Abortion clinic owner's payback to protesters

I think any woman would have a tough time birthing a 12 month old baby....she misrepresented the baby in the photo as a newborn. The woman gave birth just fine without medical intervention, and the baby survived the first year, when it was able to receive treatment from a charity medical organization.

"...many children diagnosed with the disorder benefit from rehabilitation therapies and educational interventions and go on to lead normal lives with few limitations."

Hydrocephalus Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What are the possible complications of a shunt system? - MedicineNet
I think any woman would have a tough time birthing a 12 month old baby....she misrepresented the baby in the photo as a newborn. The woman gave birth just fine without medical intervention, and the baby survived the first year, when it was able to receive treatment from a charity medical organization.

"...many children diagnosed with the disorder benefit from rehabilitation therapies and educational interventions and go on to lead normal lives with few limitations."

Hydrocephalus Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What are the possible complications of a shunt system? - MedicineNet

she is as stupid as it gets. It is obvious for anybody SANE that the baby on the photo is not a newborn.
and as I have said, the hydrocephalus for that particular baby was POSTNATAL, not prenatal.
yes, one can develop this complication even after a virus infection - and not only children, adult as well.

VP shunt placement is not a rare procedure and is done to drain the CSF into the abdominal cavity if the standard drainage system is impaired.
Yeah, noomi's full of shit.

That picture is of a one year old child:

"Doctors on Friday discharged a one-year-old Indian baby who underwent multiple surgery to correct a rare disorder that caused her head to nearly double in size, a neurosurgeon told AFP.
Roona Begum endured several surgical procedures which saw doctors at a hospital near New Delhi drain fluid from her head in a life-saving operation and dramatically reduce the size of her skull.
"Roona's health has improved significantly.... We have discharged the baby this morning and she is fit to travel," neurosurgeon Sandeep Vaishya said."

Indian doctors discharge baby with swollen head | Fox News

In India.

Where they do not have prenatal treatment options...and where butcher shop abortion clinics would kill as many women as they "save", thanks to the crap conditions, the filthy environs, and the inability of the women to get treatment in the almost certain event of infection or hemorrhage.

Indian doctors discharge baby with swollen head | Fox News

well, the kid is doing well, but the abortion maniac Noomi would murder the baby obviously, to satisfy her bloody lust.

You can only "win" arguments against your own strawmen...how sad.

piss off, dumbo
Bode is the only person that I can successfully ignore without actually putting her on ignore. Her posts are that riveting.
Actually, preeclampsia/eclampsia can begin in the second trimester before the baby is viable. And i certainly don't claim that abortion is always necessary in those cases, but if the mother's life is endangered and the baby's lungs have not yet matured enough to be viable, delivery becomes necessary. of course it's semantics after this which I'm not really interested in. Point is, there are instances when abortion can be medically necessary.
It is never ecclampsia in the second trimester.
Some signs of the potential preeclampsia might be present at the end of second trimester and that is exactly when the baby starts being viable. Since preeclampsia never escalates immediately to ecclampsia, pregnancy is usually supported until 30-32 weeks( or as long as possible) and then if the symptoms do not subside - emergency c-section is being performed.

The complication is connected to the microcirculation in the placenta and is never occurring before 22-24 weeks.

Not to even mention the abortion is never even an option considered in a situation of preecclamptic patient.

I really do appreciate the cut and paste job, but eclampsia literally means "seizure" which can lead to the death of mom and fetus, and yes ... it can happen to women in the second trimester.

If the fetus is "delivered" or "born" (whatever other form of semantics people want to use to support their arguments), and it is dead the result is the same as with abortion. Fact is, there are legitimate instances when terminating a pregnancy is necessary.

Darling, I really do appreciate your wikipedia knowledge, but medicine is what I do for a living and some abortion nut case who wants to murder viable children because of non existent threat of preeclampsia in the second trimester can spew lies around for ever eager bloody hungry noomi & Co, but this nonsense won't impress me.

Stop lying. Preeclampsia is NEVER a reason for abortion. Eclamptic seizure is also relatively easy to stop if one really knows what one is dealing with. And abortion is never an option for ecclamptic seizure as well. C-section is.
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Darling, I really do appreciate your wikipedia knowledge, but medicine is what I do for a living and some abortion nut case who wants to murder viable children because of non existent threat of preeclampsia in the second trimester can spew lies around for ever eager bloody hungry noomi & Co, but this nonsense won't impress me.

Sure it is. People who support the right to choose abortion as a potential option are not murderers lusting for blood and gore. If you truly had a logical argument behind your position, you would not need to resort to insulting people and using pejoratives in this debate.

Stop lying. Preeclampsia is NEVER a reason for abortion. Eclamptic seizure is also relatively easy to stop if one really knows what one is dealing with. And abortion is never an option for ecclamptic seizure as well. C-section is.

No, it is just one reason that a woman might get an abortion due to medical complications. A seizure can only be treated with Magnesium sulfate for so long until levels become toxic. In the end, delivery is the only cure. If delivery results in the death of the fetus, one can logically deduce that it had the same result as an abortion. The woman and her doctors made a choice that ended in the death of the fetus. Of course, at times the fetus does survive.

The point I was originally making is that although abortion in the third term is not something i would usually support, there can be a medical reason for it. However, most abortions DO NOT occur in the third term, but rather they occur in the first term statistically. Therefore, this issue is mostly one of posterboards and sensational stories used by fanatics to bolster their own illogical and emotive positions.
Darling, I really do appreciate your wikipedia knowledge, but medicine is what I do for a living and some abortion nut case who wants to murder viable children because of non existent threat of preeclampsia in the second trimester can spew lies around for ever eager bloody hungry noomi & Co, but this nonsense won't impress me.

Sure it is. People who support the right to choose abortion as a potential option are not murderers lusting for blood and gore. If you truly had a logical argument behind your position, you would not need to resort to insulting people and using pejoratives in this debate.

No it is not. It never happens at the degree that the pregnancy has to be terminated right now, this second before the baby is viable. If the baby is viable - the c-section ensues.
And people who want abortion of the viable baby ARE the murderous blood lusty monsters - that is not an insult that is a statement of a fact.
And you are one of them if you consider preecclampsia to be the reason for abortion ( which is unheard of even through the blood lusty third trimester abortion idiots)
Stop lying. Preeclampsia is NEVER a reason for abortion. Eclamptic seizure is also relatively easy to stop if one really knows what one is dealing with. And abortion is never an option for ecclamptic seizure as well. C-section is.

No, it is just one reason that a woman might get an abortion due to medical complications..

It is NEVER a reason for abortion. NEVER. Does not happen. If a woman has preecclampsia at the extent that it needs to be treated by delivery - it is a c-section only.

seizure can only be treated with Magnesium sulfate for so long until levels become toxic. In the end, delivery is the only cure. If delivery results in the death of the fetus, one can logically deduce that it had the same result as an abortion.

No, it is not. Because abortion is painful to the viable baby and it is mortally dangerous to the mother at that stage of development of the baby. Not to even mention that nobody SANE will perform an abortion on the preecclamptic patient or a seizing patient - you really are an idiot even to suggest that and it just proves that you have not a slightest idea what physiologic and pathological changes in the body result both from the advanced pregnancy and preecclampsia.

The point I was originally making is that although abortion in the third term is not something i would usually support, there can be a medical reason for it.

There is NEVER a medical reason for abortion in the third trimester, ZERO, zilch, nada.
It does not exist. And the procedure does not exist as well - in any other country except some US states and it is being performed legally by 4 or 5 clinics ( not the hospitals, not even surgery centers ( sic!!!) in the whole world.

If the pregnancy in the third trimester needs to end right now( because of the medical risks to the mother) it is ended by c-section and NEVER with abortion.

Of course if the woman is being treated by OB physician, not seeks back alley procedure from the butcher who makes money on the woman's stupidity ( because EVERY woman who undergoes an abortion at that stage puts her life at a grave risk) and after performing the murder will never see the woman again.
However, if the woman has the risks to her health she usually has her instincts in the right place and does not go to the back alley option of butchery.
Those who go do that for their convenience only.
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Darling, I really do appreciate your wikipedia knowledge, but medicine is what I do for a living and some abortion nut case who wants to murder viable children because of non existent threat of preeclampsia in the second trimester can spew lies around for ever eager bloody hungry noomi & Co, but this nonsense won't impress me.

Sure it is. People who support the right to choose abortion as a potential option are not murderers lusting for blood and gore. If you truly had a logical argument behind your position, you would not need to resort to insulting people and using pejoratives in this debate.

No it is not. It never happens at the degree that the pregnancy has to be terminated right now, this second before the baby is viable. If the baby is viable - the c-section ensues.
And people who want abortion of the viable baby ARE the murderous blood lusty monsters - that is not an insult that is a statement of a fact.
And you are one of them if you consider preecclampsia to be the reason for abortion ( which is unheard of even through the blood lusty third trimester abortion idiots)

It is NEVER a reason for abortion. NEVER. Does not happen. If a woman has preecclampsia at the extent that it needs to be treated by delivery - it is a c-section only.

seizure can only be treated with Magnesium sulfate for so long until levels become toxic. In the end, delivery is the only cure. If delivery results in the death of the fetus, one can logically deduce that it had the same result as an abortion.

No, it is not. Because abortion is painful to the viable baby and it is mortally dangerous to the mother at that stage of development of the baby. Not to even mention that nobody SANE will perform an abortion on the preecclamptic patient or a seizing patient - you really are an idiot even to suggest that and it just proves that you have not a slightest idea what physiologic and pathological changes in the body result both from the advanced pregnancy and preecclampsia.

The point I was originally making is that although abortion in the third term is not something i would usually support, there can be a medical reason for it.

There is NEVER a medical reason for abortion in the third trimester, ZERO, zilch, nada.
It does not exist. And the procedure does not exist as well - in any other country except some US states and it is being performed legally by 4 or 5 clinics ( not the hospitals, not even surgery centers ( sic!!!) in the whole world.

If the pregnancy in the third trimester needs to end right now( because of the medical risks to the mother) it is ended by c-section and NEVER with abortion.

Of course if the woman is being treated by OB physician, not seeks back alley procedure from the butcher who makes money on the woman's stupidity ( because EVERY woman who undergoes an abortion at that stage puts her life at a grave risk) and after performing the murder will never see the woman again.
However, if the woman has the risks to her health she usually has her instincts in the right place and does not go to the back alley option of butchery.
Those who go do that for their convenience only.

Yes, there are medical reasons for it. Your denial of that fact, and continual use of insults changes zero, zilch, nada... And logically, it makes ZERO sense for people to purposely delay getting an abortion for the sole purpose of blood lust. The procedure isn't a walk in the park for the woman. It's painful and risky. If you want to argue that everyone who gets abortions possess some type of twisted blood lust, you're heading for yet another logical fallacy..one of many you've displayed in this thread.

To conclude the last exchange, you have missed the point i made. If the delivery, regardless of how said delivery took place, results in the death of the fetus-- that result is the same as abortion. And they will deliver the fetus even with that risk to preserve the mother's life. Also, moms with pre eclampsia can have an induced vaginal delivery.
Sure it is. People who support the right to choose abortion as a potential option are not murderers lusting for blood and gore. If you truly had a logical argument behind your position, you would not need to resort to insulting people and using pejoratives in this debate.

No it is not. It never happens at the degree that the pregnancy has to be terminated right now, this second before the baby is viable. If the baby is viable - the c-section ensues.
And people who want abortion of the viable baby ARE the murderous blood lusty monsters - that is not an insult that is a statement of a fact.
And you are one of them if you consider preecclampsia to be the reason for abortion ( which is unheard of even through the blood lusty third trimester abortion idiots)

It is NEVER a reason for abortion. NEVER. Does not happen. If a woman has preecclampsia at the extent that it needs to be treated by delivery - it is a c-section only.

No, it is not. Because abortion is painful to the viable baby and it is mortally dangerous to the mother at that stage of development of the baby. Not to even mention that nobody SANE will perform an abortion on the preecclamptic patient or a seizing patient - you really are an idiot even to suggest that and it just proves that you have not a slightest idea what physiologic and pathological changes in the body result both from the advanced pregnancy and preecclampsia.

The point I was originally making is that although abortion in the third term is not something i would usually support, there can be a medical reason for it.

There is NEVER a medical reason for abortion in the third trimester, ZERO, zilch, nada.
It does not exist. And the procedure does not exist as well - in any other country except some US states and it is being performed legally by 4 or 5 clinics ( not the hospitals, not even surgery centers ( sic!!!) in the whole world.

If the pregnancy in the third trimester needs to end right now( because of the medical risks to the mother) it is ended by c-section and NEVER with abortion.

Of course if the woman is being treated by OB physician, not seeks back alley procedure from the butcher who makes money on the woman's stupidity ( because EVERY woman who undergoes an abortion at that stage puts her life at a grave risk) and after performing the murder will never see the woman again.
However, if the woman has the risks to her health she usually has her instincts in the right place and does not go to the back alley option of butchery.
Those who go do that for their convenience only.

Yes, there are medical reasons for it. Your denial of that fact, and continual use of insults changes zero, zilch, nada... And logically, it makes ZERO sense for people to purposely delay getting an abortion for the sole purpose of blood lust. The procedure isn't a walk in the park for the woman. It's painful and risky. If you want to argue that everyone who gets abortions possess some type of twisted blood lust, you're heading for yet another logical fallacy..one of many you've displayed in this thread.

To conclude the last exchange, you have missed the point i made. If the delivery, regardless of how said delivery took place, results in the death of the fetus-- that result is the same as abortion. And they will deliver the fetus even with that risk to preserve the mother's life. Also, moms with pre eclampsia can have an induced vaginal delivery.

there are no medical reasons for abortion in the third trimester. there might be medical reasons for termination of pregnancy in the third trimester - but termination of pregnancy via c-section is NOT equal to abortion and if you fail to understand that, then the re is no possibility to explain it.
Yes, you can induce vaginal delivery because of the preeclampsia, however, because of the very practical reasons, which are far beyond the scope of this discussion it almost never happens and it is a c-section almost in 100% cases - fast, safe and efficient. Safe for the mother and the baby.
and even if delivery results n the death of the baby it is absolutely NOT the same result as an abortion - the baby was not tortured, to start with( and that is the main difference) and the dead baby is being given to the parents for the proper closure and burial - not disposed as a medical waste - and the latter factor is a major one in the psychotic complications of the women who have had abortions and is a protecting factor in healing process of the women who have had a stillborn baby.
Again, if you fail to understand that there is no possibility to explain.
What is a medical reason for abortion (killing the fetus and delivering it) in the third trimester?

Please provide links.
  • Thanks
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What is a medical reason for abortion (killing the fetus and delivering it) in the third trimester?

Please provide links.

there are none. The person is ignorant medically wise, but has some superficial knowledge of the problems with mother's health in the third trimester.
As the vast majority of the leftists who have been brainwashed without a real life experience, the picture is not a 3D but flat and black and white one for her.

One of our OB/GYN had a good laugh couple of days ago when I've told him that the option for treating HELLP would be a third trimester abortion per some of the abortion activists.

Theoretic superficial "knowledge" via wikipedia is worse than no knowledge at all.
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there are no medical reasons for abortion in the third trimester. there might be medical reasons for termination of pregnancy in the third trimester - but termination of pregnancy via c-section is NOT equal to abortion and if you fail to understand that, then the re is no possibility to explain it.

Not equal, but the results are the same. The fetus is dead. That was my only point.

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, medical reasons do exist although (as I have already pointed out) those reasons are few. If a fetus is severely deformed, for example. A condition such as acephaly is not often detected until second or third trimester.

Yes, you can induce vaginal delivery because of the preeclampsia, however, because of the very practical reasons, which are far beyond the scope of this discussion it almost never happens and it is a c-section almost in 100% cases - fast, safe and efficient. Safe for the mother and the baby.
and even if delivery results n the death of the baby it is absolutely NOT the same result as an abortion - the baby was not tortured, to start with( and that is the main difference) and the dead baby is being given to the parents for the proper closure and burial - not disposed as a medical waste - and the latter factor is a major one in the psychotic complications of the women who have had abortions and is a protecting factor in healing process of the women who have had a stillborn baby.
Again, if you fail to understand that there is no possibility to explain.

Less doctors are performing c sections even in high risk pregnancies and/or deliveries.

If pregnancy is over 34 weeks gestation or the symptoms of HELLP begin to worsen, delivery is the recommended course of treatment.

In the past, Cesarean delivery was the most common way for delivery of babies whose moms were dealing with HELLP syndrome. But it is now recommended that women, who are at least 34 weeks gestation and have a favorable cervix, should be given a “trial of labor” (TOL). HELLP syndrome does not cause reason for an automatic cesarean and in some situations, operative surgery may cause more complications due to the possibility of blood clotting problems related to low platelet counts. If a cesarean delivery is necessary and the platelet count is

Sorry, no wikipedia: HELLP Syndrome | American Pregnancy Association

Again, i am not saying that third trimester abortions are acceptable/ideal. But in certain cases, it is necessary. Life is not a pretty picture with folks holding hands and whistling as they skip down the yellow brick road. It's an ugly place full of suffering. I do not take pleasure in the thought of abortion, nor do i think it should be taken lightly. And you have made many good points which i respect. (and minus the insults make your argument all the more compelling to me). But at times, a pregnancy has to be ended. Perhaps not in the majority of cases when it is done, but there are situations. And the government has no place in that aspect of people's lives. It needs to be on a case-by-case basis, not a blanket law condemning all abortions as a wicked act of blood lust. Because it's not. And when people claim that it is, imo it sounds like religious fanaticism.
there are no medical reasons for abortion in the third trimester. there might be medical reasons for termination of pregnancy in the third trimester - but termination of pregnancy via c-section is NOT equal to abortion and if you fail to understand that, then the re is no possibility to explain it.

Not equal, but the results are the same. The fetus is dead. That was my only point.

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself, medical reasons do exist although (as I have already pointed out) those reasons are few. If a fetus is severely deformed, for example. A condition such as acephaly is not often detected until second or third trimester.

Yes, you can induce vaginal delivery because of the preeclampsia, however, because of the very practical reasons, which are far beyond the scope of this discussion it almost never happens and it is a c-section almost in 100% cases - fast, safe and efficient. Safe for the mother and the baby.
and even if delivery results n the death of the baby it is absolutely NOT the same result as an abortion - the baby was not tortured, to start with( and that is the main difference) and the dead baby is being given to the parents for the proper closure and burial - not disposed as a medical waste - and the latter factor is a major one in the psychotic complications of the women who have had abortions and is a protecting factor in healing process of the women who have had a stillborn baby.
Again, if you fail to understand that there is no possibility to explain.

Less doctors are performing c sections even in high risk pregnancies and/or deliveries.

If pregnancy is over 34 weeks gestation or the symptoms of HELLP begin to worsen, delivery is the recommended course of treatment.

In the past, Cesarean delivery was the most common way for delivery of babies whose moms were dealing with HELLP syndrome. But it is now recommended that women, who are at least 34 weeks gestation and have a favorable cervix, should be given a “trial of labor” (TOL). HELLP syndrome does not cause reason for an automatic cesarean and in some situations, operative surgery may cause more complications due to the possibility of blood clotting problems related to low platelet counts. If a cesarean delivery is necessary and the platelet count is

Sorry, no wikipedia: HELLP Syndrome | American Pregnancy Association

Again, i am not saying that third trimester abortions are acceptable/ideal. But in certain cases, it is necessary. Life is not a pretty picture with folks holding hands and whistling as they skip down the yellow brick road. It's an ugly place full of suffering. I do not take pleasure in the thought of abortion, nor do i think it should be taken lightly. And you have made many good points which i respect. (and minus the insults make your argument all the more compelling to me). But at times, a pregnancy has to be ended. Perhaps not in the majority of cases when it is done, but there are situations. And the government has no place in that aspect of people's lives. It needs to be on a case-by-case basis, not a blanket law condemning all abortions as a wicked act of blood lust. Because it's not. And when people claim that it is, imo it sounds like religious fanaticism.

No, they are NOT.
and they DO NOT HAPPEN either for HELLP or ecclampsia or severe pre-ecclampsia.

do you understand that? nobody performs abortion for termination of pregnancy for that reason. because the immediate delivery in this scenario means c section ONLY.
the medical condition of the patient is such that this butchery procedure ( if even any self-respected OB/GYN would agree to perform it) will kill her.
It is ALWAYS the c-section, nothing else - not even induced labor.

that is the problem with a brainwashed leftard as you are ( sorry, but that is the truth) - you are so preconditioned that you do not understand what is being told - you are deaf.
The third trimester abortions are NEVER performed in the hospital. NEVER EVER.
They are performed by 4 or 5 providers in their clinics legally - in the whole world. Did you hear me? It is not performed anywhere else except those 4 or 5 clinics and the providers, although they carry medical licenses I would not address as "doctor" because they are butchers, not doctors. Some are not even OB/GYN by training - like gosnell was not.

But even those butchers won't take the patient with a HELLP syndrome for the third trimester abortion ( or severe pre-ecclampsia) - for two main reasons - when the decision for STAT delivery is taking place the patients condition is usually such that they are either in ICU or at least in the OB/GYN ward. And even if, if any idiot woman ( which do not exist in the reality - nobody is that stupid) would go to some obscure clinic for abortion when she has severe pre-ecclampsia - that provider won't do it - they are butchers, but not idiots - they have medical education and they do realize that the procedure they are performing will inevitably kill the patient.

Third trimester abortions are performed in those clinics for CONVENIENCE reasons ONLY and only when the mother is HEALTHY, otherwise she won't survive it.

Medical reasons ( health of the mother or the danger to the baby) for STAT delivery of the baby is always in the hospital and it is NEVER an abortion in the third trimester.

Got it, finally?
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Payback Is a Bitch for Abortion Clinic Protestors, Thanks to a Brilliant Landlord

It's common practice for anti-abortion protesters to disseminate doctors' personal information and urge people to harass them—and it can clearly go far beyond that, as with the 2009 murder of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. LeRoy Carhart, who's now in Stave's clinic, had his Nebraska farm burned to the ground back in 1991. But protesters in Maryland figured out they could start targeting Stave for owning the clinic's property. He was largely unfazed by this campaign, until last fall when they took it too far. On his daughter's first day in middle school, a large group of people protested outside her school, and then they showed up again for back-to-school night. They were naturally carrying signs with his name and contact info and those nasty pictures of fetuses.

Stave was furious, and then it got even worse. Dozens of the protestors began calling him at home, around the clock. His friends wanted to help him fight back; that's when Stave had the brilliant idea of turning the tables on his tormentors. He began recording the names and numbers of the assholes who called, and then he gave the list of info to his friends and asked them to call these people back on his behalf. Shazam! And the really smart part was that when someone from Team Stave called, they always took the high road. He explains,

In a very calm, very respectful voice, they said that the Stave family thanks you for your prayers. They cannot terminate the lease, and they do not want to. They support women's rights.

There's more. Read the link for the rest.

Payback's a bitch.

Americans have the right to carry signs and protest. As long as they are on public property a certain distance away, the protest is legal. Doctors generally do not allow their personal information to be in phone books. I cannot imagine one stupid enough to do that. I made sure I got mine off the internet and it is NOT that hard to do. If the information was from a public source they had every right to display it.

However, the doctor's cronies did NOT have the right to call people up and harass them by phone. They should be reported to the authorities.
Payback Is a Bitch for Abortion Clinic Protestors, Thanks to a Brilliant Landlord

It's common practice for anti-abortion protesters to disseminate doctors' personal information and urge people to harass them—and it can clearly go far beyond that, as with the 2009 murder of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. LeRoy Carhart, who's now in Stave's clinic, had his Nebraska farm burned to the ground back in 1991. But protesters in Maryland figured out they could start targeting Stave for owning the clinic's property. He was largely unfazed by this campaign, until last fall when they took it too far. On his daughter's first day in middle school, a large group of people protested outside her school, and then they showed up again for back-to-school night. They were naturally carrying signs with his name and contact info and those nasty pictures of fetuses.

Stave was furious, and then it got even worse. Dozens of the protestors began calling him at home, around the clock. His friends wanted to help him fight back; that's when Stave had the brilliant idea of turning the tables on his tormentors. He began recording the names and numbers of the assholes who called, and then he gave the list of info to his friends and asked them to call these people back on his behalf. Shazam! And the really smart part was that when someone from Team Stave called, they always took the high road. He explains,

In a very calm, very respectful voice, they said that the Stave family thanks you for your prayers. They cannot terminate the lease, and they do not want to. They support women's rights.

There's more. Read the link for the rest.

Payback's a bitch.

Americans have the right to carry signs and protest. As long as they are on public property a certain distance away, the protest is legal. Doctors generally do not allow their personal information to be in phone books. I cannot imagine one stupid enough to do that. I made sure I got mine off the internet and it is NOT that hard to do. If the information was from a public source they had every right to display it.

However, the doctor's cronies did NOT have the right to call people up and harass them by phone. They should be reported to the authorities.

that is the one of the 4 or 5 butchers left who murder babies in the third trimester.
They are very well known names and figures.

Americans have the right to carry signs and protest. As long as they are on public property a certain distance away, the protest is legal. Doctors generally do not allow their personal information to be in phone books. I cannot imagine one stupid enough to do that. I made sure I got mine off the internet and it is NOT that hard to do. If the information was from a public source they had every right to display it.

However, the doctor's cronies did NOT have the right to call people up and harass them by phone. They should be reported to the authorities.

that is the one of the 4 or 5 butchers left who murder babies in the third trimester.
They are very well known names and figures.
Americans have the right to carry signs and protest. As long as they are on public property a certain distance away, the protest is legal. Doctors generally do not allow their personal information to be in phone books. I cannot imagine one stupid enough to do that. I made sure I got mine off the internet and it is NOT that hard to do. If the information was from a public source they had every right to display it.

However, the doctor's cronies did NOT have the right to call people up and harass them by phone. They should be reported to the authorities.

that is the one of the 4 or 5 butchers left who murder babies in the third trimester.
They are very well known names and figures.

they do not have to be listed in the phone-book to be known to the interest groups :rolleyes:

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