Abortion and legalization of drugs are the top ballot measures- not minimum wage or national healthcare


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This is incredibly disturbing stuff. Abortion being celebrated by various politicians and celebrities. It’s no longer people saying hey you know you might be in a very tough spot. You might want an abortion. No a number of politicians and celebrities are open about celebrating the killing of babies.

We are not seeing politicians debating the minimum wage, national healthcare, good jobs.

Another top ballot measure in various districts is the legalization of marijuana. You now have politicians saying “it’s OK to get high”, to forget about whatever your troubles are, just be happy to live in a tiny, communist style apartment, staring at walls all day never having a family , not being able to feel the joy of having children. And the unfortunate thing about all of this is some portion of older Americans, who have children are going along with it. I’ve even seen Democrats say “there’s nothing wrong with being lonely and single”.

That is satanic advice to tell somebody it’s OK to be alone. It’s OK to be single. People in this country have the freedom to choose if they want to pursue a relationship but for another person who perhaps has a spouse for them to say, “it’s fine to be alone” is satanic. We need to have positivity in this country.

We need to have legitimate ballot measures like talking about raising the minimum wage, conversations about figuring a way to lower the price of homes, bringing us good jobs. Debating national healthcare. We need politicians to urging people to start relationships and build families.

Thank you hope everyone has a wonderful night

This is incredibly disturbing stuff. Abortion being celebrated by various politicians and celebrities. It’s no longer people saying hey you know you might be in a very tough spot. You might want an abortion. No a number of politicians and celebrities are open about celebrating the killing of babies.

We are not seeing politicians debating the minimum wage, national healthcare, good jobs.

Another top ballot measure in various districts is the legalization of marijuana. You now have politicians saying “it’s OK to get high”, to forget about whatever your troubles are, just be happy to live in a tiny, communist style apartment, staring at walls all day never having a family , not being able to feel the joy of having children. And the unfortunate thing about all of this is some portion of older Americans, who have children are going along with it. I’ve even seen Democrats say “there’s nothing wrong with being lonely and single”.

That is satanic advice to tell somebody it’s OK to be alone. It’s OK to be single. People in this country have the freedom to choose if they want to pursue a relationship but for another person who perhaps has a spouse for them to say, “it’s fine to be alone” is satanic. We need to have positivity in this country.

We need to have legitimate ballot measures like talking about raising the minimum wage, conversations about figuring a way to lower the price of homes, bringing us good jobs. Debating national healthcare. We need politicians to urging people to start relationships and build families.

Thank you hope everyone has a wonderful night

You should really try stand-up comedy!
A mess of a rambling OP - as usual - but you do make a few good points between the raving nonsense about "communist apartments."

Affordable housing and a national medical safety net are crucial concerns, but neither criminal gang will go near them.

This is incredibly disturbing stuff. Abortion being celebrated by various politicians and celebrities. It’s no longer people saying hey you know you might be in a very tough spot. You might want an abortion. No a number of politicians and celebrities are open about celebrating the killing of babies.

We are not seeing politicians debating the minimum wage, national healthcare, good jobs.

Another top ballot measure in various districts is the legalization of marijuana. You now have politicians saying “it’s OK to get high”, to forget about whatever your troubles are, just be happy to live in a tiny, communist style apartment, staring at walls all day never having a family , not being able to feel the joy of having children. And the unfortunate thing about all of this is some portion of older Americans, who have children are going along with it. I’ve even seen Democrats say “there’s nothing wrong with being lonely and single”.

That is satanic advice to tell somebody it’s OK to be alone. It’s OK to be single. People in this country have the freedom to choose if they want to pursue a relationship but for another person who perhaps has a spouse for them to say, “it’s fine to be alone” is satanic. We need to have positivity in this country.

We need to have legitimate ballot measures like talking about raising the minimum wage, conversations about figuring a way to lower the price of homes, bringing us good jobs. Debating national healthcare. We need politicians to urging people to start relationships and build families.

Thank you hope everyone has a wonderful night

Abortion is no longer a federal affair. It belongs to the state that the American people live in, and it should have been that way for all times. It's a local permissive/verboten issue. A percentage of people will likely move to other states if their current state's attitude is not the same as their own. And when they have to pay high state taxes because abortion is expensive, they might wish they did not move from the state that upheld their own American founder's religions that forbad indecency of every kind, consistent with teachings in the old as well as the new testament books in the bible. The founders got it right, imho. :thup: I mean, how decent is it to take a little soul inside its mommie's belly and make its only remembrance of human life the pain of having its brain pierced and sucked out through a gouge's sharp point? May heaven have pity on that little soul who was DENIED LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS? I'll have tears on my pillow again tonight. g'nite all.
When society demands that your own personal pleasure is primary.. abortion comes naturally to those entrenched in it.

It's like comparing Gen Z boys to WW2-era men. They both may be 25 years old, but one is stereotypically far more willing to sacrifice than the other.
When society demands that your own personal pleasure is primary.. abortion comes naturally to those entrenched in it.

It's like comparing Gen Z boys to WW2-era men. They both may be 25 years old, but one is stereotypically far more willing to sacrifice than the other.
I heard on NPR radio that something like only 25% of generation Z is physically fit to serve the US military. I mean we live in a country that is 40% obese.

The military is having recruitment problems. They can’t recruit enough people to fill the positions.

Something has to be done to reverse the popularization of drugs in America, to instill pride in Young Americans. According to a recent poll, patriotism, is at all time low among young Americans.

Young people, especially young men have no problem, watching porn all the time, never meeting a woman in real life, never starting a family, they’re happy to be high on dope all throughout the day playing video games staring at walls all day. We don’t have leader ship in America that is actually addressing this serious concern. They’re talking about nonsense like Ukraine, BLM. We need to have our president specifically talk to young men and tell them to meet women.

The numbers are terrifying. One and three young man under the age of 30 are either virgins or have only had sex once in the past year. The number for the same age group is one and six women. It’s an undeniable threat to our countries population. Birth rates are at an all time low.

Depression rates and suicide rates are at all time high in this country. That kind of comes with being on dope all the time and not having a family not having children of your own.

We had such a better country in the 1940s. A much lower divorce rate among black and white people, a better nuclear family. Better middle class jobs.

We will make a come back, because American people will prevail. The American spirit will prevail. Goodness will overcome evil.
You should really try stand-up comedy!

Maybe you should shut up.
I heard on NPR radio that something like only 25% of generation Z is physically fit to serve the US military. I mean we live in a country that is 40% obese.

The military is having recruitment problems. They can’t recruit enough people to fill the positions.

Something has to be done to reverse the popularization of drugs in America, to instill pride in Young Americans. According to a recent poll, patriotism, is at all time low among young Americans.

Young people, especially young men have no problem, watching porn all the time, never meeting a woman in real life, never starting a family, they’re happy to be high on dope all throughout the day playing video games staring at walls all day. We don’t have leader ship in America that is actually addressing this serious concern. They’re talking about nonsense like Ukraine, BLM. We need to have our president specifically talk to young man and tell them to meet women.

We had such a better country in the 1940s. How much slower divorce rate among black and white people, a better nuclear family. Better middle class jobs.

We will make a come back, because American people will prevail. The American spirit will prevail. Goodness will overcome evil.
I sure hope you're right. We have a strong domestic and foreign-supported cartel of media, academia, entertainment, big tech censorship, and influential left wing policitians/pundits that are preaching how America was intrinsically and uniquely evil.. and gives horrible nations like Iran/China free passes as they focus on maligning the USA. These young voters brought up in this indoctrination are now voting.. very emotionally.

This is incredibly disturbing stuff. Abortion being celebrated by various politicians and celebrities. It’s no longer people saying hey you know you might be in a very tough spot. You might want an abortion. No a number of politicians and celebrities are open about celebrating the killing of babies.

We are not seeing politicians debating the minimum wage, national healthcare, good jobs.

Another top ballot measure in various districts is the legalization of marijuana. You now have politicians saying “it’s OK to get high”, to forget about whatever your troubles are, just be happy to live in a tiny, communist style apartment, staring at walls all day never having a family , not being able to feel the joy of having children. And the unfortunate thing about all of this is some portion of older Americans, who have children are going along with it. I’ve even seen Democrats say “there’s nothing wrong with being lonely and single”.

That is satanic advice to tell somebody it’s OK to be alone. It’s OK to be single. People in this country have the freedom to choose if they want to pursue a relationship but for another person who perhaps has a spouse for them to say, “it’s fine to be alone” is satanic. We need to have positivity in this country.

We need to have legitimate ballot measures like talking about raising the minimum wage, conversations about figuring a way to lower the price of homes, bringing us good jobs. Debating national healthcare. We need politicians to urging people to start relationships and build families.

Thank you hope everyone has a wonderful night

That's bad news for you tRumplings no matter how you slice it.
View attachment 834254
Maybe you should shut up.
Well put.

The internet keyboard warrior you’re talking with is inhumane he does not care about handicapped Americans. Somebody like that is bound to have other sorts of inhumane viewpoints whether it comes to abortion, the war in Ukraine, or other topics…. Expect the worst.

He and others like him use machine gun style debate tactics, ignoring critical points by other posters, and personal attacks in light of the fact that they cannot bring forth coherent messages to support their depraved argument.

Take this thread, and how the left-wing fanatics react to it. They often talk about “freedom”, and if anyone presents a viewpoint that disagrees with them, they start using words like “fascist” or “Nazi”

When put to task the pro abortion , pro Biden poster ignores the fact that we have record amounts of young people who are lonely, single, and depressed. They ignore that we now have politicians and celebrities who literally celebrate abortion. It used to be people would frown upon abortion, but they would say it’s a woman’s choice. Now as evil as they have become, they actually celebrate it.

The pro abortion person will say that legalization of drugs is a good thing, and it is a persons “choice.” They will criticize Christianity and other organized religions based on things they have seen in movies. You can almost always tell that the pro abortion, pro drug American is a hardcore atheist.

Often but not always …those who engage in constant personal attacks, those with a mindset like the “admiral” who make fun of handicap people... are hardcore atheists
Of course, it’s worth noting that pro abortion Christians exist. Anti-abortion atheists exist.

This is incredibly disturbing stuff. Abortion being celebrated by various politicians and celebrities. It’s no longer people saying hey you know you might be in a very tough spot. You might want an abortion. No a number of politicians and celebrities are open about celebrating the killing of babies.

We are not seeing politicians debating the minimum wage, national healthcare, good jobs.

Another top ballot measure in various districts is the legalization of marijuana. You now have politicians saying “it’s OK to get high”, to forget about whatever your troubles are, just be happy to live in a tiny, communist style apartment, staring at walls all day never having a family , not being able to feel the joy of having children. And the unfortunate thing about all of this is some portion of older Americans, who have children are going along with it. I’ve even seen Democrats say “there’s nothing wrong with being lonely and single”.

That is satanic advice to tell somebody it’s OK to be alone. It’s OK to be single. People in this country have the freedom to choose if they want to pursue a relationship but for another person who perhaps has a spouse for them to say, “it’s fine to be alone” is satanic. We need to have positivity in this country.

We need to have legitimate ballot measures like talking about raising the minimum wage, conversations about figuring a way to lower the price of homes, bringing us good jobs. Debating national healthcare. We need politicians to urging people to start relationships and build families.

Thank you hope everyone has a wonderful night

Which red states have minimum wage or healthcare on the ballot?

This is incredibly disturbing stuff. Abortion being celebrated by various politicians and celebrities. It’s no longer people saying hey you know you might be in a very tough spot. You might want an abortion. No a number of politicians and celebrities are open about celebrating the killing of babies.

We are not seeing politicians debating the minimum wage, national healthcare, good jobs.

Another top ballot measure in various districts is the legalization of marijuana. You now have politicians saying “it’s OK to get high”, to forget about whatever your troubles are, just be happy to live in a tiny, communist style apartment, staring at walls all day never having a family , not being able to feel the joy of having children. And the unfortunate thing about all of this is some portion of older Americans, who have children are going along with it. I’ve even seen Democrats say “there’s nothing wrong with being lonely and single”.

That is satanic advice to tell somebody it’s OK to be alone. It’s OK to be single. People in this country have the freedom to choose if they want to pursue a relationship but for another person who perhaps has a spouse for them to say, “it’s fine to be alone” is satanic. We need to have positivity in this country.

We need to have legitimate ballot measures like talking about raising the minimum wage, conversations about figuring a way to lower the price of homes, bringing us good jobs. Debating national healthcare. We need politicians to urging people to start relationships and build families.

Thank you hope everyone has a wonderful night




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