Abortion is murder.

No. It's time to understand that a non negotiable stand defeats our purpose in protecting life. It gets you immoral law like the Ohio one. If you can't save all you save as many as you can.

You want to throw some innocent human beings under the bus, hand them over to savage murderers, under the delusion that by so “compromising”, you can save others. It doesn't work that way. It never works that way.

When you “compromise” with evil, evil wins. When you make any concession to evil, evil will always be back to take more.
I'm never going to agree that it is OK to kill an innocent human being, short of some extreme and drastic circumstances far beyond those under which you want it to be OK to murder an innocent human being. I'm never going to agree that any civilized society should tolerate such murderous evil.
Nor will I. But unless we want many more engraved in granite horrible abortion laws like Ohio just passed, we better be willing to make some concession in what the law should be. Otherwise our stubbornness will likely result in the murder of millions of innocents.
You want to throw some innocent human beings under the bus, hand them over to savage murderers, under the delusion that by so “compromising”, you can save others. It doesn't work that way. It never works that way.

When you “compromise” with evil, evil wins. When you make any concession to evil, evil will always be back to take more.
I want to save as many as we can yes. Those who are absolutely intractable/immovable in their positions will almost certainly guarantee more horrendous law as we saw just happen in Ohio. Standing on principle if it kills more innocents than it saves is not a moral choice to me.
It is murder, at any age.

A human being at 8 or 9 months past conception is no more or less a human being than he was at conception, no more or less than at several years past birth, no more or less than at several decades past birth.

Abortion, at any age, is murder.
At three weeks, a "fetus" is a microscopic ball of cells afloat in the uterus. Look, we have to get past the "life begins at conception" myth as it is not supported by science. There is no doubt that abortion at 8 or 9 months is 100% murder but if we leave the definition of "abortion" broad and vague, that allows the Democrats to continue obfuscating the issue leading to more late term baby murders.
How about no women conceive. Then this endless useless arguing done by idiots of both sides stops. Of course some would decry a falling birthrate.
At three weeks, a "fetus" is a microscopic ball of cells afloat in the uterus. Look, we have to get past the "life begins at conception" myth as it is not supported by science. There is no doubt that abortion at 8 or 9 months is 100% murder but if we leave the definition of "abortion" broad and vague, that allows the Democrats to continue obfuscating the issue leading to more late term baby murders.
That's it. Bob Blaylock disagrees with my posts. But the fact is we don't get to make all the rules any more than we're willing for Marxist Democrats to make all the rules. But everybody in the country or on the planet are not on our side.

Up until Roe v Wade was declared by SCOTUS in 1973, there essentially was no debate. Abortion except for certain circumstances was simply accepted as illegal everywhere. Now the immoral left wants abortion on demand for ANY reason, even after the baby exits the womb. And the intractable right wants abortion banned for pretty much ANY reason.

As bad as what the left wants is--most Americans DON'T WANT that liberal a law--women see it as preferable to what they see are draconian laws pushed by the far right. Laws some states are passng are far more restrictive than any state laws before Roe V. Wade.

Roe v Wade as intended was a reasonable compromise even though as Clarence Thomas explained it was wrong for the high court to meddle in affairs intended for the states to handle in the first place. Roe v Wade as an immoral left demanded it be interpreted opened the doors to flat out murder of babies all the way to full term.

As long as we on the right are unwilling to compromise in any way, we will lose this battle and this war. If we can bring ourselves to a rational and just compromise we can save millions of babies.
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Ultimately, the effect of such compromise is to let evil gets its foot further in the door. Those that you think you are saving, you're not. You're just giving evil the opening to demand more and more “compromise”.
And you would sacrifice millions of babies by not understanding how unjust your position is to many many women and at least allowing some appropriate wiggle room here? I am 100% unwilling to agree to unconditional midterm or late term abortions. I am willing to allow doctors and their patients make the decision in the first trimester so long as no doctor is required to perform an abortion he/she believes is not necessary.

And once that becomes the law, then I will continue to make my case for why abortion for convenience is wrong and hope that the world will come to understand that. You cannot legislate morality. But you can make laws that will save lives.
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As long as we on the right are unwilling to compromise in any way, we will lose this battle and this war. If we can bring ourselves to a rational and just compromise we can save millions of babies.
Exactly! It is not just a pragmatic move for the right, it will absolutely spare who knows how many 8 or 9 month old babies from 'the stab in the neck' murder. We are allowing morally bankrupt Leftists to hide behind phony phrases like "Reproductive Health" and "A woman's unconditional control of her body".
Exactly! It is not just a pragmatic move for the right, it will absolutely spare who knows how many 8 or 9 month old babies from 'the stab in the neck' murder. We are allowing morally bankrupt Leftists to hide behind phony phrases like "Reproductive Health" and "A woman's unconditional control of her body".
And I'm pretty sure if we give the women some leeway in those early weeks with the hope most won't act on that leeway and don't force the immoral ones back to the alleyway butchers, most state would agree to rational restrictions on mid term and late term babies. We could save millions.
Finally. Pro-birthers, listen to Foxfyre. Please.

Dobbs allows states to set the limits. Almost 70% of Americans want regulated abortion with sensible limits.

If your extremists dominate the pro-birth agenda, the abortion issue will rip open the bottom of you campaign vote. Look to Ohio and Virginia's voting results yesterday.
no they dont,,

how can you make a law against something that doesnt already exist??

every law on the books that restricts something happened because that existed and society wanted to punish people for doing it,,
Murder already exists in the eyes of the law.

And FYI abortion exists otherwise you wouldn't be here whining about it.
Murder already exists in the eyes of the law.

And FYI abortion exists otherwise you wouldn't be here whining about it.
murder existed before the laws,, thats why they made laws against it,,

kinda stupid to make a law against something that doesnt exist,,
Abortion is murder. The mass genocide of the unborn. It is not birth control. Just plain murder of the unborn.!!? your thoughts.?
When has the termination of a microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells ever compelled even the most draconian prosecutor to charge a woman with murder?

You sound like an authoritarian fanatic that might be happier in El Salvador, Nicaragua, or Iraq where politicians control wombs, rather in an advanced democracy where personal freedom is respected.

What kind of piece of shit would want his grandchild or his stepchild to be murdered in cold blood?
And what kind of piece of shit would want his daughter or grand daughter carrying to term and delivering a child that was conceived out of evil? What kind of piece of shit would want his daughter or grand daughter to be potentially reminded day after day of their own rape when potentially caring for a child that they never wanted to conceive.

Granted, there might be some women who would carry that child and love that child. I can think of the girls that were held captive in Cleveland who had a child from that rapist. Granted, her situation was different in that she had no choice but to carry the child. But she has loved that child and is rearing that child as a loving mother. But that is not every woman. Rape is an emotional scare that is carried for life and that emotional scare can carry on to the child.

I am all for the sanctity of life and respecting and honoring our ability to reproduce. But I also understand that there are circumstances that are out of my control and should be left of to individuals and their doctors. What I feel we should be working towards is a firm middle ground that protects the life as much as possible. That educates all class of people on the responsibility of sex and parenthood. That we provide contraception. If we can get humans to be sexually responsible, ADMIT that there are consequences of getting that WAP satisfied, and have responsible sexual encounters, we could eliminate the need for most abortions. The circumstance of the life of the mother, rape or other scenarios would be few. I can live with that.

But continue to have illogical dialogue, name call, whatever. Bob, you're a piece of shit and you're inability to have proper dialogue just shows how big a pile you are. You're not worth anyone's time or the digital space you occupy and consume.
And what kind of piece of shit would want his daughter or grand daughter carrying to term and delivering a child that was conceived out of evil? What kind of piece of shit would want his daughter or grand daughter to be potentially reminded day after day of their own rape when potentially caring for a child that they never wanted to conceive.

Granted, there might be some women who would carry that child and love that child. I can think of the girls that were held captive in Cleveland who had a child from that rapist. Granted, her situation was different in that she had no choice but to carry the child. But she has loved that child and is rearing that child as a loving mother. But that is not every woman. Rape is an emotional scare that is carried for life and that emotional scare can carry on to the child.

I am all for the sanctity of life and respecting and honoring our ability to reproduce. But I also understand that there are circumstances that are out of my control and should be left of to individuals and their doctors. What I feel we should be working towards is a firm middle ground that protects the life as much as possible. That educates all class of people on the responsibility of sex and parenthood. That we provide contraception. If we can get humans to be sexually responsible, ADMIT that there are consequences of getting that WAP satisfied, and have responsible sexual encounters, we could eliminate the need for most abortions. The circumstance of the life of the mother, rape or other scenarios would be few. I can live with that.

But continue to have illogical dialogue, name call, whatever. Bob, you're a piece of shit and you're inability to have proper dialogue just shows how big a pile you are. You're not worth anyone's time or the digital space you occupy and consume.
how do you know your daughter would hate her own child??

sounds like theres a lot of hate going on in that family,,

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