Abortion and morality

Abortion is up, but that's mostly due to the recession. Abortion rates had been steadily dropping for 20 years.

Prove it.

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Rise in abortions during recession stalls longtime drop - Washington Times

Rates for abortion increased during U.S. recession - Marriage & Family - Home & Family - Catholic Online

US abortion rate on rise after years of decline economic recession blamed | Mail Online

There are several factors that effect abortion rates, I'm not suggesting the recession is the only one. The economy is one of them, social stigma, and government policy are a few others.
Abortion is up, but that's mostly due to the recession. Abortion rates had been steadily dropping for 20 years.

Prove it.

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Rise in abortions during recession stalls longtime drop - Washington Times

Rates for abortion increased during U.S. recession - Marriage & Family - Home & Family - Catholic Online

US abortion rate on rise after years of decline economic recession blamed | Mail Online

There are several factors that effect abortion rates, I'm not suggesting the recession is the only one. The economy is one of them, social stigma, and government policy are a few others.

One of the largest problems with the proud ignorance - ie. stupidity - of modern liberals is the constant need to repeat the phrase "Correlation does not equal causation", because they're too goddamned uninformed and unpracticed in logical thought to know it any other way.

And if you don't understand what I just said, you just proved my point. Go look it up.
I say, the recession effected abortion rates, and here's a study to back up my claim, and your response is "Nahuh!"

Typical of you. :)
I say, the recession effected abortion rates, and here's a study to back up my claim, and your response is "Nahuh!"

Typical of you. :)

Yes, dumb bitch, I KNOW you say that. I saw your post. What you don't understand is that what you say has as much meaning and value as the air exiting the OTHER end of your body, so stop wasting my time with your empty, vapid emanations, and say something SUBSTANTIAL.

I'm going to have to start charging you useless leftist twats if I have to keep doing your thinking for you. It's not that my brain isn't more than capable of doing the work for several people at once, you understand; it just bores me senseless.

Here's what you gave me, and why it doesn't constitute proof. Let me know if the words get too big for you at any point:

Rise in abortions during recession stalls longtime drop - Washington Times

The long-term decline in the U.S. abortion rate stalled as the recession took hold, according to the latest comprehensive survey of America’s abortion providers.

Just for starters, "surveys" are not "studies". They do nothing more than what you did, ie. stating correlation (and I will NOT be defining "correlation" for you, Mensa Girl. Get a dictionary).

The Guttmacher Institute, which periodically surveys U.S. abortion providers, reported Tuesday that there were 1.21 million abortions in 2008 and a rate of 19.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44.

Both figures were up slightly from the 2005 survey, ending a steady decline since 1990, when U.S. abortions peaked at 1.6 million and the abortion rate was 27.4.

One possible factor was the recession that hit in 2008, altering the financial prospects for many families.

Once again, we see a repeat of the exact same thing you did, ie. citing blank statistics, and then stating a premise of causation based merely on opinion.

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Please note that at no time has anyone offered any evidence that the economy has anything to do with abortion numbers, other than the fact that the number of abortions took a SLIGHT dip at the same time that the economy went in the crapper. By that "logic", Barack Obama's administration is responsible for Sandy hitting the northeast, because both took place at the same time. :cuckoo:

Moving on to your next link:

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Here we find the exact same damned thing: reporting blank statistics from a survey, and then stating an extrapolation based on personal agenda as a fact. I have no quarrel with the Guttmacher Institute's survey numbers, as a rule, but I am under no obligation to accept their opinion as to what those numbers MEAN, any more than I am obligated to accept yours.

And, of course, a survey is not a "study".

Otherwise, this article is a word-for-word repeat of the first one, and contains not a single shred of actual EVIDENCE (you might want to look that word up after you look up "correlation" and "causation") that the two are related, much less that one caused the other. Might as well state that a decreasing abortion rate caused the tanked economy. Makes as much sense.

And your third link is also the exact same, word-for-word article following the initial headline. In short, you presented no evidence that the economy had anything to do with the abortion rate; all you proved is that you leftists only have one brain amongst you, and IT doesn't function very well.

If Susan B. Anthony had known what a bunch of piss-stupid broads modern-day left-leaning women were going to turn out to be, she'd have stayed home and skipped the suffrage march, I swear.
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Whats the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Netherlands?

They have birth control, and start sex education at around 9 yrs old. Their rate of teen pregnancy is a lot lower than that of the US. I wonder why...

What part of "The United States is not other countries" can you just not wrap your brain around, dimwit?

Get out a map. Look at the United States. Look at The Netherlands. Compare the two. Contemplate the many and vast differences between them. Consider the possibility that those differences make them not comparable to each other.

Fucking foreign halfwit morons. Jeez. :slap:

That doesn’t mitigate the fundamental – and correct – premise of the post: that the issue is best dealt with through education, not ignorance as advocated by most on the right.
Whats the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Netherlands?

They have birth control, and start sex education at around 9 yrs old. Their rate of teen pregnancy is a lot lower than that of the US. I wonder why...

What part of "The United States is not other countries" can you just not wrap your brain around, dimwit?

Get out a map. Look at the United States. Look at The Netherlands. Compare the two. Contemplate the many and vast differences between them. Consider the possibility that those differences make them not comparable to each other.

Fucking foreign halfwit morons. Jeez. :slap:

That doesn’t mitigate the fundamental – and correct – premise of the post: that the issue is best dealt with through education, not ignorance as advocated by most on the right.

If I don't let other people set the parameters of the debate and establish the basic premises, what makes you think I'm going to let YOU do it?
I say, the recession effected abortion rates, and here's a study to back up my claim, and your response is "Nahuh!"

Typical of you. :)

Yes, dumb bitch, I KNOW you say that. I saw your post. What you don't understand is that what you say has as much meaning and value as the air exiting the OTHER end of your body, so stop wasting my time with your empty, vapid emanations, and say something SUBSTANTIAL.

I'm going to have to start charging you useless leftist twats if I have to keep doing your thinking for you. It's not that my brain isn't more than capable of doing the work for several people at once, you understand; it just bores me senseless.

Here's what you gave me, and why it doesn't constitute proof. Let me know if the words get too big for you at any point:

Rise in abortions during recession stalls longtime drop - Washington Times

The long-term decline in the U.S. abortion rate stalled as the recession took hold, according to the latest comprehensive survey of America’s abortion providers.

Just for starters, "surveys" are not "studies". They do nothing more than what you did, ie. stating correlation (and I will NOT be defining "correlation" for you, Mensa Girl. Get a dictionary).

The Guttmacher Institute, which periodically surveys U.S. abortion providers, reported Tuesday that there were 1.21 million abortions in 2008 and a rate of 19.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44.

Both figures were up slightly from the 2005 survey, ending a steady decline since 1990, when U.S. abortions peaked at 1.6 million and the abortion rate was 27.4.

One possible factor was the recession that hit in 2008, altering the financial prospects for many families.

Once again, we see a repeat of the exact same thing you did, ie. citing blank statistics, and then stating a premise of causation based merely on opinion.

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Please note that at no time has anyone offered any evidence that the economy has anything to do with abortion numbers, other than the fact that the number of abortions took a SLIGHT dip at the same time that the economy went in the crapper. By that "logic", Barack Obama's administration is responsible for Sandy hitting the northeast, because both took place at the same time. :cuckoo:

Moving on to your next link:

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Here we find the exact same damned thing: reporting blank statistics from a survey, and then stating an extrapolation based on personal agenda as a fact. I have no quarrel with the Guttmacher Institute's survey numbers, as a rule, but I am under no obligation to accept their opinion as to what those numbers MEAN, any more than I am obligated to accept yours.

And, of course, a survey is not a "study".

Otherwise, this article is a word-for-word repeat of the first one, and contains not a single shred of actual EVIDENCE (you might want to look that word up after you look up "correlation" and "causation") that the two are related, much less that one caused the other. Might as well state that a decreasing abortion rate caused the tanked economy. Makes as much sense.

And your third link is also the exact same, word-for-word article following the initial headline. In short, you presented no evidence that the economy had anything to do with the abortion rate; all you proved is that you leftists only have one brain amongst you, and IT doesn't function very well.

If Susan B. Anthony had known what a bunch of piss-stupid broads modern-day left-leaning women were going to turn out to be, she'd have stayed home and skipped the suffrage march, I swear.

I contemplated getting on google, and posting data that refutes your bogus claim that the economic stability of women has no bearing on whether they choose to have an abortion.

But, let's be honest here, not only are you perhaps the most childish simple minded poster on this site, totally incapable of having a rational discussion, let alone an honest debate, but, in the end, this exchange will end the same way the last 3 have, with you stopping your feet, storming off, and declaring you've put me on ignore.

I think I'd rather save myself some time and skip to the end. :)
I say, the recession effected abortion rates, and here's a study to back up my claim, and your response is "Nahuh!"

Typical of you. :)

Yes, dumb bitch, I KNOW you say that. I saw your post. What you don't understand is that what you say has as much meaning and value as the air exiting the OTHER end of your body, so stop wasting my time with your empty, vapid emanations, and say something SUBSTANTIAL.

I'm going to have to start charging you useless leftist twats if I have to keep doing your thinking for you. It's not that my brain isn't more than capable of doing the work for several people at once, you understand; it just bores me senseless.

Here's what you gave me, and why it doesn't constitute proof. Let me know if the words get too big for you at any point:

Rise in abortions during recession stalls longtime drop - Washington Times

The long-term decline in the U.S. abortion rate stalled as the recession took hold, according to the latest comprehensive survey of America’s abortion providers.

Just for starters, "surveys" are not "studies". They do nothing more than what you did, ie. stating correlation (and I will NOT be defining "correlation" for you, Mensa Girl. Get a dictionary).

The Guttmacher Institute, which periodically surveys U.S. abortion providers, reported Tuesday that there were 1.21 million abortions in 2008 and a rate of 19.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44.

Both figures were up slightly from the 2005 survey, ending a steady decline since 1990, when U.S. abortions peaked at 1.6 million and the abortion rate was 27.4.

One possible factor was the recession that hit in 2008, altering the financial prospects for many families.

Once again, we see a repeat of the exact same thing you did, ie. citing blank statistics, and then stating a premise of causation based merely on opinion.

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Please note that at no time has anyone offered any evidence that the economy has anything to do with abortion numbers, other than the fact that the number of abortions took a SLIGHT dip at the same time that the economy went in the crapper. By that "logic", Barack Obama's administration is responsible for Sandy hitting the northeast, because both took place at the same time. :cuckoo:

Moving on to your next link:

“Abortion numbers go down when the economy is good and go up when the economy is bad, so the stalling may be a function of a weaker economy,” said University of Alabama political science professor Michael New. “If the economy does better, you’ll see numbers trending down again.”

Here we find the exact same damned thing: reporting blank statistics from a survey, and then stating an extrapolation based on personal agenda as a fact. I have no quarrel with the Guttmacher Institute's survey numbers, as a rule, but I am under no obligation to accept their opinion as to what those numbers MEAN, any more than I am obligated to accept yours.

And, of course, a survey is not a "study".

Otherwise, this article is a word-for-word repeat of the first one, and contains not a single shred of actual EVIDENCE (you might want to look that word up after you look up "correlation" and "causation") that the two are related, much less that one caused the other. Might as well state that a decreasing abortion rate caused the tanked economy. Makes as much sense.

And your third link is also the exact same, word-for-word article following the initial headline. In short, you presented no evidence that the economy had anything to do with the abortion rate; all you proved is that you leftists only have one brain amongst you, and IT doesn't function very well.

If Susan B. Anthony had known what a bunch of piss-stupid broads modern-day left-leaning women were going to turn out to be, she'd have stayed home and skipped the suffrage march, I swear.

I contemplated getting on google, and posting data that refutes your bogus claim that the economic stability of women has no bearing on whether they choose to have an abortion.

But, let's be honest here, not only are you perhaps the most childish simple minded poster on this site, totally incapable of having a rational discussion, let alone an honest debate, but, in the end, this exchange will end the same way the last 3 have, with you stopping your feet, storming off, and declaring you've put me on ignore.

I think I'd rather save myself some time and skip to the end. :)

"I contemplated offering real evidence, but decided it was too much work, so I just gave you my opinion instead. Now I'm making excuses for being unable to present a convincing argument. The problem isn't that my argument sucks because I'm a dumb walking vagina; the problem is that you wouldn't listen to me, so I don't formulate arguments AT ALL. It's all because you're MEAN! Waaaaahhhh!!"

Let's be REALLY honest here, shall we? YOU posted your fucking opinion as a statement of fact. When you were challenged on it, you posted OTHER PEOPLE'S fucking opinions as statements of fact. When that was refuted step-by-step, you shrugged and said that you COULD have proven it, but it wasn't worth your effort.

So on what possible basis could you EVER think that YOU are qualified to call ANYONE "childish, simple minded [sic], irrational, and dishonest", let alone the person who refuted every single one of your posts with PROOF FROM YOUR OWN LINKS?

You're right. This is going to end up like every conversation we ever have: with you standing as a poster child for the belief that women should stop voting and get back into the fucking kitchen. Bravo for singlehandedly wiping out female equality for the last fifty years.
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Are you going to tell me that a zygote has hairs on their head?

In the southern states, sperm has hair on it.

None of it matters though cuz, abortion is no one's business except the woman.

And, all this mental masturbation aside, abortion is legal in the United States.
So was slavery, and raping your wife. Honor killing is still legal in some countries.

You were saying?
All professional peer-reviewed research demonstrate sex ed leads to less std and fewer abortions and less pregnancies.

Any who post supposed research that refutes the above can be simply outed: check their research, see if the research is done by reputable professionals from reputable institutions.
That's a lie, as you well know, Jake. The studies do NOT show that at all. They show just the opposite.
Syphilis cases in the Golden State jumped by 18 percent from 2010 to 2011, according to new data released by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). There was also a 5 percent increase in chlamydia cases and a 1.5 percent increase in gonorrhea cases.
Across the board, the STD rates among African Americans continue to be strikingly high, especially in comparison to the other racial groups.
In regards to why African American women contract STDs at far higher rates than women of other races, Robert Fullilove, a clinical sociomedical professor at Columbia University Health and chairman of the HIV/AIDS committee at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said on "Fresh Air" that it is partly because fewer African American men are available.
Because of incarceration, homicide and AIDS, Fullilove said, "A large number of marriageable men were taken out of the community. When you have this kind of population imbalance, many of the rules that govern mating behavior in the community are simply going to go out the window."

STDs In California On The Rise (PHOTOS)

Unless you want to argue that Cali isn't teaching sex ed...
I find it hilarious that in spite of the stats that show they don't have it right, the left continues to insist it's a lack of EDUCATION and ACCESS TO CONTRACEPTION that is to blame...when people are better educated about sex than they ever have been, and every 12 y.o. knows where to go for free condoms (school counselor!)

Making it even more difficult...the std rate among older adults (50-70) is increasing at a staggering rate. Must be because they just don't know anything about sex, lol. Apparently they know less than their predecessors in the 50s.

Sex Life of Older Adults and Rising STDs - ABC News
Teen pregnancies tapered off for about ten years in the 90s, basically because there just wasn't any way that it could increase...but now it's increasing again.

I guess we're teaching kids less about sex now than we were in the 50s, too. Otherwise, there would be fewer teen pregnancies...right?

Same goes for abortion....the rates have risen steadily since RvW. Must be because women today are less educated about sex than they were in the 50s.
Teen pregnancies tapered off for about ten years in the 90s, basically because there just wasn't any way that it could increase....


"Wasn't any way teen pregnancies could increase?"


I vividly recall being conscious during the 90's.
I was overstating the fact that it's really rare for anything to increase astronomically over 20 years with no taper-off factor...particularly if the issue is allegedly "lack of education". Teen pregnancy and abortion shot up like a rocket from 1972 - 199? or whenever it was that it finally stopped increasing, for about 10 years. But it's on the rise again.

Which puts the lie to the "we need more education and better access". If it was about better education and access, we would have seen fewer abortions and pregnancies through the years..not increasingly more..and more...and more....
I'm not sure where koshergrl gets her version of history, given that the CDC says the teen birth rate in the USA is at a record low.

Products - Data Briefs - Number 89 - April 2012

So was slavery, and raping your wife. Honor killing is still legal in some countries.

You were saying?

All of which involved actual persons taking adverse action against other actual persons.

Abortion concerns only a single individual and her Constitutional right to privacy, as afforded by the Founding Document.

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