Abortion doctors ordered to stop


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
This appears here in the Ethics section because of the piss poor ethics of these 3 Doctors.

2 abortion Drs. ordered to stop after Md. injury - Yahoo! News

One, they were storing aborted fetuses, two they were starting the abortion in one State and then having the "patient" drive to another to finish it and three they botched the job so bad they had to drive the "patient" to a hospital for emergency services.

One of the Doctors was not even licensed in the State. The story does not say if any of them were licensed in New Jersey at all.
It's too bad these docs can't just say that their own morals forbade them from murdering an innocent life.

DO NOT presume to think you know where I'm coming from.

Talk to me, later daze....


It'l like THAT.
It's a shocking story, RetiredGySgt. But the anti-abortion crowd don't have clean hands here, either. By agitating so violently against legal abortion, they've driven most MDs out of the field of practice. Did you think the best and brightest were still performing elective abortions?

Seems very weird the newspapers would report the patient's name, BTW.
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Your motto : "Land of the free" should be revoked. Should be "Land of the used to be free".
It's a shocking story, RetiredgySgt. But the anti-abortion crowd don't have clean hands here, either. By agitating so violently against legal abortion, they've driven most MDs out of the field of practice. Did you think the best and brightest were still performing elective abortions?

Seems very weird the newspapers would report the patient's name, BTW.

In my opinion elective abortion is simply State sanctioned murder. Good if most Doctors won't do it. Notice these people do late term abortions as well.
This is disgusting!

Doctors practicing unlicensed in a State is not only dangerous for the patients, but it is unfair to all of the other doctors who are paying $500 annually to the State for the right to practice medicine.

People like this sicken me!
In my opinion elective abortion is simply State sanctioned murder. Good if most Doctors won't do it. Notice these people do late term abortions as well.

too bad for you that the constitution protects women from people like you.

if the doctors aren't licensed... that's an entirely different subject. but maybe if religious zealots would stop harassing women going into lawful facilities, creeps wouldn't get a foothold.
In my opinion elective abortion is simply State sanctioned murder. Good if most Doctors won't do it. Notice these people do late term abortions as well.

too bad for you that the constitution protects women from people like you.

if the doctors aren't licensed... that's an entirely different subject. but maybe if religious zealots would stop harassing women going into lawful facilities, creeps wouldn't get a foothold.

Only because the Supreme Court manufactured a bullshit claim that somehow it applies to a right to privacy. I hope one day we have 5 Supremes that do not believe that and a case reaches them. What will you claim then? That the Court was wrong? Is it only wrong when it disagrees with you?
In my opinion elective abortion is simply State sanctioned murder. Good if most Doctors won't do it. Notice these people do late term abortions as well.

too bad for you that the constitution protects women from people like you.

if the doctors aren't licensed... that's an entirely different subject. but maybe if religious zealots would stop harassing women going into lawful facilities, creeps wouldn't get a foothold.

Only because the Supreme Court manufactured a bullshit claim that somehow it applies to a right to privacy. I hope one day we have 5 Supremes that do not believe that and a case reaches them. What will you claim then? That the Court was wrong? Is it only wrong when it disagrees with you?

So Sarge, you're going to FORCE people to do what you want them to? Maybe you should move to China, they accept repressed freedoms there.
too bad for you that the constitution protects women from people like you.

if the doctors aren't licensed... that's an entirely different subject. but maybe if religious zealots would stop harassing women going into lawful facilities, creeps wouldn't get a foothold.

Only because the Supreme Court manufactured a bullshit claim that somehow it applies to a right to privacy. I hope one day we have 5 Supremes that do not believe that and a case reaches them. What will you claim then? That the Court was wrong? Is it only wrong when it disagrees with you?

So Sarge, you're going to FORCE people to do what you want them to? Maybe you should move to China, they accept repressed freedoms there.

Ohh so it is OK for YOU to "force" me to do what YOU want via the Supreme Court, BUT if it is reversed that is bad, RIGHT?
Only because the Supreme Court manufactured a bullshit claim that somehow it applies to a right to privacy. I hope one day we have 5 Supremes that do not believe that and a case reaches them. What will you claim then? That the Court was wrong? Is it only wrong when it disagrees with you?

So Sarge, you're going to FORCE people to do what you want them to? Maybe you should move to China, they accept repressed freedoms there.

Ohh so it is OK for YOU to "force" me to do what YOU want via the Supreme Court, BUT if it is reversed that is bad, RIGHT?

If you use the Supreme Court, it's not bad.
women have had abortions since they understood how to do it...you cant stop abortions you can only make them more dangerous....

so rgs.....no woman should be permitted any abortion is that your stance?
women have had abortions since they understood how to do it...you cant stop abortions you can only make them more dangerous....

so rgs.....no woman should be permitted any abortion is that your stance?

Not elective EVER. I support contraceptives and see no problem with the morning after pill. But once you ARE pregnant the only time an abortion should be considered is if the life of the mother is in danger. Or some kind of major medical problem with carrying the baby to term.
only when the life of the mother is endanger, not rape or incest? i am always curious as to why certian circumstances override the issue
better use of birth control would certianly stop a lot of abortions, do you object to the chemical abortions?
Only because the Supreme Court manufactured a bullshit claim that somehow it applies to a right to privacy. I hope one day we have 5 Supremes that do not believe that and a case reaches them. What will you claim then? That the Court was wrong? Is it only wrong when it disagrees with you?

So Sarge, you're going to FORCE people to do what you want them to? Maybe you should move to China, they accept repressed freedoms there.

Ohh so it is OK for YOU to "force" me to do what YOU want via the Supreme Court, BUT if it is reversed that is bad, RIGHT?

Sarge, who's forcing you to have an abortion? It's about choice or no choice. You'll always have the choice not to do it yourself or wife.
Nobody's going to FORCE you to do anything, that's what "choice" is all about.
I'm curious to know what relevance you see to your opposition to legal abortion and this story, RetiredGySgt? If these three MDs had been running a crappy plastic surgery mill, would you be okie dokie with it? Or do you object to shitty medical practices regardless?

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