ABC, Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Hoggs ass"


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018

Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
Maybe he was planning a luau. :dunno:
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”

Another victim of the Hogg-wash. Just when I was about to volunteer to hold his ass cheeks open. :cul2::cul2:
The kid decided to take on the grown ups. F**k the kid. If he can't take the heat, stomp his spoiled brat ass back to the rec room. I'm so sick of hearing how the grown ups are picking on some shit-assed kid who decided to join the grown up room. Hogg needs to sit his dumb-assed self back at the kid's table.
The kid decided to take on the grown ups. F**k the kid. If he can't take the heat, stomp his spoiled brat ass back to the rec room. I'm so sick of hearing how the grown ups are picking on some shit-assed kid who decided to join the grown up room. Hogg needs to sit his dumb-assed self back at the kid's table.

He threatened a sexual act on a minor. What a complete dumb fuck.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”

Another victim of the Hogg-wash. Just when I was about to volunteer to hold his ass cheeks open. :cul2::cul2:

No need for you to brag. We all know you are the best at holding your ass cheeks apart.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
I'm not sure what there is to say. Allman resigned (or was asked to do so). That, as has been the case of other major network personalities, was quite likely what he had to do as a result of a business decision by his station's or network's management.

About all I can say about the Allman matter is that it seems, based only on the Allman matter, that Sinclair may have more integrity, and its management be of better character, than Fox, which for years protected (to the tun of tens of millions in payouts, no less) O'Reilly and has apparently made no effort to censure Ingraham for her attacks of a minor who'd been through a traumatic experience that she has not ever come close to having and that she couldn't even bring herself to take a sympathetic stance toward, even if not an empathetic one.
It appears that journalists are, by their employers, viewed as being mouthpieces for the firm that employs them and as such, while they are given great latitude in expressing their thoughts in the form of editorials, they are not given the same latitude when posting tweets as private citizens.

That firm managers are of the mind to do that isn't surprising to me. I'd demand the resignation of any consultant who expressed controversial views that might compromise a relationship the firm has with one or more clients, provided they expressed such views in a way that the client(s) were made aware of it. We tell our people that they are free to think and do whatever suits them to do, but that when in doubt, they should keep their personal lives out of the purview of the firm's clients. Obviously, there's a fine line between what can and cannot be shared. Most folks know where that line is, but some don't and they suffer when their poor judgment in that regard compels them to cross the line.
It appears that journalists are, by their employers, viewed as being mouthpieces for the firm that employs them and as such, while they are given great latitude in expressing their thoughts in the form of editorials, they are not given the same latitude when posting tweets as private citizens.

That firm managers are of the mind to do that isn't surprising to me. I'd demand the resignation of any consultant who expressed controversial views that might compromise a relationship the firm has with one or more clients, provided they expressed such views in a way that the client(s) were made aware of it. We tell our people that they are free to think and do whatever suits them to do, but that when in doubt, they should keep their personal lives out of the purview of the firm's clients. Obviously, there's a fine line between what can and cannot be shared. Most folks know where that line is, but some don't and they suffer when their poor judgment in that regard compels them to cross the line.

Your contrast you attempt to draw here tacitly admits that Hogg is a Dimocrat operative.
It's a tough call, but I think this bizarro nutter obsession with Hogg - a high school kid who went through a horrific, bloody tragedy - may be the dumbest thing I've seen yet in the political world.

This is what happens when people become so lost in their ideology that they lose connection with reality.

Fucking amazing.
if the kid wasn't such a hateful disrespectful fucking moron, I'd say this is way overboard.

but anyone that thinks we are a democracy and our rights can be voted away...

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