ABC Reporter Writing Book On Biden's Afghanistan Disaster Reportedly Disappears After FBI Raid

Trump had some sucky advisors and was too trusting.

He should have fired every Obama appointee and brought in people he personally knew / trusted...

Never hire in-house-groomed criminal dickeads in agencies like the NSA, CIA, and / or the FBI.
Yes. Sometimes he was not good at picking . But WHO? The FBI have always been Gestapo. Just remember J. Edgar Hoover.
The story is legit. Rolling Stone. Trusted source.

The speculation is all over the map with the same moronic innuendo they waste on obviously false stories they parrot.

Your trusted source is Rolling Stone? Did they even MENTION he was writing a book on the failed Afghan withdrawal? That they had a WARRANT to confiscate his laptop. Was NOT "protective custody".

It's OK FOR YOU to speculate and not anyone else because Rolling Stone is your source for FBI hijinks???? Sounds like a typically high stacked deck doesn't it?

OK everyone -- ONLY CCorn can speculation in this thread. OK? Stop it.
Your trusted source is Rolling Stone? Did they even MENTION he was writing a book on the failed Afghan withdrawal? That they had a WARRANT to confiscate his laptop. Was NOT "protective custody".

It's OK FOR YOU to speculate and not anyone else because Rolling Stone is your source for FBI hijinks???? Sounds like a typically high stacked deck doesn't it?

OK everyone -- ONLY CCorn can speculation in this thread. OK? Stop it.
All I read from the OP's link is that Meek was a 'target' of an investigation. No mention of why or anything. I did read he was doing or did some kind of book or writing about the Afghanistan pullout. We can't have bad stories about 'The Big Guy' so close to election day ya know...... :cool:
Your trusted source is Rolling Stone?
Did they even MENTION he was writing a book on the failed Afghan withdrawal?
That they had a WARRANT to confiscate his laptop.
I think they mentioned that.
Was NOT "protective custody".
At the time of the raid? No.
It's OK FOR YOU to speculate and not anyone else because Rolling Stone is your source for FBI hijinks???? Sounds like a typically high stacked deck doesn't it? sounds like you're being your typical bitchy self.'re constantly angry and pissed something. Nobody knows. I could care less.
OK everyone -- ONLY CCorn can speculation in this thread. OK? Stop it.
Feel free to speculate all you want princess. I was pointing out that unlike the rest of the right wing kook bullshit you allow on your message board, this story is actually legit.

And for some reason, you get all pissed off. Maybe you should go run an experiment or something. Either way...have a hot steaming cup of go fuck yourself.
FBI reportedly 'Disappears' ABC Reporter Writing Book About Biden's Afghanistan Disaster...

More than his PCs, files, papers, and notes were declared taken...

Anyone checked to see if DC Gitmo has a new resident?

You mean he had classified documents he obtained illegally.

We don't need a book on Afghanistan.

We fought a pointless war for 20 years over there and Biden was the guy who finally got us out.
The Taliban are the "good guys" who the CIA recruited for the Mujahideen in 1979.
They never liked bin Laden, arrested him several times, and only tolerated him because the CIA made them.

Nice try...

Mujahideen were fighting Taliban as part of northern alliance.
"Americans are asking: What is expected of us? I ask you to live your lives, and hug your children. I know many citizens have fears tonight, and I ask you to be calm and resolute, even in the face of a continuing threat." - George W. Bush, September 20, 2001

thank god for Bush's leadership
All I read from the OP's link is that Meek was a 'target' of an investigation. No mention of why or anything. I did read he was doing or did some kind of book or writing about the Afghanistan pullout. We can't have bad stories about 'The Big Guy' so close to election day ya know...... :cool:

Really does sound like a "compromise" operation where the Admin didn't WANT a book written and FBI or other Fed law FOUND something to investigate and embarrass him personally to STFU.

It works. Most of the people in Washington for more than a decade are probably compromised in this fashion. And IRONICALLY -- not by foreign powers like Russia and China, but by their OWN government.
That would be something I don't get. You're going to hide from the FBI? Okay...if you're a master woodsman like Eric Rudolph...maybe. This guy is like 6'7" and goes about 300 pounds if I recall from the article. I would think that he's too smart to think he's going to blend in.
Maybe he's the Bigfoot they've been talking about. :biggrin:
Would tramp done any better? He may of done worst.
Sure, he would have done better. A 10 year old kid would have done better. Everybody knows you don't pull out all your troops, while you have Americans & friends still in the country.
The reporter is STILL missing after the raid...

'Crucial questions remain unanswered after an award-winning ABC producer who had been working on a book centered on President Joe Biden’s disastrous military withdrawal from Afghanistan reportedly quit his job and left town after an early morning FBI raid on his home earlier this year.'

The FBI raids his home

He quit his job VIA E-MAIL immediately after the raid

He disappeared


Nice try...

Mujahideen were fighting Taliban as part of northern alliance.

Oh no, not at all.
The Taliban were not at all associated with the Northern Alliance, although the Northern Alliance was part of the Mujahideen in general back then.
The Taliban were the idealistic students and rural clerics that the CIA recruited into joining the Mujahideen.
The CIA also recruited Arabs into the al Qaeda foreign legion of the Mujahideen, but that does not mean the Taliban and al Qaeda were really associated either.

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