Abortion clinic owner's payback to protesters

there are no medical reasons for abortion in the third trimester. there might be medical reasons for termination of pregnancy in the third trimester - but termination of pregnancy via c-section is NOT equal to abortion and if you fail to understand that, then the re is no possibility to explain it.

Not equal, but the results are the same. The fetus is dead. That was my only point.

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, medical reasons do exist although (as I have already pointed out) those reasons are few. If a fetus is severely deformed, for example. A condition such as acephaly is not often detected until second or third trimester.

Less doctors are performing c sections even in high risk pregnancies and/or deliveries.

If pregnancy is over 34 weeks gestation or the symptoms of HELLP begin to worsen, delivery is the recommended course of treatment.

In the past, Cesarean delivery was the most common way for delivery of babies whose moms were dealing with HELLP syndrome. But it is now recommended that women, who are at least 34 weeks gestation and have a favorable cervix, should be given a “trial of labor” (TOL). HELLP syndrome does not cause reason for an automatic cesarean and in some situations, operative surgery may cause more complications due to the possibility of blood clotting problems related to low platelet counts. If a cesarean delivery is necessary and the platelet count is

Sorry, no wikipedia: HELLP Syndrome | American Pregnancy Association

Again, i am not saying that third trimester abortions are acceptable/ideal. But in certain cases, it is necessary. Life is not a pretty picture with folks holding hands and whistling as they skip down the yellow brick road. It's an ugly place full of suffering. I do not take pleasure in the thought of abortion, nor do i think it should be taken lightly. And you have made many good points which i respect. (and minus the insults make your argument all the more compelling to me). But at times, a pregnancy has to be ended. Perhaps not in the majority of cases when it is done, but there are situations. And the government has no place in that aspect of people's lives. It needs to be on a case-by-case basis, not a blanket law condemning all abortions as a wicked act of blood lust. Because it's not. And when people claim that it is, imo it sounds like religious fanaticism.

No, they are NOT.
and they DO NOT HAPPEN either for HELLP or ecclampsia or severe pre-ecclampsia.

do you understand that? nobody performs abortion for termination of pregnancy for that reason. because the immediate delivery in this scenario means c section ONLY.
the medical condition of the patient is such that this butchery procedure ( if even any self-respected OB/GYN would agree to perform it) will kill her.
It is ALWAYS the c-section, nothing else - not even induced labor.

that is the problem with a brainwashed leftard as you are ( sorry, but that is the truth) - you are so preconditioned that you do not understand what is being told - you are deaf.
The third trimester abortions are NEVER performed in the hospital. NEVER EVER.
They are performed by 4 or 5 providers in their clinics legally - in the whole world. Did you hear me? It is not performed anywhere else except those 4 or 5 clinics and the providers, although they carry medical licenses I would not address as "doctor" because they are butchers, not doctors. Some are not even OB/GYN by training - like gosnell was not.

But even those butchers won't take the patient with a HELLP syndrome for the third trimester abortion ( or severe pre-ecclampsia) - for two main reasons - when the decision for STAT delivery is taking place the patients condition is usually such that they are either in ICU or at least in the OB/GYN ward. And even if, if any idiot woman ( which do not exist in the reality - nobody is that stupid) would go to some obscure clinic for abortion when she has severe pre-ecclampsia - that provider won't do it - they are butchers, but not idiots - they have medical education and they do realize that the procedure they are performing will inevitably kill the patient.

Third trimester abortions are performed in those clinics for CONVENIENCE reasons ONLY and only when the mother is HEALTHY, otherwise she won't survive it.

Medical reasons ( health of the mother or the danger to the baby) for STAT delivery of the baby is always in the hospital and it is NEVER an abortion in the third trimester.

Got it, finally?

lol, calm down before you have an aneurysm. It seems that lines are being crossed along the way somewhere. Let me break down exactly what i am saying. IF there is a medical reason which threatens the woman's life during third trimester, the fetus is delivered regardless of viability. And while the fetus is not disposed of in a medical waste bag, it is still dead in some cases. THAT is all i'm saying. The mother's life is ultimately put first even by the doctors in many of these cases. The docs can be sued by the mom not the fetus, so really it's about money. And it's a shame that you can't debate without throwing poop because i know that you're better than that.
The nation is divided, they will attack one another. They will fight one another. This is the way it is supposed to be.

sure. if a murderer is a murderer - he should be named as such.

what is he ashamed for?

why can't his daughter be proud that her daddy is making money on murdering babies?

Sorry, Vox. Kids should not have to pay for the ideals of their parents. Period.

Unless their last name is Palin, Bush, Reagan, or any other Conservative. Then they are fair game. You damned Liberals are such hypocrites.

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