Abortion Legislation We Can Look Forward To If SCOTUS Favors Mississippi and Texas Laws

I am a conservative with a libertarian streak.

There are pro-life and pro-choice members of the Libertarian Party.

In the 2020 election, I had to decide which party more closely aligns with my beliefs. The Libertarians come the closest. The GOP is extinct and is now a cult of personality, and the Dems are too heavily influenced by the far left.

Both Rand and Ron Paul are pro-life. I don't much like Rand, but I admire and respect Ron.
Well congrats, you threw away your vote.
We have pills that prevent conception. One of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. We need a huge drop in conceptions. We can all agree on this.
Why not let each woman decide? Oh the horror of Liberty.
They can, by voting. You’d be surprised how many women are against abortion-on-demand. Why are you afraid of letting women vote on it?

They can also make the choice of not having sex, or using the pill.
It is possible the Supreme Court will find a way to allow the Mississippi ban on abortion after 15 weeks to stand without completely overturning Roe V. Wade, but it would have to be some really twisted verbiage.

If Roe v. Wade is overturned, and the abortion issue is returned to the individual states to create their own abortion laws, there are several pieces of legislation we can expect to see around the country. I will phrase each one as a question that will be put to the people.

1. Exceptions for rape?

2. Exceptions for incest?

4. Exception for the health of the mother?

5. Partner must be notified of mother's desire for an abortion?

6. 24 hour waiting period?

7. Parental consent for a minor's abortion?

A majority of Americans are in favor of all of these exemptions and restrictions.

The biggest question will be how many weeks into pregnancy will abortion be banned. A super-majority of Americans are opposed to abortions after the first trimester.

Just some stuff to think about.

(edited to delete redundant question)
Everyone is pro-life; everyone is anti-abortion – that’s not the issue or conflict.

The conflict and disagreement concerns how to go about ending the practice of abortion.

There are those to seek to end the practice of abortion by means consistent with the Constitution, the right to privacy, and limiting the authority of the state to interfere in personal, private matters.

And there are those who seek to end abortion with more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – increasing the authority of the state to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.
Those plans are to have Griswold v. Connecticut and Eisenstadt v. Baird overturned allowing the states to prohibit or limit access to contraceptives.
That will never happen. Fearmongering horseshit.
They can, by voting. You’d be surprised how many women are against abortion-on-demand. Why are you afraid of letting women vote on it?

They can also make the choice of not having sex, or using the pill.
Can we vote on whether males who contribute to an unwanted pregnancy be castrated…or does that infringe on their rights?
Here is that Georgia law: Georgia General Assembly

Can you tell me what section that part you quoted is in?

That law was thrown out as unconstitutional the next year, by the way.
So they will do better next time. Clearly this is what will be attempted in many states, the moment Roe v Wade is overturned. Anyone who thinks otherwise has not been paying attention.
We have pills that prevent conception. One of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. We need a huge drop in conceptions. We can all agree on this.
Yep. Nearly half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control being used during sex. Another fifth were women who used birth control improperly or inconsistently.

We clearly need more contraception education and encouragement. Public service announcements.
Why not let each woman decide? Oh the horror of Liberty.
Because they think abortion is murder. Yet they will spend infinite energy trying to convince you that you have nothing to worry about. Seems to be the entire poi t of the thread. Yet these two facts cannot exist in the same universe. So they and this thread are fraud in broad daylight.
Yep. Nearly half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control being used during sex. Another fifth were women who used birth control improperly or inconsistently.

We clearly need more contraception education and encouragement. Public service announcements.
Yeah, shout it louder for the religious goobers.
My favorite condom ad of all time:

Obamacare requires contraception to be covered by insurance.

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