Able-bodied adults without kids and on welfare explode to 4.7 Million under Obama


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Only a million in 2008 so this is more brazen vote-buying by the democrats.

EXCLUSIVE: Robert Rector Details 370 Percent Increase of Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents on Food Stamps - Breitbart

jan 14 2016 The fastest-growing category of food stamp users under President Obama has been among able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs), according to Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Robert Rector.

“In 2008 there were about a million [ABAWDs] now they’re at about 4.7 million. This is the most rapid growing part of the caseload,” Rector said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Wednesday, previewing his upcoming report on food stamp use among ABAWDs.

“ABAWDs are largely young adults who don’t work or are working off the books and hiding that income. They get a maximum of about $200 a month from the food stamp program,” Rector said, adding that this group of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or food stamp users cost taxpayers up to $11 billion a year.
1.4 % of the population? Real good vote buying there .

1/2 of them are republican by the way .
Update...states are cutting off single people on welfare....Since the recession is over, the Feds gave back control of welfare, hence the amount of welfare reduction legislation....
People have to eat and 11 billion? Chump change here.

Eating? HAHAHA. You mean you believe that? Like all welfare trash, they use the money to buy drugs and lottery tickets.

Human beings receiving Public Assistance are NOT trash. Only about 1/3 of recipients try scamming the system just to get the benefits. About half of THAT number (half of the one-third, in case you didn't understand) use the benefits for drugs. This leaves 2/3 of recipients that receive benefits really are in need of help. The Fed's give the States the funding & some regulations on eligibility. It is then up to the States to determine their own rules on distribution. Depending on the area, cost of living can be extremely high even for a two-wage household, never mind a single adult.
Real life is expensive and sometimes help is needed.
People have to eat and 11 billion? Chump change here.

Eating? HAHAHA. You mean you believe that? Like all welfare trash, they use the money to buy drugs and lottery tickets.

You can't buy that stuff wh food stamps .
It can be done but it's mostly BS.

Yeah sure, if you have a corrupt store owner . But that shit is illegal .

Illegal yes, but it still happens.
Only a million in 2008 so this is more brazen vote-buying by the democrats.

EXCLUSIVE: Robert Rector Details 370 Percent Increase of Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents on Food Stamps - Breitbart

jan 14 2016 The fastest-growing category of food stamp users under President Obama has been among able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs), according to Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Robert Rector.

“In 2008 there were about a million [ABAWDs] now they’re at about 4.7 million. This is the most rapid growing part of the caseload,” Rector said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Wednesday, previewing his upcoming report on food stamp use among ABAWDs.

“ABAWDs are largely young adults who don’t work or are working off the books and hiding that income. They get a maximum of about $200 a month from the food stamp program,” Rector said, adding that this group of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or food stamp users cost taxpayers up to $11 billion a year.

From the article: There the state of Maine put restrictions in place, including instituting work requirements, mandating that Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs) work, do community service, or take part in a job-training program in order to receive food stamps for more than three months.

The number of ABAWDs on SNAP in Maine plunged.

“About 90 percent of the population believes that able-bodies adults who get cash, food housing or medical care from the government should be required for work or prepare for work as a condition of getting that aid. This is a very popular position,” he said, adding that Republicans are not the only group that approve but Democrats too by high margins favor work requirements.

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This is a win-win situation. Not only that, it eliminates cheap votes for democrats. Plus if forces republicans to take an aggressive stand and pass this, let the Coward in Chief veto it.

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