Abortion and morality

Increased contraceptive access and the morning-after pill also has led to an explosion of stds in kids (besides not reducing the number of later-term abortions):

"Offering the morning after pill free over the counter has not reduced the number of teenage pregnancies and may be associated with a rise in sexually-transmitted diseases (STIs), according to a report by experts at The University of Nottingham."

Morning after pill linked to increase in sexually transmitted diseases, UK study shows

Quick question................what does a study done in Britian have to do with what is going on in America? Not only do they have a different health care system, but they've also got a different society and way of doing things.

Sorry..................your link is a fail.
A 2003 study found that abortion legalization led directly to an increase in stds, too:

"We find that gonorrhea and syphilis incidences are significantly and positively correlated with abortion legalization. Further, we find a divergence in STD rates among early legalizing states and late legalizing states starting in 1970 and a subsequent convergence after the Roe v. Wade decision, indicating
that the relation between STDs and abortion is causal. Abortion legalization accounts for about one-fourth of the average disease incidence."

PS...University of Chicago.
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Increased contraceptive access and the morning-after pill also has led to an explosion of stds in kids (besides not reducing the number of later-term abortions):

"Offering the morning after pill free over the counter has not reduced the number of teenage pregnancies and may be associated with a rise in sexually-transmitted diseases (STIs), according to a report by experts at The University of Nottingham."

Morning after pill linked to increase in sexually transmitted diseases, UK study shows

Quick question................what does a study done in Britian have to do with what is going on in America? Not only do they have a different health care system, but they've also got a different society and way of doing things.

Sorry..................your link is a fail.

No, it's not a fail at all. I'm sorry you don't understand, but I'm not surprised, given your desperate desire to justify pumping kids full of hormones and scraping the collective uterus of womankind...

Every study agrees...increased contraceptive access leads to more a higher pregnancy rate, higher abortion rate, and higher std incidence.

You'll have to find another reason to promote promiscuity to young unmarrieds.
They also lie....they claim that initial increase in abortion can be explained by a decrease of fertility, and then assert that once that stabilized the abortion rate dropped...

But they fail to say that it only dropped incrementally from the HIGHEST numbers, and it is still exponentially higher than what it was...and increasing again.
Actually, if I were to blame anything for the increase in STD's, the first place I'd start would be blaming the fact that most schools don't have any real kind of sexual education.

Knowledge is power Kaiser Twit, and if you know what causes things, you can find out how to prevent them.

Still stuck in the 1950's mentality, eh?
And you would be wrong. As every study (except for that joke of a *study* done at wsu...a study SPECIFICALLY meant to draw attention from the reality that every big-guns abortion/contraception promoter agrees upon...increased access to contraceptives results in increased stds and abortion) shows.
And you would be wrong. As every study (except for that joke of a *study* done at wsu...a study SPECIFICALLY meant to draw attention from the reality that every big-guns abortion/contraception promoter agrees upon...increased access to contraceptives results in increased stds and abortion) shows.

Then why did the 2 links I posted say otherwise?

Oh yeah...............that's because back in the 70's they didn't have very good implantable birth control (which is what most women picked when given the choice).

As far as STD's? That's not a pregnancy issue, that is more of an educational issue, which is why many forms of birth control (other than condoms) come with warnings that they DON'T prevent STD's.

But..............stay in the past if that's where you like it.
It's not the past, it's the present. We have more stds than ever, and teen abortion/pregnancy frequency, which escalated without cessation for almost 30 years after the advent of legalized abortion and free contraception...

The people who are living in the past are the loons like you who pretend that the fact that there was a tiny decrease in the skyrocketing escalation of abortion/teen pregnancy and std rates after 25-30 years of exponential increases means that increased contraception/abortion availability is a success.

If it was a success, don't you think we'd be seeing increasingly FEWER stds/abortions/teen pregnancy?


But keep puking that koolaid out for the little kids to gorge on. And we'll keep breeding bigger, better stds and feeding the abortion machine.....

"The pregnancy rate among teenage girls in the United States has jumped for the first time in more than a decade, raising alarm that the long campaign to reduce motherhood among adolescents is faltering, according to a report released Tuesday."
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It's not the past, it's the present. We have more stds than ever, and teen abortion/pregnancy frequency, which escalated without cessation for almost 30 years after the advent of legalized abortion and free contraception...

The people who are living in the past are the loons like you who pretend that the fact that there was a tiny decrease in the skyrocketing escalation of abortion/teen pregnancy and std rates after 25-30 years of exponential increases means that increased contraception/abortion availability is a success.

If it was a success, don't you think we'd be seeing increasingly FEWER stds/abortions/teen pregnancy?


But keep puking that koolaid out for the little kids to gorge on. And we'll keep breeding bigger, better stds and feeding the abortion machine.....

"The pregnancy rate among teenage girls in the United States has jumped for the first time in more than a decade, raising alarm that the long campaign to reduce motherhood among adolescents is faltering, according to a report released Tuesday."
Rise in teenage pregnancy rate spurs new debate on arresting it

Yeah...............this coming from a study done over 2 years ago that didn't take into account of providing the women with THEIR CHOICE of birth control.

I see you didn't read the links, but, what else should I expect from you? Ignorance is your bliss.
You're an ignoramus. A study done two years ago is a recent study. A very recent study. And all the studies, except the reject non-study out of wsu, agree.

The perplexing truth is that increased access to birth control and abortion do nothing so well as increase the rate of abortion, teen pregnancy, and std incidence.

You people race around like lunatics trying to explain it away, but in the end, there is no explanation except the truth.
Whats the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Netherlands?

They have birth control, and start sex education at around 9 yrs old. Their rate of teen pregnancy is a lot lower than that of the US. I wonder why...
Whats the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Netherlands?

They have birth control, and start sex education at around 9 yrs old. Their rate of teen pregnancy is a lot lower than that of the US. I wonder why...

What part of "The United States is not other countries" can you just not wrap your brain around, dimwit?

Get out a map. Look at the United States. Look at The Netherlands. Compare the two. Contemplate the many and vast differences between them. Consider the possibility that those differences make them not comparable to each other.

Fucking foreign halfwit morons. Jeez. :slap:
Whats the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Netherlands?

They have birth control, and start sex education at around 9 yrs old. Their rate of teen pregnancy is a lot lower than that of the US. I wonder why...

They are the exception and not the rule. In OUR country, and most others, the trend is the exact opposite.
You're an ignoramus. A study done two years ago is a recent study. A very recent study. And all the studies, except the reject non-study out of wsu, agree.

The perplexing truth is that increased access to birth control and abortion do nothing so well as increase the rate of abortion, teen pregnancy, and std incidence.

You people race around like lunatics trying to explain it away, but in the end, there is no explanation except the truth.

BS. Abortion has been around for thousands of years.
Long before religion banned sexual pleasure.
Sexual pleasure can not be stopped by anything. It is part of every human.
Sex education and birth control lower teen pregnancy, down for over 20 years straight.
Teen pregnancy rates ARE AT AN ALL TIME LOW.
So how could abortion be up when they are not getting pregnant as much?
You are the one with your head in the sand. You need to mind your own business. A woman's health decisions are between her, her family and God.
Mother hen busy body.
Whats the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Netherlands?

They have birth control, and start sex education at around 9 yrs old. Their rate of teen pregnancy is a lot lower than that of the US. I wonder why...

They are the exception and not the rule. In OUR country, and most others, the trend is the exact opposite.

Nit wit twit, teen pregnancy is at an all time low here.

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