally, let them. If not, stay out.
Stupidity is believing that this is why people are coming. For free shit. You're just that stupid.

Republicans keep inviting them to come. The want the cheap labour. They refuse to deal with immigration because it's too good an issue for them.

Reality is what is going on.

Again, what is Canada's policy?
Yeah, the one who was with a mob trying to bust into the speakers office.
To take a selfie.

Meanwhile for six months the goddamn Negroes and their Communist buddies were rioting, burning, looting and murdering.
Stupidity is believing that this is why people are coming. For free shit. You're just that stupid.

Of course they are to some extent. Free, first world healthcare is a big deal. Free, 1st world education is a big deal. Yes, they also get paid more to work(illegally), but don’t think the freebees and Democrats pushing for amnesty along with our policy of allowing citizenship by birth. All of this plays into illegal immigration and Democrats like it because they believe they will ultimately get more votes. They couldn’t care less about the tax burden that is put on American citizens to support this goal. They just want power, pure and simple.

We are a very attractive country due to our overall affluence. We need a merit based immigration policy and to enforce border security.
I wish people understood how much MORE it costs schools to educate children in these circumstances than whatever your "average" American child is.

The food, ESL, academic, and social work services add up to so much more than what you think. It's not that these kids take up the same resources. They take more. I don't blame the kids, ever. But their parents basically broke into the country and demanded the resources for nothing. And imagine Texas with heaven only knows how many of these families.
Explain this to me? How?

Out of the illegal immigrants I know in the US a good few (more than half)are college educated, all speak perfect English, don't really use social services at all.... None live in Texas...
Not without a large effort to get rid of them.

But ending the subsidizing of the bad behavior in the first place is a start.
You really reckon the US government and citizenry will permit 12-20mm people being deported?
Additionally, many of them are now here legally under under Asylum. Should they not be educated?
You really reckon the US government and citizenry will permit 12-20mm people being deported?
Additionally, many of them are now here legally under under Asylum. Should they not be educated?

Here under false asylum requests that Dems in the government are perpetrating on us.

the Citizenry is getting more and more sick and tired of lawbreakers getting away with lawbreaking.
Can you link to one, just one, post of mine where I support illegal immigration?

That aside, I think it is wrong for there to be a Fed law stating a state has to educate anyone. It should 100% be up to the state. If a state does not want to offer public education they should not have to do so.
ok, one half of the Twins has spoken up and he sounds almost reasonable

Its too bad that we couldnt get his support when trump was in office

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