ABC Scurrilously Implies Trimming Federal Spending Will Lead to More Deaths

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
By: Brent Baker
Thursday, June 02, 2011 8:40 AM EDT
Media Research Center


After falsely stating Ryan's buget plan would "cut Medicare spending," Tapper ran a bite of Ryan admonishing, "if we demagogue each other at the leadership level, then we're never going to take on our debt," before he concluded with Obama's snide retort: "President Obama told the House Republicans he's all for a reduction in demagoguery. After all, he says, he understands the issue as the 'job-killing, death panel, probably wasn't born here' President."​


It will..

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Arizona Has Death Panels - Thanks, Jan Brewer! (Part 2)‬‏[/ame]
But then again..the deaths of Americans never concerned you righties much.

Yeah. Right. And how many abortions for the sake of convenience are we up to now? Almost 40 million?


Wait! That's not funny. That's a holocaust.
But then again..the deaths of Americans never concerned you righties much.

Yeah. Right. And how many abortions for the sake of convenience are we up to now? Almost 40 million?


Wait! That's not funny. That's a holocaust.

Well, I don't have trouble with Abortion. Or the death penalty. And I think that while war is reprehensible..sometimes you gotta fight 'em.

By: Brent Baker
Thursday, June 02, 2011 8:40 AM EDT
Media Research Center


After falsely stating Ryan's buget plan would "cut Medicare spending," Tapper ran a bite of Ryan admonishing, "if we demagogue each other at the leadership level, then we're never going to take on our debt," before he concluded with Obama's snide retort: "President Obama told the House Republicans he's all for a reduction in demagoguery. After all, he says, he understands the issue as the 'job-killing, death panel, probably wasn't born here' President."​


Liberals fear-mongering? The hell you say!! :eek:
Why don't we focus on the hypocrisy pinpointed by the Media Research Center? You know, the OP and all?

There is discussion on another thread right now--How could this have happened--or something like that re the incident of the drowning. Blamed on budget cuts. Budget cuts that prevented training to certify public safety personnel for water rescue. Without such training they were required to stand on shore and watch the man drown. And, of course, if you want to blame budget cuts, you don't mention that it was a rule that only certified personnel could do water rescue. Nevermind that there were plenty of people there who could have saved the life even without being certified.

I am getting sick and tired of accusing budget cuts of killing people. When you can show me that salaries, benefits, perks and privileges and comforts and aesthically enhancing expenditures have been cut or scaled back for all government personnel. . . .

When you show me that all programs that are nice to have but that don't affect life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness have been scaled back or eliminated. . . .

THEN you can tell me that budget cuts are killing people.

Until then it is all partisan smokescreen and hate mongering for personal benefit.

And we the people should not tolerate this kind of thing any further.
Well, I don't have trouble with Abortion. Or the death penalty. And I think that while war is reprehensible..sometimes you gotta fight 'em.


Well, I obviously oppose abortion on demand. The death penalty is imposed for crimes, and rightly so. And, yes, of course, wars sometimes have to be fought.

But the issue here is leftists creating a sense of resentment and entitlement, then dependency, then entrenched, generational poverty, then debt and tyranny, and then pretending to care about the lives and wellbeing of others.
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Why don't we focus on the hypocrisy pinpointed by the Media Research Center? You know, the OP and all?

There is discussion on another thread right now--How could this have happened--or something like that re the incident of the drowning. Blamed on budget cuts. Budget cuts that prevented training to certify public safety personnel for water rescue. Without such training they were required to stand on shore and watch the man drown. And, of course, if you want to blame budget cuts, you don't mention that it was a rule that only certified personnel could do water rescue. Nevermind that there were plenty of people there who could have saved the life even without being certified.

I am getting sick and tired of accusing budget cuts of killing people. When you can show me that salaries, benefits, perks and privileges and comforts and aesthically enhancing expenditures have been cut or scaled back for all government personnel. . . .

When you show me that all programs that are nice to have but that don't affect life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness have been scaled back or eliminated. . . .

THEN you can tell me that budget cuts are killing people.

Until then it is all partisan smokescreen and hate mongering for personal benefit.

And we the people should not tolerate this kind of thing any further.

That's exactly right. For example, like the battle in Wisconsin over public sector collective bargaining: public employees make more than the average wage earner in the private sector once pay, benefits and perks are added up. Here we are in the midst of a persistent economic and budgetary crises; everyone is supposed to sacrifice, but public sector employees as if they owned us. Enough!
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If an elderly person is getting 20,000 a year from SS and you take away their Medicare and give them a voucher for 6 grand and their care costs 12 grand, then they are now getting 14,000 a year. If they started out with 14,000, they end up with 6,000 a year.

This is what the Paul Ryan/Republican plan will do. What part is too hard to understand?
But WHO winds up with what and WHEN does it happen? To be intellectually honest, that information has to be added into the equation.

What is more cruel? To continue to enslave people in a program that cannot be sustained and eventually leave them high and dry when the economy collapses under the weight of impossible and irresponsible debt? Or begin now to phase people out of the program while they have time to make other arrangements?

If congress doesn't want to reduce funding for programs like Head Start or school lunches from the federal level, what ARE they willing to cut? Their own salaries, benefits, health plans, expense accounts, redecorating budgets, staff? I haven't seen much willingness to deal with that.

Do we HAVE to have all those thousands of acres of empty government buildings, warehouses full of perfectly good stuff that is never touched because everybody in government buys new, etc . etc. etc.? Why don't we begin there to divest government of the maintenance costs of all that stuff and return some money to the U.S. treasury. Where are the proposals to do that?

Budget cuts aren't killing anybody. Gross mismanagement, short sightedness, and incompetence of arrogant elected 'kings' and 'queens' sure isn't doing us any good though.
But WHO winds up with what and WHEN does it happen? To be intellectually honest, that information has to be added into the equation.

What is more cruel? To continue to enslave people in a program that cannot be sustained and eventually leave them high and dry when the economy collapses under the weight of impossible and irresponsible debt? Or begin now to phase people out of the program while they have time to make other arrangements?

If congress doesn't want to reduce funding for programs like Head Start or school lunches from the federal level, what ARE they willing to cut? Their own salaries, benefits, health plans, expense accounts, redecorating budgets, staff? I haven't seen much willingness to deal with that.

Do we HAVE to have all those thousands of acres of empty government buildings, warehouses full of perfectly good stuff that is never touched because everybody in government buys new, etc . etc. etc.? Why don't we begin there to divest government of the maintenance costs of all that stuff and return some money to the U.S. treasury. Where are the proposals to do that?

Budget cuts aren't killing anybody. Gross mismanagement, short sightedness, and incompetence of arrogant elected 'kings' and 'queens' sure isn't doing us any good though.

Medicare is 3% of our GDP. Health care is 17%. The VA, considered one the best health care organizations in the world spends 94 cents per dollar on patients. The other 6 cents is what's used for administration. What do health care companies spend on the people they issue policies to per dollar? How many policies does it take to make a single 120 million dollar paycheck for a health care CEO?

If Republicans would only answer those simple questions.
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Dems want to fuck the Middle Class and entire US economy with the collapse of Medicare the same way they let Fannie and Freddie collapse the US housing market
But WHO winds up with what and WHEN does it happen? To be intellectually honest, that information has to be added into the equation.

What is more cruel? To continue to enslave people in a program that cannot be sustained and eventually leave them high and dry when the economy collapses under the weight of impossible and irresponsible debt? Or begin now to phase people out of the program while they have time to make other arrangements?

If congress doesn't want to reduce funding for programs like Head Start or school lunches from the federal level, what ARE they willing to cut? Their own salaries, benefits, health plans, expense accounts, redecorating budgets, staff? I haven't seen much willingness to deal with that.

Do we HAVE to have all those thousands of acres of empty government buildings, warehouses full of perfectly good stuff that is never touched because everybody in government buys new, etc . etc. etc.? Why don't we begin there to divest government of the maintenance costs of all that stuff and return some money to the U.S. treasury. Where are the proposals to do that?

Budget cuts aren't killing anybody. Gross mismanagement, short sightedness, and incompetence of arrogant elected 'kings' and 'queens' sure isn't doing us any good though.

Medicare is 3% of our GDP. Health care is 17%. The VA, considered one the best health care organizations in the world spends 94 cents per dollar on patients. The other 6 cents is what's used for administration. What do health care companies spend on the people they issue policies to per dollar? How many policies does it take to make a single 120 million dollar paycheck for a health care CEO?

If Republicans would only answer those simple questions.
So much of what you believe simply isn't factual Rdean:

Top Ins. Co. & CEO With 2008 Total CEO Compensation
■Aetna, Ronald A. Williams: $24,300,112
■Cigna, H. Edward Hanway: $12,236,740
■Coventry, Dale Wolf: $9,047,469
■Health Net, Jay Gellert: $4,425,355
■Humana, Michael McCallister: $4,764,309
■U. Health Group, Stephen J. Hemsley: $3,241,042
■Wellpoint, Angela Braly: $9,844,212
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I'd like to know how they can claim Ryan's Medicare plan will balance the budget while also claiming it won't cut spending.
But WHO winds up with what and WHEN does it happen? To be intellectually honest, that information has to be added into the equation.

What is more cruel? To continue to enslave people in a program that cannot be sustained and eventually leave them high and dry when the economy collapses under the weight of impossible and irresponsible debt? Or begin now to phase people out of the program while they have time to make other arrangements?

If congress doesn't want to reduce funding for programs like Head Start or school lunches from the federal level, what ARE they willing to cut? Their own salaries, benefits, health plans, expense accounts, redecorating budgets, staff? I haven't seen much willingness to deal with that.

Do we HAVE to have all those thousands of acres of empty government buildings, warehouses full of perfectly good stuff that is never touched because everybody in government buys new, etc . etc. etc.? Why don't we begin there to divest government of the maintenance costs of all that stuff and return some money to the U.S. treasury. Where are the proposals to do that?

Budget cuts aren't killing anybody. Gross mismanagement, short sightedness, and incompetence of arrogant elected 'kings' and 'queens' sure isn't doing us any good though.

Medicare is 3% of our GDP. Health care is 17%. The VA, considered one the best health care organizations in the world spends 94 cents per dollar on patients. The other 6 cents is what's used for administration. What do health care companies spend on the people they issue policies to per dollar? How many policies does it take to make a single 120 million dollar paycheck for a health care CEO?

If Republicans would only answer those simple questions.

If the VA is considered one of the best health care organizations in the world, God help us all. Have you ever spent an evening in a VA emergency room? I have. Our veterans are entitled to first rate healthcare as written into their contract in return for putting their lives on the line for their country. Many if not most aren't getting that.

Evenso, what does that have to do with Medicare reform proposed to prevent the headlong rush off the insolvency cliff? Again, look at what the GOP proposals are and be honest about it. It is NOT the end of the world or sending old people to their death as dishonest Democrats would have the gullinble believe.

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