Abortion clinic owner's payback to protesters

They should take their harassment to it's highest level possible. Enablers of baby killers are complicit. That includes the nurses etc.

As usual Kosher Girl jumps right in for "Thank you" on this post, but makes no effort to address the fact that she is a fake Jew, and from what she writes has a third-world Muslim education.

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They should take their harassment to it's highest level possible. Enablers of baby killers are complicit. That includes the nurses etc.

As usual Kosher Girl jumps right in for "Thank you" on this post, but makes no effort to address the fact that she is a fake Jew, and from what she writes has a third-world Muslim education.



I thought you were ignoring me, psycho.
Incidentally, you are showing your ignorance. Muslims love the abortion industry. They wish all liberal wimmens would get them regularly.
Sorry, I can not respond to Kosher Girl, (who is not really Jewish) because I have her on ignore.

All I get from her comes when other posters pick her up.

I am sure I am not missing anything from the Muslim known as "Kosher Girl."

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Actually, preeclampsia/eclampsia can begin in the second trimester before the baby is viable. And i certainly don't claim that abortion is always necessary in those cases, but if the mother's life is endangered and the baby's lungs have not yet matured enough to be viable, delivery becomes necessary. of course it's semantics after this which I'm not really interested in. Point is, there are instances when abortion can be medically necessary.
It is never ecclampsia in the second trimester.
Some signs of the potential preeclampsia might be present at the end of second trimester and that is exactly when the baby starts being viable. Since preeclampsia never escalates immediately to ecclampsia, pregnancy is usually supported until 30-32 weeks( or as long as possible) and then if the symptoms do not subside - emergency c-section is being performed.

The complication is connected to the microcirculation in the placenta and is never occurring before 22-24 weeks.

Not to even mention the abortion is never even an option considered in a situation of preecclamptic patient.

It is for reasons like these postings that I have Kosher Girl on "ignore." An action you may wish to consider, Vox.

Let's do this. Let's give every woman in the United States the right to choose abortion for herself, and let people like Kosher Girl opt out. Wait! Hold it!

That is the law as written in Roe vs. Wade!

By the way, Kosher Girl is not Kosher.

Just because someone claims they are Kosher, does
not mean they are. Kosher Girl is a fake, her goal
is to make Jews look bad with her insane posts.
I have no time for phonies. Do you?[/CENTER]

You,idiot, Koshergirl is 100% right. I just affirmed her statement.

or you have a reading comprehension problem?
Which post are you talking about, nitwit? Because the one you quoted wasn't me.

I've never claimed to be Jewish, lol. Everybody here knows I'm Southern Baptist.

It seems he has just one brain gyrus ;)
Every. That is why ( partially ) it is forbidden everywhere else in the word - it is extremely dangerous and grim procedure. That is why even here, where it was invented, it is now performed only by 3 or 4 "doctors" for the 320 million nation. And those performing it are not doctors - those are greedy butchers.

Everywhere else it is induced labor in the hospital - the less expensive method or emergency c-section - a more expensive method.

Not every woman can have a natural birth or even a C section. Sometimes there is something wrong with the fetus and it requires a late abortion.

are you an idiot?

so you are telling that a natural birth is what not every woman can have? but she can have a butchery procedure protracted for 3 days without proper medical care?

EVERY woman can have a c-section.
If there is something wrong with a baby the c-section is a way to go and it is how it is done everywhere in the world.

why do you insist on a butchery hanger method instead of a civilized XXI century one?
Third trimester abortion is not ever being performed anywhere else in the world except by 3 or 4 butchers in the US. the baby killer was eliminated by a GSW and the last one is Gosnell - also eliminated from the society.

If the fetus has a severe case of hydrocephaly, a C Section may carry a risk of excessive bleeding, and potentially damage the uterus so that a future pregnancy is very high risk.

Figures that a MAN wouldn't know jack shit about a woman's body.
Hydrocephaly causes excessive bleeding?

You're a fucking nut. Shut the hell up.
The mother can be induced to deliver when the baby is not viable. (which obviously means that the delivery will result in the death of the child). I'm not really sure how else to explain that. Of course certain people can only seem to respond with insults, but it doesn't change the fact that black and white- all or nothing thinking is based on logical fallacy.
Payback Is a Bitch for Abortion Clinic Protestors, Thanks to a Brilliant Landlord

It's common practice for anti-abortion protesters to disseminate doctors' personal information and urge people to harass them—and it can clearly go far beyond that, as with the 2009 murder of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. LeRoy Carhart, who's now in Stave's clinic, had his Nebraska farm burned to the ground back in 1991. But protesters in Maryland figured out they could start targeting Stave for owning the clinic's property. He was largely unfazed by this campaign, until last fall when they took it too far. On his daughter's first day in middle school, a large group of people protested outside her school, and then they showed up again for back-to-school night. They were naturally carrying signs with his name and contact info and those nasty pictures of fetuses.

Stave was furious, and then it got even worse. Dozens of the protestors began calling him at home, around the clock. His friends wanted to help him fight back; that's when Stave had the brilliant idea of turning the tables on his tormentors. He began recording the names and numbers of the assholes who called, and then he gave the list of info to his friends and asked them to call these people back on his behalf. Shazam! And the really smart part was that when someone from Team Stave called, they always took the high road. He explains,

In a very calm, very respectful voice, they said that the Stave family thanks you for your prayers. They cannot terminate the lease, and they do not want to. They support women's rights.

There's more. Read the link for the rest.

Payback's a bitch.

Thank goodness. those anti-choicer zealots are sick, twisted, freaks and moreover are potentially dangerous. Zeolots like Vox & Koshergrl will eventually end up getting someone hurt w/ their big, and I mean BIG mouths

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Nobody performs abortion for eclampsia. It is DELIVERY, by c-section preferably,and a baby is alive and well. It is a late term complication and is relatively often encountered. It is never a reason for an abortion.
Eclampsia and preeclaampsia are third trimester complications of pregnancy.

Actually, preeclampsia/eclampsia can begin in the second trimester before the baby is viable. And i certainly don't claim that abortion is always necessary in those cases, but if the mother's life is endangered and the baby's lungs have not yet matured enough to be viable, delivery becomes necessary. of course it's semantics after this which I'm not really interested in. Point is, there are instances when abortion can be medically necessary.
It is never ecclampsia in the second trimester.
Some signs of the potential preeclampsia might be present at the end of second trimester and that is exactly when the baby starts being viable. Since preeclampsia never escalates immediately to ecclampsia, pregnancy is usually supported until 30-32 weeks( or as long as possible) and then if the symptoms do not subside - emergency c-section is being performed.

The complication is connected to the microcirculation in the placenta and is never occurring before 22-24 weeks.

Not to even mention the abortion is never even an option considered in a situation of preecclamptic patient.

I really do appreciate the cut and paste job, but eclampsia literally means "seizure" which can lead to the death of mom and fetus, and yes ... it can happen to women in the second trimester.

If the fetus is "delivered" or "born" (whatever other form of semantics people want to use to support their arguments), and it is dead the result is the same as with abortion. Fact is, there are legitimate instances when terminating a pregnancy is necessary.
Actually, preeclampsia/eclampsia can begin in the second trimester before the baby is viable. And i certainly don't claim that abortion is always necessary in those cases, but if the mother's life is endangered and the baby's lungs have not yet matured enough to be viable, delivery becomes necessary. of course it's semantics after this which I'm not really interested in. Point is, there are instances when abortion can be medically necessary.
It is never ecclampsia in the second trimester.
Some signs of the potential preeclampsia might be present at the end of second trimester and that is exactly when the baby starts being viable. Since preeclampsia never escalates immediately to ecclampsia, pregnancy is usually supported until 30-32 weeks( or as long as possible) and then if the symptoms do not subside - emergency c-section is being performed.

The complication is connected to the microcirculation in the placenta and is never occurring before 22-24 weeks.

Not to even mention the abortion is never even an option considered in a situation of preecclamptic patient.

I really do appreciate the cut and paste job, but eclampsia literally means "seizure" which can lead to the death of mom and fetus, and yes ... it can happen to women in the second trimester.

If the fetus is "delivered" or "born" (whatever other form of semantics people want to use to support their arguments), and it is dead the result is the same as with abortion. Fact is, there are legitimate instances when terminating a pregnancy is necessary.

Pre eclampsia isn't one of them. In EXTREMELY rare cases, if the mother shows sign of organ failure before the baby is viable, they induce labor, knowing the baby is not viable, because the mother's death is imminent otherwise.

But generally, women aren't diagnosed prior to 20 weeks, and it's extremely, extremely rare that they need to be delivered before viability.
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Sorry, Vox. Kids should not have to pay for the ideals of their parents. Period.

that is your point of view. I disagree.

it is a war.

So you're punishing innocent children.

You really do give a whole new meaning to the word "hypocrite" but actually, you're not the only rw who hates children.

I think dismemberment and death is pretty much the ultimate punishment, don't you?

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