ABC News investigation:alQaeda in Kentucky back in 2009 living as refugees

There's already a minimum 18 month process for a refugee to come here. How much longer does it have to be before you all stop shitting yourselves?
Freak thinks vetting refugees is determined by how long they are held.
Hint: knowing nothing about them on day one and day 5,745 are the same thing.
You know literally nothing about the process. Even after this hysteria began, you likely still haven't spent even a second looking into it. You have nothing to contribute to this conversation.
I know everything about the process, it is you who are ignorant and simply parroting what Obama tells you to.
I have good friends in Homeland Security, you?
You read Talking Points Memo for your understanding.
Yeah you know everything...

You probably know as much as you did about Chick Fil A. Still waiting for a response from you about that btw.
Lemming believes what his homosexual deviant butt buddies say.

"In response to media reports that Chick-fil-A has agreed to stop making charitable donations to groups like Focus on the Family, the company today released a statement to set the record straight.
Contrary to reports first made by the gay-activist group The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) on Tuesday and later picked up by mainstream media outlets, Chick-fil-A and its charitable-giving arm, the WinShape Foundation, did not agree to stop making donations to groups that support the biblical definition of marriage in exchange for being allowed to open a franchise in Chicago."

Chick-fil-A Sets the Record Straight
I'm sick to death of people screaming at anyone who's not getting a warm and fuzzy about 10,000 Syrian refugees.

The concern is for a reason. Fuck ups happen in processing refugees. Like this big fuck up.

I'm not saying don't take in refugees. Not at all. But for heaven's sake vet the crap out of them and take your time.

Photo is of the two AQ terrorists living as refugees handling weapons caught on an FBI spy cam.
FBI believed they were shipping weapons to Iraq.


"Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.

The discovery in 2009 of two al Qaeda-Iraq terrorists living as refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky -- who later admitted in court that they'd attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq -- prompted the bureau to assign hundreds of specialists to an around-the-clock effort aimed at checking its archive of 100,000 improvised explosive devices collected in the war zones, known as IEDs, for other suspected terrorists' fingerprints.

"We are currently supporting dozens of current counter-terrorism investigations like that," FBI Agent Gregory Carl, director of the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC), said in an ABC News interview to be broadcast tonight on ABC News' "World News with Diane Sawyer" and "Nightline".

"I wouldn't be surprised if there were many more than that," said House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul. "And these are trained terrorists in the art of bombmaking that are inside the United States; and quite frankly, from a homeland security perspective, that really concerns me."

As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said. In 2011, fewer than 10,000 Iraqis were resettled as refugees in the U.S., half the number from the year before, State Department statistics show.

Suspect in Kentucky Discovered to Have Insurgent Past

An intelligence tip initially led the FBI to Waad Ramadan Alwan, 32, in 2009. The Iraqi had claimed to be a refugee who faced persecution back home -- a story that shattered when the FBI found his fingerprints on a cordless phone base that U.S. soldiers dug up in a gravel pile south of Bayji, Iraq on Sept. 1, 2005. The phone base had been wired to unexploded bombs buried in a nearby road.

An ABC News investigation of the flawed U.S. refugee screening system, which was overhauled two years ago, showed that Alwan was mistakenly allowed into the U.S. and resettled in the leafy southern town of Bowling Green, Kentucky, a city of 60,000 which is home to Western Kentucky University and near the Army's Fort Knox and Fort Campbell. Alwan and another Iraqi refugee, Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 26, were resettled in Bowling Green even though both had been detained during the war by Iraqi authorities, according to federal prosecutors."

Rest of story at link:

Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees
There's already a minimum 18 month process for a refugee to come here. How much longer does it have to be before you all stop shitting yourselves?

I don't trust the UNHCR. And this thread proves that someone can get thru the process by being a monumentally skillful liar.
Your own post says the process was overhauled. People can get in here a million different ways. Why aren't you shitting your pants about those? How many 9/11 attackers were refugees?

Well this doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy. This is from Jackson's thread.

FBI Director James Comey has expressed serious concerns about pending legislation that would require “national security officials to certify whether an approved refugee to the United States” should be allowed to enter.

That’s according to CNN’s justice reporter Evan Perez.

“He has some really grave concerns that this legislation would allow anyone, any refugees” into America, Perez told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday.

Additionally, Perez noted that Comey has expressed his concerns to both the Obama administration and Congress that, “this requirement, where he would have to personally sign off on every individual refugee coming from Syria and Iraq is just frankly impossible.”

Read more: FBI Director: It’s ‘Impossible’ To Vet Every Single Syrian Refugee
What do progressives know about vetting??

bripat had a great funny vetting thread going on .

I put up the question "Who's going to answer YES to the following questions."

Have you ever fought with ISIS?

Have you become radicalized?

Have you ever burned an effigy of an American President?

Have you an extensive knife collection?

Does your wardrobe include a vest with many pockets?

Here we go again this one.

What are your views on 72 virgins?

What do progressives know about vetting??

bripat had a great funny vetting thread going on .

I put up the question "Who's going to answer YES to the following questions."

Have you ever fought with ISIS?

Have you become radicalized?

Have you ever burned an effigy of an American President?

Have you an extensive knife collection?

Does your wardrobe include a vest with many pockets?

Here we go again this one.

What are your views on 72 virgins?


How do you properly stone a homosexual?

When you beat your wife, do you use a stick?
There's already a minimum 18 month process for a refugee to come here. How much longer does it have to be before you all stop shitting yourselves?
Freak thinks vetting refugees is determined by how long they are held.
Hint: knowing nothing about them on day one and day 5,745 are the same thing.
You know literally nothing about the process. Even after this hysteria began, you likely still haven't spent even a second looking into it. You have nothing to contribute to this conversation.
I know everything about the process, it is you who are ignorant and simply parroting what Obama tells you to.
I have good friends in Homeland Security, you?
You read Talking Points Memo for your understanding.
Yeah you know everything...

You probably know as much as you did about Chick Fil A. Still waiting for a response from you about that btw.
Lemming believes what his homosexual deviant butt buddies say.

"In response to media reports that Chick-fil-A has agreed to stop making charitable donations to groups like Focus on the Family, the company today released a statement to set the record straight.
Contrary to reports first made by the gay-activist group The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) on Tuesday and later picked up by mainstream media outlets, Chick-fil-A and its charitable-giving arm, the WinShape Foundation, did not agree to stop making donations to groups that support the biblical definition of marriage in exchange for being allowed to open a franchise in Chicago."

Chick-fil-A Sets the Record Straight
That specific instance may be true, but that doesn't change the fact they eventually stopped and the owner said it was a mistake. If I recall correctly, the Chicago thing happened during the boycott. The boycott ended, of course, after Chick Fil A ceased donations and admitted they made a mistake.

Chick-fil-A CEO Cathy: Gay Marriage Still Wrong, But I'll Shut Up About It And Sell Chicken

Chick-fil-A tax forms show no donations to anti-gay groups


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