ABC News Lays Out how Gunman got his Rifle for Colorado Springs Shooting

Incredibly sad, totally unbelievable reasoning. Dude clearly should not be allowed to have a firearm.

Yes......and the police and prosecutors failed to do their jobs...pointing out that gun control does not stop criminals from getting guns.

This guy should have been sitting in jail, because of his felony crimes......and on top of that, Colorado has the Red Flag laws that you anti-gun fanatics want.....

How did those Red Flag laws work out.....? Considering he had already committed felony level crimes and the prosecutors didn't even try to hold him?
Because his mother did not cooperate with investigators.

Yes. That needs to be changed. If you're should be flagged irregardless of conviction.

He sounds like every gun nut on this board.

You truly are a disgusting human being.
We customarily take weapons from those accused of crimes well before they are found guilty of said crimes. For example, your bond conditions may prevent you from having a firearm. You have not been convicted of anything...but you cannot have a possess a firearm.

And your god, "government," failed.

They have Red Flag laws in Colorado.......he had committed felony offenses and they didn't use the Red Flag laws.........your god failed.
Why is it every gun tragedy ends up with people like you pushing for tougher gun legislation, then when the legislation passes, you wait for the next tragedy to push for tougher gun legislation, then when it passes, you pass for tougher gun legislation.

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and hoping for a different result.

Yep......every mass public shooting is Christmas day for anti-gun fanatics like Candy Corn....every dead victim is a gift under their gun control holiday tree......

"“If they breach, I’ma f***ing blow it to holy hell,” Aldrich can be heard saying about law enforcement. “Go ahead and come on in, boys. Let’s f***ing see it.”

At a minimum....they had cause to forcibly commit him for mental health treatment...which also would have blocked him from getting those guns legally.

Your god failed.
At a minimum....they had cause to forcibly commit him for mental health treatment...which also would have blocked him from getting those guns legally.

Your god failed.
These antigun nutters are always proud to express their wrong side anti rights fascism
Why is it every gun tragedy ends up with people like you pushing for tougher gun legislation, then when the legislation passes, you wait for the next tragedy to push for tougher gun legislation, then when it passes, you pass for tougher gun legislation.

Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and hoping for a different result.
Because what is passed is often a joke. Like the gunshow loophole for example.... You can buy a complete arsenal no questions asked if you simply go to one of these gun shows instead of a sporting goods store.
Yes......and the police and prosecutors failed to do their jobs...pointing out that gun control does not stop criminals from getting guns.

This guy should have been sitting in jail, because of his felony crimes......and on top of that, Colorado has the Red Flag laws that you anti-gun fanatics want.....

How did those Red Flag laws work out.....? Considering he had already committed felony level crimes and the prosecutors didn't even try to hold him?
Yes, because his mother dropped the charges. That sealed his arrests apparently.
So you're okay with folks who are out on bail for murder pending trial having guns?

Why do you hate humanity?
Odd how I missed these concerns when a black guy mowed down a parade with a vehicle while out on bail for trying to run someone over. You hypocrites are pathetic. You don't care about people, just your gun grabbing, freedom hating agenda. In fact there are many cases of people out on bail for gun charges that go on to kill. You folks ignore them all, unless it's a protected pet group or scary assault rifle. Pathetic.
Yep. The laws need to be tougher as to someone like this new conservative hero being flagged for being arrested; not just flagged for convictions.
Don’t do that…this person is no conservative hero at all. He is a despicable shitbird, that deserves the death penalty.

What you’re doing calling him a conservative hero, because you can’t defend your knee jerk attack of constitutional rights is equally despicable.

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