ABC news admits AR15s not as dangerous as Dems make them out to be


Try again, ignorant one. If the 556 is such an all powerful round explain why the military is switching not only rifles but the ammunition as well?
You just don't get it. CIVILIAN MASS SHOOTERS. AR15. Understand now you creep?
You just don't get it. CIVILIAN MASS SHOOTERS. AR15. Understand now you creep?
On May 31, 2019, a mass shooting occurred at a municipal building in the Princess Anne area of Virginia Beach, Virginia. The gunman, DeWayne Craddock, who was a disgruntled city employee, fatally shot 12 people and wounded four others before he was fatally shot by responding police officers.
That's pretty insulting to AR-15's. Their entire purpose for existence is to be dangerous, and you're telling them they're not :laugh:

The "purposes" of the more than two dozens ARs that I owned are to:

1. Provide recreation

2. Serve as self defense in the unlikely event I would ever need them

3. Provide the security of a free state as stated in the Constitution.
9mm round vs. .556 round. Big difference on what happens to bone and/or human organs.

"It’s possible to argue about everything when it comes to the politics of guns---including about the definition of “assault rifle” itself---but it’s harder to argue about physics. So let's consider the physics of an AR-15.
A bullet with more energy can do more damage. Its total kinetic energy is equal to one-half the mass of the bullet times its velocity squared. The bullet from a handgun is---as absurd as it may sound---slow compared to that from an AR-15. It can be stopped by the thick bone of the upper leg. It might pass through the body, only to become lodged in skin, which is surprisingly elastic.
The bullet from an AR-15 does an entirely different kind of violence to the human body. It’s relatively small, but it leaves the muzzle at three times the speed of a handgun bullet. It has so much energy that it can disintegrate three inches of leg bone. “It would just turn it to dust,” says Donald Jenkins, a trauma surgeon at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. If it hits the liver, “the liver looks like a jello mold that’s been dropped on the floor.” And the exit wound can be a nasty, jagged hole the size of an orange"

It's a dangerous round and a favorite of mass shooters.

Yeah.....I wouldn't trust that Dr....... leftists of all stripes will lie to push their agenda....

They will say anything to get the AR banned....then, when they get that...they will work on shotguns....ever see what a 12 gauge does to the human body at the range of mass public shootings?

They will never stop....

From another Dr.....

These instances are consistent with Dr. Fackler's own findings. He recounts that

n 1980, I treated a soldier shot accidentally with an M16 M193 bullet from a distance of about ten feet. The bullet entered his left thigh and traveled obliquely upward. It exited after passing through about 11 inches of muscle. The man walked into my clinic with no limp whatsoever: the entrance and exit holes were about 4mm across, and punctate. X-ray films showed intact bones, no bullet fragments, and no evidence of significant tissue disruption caused by the bullet's temporary cavity. The bullet path passed well lateral to the femoral vessels. He was back on duty in a few days. Devastating? Hardly.

9mm round vs. .556 round. Big difference on what happens to bone and/or human organs.

"It’s possible to argue about everything when it comes to the politics of guns---including about the definition of “assault rifle” itself---but it’s harder to argue about physics. So let's consider the physics of an AR-15.
A bullet with more energy can do more damage. Its total kinetic energy is equal to one-half the mass of the bullet times its velocity squared. The bullet from a handgun is---as absurd as it may sound---slow compared to that from an AR-15. It can be stopped by the thick bone of the upper leg. It might pass through the body, only to become lodged in skin, which is surprisingly elastic.
The bullet from an AR-15 does an entirely different kind of violence to the human body. It’s relatively small, but it leaves the muzzle at three times the speed of a handgun bullet. It has so much energy that it can disintegrate three inches of leg bone. “It would just turn it to dust,” says Donald Jenkins, a trauma surgeon at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. If it hits the liver, “the liver looks like a jello mold that’s been dropped on the floor.” And the exit wound can be a nasty, jagged hole the size of an orange"

It's a dangerous round and a favorite of mass shooters.

And imagine what a 30.06 does to the human body at the range of a mass public this Dr. is full of crap...

.223 vs. 30.06.........there is a tiny bit of a difference....the 30.06 goes all the way through the gel......

30.06 vs a simulated human head.......

Yes...the anti-gunners will come for these as well....
I support extreme sentencing for anyone caught with an unlicensed gun in high crime areas.
And want to return to police using stop and frisk methods in those same high crime areas.
You want to lower gun deaths? Then you support the tools law enforcement needs to make it happen.
No, you want a police state in what you assume are high crime areas.
No, you want a police state in what you assume are high crime areas.

We don't want a police state, we want the police to stop do the people in those neighborhoods who are now at the mercy of the monsters...
We don't want a police state, we want the police to stop do the people in those neighborhoods who are now at the mercy of the monsters...
Those neighboroods of high crime are the suburbs.
Another idiot comment from someone who wants us disarmed yet quotes Malcolm X in his sig

Malcolm X was talking about REAL self defense, not assumed self defense made by racists who want to kll non whites. And I'm about controlling access to guns, not disarming dumb ---.
Malcolm X was talking about REAL self defense, not assumed self defense made by racists who want to kll non whites. And I'm about controlling access to guns, not disarming dumb ---.
You're a racist who wants to disarm whites. Malcolm talked about the poor of every color uniting you're a clown who wants to blame all white people for your failures in life

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